Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 294 Not as Simple as You Think

Lin Chaoyang, you are an asshole.

Lin Chuntang cursed fiercely in his heart, do you know how much painstaking efforts my mother and I have put into getting you to go to Shanqiu for food?how can you do this

Don't you know that Shanqiu food belongs to Zhao Shanhe?We keep telling people here that we are relatives and we can't do such things that harm others and benefit ourselves. It's better for you to turn around and sell us.

How can you let us speak for you?

Bao Xiaofang also hesitated to speak.

And at this time Lin Chunyan spoke.

She didn't know there was such a thing, so she spoke for Lin Chaoyang.If she had known earlier, she would never have done it anyway.

what is this?My son's factory was almost destroyed by your son, and you are still chattering about making Lin Chaoyang the factory director.

Really, if he was made the factory director, wouldn't Shanqiu Foods be abolished?

"Brother and sister-in-law, you heard it just now. It's not that our family doesn't help you, it's that Chaoyang's child has gone too far."

"What did you just say? You said that Chaoyang would help Shanhe to look after the house. But now the housekeeper actually wants to steal things from the house. Do you think such a person can still use Shanhe? If it were you, you would use such a person ?"


Bao Xiaofang hesitated and said: "Chunyan, you can't say that. I know Chaoyang. He is a sensible and obedient child. He will never say that he did this for no reason."

"If you want me to say that there must be a misunderstanding, yes, there is definitely a misunderstanding. Maybe the material supplier that Chaoyang finds sells better quality materials."

"That's right, that's definitely the case." Lin Chuntang quickly chimed in.

Bao Xiaofang glanced at Lin Chuntang with satisfaction, and continued: "So Shanhe, don't act recklessly. Anyway, Chaoyang is your cousin, so he won't say that he's trying to harm you."

"So you should take back the order immediately and let Chaoyang go back to work. Even if you don't let him be the factory manager, it's fine to continue to be the former buyer. I guarantee that he will never do it again. Stupid thing."

"Yes, what your sister-in-law said is right, let's do this." Lin Chuntang echoed.

"Impossible!" Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said firmly.

"I'm a factory, not someone's vegetable garden. How can I change that day and night. Uncle and sister-in-law, as I said just now, I will help cousin Chaoyang go to Qizhi Manufacturing to find a job."

"As for me, I'm sorry, it's impossible for him to come back."

"Zhao Shanhe, you are so unreasonable." Hearing this, Bao Xiaofang jumped up, pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose and shouted angrily.

"Didn't you just open a few factories now and have some bad money in your hands? So you look down on us poor relatives, right?"

"Your uncle and I are your elders after all, right? We have all talked to you in such a low voice, and you still refuse to agree."

Bao Xiaofang said, pointing at Zhao Shanhe and shouting at Zhao Yonghao: "Is this how your old Zhao family educates their children? Do you still have a sense of superiority or inferiority in your eyes?"

"Let me tell you, although our family says we don't have much money, we still don't expect your family to live a life. We have a lot of backbone! You just keep your son's stinky money to live? Don't go to our house again in the future."

Bao Xiaofang turned around and left after crackling.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say." Lin Chunyan hurried to talk.

"Let me go."

Who would have thought that Bao Xiaofang pushed suddenly, and Lin Chunyan staggered back several steps, almost falling to the ground.Luckily, Zhao Shanhe quickly grabbed it, otherwise he would definitely fall and hurt himself.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

Zhao Lin quickly stepped forward to support Lin Chunyan.

"Bao Xiaofang, you are enough!"

Zhao Yong was very angry when he saw this scene.

Lin Chunyan was his daughter-in-law, and now she was almost hurt, he couldn't bear it.It's fine for these two people to go to their house to make trouble, but now they dare to hurt others. Is there such a thing as a big brother and sister-in-law?

"This is my home, you are not welcome in our home, please leave now!" Zhao Yonghao shouted, pointing at the door.

"Hey! Zhao Yonghao, you've grown up, right? How dare you yell at us like this now."

"What did you say? This is your home? That's fine. So what if it's your home? Can't we come?" Bao Xiaofang roared with his eyes rounded.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, isn't it his home? From now on, I won't come even if you invite me to carry eight sedan chairs. Let's go, let's go now." Lin Chuntang took Bao Xiaofang's hand and walked out.


Bao Xiaofang followed her out, and when she reached the door, she turned around abruptly and shouted at Zhao Shanhe, "Zhao Shanhe, I never thought you were such a white-eyed wolf. It's a pity that I loved you so much when I was young."

"Listen to me, you are a white-eyed wolf, and your whole family is a white-eyed wolf. If you say that Chaoyang is not allowed to go back to the factory, our two families will stop dealing with each other in the future, and we will break off our relationship! We don't have relatives like you in our family." !"

"Let's go, what are you talking about with them?"

Lin Chuntang dragged the cursing Bao Xiaofang out.

"Brother and sister."

When Lin Chunyan chased them out, Lin Chuntang and his wife had already left on bicycles.

"How did this happen?"

Lin Chunyan returned to the house in a daze.

"Mom, I really can't blame my brother for this matter. Our teacher said that we must pay attention to the rules when doing things, and there is no rule without rules."

"What brother Chaoyang did was wrong. Why would he do that? Isn't that embezzlement of money? If my brother says to ignore him, others will follow him in the future, so how can the factory continue to operate?"

Zhao Lin stood at Zhao Shanhe's side and spoke.

"Xiao Lin is right."

Zhao Yonghao handed over a cup of hot water, and said in a soft voice: "Tell me, did Shanhe do something wrong? I really don't know what the two of them think. They are white-eyed wolves who open their mouths and shut their mouths. break off."

"Are you saying that we are rich and look down on their poor relatives? Are we like this? They really make people speechless."

"Mom, don't worry, hurry up and drink some water." Zhao Shanchuan also said in a low voice.

Lin Chunyan, who was originally anxious and angry, couldn't help but sighed when she saw that her family cared about her so much: "I understand what you said, it's not that I don't know what kind of person my eldest brother and sister-in-law are."

"It's just this matter, how did it become like this. Shanhe, do you think Lin Chaoyang really can't go back?" Lin Chunyan looked at Zhao Shanhe anxiously, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

"Mom, don't worry about this matter, I'll take care of it. In the future, if uncle and sister-in-law say they will come to our house again and talk about this matter, don't promise anything casually, just push it on me. "

"The doorways here are not as simple as you think." Zhao Shanhe said calmly with a gentle smile.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Chunyan sighed helplessly, stood up, shook her head vigorously, and put the matter behind her.

"I'll cook for you." Lin Chunyan said after taking a deep breath.


The family started to get busy again, at this moment, Zhao Shanhe called Zhao Lin to stop.

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