Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 271: The Third Shot: Observation Group

"This is the production place of Yile chewing gum. This is the first time for me to come here."

"The factory environment of Shanqiu Foods is pretty good. Look at those trees, at least twenty years old."

"We're going to take a good look around here today."

Thirteen people faced the factory in front of them, talking and laughing.

In their eyes, everything about Shanqiu Food is so fresh, which stimulates them to keep exploring.

And they are the third shot that Zhao Shanhe prepared for Luo Qian'an: the observation group.

Everyone in the observation group was personally selected by Zhao Shanhe, and everyone has a certain status and influence in Handong City.

In order to let them come to observe in person, Zhao Shanhe paid a considerable price.

But they all ended up coming anyway.

As long as they come, the third shot can be fired, and it can deal a fatal blow to Honest Food.

"Everyone, thank you very much for coming to our Shanqiu Foods to observe in the field during your busy schedule."

"I'm sure you've all heard that negative news about our Yile chewing gum is spreading outside."

"In the face of this kind of news, we can neither keep silent and let the rumors go unscrupulous, nor can we disregard the image and start a war of words."

"I think the best way is to show everyone the truth and beat lies with facts."

"That's why I invite you all to come."

"I hope that everyone can observe the production line of our Yile chewing gum on the spot today, and those who are interested can even participate in the production in person."

"After the whole process is over, I think everyone should know very well whether our Yile chewing gum is as ugly as it is said outside, with serious problems and bad nature."

Zhao Shanhe stood at the front, scanned the audience with a gentle smile, and stated his purpose without concealment.

"I asked everyone to come to testify for me. I hope everyone can come forward and speak up for justice."

"Mr. Zhao, you are right. There are many magazines and newspapers that are maliciously criticizing your Yile chewing gum."

"We all know what's going on. It's nothing more than the competition between Shanqiu Food and Honest Food."

"Actually, for us, coming here for on-the-spot observation is also to uphold a public heart, and to check for the people of Handong City and choose a truly qualified chewing gum."

"So, as long as everything here can stand the test, we will definitely tell the truth."

"This is me, a people's teacher, making a guarantee to you."

Among the thirteen people, the one with a serious expression and full confidence who said these words is called Chen Shangde. He is a working special-grade teacher and a very famous scholar in Handong City.

"Mr. Chen, I believe your words, so let's start now!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Next, Zhao Shanhe personally led the observation group to visit the factory.

The first stop is the raw material room, where the raw materials for chewing gum are placed in an orderly manner.

"Everyone, please see that the raw materials we purchase are all here."

"Each of our raw materials is selected from the highest level among similar products, and all raw materials have qualified certificates, which indicate the purchasing channel and the person in charge."

"Don't say that there will be no accidents, even if something really happens, we can find the person in charge to deal with it as soon as possible."

Chen Shangde and the others secretly nodded.

The second stop is the production workshop.

Here, what Chen Shangde and the others saw was an orderly production line, with workers in clean and tidy uniforms busy skillfully.

The packs of chewing gum are packed and boxed directly, and then moved to the side and stacked neatly.

"Everyone, the production line we have introduced is currently the highest standard in China."

"You may not believe it when you say it, but I have invested 100 million in this production line alone."

"Of course I can also replace it with a cheap production line, like a pirated chewing gum."

"I also know that doing so can save a lot of costs, but I don't bother to do that."

"My business philosophy is very simple, either don't do it, or do it to be the best."

"Chewing gum is imported food after all. If there is no way to guarantee the quality, wouldn't it affect people's lives?"

Zhao Shanhe casually picked up a pack of chewing gum and handed it out.

"Everyone can try my chewing gum now, I guarantee that Yile's taste is absolutely top-notch."

"This kind of taste can never be copied by any pirated chewing gum."

Chen Shangde and the others peeled off a piece and began to taste.

After chewing a few times, one of them pulled out a pack of pirated gum from his pocket as if by magic, put it in his mouth and chewed it twice, and then spit it out.

The man said with a disgusted expression: "Mr. Zhao, you are right. The taste of your Yile is indeed first-class. Compared with your taste, this pirated chewing gum is simply rubbish."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Reporter Huang, you really dare to eat pirated gum again."

"Don't you see what it's made of?"

"I would like to advise everyone present, don't even touch pirated chewing gum."

"It's okay if you don't eat it. If you eat it, you will really regret it."

"I don't think any of you would like to see your children become demented from eating pirated gum, right?"


Is it that serious?

Chen Shangde and the others changed their expressions slightly, and when they looked at the pirated gum again, their eyes showed an undisguised hatred.

"Everyone, if you are interested, you can go online and operate it yourself now."

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course!"

Under Zhao Shanhe's arrangement, all thirteen people began to play happily.

When they saw Yile chewing gum being made out of their hands, they all showed excited smiles.

The third stop is the warehouse.

There are boxes of chewing gum piled up in the warehouse, and trucks are lining up for loading.

"Didn't it say that no one from Shanqiu Foods has placed an order?"

"What I'm saying is, it's not that their chewing gum has quality problems. Everyone has started to return the goods. Why are they still loading them now?"

"Mr. Zhao, you didn't mean to let us watch this busy scene on purpose, did you?"


After hearing this kind of questioning, Zhao Shanhe smiled and took out a stack of orders, and said unhurriedly: "Everyone, I don't think I need to deceive everyone by such deception."

"If you really do this, this lie will be exposed soon, won't it?"

Zhao Shanhe handed those orders to everyone: "Come on, this is the order for Yile chewing gum that we Shanqiu Foods received, and there are contact numbers of those sellers on it."

"If you don't believe me, you can call for confirmation at any time."

After half an hour.

The observation is over.

The thirteen people brought all the gifts from Zhao Shanhe back to Handong City by Zhao Shanhe by car.

On the way back, each of them gave their own impressions about this observation.

And these thirteen impressions are now held in Zhao Shanhe's hands.

"Dong Siyuan, it's up to you next." Zhao Shanhe smiled and handed these impressions to Dong Siyuan.

"No problem, Mr. Zhao, just wait and see!"

Dong Siyuan took thirteen testimonials and left excitedly.

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