Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 263 Calm down, don't be impulsive

Different from her mature style, the girl on the right has a more capable temperament.

The light make-up and straight trousers, the exquisite facial features and the inadvertent lightness emanating from the brows all indicate that she is taking the career route.

If you look carefully, you will find that she belongs to that kind of aloof type.

She is Li Qiucheng's blind date today, Feng Yuanyuan.

The mature girl who followed her was her best friend Liu Ling.

"Yuanyuan, let's just sit there and wait." Liu Ling pointed to the table behind Zhao Shanhe and the others, and said with a smile.

"it is good!"

The two sat down by the window.

"Shanhe, what's the matter with you? Did you see the beauty's eyes straight?" Li Qiuya pouted and said angrily.

It turned out that when the two women walked into the western restaurant, Zhao Shanhe's eyes were fixed on him, and his expression was not right.

Seeing this, it's no wonder Li Qiuya isn't jealous.

"Are you jealous?" Zhao Shanhe chuckled.

"You think well, who will be jealous of you." Li Qiuya curled her lips.

"Don't think about it, I just thought of something."

"Qiu Ya, do you think they will be Qiu Cheng's blind date?" Zhao Shanhe asked pouted.

"Are they?"

Li Qiuya shook her head in doubt.

"I don't know, I haven't seen the photos."

"But didn't our mother say that? If the blind date comes, there will be a Reader's Digest on the corner of the table."

As soon as her words fell, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"That's them."

Li Qiuya followed Zhao Shanhe's gaze, and she saw Feng Yuanyuan took out a Reader's Digest and put it on the corner of the table, so she subconsciously took a second look, and quickly looked away before Feng Yuanyuan felt it.

"It's really them! But why are there two?"

"Could it be the same as us, who came to help the staff?" Li Qiuya asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. Let's wait and see." Zhao Shanhe said nonchalantly.

"it is good!"

And in this waiting, Zhao Shanhe's eyes flashed a cold light, especially when he looked at Feng Yuanyuan, this light became more indifferent.

Today's blind date must be pornographic.

Even if Li Qiucheng falls in love, I will not agree.


Because this Feng Yuanyuan turned out to be the one who was flirting with the man just now in front of the shop.

You said, can Zhao Shanhe be satisfied with such a blind date?

That is to say, the situation is not right now, he has no way to get mad, otherwise he will really stand up and walk away.

Who are these people!

At that table, Feng Yuanyuan was chatting with Liu Ling.

"I said Yuanyuan, what do you think? Why are you going on a blind date? Are you really going to get married so early?"

"Let me tell you, marriage is the tomb of love, so don't just step into it casually." Liu Ling said proudly, stirring the coffee.


Feng Yuanyuan curled her lips speechlessly.

"Liu Ling, how dare you think, who told you that I'm getting married?"

"I'm just a blind date. Does it mean that a blind date means getting married?"

"Besides, it's not that you don't know me. How could I say that I got married so early? I haven't played enough."

"I want to play well for a few more years. Before the age of 30, I will never get married."

"What I'm saying is, looking for a boyfriend is looking for a boyfriend, but you must never get married."

"Don't you think that's what I'm like? I've been talking with Chen Liming for two years. He's been urging me to get married. I haven't even thought about it."

As Liu Ling spoke, she took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, lit one skillfully, and handed one to Feng Yuanyuan.

"Come one!"

"Forget it, I'm going to go on a blind date soon."

"Although I didn't think about being complementary, I still have to be careful." Feng Yuanyuan waved her hand and said.

Li Qiuya's face turned livid upon hearing this.

I didn't think about getting married, why did you come out to meet my brother?

If you don't get married before the age of 30, you will become an old woman after the age of 30. Who will want you at that time?

And listen to what you mean, you are a smoker, right?How can a woman smoke?Not to mention that this is still a western restaurant, can you guys have some quality?


Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya's expression, patted the back of her hand lightly, and shook his head slightly at her.


Li Qiuya felt angry in her heart.

And at this moment, she heard Liu Ling's question again, and after hearing Feng Yuanyuan's answer, she was so angry that her face turned red on the spot, and her chest was about to explode.

A coldness flashed across Zhao Shanhe's narrowed eyes.

"Yuanyuan, tell me about your blind date this time, what does he do?"

"Do you really want to fall in love with him, or is it just for fun?" Liu Ling skillfully raised her head and exhaled a smoke ring, asking slowly.

"Of course it's just for fun, do you really think I'll fall in love with him?"

"I've just been very bored recently, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to go on a blind date."

Feng Yuanyuan crossed her legs and said mockingly: "Don't even think about it, we are from the city. Even if we are looking for a partner, we have to look for it in the city, right? How can we go to the county town?"

"Besides, this Li Qiucheng doesn't seem to be from the county seat. I heard he is from some rural area."

"Countryside, do you think I will marry a countryman?"


"Who am I? I'm the eldest lady of Dimei Garment Factory!"

"Then I don't understand. Why did you come out on a blind date with a country bumpkin? This doesn't look like your style!" Liu Ling asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, it's not all my aunt."

"My aunt has to say something, this Li Qiucheng has good conditions, he is also energetic, and he is very motivated. He is definitely an outstanding young man, so my mother forced me to come."

"For me, I can't confront my mother and my aunt, so I have to listen to them." Feng Yuanyuan pursed her lips and shrugged helplessly.

It turned out to be the case.

Liu Ling suddenly realized.

"Then let's wait and see how good this outstanding young man is."

"By the way, I'll give you advice as well as your staff." Liu Ling took a deep puff of the cigarette as she spoke, and a big backlash came, and then she arched her mouth and exhaled a column of smoke.

"it is good!"

The two started chatting casually about other things, but Li Qiuya didn't listen to a word.

Her entire face was already gloomy and terrifying. The good mood she had just arrived in the city had all disappeared without a trace. Her whole body was like a volcano about to erupt, surging with anger.

"Qiuya, calm down, restrain yourself, don't be impulsive."

"Anyway, today is Qiu Cheng's blind date!" Zhao Shanhe held Li Qiuya's hand and said in a deep voice.

"But did you hear what they were talking about?"

"If you don't want a blind date, then don't. Others take it so seriously, but they treat it like a joke and treat people like monkeys." Li Qiuya was indignant.

"I know, let Qiu Cheng take care of it, don't you think he's here?" Zhao Shanhe pouted towards the door.

Li Qiuya followed Zhao Shanhe's gaze, and Li Qiucheng walked in with a Reader's Digest in his hand.

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