Cui Xiaoju's niece sells shaved ice?

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Is it a person?

Li Qiuya turned around and looked at Zhao Shanhe, who said in a low voice, "It should be Cui Huan, I didn't expect her to be related to your Xikou Village."

"That's such a coincidence, shall I tell Mom quickly?" Li Qiuya couldn't help asking.

Now she is eager to prove Zhao Shanhe's excellence in front of Tian Lihua, and she doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Now that you know what to say, your mother might not believe it?" Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said.

Li Qiuya was taken aback for a moment, that's right, Tian Lihua didn't believe what she said just now.

Now that Cui Huan is working behind Zhao Shanhe, will she believe it?

Well, if you don't say it, don't say it!

While the two were cooking and watching, Tian Lihua over there asked excitedly: "Sister-in-law, is what you said true? What kind of shaved ice is really so profitable?"

"Of course, would I still lie to you? Tell you, Cui Huan told me this. If you don't believe me, I'll call you over later."

"You also know that Cui Huan has kissed me since she was a child, and she will not lie to me." Cui Xiaoju said while gesturing.

"You said Cui Huan was at your house?" Tian Lihua asked.

"Yes, she came to my place today for some business. She will go back after lunch later, and said that she will continue to sell shaved ice in the evening." Cui Xiaoju nodded.

"Can you invite her over? I'll inquire about what's going on." Tian Lihua's tone was a little hasty.

"That's not a matter of one sentence!" Cui Xiaoju said briskly.

"Auntie, are you here? My uncle told you to go back there."

At this moment, someone shouted at the door.

"Yo, she just came, Xiao Huan, come in!" Cui Xiaoju waved her hand.

"it is good!"

The visitor was indeed Cui Ying's sister Cui Huan.

It's just that Cui Huan, who just came in, said that he didn't see Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya because his back was facing the kitchen.

She just looked at Tian Lihua and his wife, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Hello, uncle and aunt!"

"Xiao Huan, come, come, sit down!"

After Tian Lihua called Cui Huan to sit down, she asked anxiously, "Xiao Huan, I heard from your aunt just now that you are selling shaved ice now? Is this thing making so much money?"


Cui Huan didn't expect Cui Xiaoju to talk nonsense when she came out, so she glanced helplessly, and then said to Tian Lihua, "Auntie, I'm selling shaved ice now, and the business is good."

"You can't call it okay, it's really good. Did you really earn 500 yuan in half a month?" Tian Lihua then asked.

"This!" Cui Huan hesitated.

She is not a person who likes to lie, but she is not a person who likes to show off either. Although Zhao Shanhe didn't say that she must keep the matter of selling shaved ice a secret, she doesn't want everyone to know about it.

Because if that's the case, if everyone rushes to sell shaved ice, can she still make money?

She still understands this simple truth.

I told Cui Xiaoju that it was also because of my close relationship, but I didn't expect her to show off.

"Xiao Huan, let me tell you, you used to eat at my house. Although I am not your aunt, I have watched you grow up. If you are capable, you will also take care of our family Qiucheng."

After Tian Lihua noticed Cui Huan's restraint, she rolled her eyes and said, "I won't go out and talk nonsense, I just want to find a way for Qiucheng to eat."

"In this case."

Cui Huan hesitated for a while and then said: "I was introduced to do this business. If you say so, Auntie, I will ask you after I go back. If my boss still needs someone, I will give it to you immediately." you say."

"That would be great! Xiao Huan, don't go back at noon today, just eat at my house. Sister-in-law, you also stay, call my eldest brother, let's have a drink together."

"Exactly, there is fish at noon today, so let's eat braised fish." Tian Lihua turned her head to look at the kitchen as she said.

"I said, is the braised fish ready?"

Cui Huan also subconsciously turned his head to look over.

The first time I saw it, I screamed "Ah!", then quickly stood up from the small bench, looked over at a loss and said, "Shanhe, Qiuya, why are you here?"

"What? Do you know each other?" Tian Lihua asked suspiciously.

"Of course I do!"

Cui Huan quickly said: "Auntie, were you joking with me just now? You are so humorous, you can make such jokes."

"Are you kidding me?" Tian Lihua was at a loss.

"Auntie, didn't you just ask me about selling shaved ice? Don't tell me, you don't even know that selling shaved ice is Shanhe's business."

"He gave me this opportunity to sell shaved ice. He is my boss. Boss, who are you?" Cui Huan asked suspiciously.

"Cui Huan, this is my mother-in-law's family. I didn't expect that you are related to Xikou Village." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Yes, didn't I tell you yesterday that I'm leaving relatives today, to my aunt's house? My aunt's family is here, and she married into Xikou Village. Qiu Ya, I didn't expect that your family is also from Xikou Village. "Cui Huan was also very surprised.

She got closer to Zhao Shanhe, after all, she wanted to buy and sell shaved ice, and she and Li Qiuya were nodding acquaintances, so it's normal that they didn't know much.

"Yes, my family is from Xikou Village. Sister Huan, please stay for lunch." Li Qiuya said enthusiastically.

"No, I'd better go back, my uncle is doing that too. Auntie, let's go back!" Cui Huan said.

"Okay! Then Lihua, I'll go first!"

Cui Xiaoju followed Cui Huan out in a daze, muttering as she walked, "Xiao Huan, that's really your boss. Didn't you say that Qiuya's son-in-law is a wimp? How did he become the boss?"

"Auntie, stop talking nonsense." Cui Huan hurriedly lowered his voice.

The two walked out quickly.

When only Zhao Shanhe and the others were left in the small courtyard, Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo looked over in surprise, still unable to believe what they had just seen.

Cui Huan said that Zhao Shanhe is the owner of the shaved ice business.

Cui Huan said that he earned 500 yuan in half a month.

As the boss, Zhao Shanhe should earn more, right?How much will that make?

Could it be true what Qiuya said just now?

Zhao Shanhe is really capable, can he make money?

"Mom, let's braise this fish?"

Li Qiuya broke the silence and asked.

"Well, then braise..."

After Tian Lihua finished speaking, she shook her head violently, waved her hand at Li Qiuya and said, "What is braised in soy sauce or not? Come here, I have something to ask you!"

"Mom, what do you want to ask?" Li Qiuya walked over with a smile.

"Tell me honestly, did you hire Cui Huan to act? In fact, there is no such thing at all, and there is no shaved ice, and it is impossible to say that you can earn 500 yuan in half a month, right?"

Tian Lihua asked with a serious face.

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