Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 264 Do You Say I'm Qualified?

When Li Qiucheng walked into the Western Restaurant in Chunchunli, he saw Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya as soon as he looked up, but he abruptly swept his eyes away from them, pretending not to know each other.

In the next second, his eyes fell on the table next to him.

A copy of Reader's Digest sits impressively on the corner of the dining table.

That's her.

Li Qiucheng walked over with a smile on his face, stood in front of the dining table, and asked gently: "You should be Feng Yuanyuan introduced by Aunt Liang, right?"

"You are Li Qiucheng?" Feng Yuanyuan looked up.

"Yes, I am Li Qiucheng." Li Qiucheng nodded with a smile.

"You look okay, sit down!"

Feng Yuanyuan looked Li Qiucheng up and down, then pouted towards the chair in front of her and said.

"it is good!"

After Li Qiucheng put the magazine on the table, he sat across from him. He subconsciously looked at Liu Ling: "Who is this?"

"She's my friend, you don't mind coming with me, do you?" Feng Yuanyuan said.

"It's okay, there are so many people." Li Qiucheng smiled and waved his hands.

"Li Qiucheng, right? I'm Yuanyuan's friend Liu Ling."

"I am a person who speaks straighter."

"Although it's the first time you've met, I still think it's better to ask some questions in advance. After all, everyone's time is precious."

"If everyone thinks it's appropriate after asking the question clearly, we can continue the discussion, and let it be if it's not. What do you say?" Liu Ling smiled charmingly and flirted with a wink.

Li Qiucheng's heart skipped a beat, what is this?

But he was no longer the kind of fledgling rookie, and soon stabilized.

Li Qiucheng smiled and said, "Liu Ling, right? You are right, everyone is an adult now."

"Then there is no need to hide some words, just talk about it if it suits you, and pull it down if it doesn't suit you."

"If you want to ask anything, ask now."

"I promise to know everything and say everything."

"Then I'll ask directly."

Liu Ling rolled her eyes and asked with a smile: "Li Qiucheng, I heard that your family is from the countryside, so you probably don't have a house in Handong City?"

"No." Li Qiucheng shook his head.

"So you still have a rural household registration?" The smile on Liu Ling's face disappeared instantly.

"Yes!" Li Qiucheng also gradually put away his smile.

"Do you have a car? Motorbikes are fine too!" Liu Ling asked again.

"No!" Li Qiucheng had a cold look on his brows.Damn, it's a motorcycle, and it's okay. How many people can afford it these days?I have one, but it's also my brother-in-law's.

"Then do you have savings? The savings I'm talking about start at least [-]!" Liu Ling asked proudly, raising two fingers.

"No!" Li Qiucheng said calmly.

Liu Ling widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "You have neither this nor that, you have nothing here, why are you so embarrassed to come here for a blind date?"

"Haven't you heard the introducer talk about our Yuanyuan's situation?"

"We, Yuanyuan, are the eldest daughter of Dimei Garment Factory. We have an urban household registration in Handong City. We have a car and savings at home."

"You have nothing, how can you fall in love with our family Yuanyuan in the future?"

"Do you think so too?" Li Qiucheng ignored Liu Ling and turned to Feng Yuanyuan to ask.

He was a little nervous at first, but after hearing what Liu Ling said, he calmed down.

He looked at Feng Yuanyuan and said calmly, "You want to know these questions too, right?"

"You also think that I don't have the right to date you because I don't have a city hukou, a car, or savings. I should get up and leave now, right?"


Feng Yuanyuan acted calmly, stroking the coffee cup with her slender fingers, and said unhurriedly: "Li Qiucheng, don't blame Liu Ling for asking too bluntly."

"I'm a more realistic person. If you don't have a car or savings, it's impossible for me to fall in love with you."

"Of course, this doesn't mean that I'm materialistic, but that I think dating and marriage should focus on getting married."

"No matter what I say, they are all urban registered permanent residence, what about you?"

"You only have a rural household registration, and you don't even have a house in the city."

"I heard from my aunt, what kind of work are you doing now? Scientific research, right?"

"Sounds like a decent job, but that's it, isn't it?"

"You can't even afford a house and a car, so what's the point of this job?"


Speaking of this, Feng Yuanyuan suddenly changed the subject, looked at Li Qiucheng and said with a smile: "But then I think you are not bad looking."

"If you want, I'll give you a chance to chase me. If you chase after me, I'll change my mind? What do you say?"

"Excuse me!"

Hearing this, Li Qiucheng said casually: "I think you have misunderstood. As a person, I have no other advantages, but I am knowledgeable. If this is the case, then let's forget it."

After speaking, Li Qiucheng stood up, picked up the Reader's Digest, and was about to leave.

"wait a moment."

Who would have thought that Feng Yuanyuan stood up at this moment, stared at Li Qiucheng, and said angrily: "I said, why are you like this? You have to leave before you have said a few words."

"Besides, even if you want to leave, you have to settle the bill."

"I haven't seen a blind date like you who has no gentlemanly demeanor."


Li Qiuya, who had been holding back her stomach for a long time, stood up and walked over, looked at Feng Yuanyuan and Liu Ling, and said with a cold expression: "I said you two are about the same, don't you think it's too much? "

"Let him pay the bill, why should he pay you?"

"Especially you, Feng Yuanyuan, right? Are you really here for the blind date?"

Feng Yuanyuan, who was reprimanded like this, was a little dazed on the spot. After waking up, she looked at Li Qiuya and asked angrily, "Who are you? Is it your turn to intervene in the matter between me and him?"

"It's really a turn."

Li Qiuya immediately pulled Li Qiucheng over, took his arm and said, "I'm his sister, his own sister! Do you think I have the right to manage?"

"Dear sister?"

Feng Yuanyuan was a little surprised.

"Hey, hey, I didn't expect that you are such an old man, and you even have your sister to accompany you when you go out for a blind date."

"Your elder sister is really interesting, isn't it just a blind date with younger brothers? You still come with me."

"What? Is it because you're afraid that your brother won't know how to get along with you, so you'll be ashamed?" Liu Ling's peachy eyes widened, and she was provocative in a strange way.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Keep your mouth clean! If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will slap you?" Li Qiucheng scolded Liu Ling viciously when he saw that Liu Ling dared to provoke Li Qiuya like this.

Anyway, they are not married, so there is no need to care about it.

"Slap me? What are you talking about? You still want to slap me?"

"Okay, I'll come over and let you slap me. If you don't slap me today, you will be raised by your stepmother."

As Liu Ling spoke, she even pulled away the stool and walked over.

Raised by stepmother.

After hearing such insulting words, Li Qiucheng's eyes shone with a cold light, his anger rose from his heart, and the evil turned to his guts. He raised his hand and was about to slap Liu Ling in the face.

"Qiu Cheng!"

In this fleeting moment, Zhao Shanhe walked over, blocked Li Qiucheng, and said coldly, "Don't be impulsive!"

"Brother-in-law, did you hear that? She cursed!" Li Qiucheng lowered his arms and shouted angrily.

"Qiucheng, don't be impulsive, listen to your brother-in-law." Li Qiuya also hurriedly pulled Li Qiucheng back. If he hit someone here, it was a woman, and Li Qiucheng's reason would become unreasonable.


In the midst of Li Qiucheng's anger, what Feng Yuanyuan said immediately made Zhao Shanhe's face darken instantly, and he slowly turned around to look over, his eyes were piercingly cold.

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