Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 295 You Have Reason, Don't You?

"Xiaolin, this is for you."

Zhao Shanhe said as he took out a box and handed it over.

"Yeah, Walkman!"

Zhao Lin, who was originally indifferent, suddenly yelled in surprise when she saw what the box was. Then she took the box in her hand and opened it impatiently. What was inside was a Sony Walkman.

"Brother, is this for me?" Zhao Lin asked cheerfully.


Zhao Shanhe touched her head with a smile and said, "You will be in the third year of high school in the second half of this year. Listen to English tapes with this Walkman, which will greatly help your listening."

"Thank you brother." Zhao Lin said happily with her eyes narrowed with a smile.

She had seen the Walkman with her classmates, and to be honest, she was also very envious.But thinking of his family conditions, he can only bury this envy deep in his heart.Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe actually brought her such a surprise.

This is too surprising!

"Brother, you are biased."

At this moment, Zhao Shanchuan, who saw this, came over, and said with an unhappy face: "Why only my sister has it, but I don't have it. I want to learn too. Why don't you buy me one?"

"Xiao Chuan." Zhao Lin glared.

Zhao Shanchuan lowered his head.


Zhao Shanhe took out another Walkman from the purse like a magic trick and handed it over.

"Who said that without you, can we do without you? But you have to promise brother, you will be like your sister, you can't use your walkman to listen to songs to show off, but you must really use it to learn."

"I will."

Zhao Shanchuan took the Walkman and ran into the room in a flash.

"Now I also have a walkman. I remember there is a tape there. I'll listen to it first."

Zhao Lin also started to fiddle with it.

In this day and age, a Walkman is a very advanced electronic device.Wherever you go, you bring a Walkman, which will definitely become the most beautiful scenery.

And it didn't take long for a lot of repeaters to pop up. Even so, it doesn't mean that anyone who wants to buy a repeater can afford it.

Of course, the repeaters at that time were all bought in the name of learning, but not many people actually used them for learning, and most of them were used to listen to songs.


Seeing Zhao Shanhe and the others talking and laughing, Zhao Yonghao said with emotion: "Did you see that? As long as our children can be happy, it's better than anything else."

"The boy Shanhe is spending money indiscriminately again." Lin Chunyan said displeased.

"It's just a waste of money. He has enough money now, so it's nothing to buy some gifts for his younger brothers and sisters. It's okay, leave them alone, and prepare to make dumplings." Zhao Yonghao said disapprovingly.

"Okay, let's eat dumplings stuffed with sauerkraut tonight."

Having said that, Lin Chunyan's face was a little gloomy.

"What do you think the eldest brother and sister-in-law will tell my mother about this after they go back?"

Zhao Yonghao said without even thinking about it: "I'm sure I'll add more embellishments, but don't worry, our mother is not the kind of person who doesn't understand things. Her old man is wiser than anyone else, and she knows how big brother and sister-in-law are. "

"If you're really worried, I'll accompany you to the inspection town in two days to see our mother. If it's okay, we'll take her here to live for a while."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. But how is the decoration of the house on the other side of Shanhe? Didn't he tell us to go over and help keep an eye on it? We didn't go there because we had something to do."

"Ask him when we're having dinner later, we're fine now, if it's okay, follow him to have a look." Lin Chunyan said.

"it is good!"


Inspect the Lin family in the town.

Lin Chuntang, who came back to the Lin family aggressively, saw Lin Chaoyang sitting at home drinking wine as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing him for the first time, Lin Chuntang was so angry that he walked forward in two steps, grabbed the wine bottle and threw it on the ground.


Liquor splashed all over the floor.

A strong smell of alcohol filled the room.

"What are you doing?"

After hearing the movement, grandma Yang Daya hurried out and saw that her son Lin Chuntang was angry, so she asked a little puzzled: "Chuntang, what are you doing? Is there anything you can't talk to your child about?"

"Tell me well?"

Lin Chuntang pointed at Lin Chaoyang and berated him angrily.

"Mom, I also want to talk to him, but do you know what stupid things he did? He actually took kickbacks in Shanhe's factory and embezzled the factory's money, and was fired by Shanhe in the end."

"Tell me, can I not be angry? You know how hard I took him into the factory, and now everything is ruined."

"What? And this?"

After hearing that Zhao Shanhe was involved in this, Yang Daya looked over in surprise.

"Chaoyang, is what your father said true?"

"It's true." Lin Chaoyang lowered his head and said in a muffled voice.

"How can it be true? How can you do such a stupid thing? That factory belongs to Shanhe, and it belongs to our own family. If you don't help and look at it, how can you do such a stupid thing? ?”

"What does Shanhe think of you doing this? Did Shanhe fire you because of this? If so, Chuntang, wouldn't Chaoyang be the factory director?" Yang Daya asked anxiously.

"Be the factory manager? Be a fart!"

Lin Chuntang said viciously: "They have already been fired by Zhao Shanhe, and they still want to be the director of the factory, what kind of factory director, I must kill him today, I want to kill him, a person who has done more than fail."

As Lin Chuntang said that, he began to look around for something, and when he saw the broom in the corner, he picked it up and started to beat it.

"What are you doing, put it down quickly!" Yang Daya shouted anxiously.

"Lin Chuntang, are you crazy? You still want to hit someone? You are really talented. I didn't see you so majestic in Zhaojiazhai just now. What are you playing in your own house!"

"Listen to me, if you dare to touch my son, I will divorce you, old lady!"

As Bao Xiaofang spoke, she rushed over with all her teeth and claws.

The scene suddenly became noisy.

"Enough, stop talking!"

At this moment, Lin Chaoyang yelled out of frustration, stopped the three people, and said angrily, "What did I do wrong? I just want to get some kickbacks to earn some pocket money. Is there something wrong?"

"He Zhao Shanhe's family has a big business, can he send me some money? Even if I don't do this, there are other buyers who can do it. If he can make others cheaper, why can't he make me cheaper?"

"You still make sense, right? Do you know that by doing this, you will lose the factory director position you got. If it didn't happen, maybe your mother and I would have become factory directors for you." Lin Chuntang Pointing at him and roaring angrily.

"Your father is right. We have already convinced your aunt, and she agreed to help, but you! Oh!" Bao Xiaofang also felt a little regretful.

"What's wrong with me? I didn't do anything wrong. I was just making a little money. Is he, Zhao Shanhe, so heartless? You don't know, he fired me in front of so many people, and didn't give me any face. Keep."

"I remember him, Zhao Shanhe, and I can't finish with him!" After Lin Chaoyang drank the white wine in his glass, he rushed out of the house without looking back.


Seeing Lin Chaoyang leaving like this, Lin Chuntang sat on the chair with a thud, his face full of grief and indignation.

Bao Xiaofang rolled her eyes, and suddenly said to Yang Daya.

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