Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 251 Is this going to be a killing spree?

"But I've heard some rumors recently, saying that Shanqiu Foods shouldn't build a laboratory, invite Teacher Xiao back from the capital, and invest so much in the laboratory."

"Some people even went too far, saying that I, Zhao Shanhe, was not worth doing this for a woman, and that I was flattering Teacher Xiao!"

"Everyone, have you heard of this?"

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience and asked calmly.

The whole place was silent.

Only then did everyone know what Zhao Shanhe was going to say in today's meeting, and he came here for this matter.

However, it's no wonder that when Zhao Shanhe clearly stated that he wanted to pay attention to the laboratory, someone in Shanqiu Foods made such a rumor and caused trouble. Who would be happy?They will definitely be angry.

"Let me say a few words first!"

As Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, Li Xiangyang said decisively: "The factory manager is right. The laboratory is the key to any company's long-term development."

"I don't think I need to say more, everyone here knows how Shanqiu Foods developed."

"Ice popsicles, Yile chewing gum, these two products were developed by our factory manager, aren't they all laboratory products?"

"It's okay to talk about popsicles. They were developed in our factory, but what about Yile chewing gum?"

"Because we don't have a laboratory, we can only go outside to find someone else to do research."

"But do you know how risky it is?"

"This means that we may be controlled by others anytime and anywhere, and we may even be stabbed by others."

"Only when we have our own laboratory can we avoid these risks."

"So I absolutely support the establishment of the laboratory."

"I am disappointed by the recent rumors in our factory."

"I didn't expect that in our Shanqiu Foods, there would be people who would think like this and would do such a disappointing thing."

"I suggest that this matter must be dealt with seriously. All those who spread rumors and cause trouble, once found out, will be directly expelled and will never be hired."

At this moment, Li Xiangyang put on an attitude of advancing and retreating with Zhao Shanhe.

This is also the principle he has always followed.

It is impossible for him to say that because he is the deputy director of the factory, he has some ideas that he shouldn't have.

He knows better than anyone how Zhao Shanhe got to where he is today, and he also believes that every decision Zhao Shanhe makes is absolutely correct.

So what Zhao Shanhe wants to do, he will definitely support to the end.

If Zhao Shanhe is inconvenient to say, he will say it without any scruples.

If this matter really involves investigating and punishing a few people, expelling them immediately, and never hiring them, then that is Li Xiangyang's business and has nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe.

After seeing Li Xiangyang's tough attitude, the rest of the people secretly broke into a cold sweat.

Is Zhao Shanhe about to go on a killing spree?

"I also support the director's approach."

Without any hesitation, Yang E immediately followed Li Xiangyang to express her opinion.

"To be honest, I have also heard the rumors in the factory recently, but I really didn't take it seriously. I think this kind of private discussion at the beginning should be just to try to get fresh."

"Unexpectedly, this matter has intensified in the past two days, and there is even a tendency gradually. This tendency is to directly point the finger at the laboratory and Teacher Xiao."

"This is something I cannot tolerate!"

"I want to review that I didn't pay attention to this matter before, and I am here to admit my mistake to everyone."

"At the same time, I also unconditionally support the decision of the factory manager. We must not sit idly by on such a matter, or else it will really become appeasement."

"well said!"

Han Chunni, the chief of the publicity department, also raised her hand, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said seriously: "Our publicity department is doing publicity work, and we are particularly sensitive to this kind of thing."

"This kind of rumor-mongering behavior, once it becomes popular, will affect and shake our corporate culture, so it must be resolved as soon as possible and dealt with quickly."

Everyone here expressed their views one after another, and their attitudes were very clear, that is, they firmly supported Zhao Shanhe's decision and expressed their support for Zhao Shanhe's way of handling this matter.

In the end, only Kong Jie remained silent.


All eyes are cast over.

In fact, everyone present knew that this incident should have something to do with Kong Jie, after all, he was in charge of product research before.

And the three people Shanqiu Foods is spreading rumors about are all promoted by Kong Jie.

We have all expressed our views. You, Kong Jie, can't just sit still and cover them up, can you?

Kong Jie, who was stared at like this, turned a little pale, and said in a nervous tone: "Director Zhao, in fact, I am the one who should admit my mistake in this matter. I want to admit my mistake to you. Please punish me."

"Why do you say that?" Zhao Shanhe looked at him nonchalantly and asked calmly.

"Because of this, I've heard of it, but I didn't stop it in time. This in itself is my negligence."

"Before the laboratory was established, I was responsible for the research and development of Shanqiu Foods."

"Really, if the laboratory cannot be established because of these rumors, it seems that I will be the one who benefits in the end."

"Under such circumstances, if this kind of thing happens, I should come forward to solve it as soon as possible."

"However, I didn't do that. This is my dereliction of duty. Director Zhao, please punish me."

Kong Jie's attitude was very correct, he stood up facing Zhao Shanhe, bowed, and there was a regretful expression on his lowered head, anyone who saw it would think that he was sincerely apologizing.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Kong Jie who bent over to admit his mistake, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Director Kong, you are too serious."

"Whose fault it should be, it is its fault."

"You don't have to take all the blame on yourself. If you do this, people will think that you are covering someone."

"No, I will never cover them up!" Kong Jie said quickly without even raising his head.

Zhao Shanhe immediately took up the conversation: "That's good, I also believe that Director Kong will definitely be impartial."

"In this case, I want to ask Director Kong, do you know who made these rumors?" Zhao Shanhe asked slowly.


Kong Jie struggled in his heart, his face flickered a few times, and then he said in a deep voice, "Director Zhao, I don't know who is spreading the rumors, but don't worry, I will definitely investigate."

"As long as I find out who it is, I will deal with it severely and will not tolerate it."

"Severely deal with it?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously, and said casually: "Let's go to this matter, I won't bother you to investigate and deal with it."

"I also believe that you know nothing about this matter. After all, you are the first person to follow me, so you should know which is more important."


"Here!" Li Xiangyang didn't look sideways.

"Dong Xiaobei from the first workshop, Wang Qianshan from the second workshop, and Lin Feiyan from the logistics department, immediately terminate the employment contracts with these three people. According to the dismissal regulations, give them an extra month's salary, and then fire them!"

Zhao Shanhe's flat tone released an unquestionable firmness.


Li Xiangyang responded decisively.

Only at this moment did the management present know that Zhao Shanhe had already made a decision on this matter. He told them that he just wanted to see what they would say, and let them understand who is the master here.

"The meeting is over!" Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

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