Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 26 Money is up to you!

After hearing this, Tian Lihua's expression drooped, she grabbed her daughter's hand, and spoke with some sobs.

"Girl, why do you think my life is so hard? When I got married, I married your father. I thought he worked in a winery and could earn a lot of money."

"But now the winery is half-dead, and it is said that it will close down soon. Don't talk about taking money from home, I will burn incense if I can't take money from home."

"With you, I thought you could marry a good partner and live a good life in the future. Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe is just a master who just eats and waits to die. He has nothing to do all day, and it really hurts you."

"It's hard to wait for your brother to grow up, thinking that he can carry the family. Who would have thought that if he doesn't learn well, he will know how to be brave and ruthless all day long. It breaks my heart and your father's heart."

As Tian Lihua spoke, her voice began to choke.

"No, I had another fight with someone two days ago, and they were beaten to the hospital. If this is about Mr. Jing, your brother will definitely go to jail."

"Qiuya, if he really goes to jail, his life will be over. Your father and I quickly asked someone to find a relationship. Finally, we can talk about it privately. They want [-] yuan in compensation. If we give this money, this matter will be considered." Yes. If they don’t give money, they will call the police and arrest them.”

"800 yuan! This is not a small sum. Your father and I borrowed money from various places, and we only got together more than 500 yuan. Now there is still a shortfall of more than 200 yuan. Qiuya, do you have any?" Tian Lihua Said helplessly.

"200 yuan? Mom, at least my dad can earn more than 100 yuan a month, right? Haven't you saved any money these years?" Li Qiuya asked with a frown.

"Hey, your dad hasn't been paid for more than three months!"

Tian Lihua said a little decadently: "As for the deposit, your brother has already spent it all!"

"It was all spent by my brother?"

Li Qiuya's eyes widened in disbelief, and she said with some reproach: "You guys have to save thousands of dollars these days, right? He spent all this money? Mom, you dote on Qiu Cheng too much, don't you?" ? Did I tell you earlier? I told you not to be too nice to him, but you just didn’t listen. "

"You still talk about me, isn't your family Zhao Shanhe doing the same?" Tian Lihua couldn't help muttering.

"My Zhao Shanhe has really changed!"

Li Qiuya just wanted to explain this, but then she thought, forget it, stop explaining, no matter how much she said, it would be useless if Tian Lihua didn't believe it.

She said a little aggrieved: "Okay, Mom, don't worry, I'll go and talk to Shanhe. We can get the money out."

After speaking, Li Qiuya immediately walked out of the room.

"What did you ask him for? What qualifications does he have to take care of this matter? It's all your money. Can't you make up your mind about your money? Just take it out and help your brother this time."

Amidst Tian Lihua's complaints, Li Qiuya came outside and saw Zhao Shanhe who was cleaning up fish in the kitchen. After a flash of tenderness flashed in his eyes, he walked over quickly.

"What is he doing in the kitchen?" Tian Lihua also came out and asked after seeing Zhao Shanhe.

"It's picking up the fish." Li Jianguo said with a twist of his mouth.

"Pick up the fish? Just him? Will he do it?" Tian Lihua said disdainfully.

Li Jianguo did not say a word.

Inside the kitchen.

Seeing Li Qiuya coming in, Zhao Shanhe, who was gutting the fish, hurriedly said, "Don't come in, it's dirty, come in after I clean it up, or you'll smell like fish."

"Shanhe, let me tell you something..."

Li Qiuya stood at the door and talked to Zhao Shanhe.

After she finished talking about it, Zhao Shanhe said casually: "That's it? You can make the decision. It's not that you are asked to bring the money. You can just give it to our mother."

"Then I have to tell you about this too." Seeing Zhao Shanhe's attitude, Li Qiuya said sweetly in her heart.

"In our family, money is up to you!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he picked up the fish and put it under the faucet to rinse it.

"I'll wash the rice and cook too." Li Qiuya said as she put on her apron and walked into the kitchen.

Zhao Shanhe smiled at Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo and said, "Mom and Dad, let me show off at noon today, you just need to rest outside."

"I'll come!"

When Li Jianguo was about to walk over, Tian Lihua grabbed him directly and said impatiently, "Let him do it if he wants to. Why are you joining in the fun? Can't you cool down here in such a hot day?"

"All right!"

Li Jianguo took advantage of the situation and sat down.

What he loves is his daughter, do you think Zhao Shanhe is the one who loves him?

In the kitchen, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya were busy.

Outside the kitchen, Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo sat picking leeks.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout outside the door, and then a woman walked in.She was holding a chopping board in her hand, and the voice came in before the person arrived.

"Lihua, here's your chopping board."

"Sister-in-law, are you finished?" Tian Lihua quickly took it.

"Yes, it's over."

After handing over the chopping board, Cui Xiaoju looked up at the kitchen, saw Li Qiuya and said with a smile, "Yo, Qiuya is back?"

"Yes, Third Aunt, we just came back, please find a place to sit."

Li Qiuya was peeling the onions, and greeted with a smile through the kitchen window.

"it is good!"

Cui Xiaoju took the bench and sat down, glanced at Zhao Shanhe, and chatted with Tian Lihua.The two talked about Li Qiucheng.

Cui Xiaoju said: "Lihua, if you are willing, I can introduce a job to Qiucheng. Among other things, I can earn at least two or three hundred yuan a month."

"Really? What kind of work makes you so much money?" Tian Lihua immediately became interested.

Li Qiucheng can't say that he always acts like a gangster like this, can he?Who would want to marry someone who is so idle all day long and doesn't have a serious job?

As for going to the winery to pick up Li Jianguo's shift, then we have to wait until the year of the monkey?

What's more, in the current situation of the winery, the people inside want to come out, can you still stuff him in?

"It's the shaved ice I told you about two days ago!"

Cui Guiju said enthusiastically, and began to make gestures, "Shaved ice is a delicious drink, and now everyone in the county likes to eat shaved ice."

"Did I tell you that? My niece, Cui Huan, came to our house to play before. You have seen it before, you should remember?"

"Remember, didn't she get divorced later?" Tian Lihua followed up.

"Yes, it's divorced. So what if she's divorced? She may be earning money now. Let me tell you, she earned more than 500 yuan in half a month because of selling this shaved ice."

Cui Guiju stretched out her right hand, waving five fingers, and said triumphantly: "You said that if you let Qiu Cheng also sell shaved ice, you can make a lot of money, and I promise you won't worry about it."

"What? 500 yuan for half a month?" Tian Lihua was dumbfounded.

Li Jianguo was also stunned.

Also stunned was Li Qiuya.

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