Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 272 "3 Interviews"

The ninth day of the Shanqiu food counterattack.

Yang Shoucheng's mood in the past two days has been very complicated. He was a little surprised and a little helpless. He never thought that Zhao Shanhe's counterattack against Luo Qian'an would be so resolute and decisive.

What he thought at first was that Zhao Shanhe would condemn something symbolically, but if you were talking about substantive threats, Zhao Shanhe's current situation was enough to do it.

But he found that he was wrong.

Zhao Shanhe is really an omnipotent person. Under such an unfavorable situation, he insisted on relying on such a wonderful business trick to defuse the threat posed by Luo Qian'an.

Now the two are fighting like a raging fire.

You said that if this kind of fighting method was placed elsewhere, Yang Shoucheng would definitely not say a word.

But now it's in Handong City, in your own jurisdiction, how can you let him stand by when such a thing happens?

If this matter is not handled properly, it will affect the economic development order of Handong City and affect the overall situation.

"This Zhao Shanhe, what if you just let Luo Qian'an go? Wouldn't it be good for us to have one more flagship product in Handong City?"

"Luo Qian'an, Luo Qian'an, what do you think you want to provoke Zhao Shanhe for?"

"Both of you are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Headache!Yang Shoucheng closed his eyes, resting his elbows on the table, rubbing his temples with both hands, thinking to himself.

But in any case, this matter must be settled immediately, otherwise, if it continues to develop, something serious will happen.

Thinking of this, Yang Shoucheng made up his mind and prepared to be the middleman to mediate.

Just when he picked up the phone on the table and wanted to call Luo Qian'an, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Qi Sheng, deputy director of the municipal government office, walked in and said solemnly, "Mayor Yang, something happened."

"What happened?" Yang Shoucheng subconsciously put down the phone.

"Look at this."

As Qi Sheng spoke, he handed over a piece of Zhenghe Evening News.

Is it the Zhenghe Evening News again?

When he saw this newspaper, Yang Shoucheng raised his brows instinctively.

The aftermath of the last report has not dissipated. Could it be that this newspaper has reported some big news again?


There is another new article on the front page, but the title of this article is not as shocking as the previous one, but very peaceful.

But it is this kind of peace that releases a feeling, as if there are stormy waves hidden under the calm sea.

Thirteen interviews!

There are no fancy rhetoric in the whole article, and there are no sword-like words, some are just the most common language, and the simplest interviews are conducted.

After seeing the thirteen interviews, Yang Shoucheng shook his head helplessly.

He said indifferently: "Old Qi, do you know? Just before you came in, I was thinking of being a middleman to mediate the war between Xiashanqiu Food and Honest Food."

"But now that I read this article, I know that I don't need to mediate."

"Yes, you don't need to mediate, I can see that Honest Food has completely failed this time." Qi Sheng said calmly.

"Yes, Luo Qian'an failed."

Yang Shoucheng nodded, sighed softly, stroked the newspaper, and said indifferently: "If you fail, you will fail. This is also a lesson, let him learn from it, and don't think that he is the biggest in Handong City. "

"There are more people in this world who are more powerful than him. In the future, it is best to do business in a well-regulated manner. Any crooked ways will be untenable."

"Yes, do you want to inform Luo Qian'an about this matter?" Qi Sheng asked for instructions.

"No, tell him what to do?"

"Since this counterattack is about to come to an end, let's end it like this." Yang Shoucheng waved his hand and said indifferently.


"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you are really capable! I still underestimate you." After Qi Sheng walked out, looking at the newspapers on the table, Yang Shoucheng sighed silently in his heart.

Luo Qian'an, Luo Qian'an, don't you know how you manage Honest Food?

It’s not that the current situation created you. If there were no such situation at that time, would there be the current you?

Really, when it comes to business methods, you are far behind Zhao Shanhe.

I suspect now that on the first day you launched the pirated chewing gum, you were targeted by Zhao Shanhe, and you entered into his layout, otherwise how could he say that everything is intertwined and push you step by step? dead end.

Even if you let newspapers and magazines smear Zhao Shanhe, why do you always do things that pick people up.

You can see now, there are these thirteen people here, and they can prove to Zhao Shanhe that what you said earlier and the dirty water you splashed are useless.

Not only is it useless, you'd better be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot.

And when Yang Shoucheng saw this newspaper, the article that was published on the front page of the Evening News also spread throughout Handong City.

After seeing it, everyone showed expressions of surprise and sudden realization.

"Let me just say that Shanqiu Food is a company listed on CCTV, and Yile Chewing Gum is advertised on CCTV. How could it be possible that there is a quality problem like those newspapers said."

"You can't say that. Do you dare to say that Yile chewing gum will be fine?"

"I said Liu Dong, your wings are hardened now, you dare to speak like this, don't you?"

"You don't even look at the interview records in this article. Whose is the first one? It's Teacher Chen Shangde."

"Have you forgotten how your kid was educated by Mr. Chen?"

"You can doubt anyone, why don't you even believe what Teacher Chen said?"

"Believe it or not, I'll tell Teacher Chen when I turn around, saying that your kid is going to rebel."

"What? Teacher Chen's interview? Let me see."

At a breakfast stand, a man in a suit and leather shoes hurried over to grab the newspaper.

After reading the article, he slammed the table and said with righteous indignation: "I just said it, I knew this pirated chewing gum was unreliable. It really is!"

"Ms. Chen is right. We must trust Shanqiu Foods, support Yile Chewing Gum, and declare war on all pirates."

"Only in this way can our country's patent system be established. I listen to Mr. Chen, and I will go to Honest Food and return the product!"

After Liu Dong finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

And there are many people like Liu Dong in Handong City.

After reading this article, they all took action.

They are not stupid, and no one knows that Luo Qian'an's dirty water on Shanqiu Food is obviously non-existent.

With the help of these thirteen people who have the right to speak in various fields in Handong City, Luo Qian'an's rumors are self-defeating.

And their top priority now is to return the goods as soon as possible.

Damn, I knew that Luo Qian'an was so unreliable, so I shouldn't have placed the order in the first place.

Yes, what you sell is cheap, but so what?To be cheap, you have to sell something.

What can't be sold is garbage.

We're not garbage collectors.

Ten minutes later, the honest food sales department was full of voices.

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