Following Li Xiangyang's narration, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that because of Xiao Mingyu's arrival, seeing the importance he attached to the laboratory, Kong Jie felt jealous in his heart.

But he knows what level he is.

With his level of not making a single bottle and half a bottle swaying, it is impossible to say that he is in charge of the laboratory.

If he had the qualifications, Zhao Shanhe would have given him the laboratory to build.

He can't, he's not qualified.

It was precisely because he was not qualified that he felt unbalanced after seeing Xiao Mingyu being valued so much now.

He was really afraid that Zhao Shanhe would kick him away from now on and let him fend for himself, just doing some irrelevant work.

So when he was drinking once, he complained and vented a few words, and these words were known by the people promoted by him.

After knowing that Kong Jie had this idea in mind, those people started to fan the flames on their own.

Their idea was that once Zhao Shanhe heard these rumors, he would definitely worry that Xiao Mingyu was not qualified enough to convince the public, so he would naturally transfer someone with qualifications to the laboratory, and Kong Jie was the most suitable candidate.

When Kong Jie was transferred to the laboratory, he was at least the second-in-command, so he would not be put on the bench by Zhao Shanhe again, and their goal was achieved.

"That's the way things are. Kong Jie should have said those words after he was drunk, so they can't be taken seriously."

"But who would have thought that those guys would take it seriously and start thinking about such crooked things."

Li Xiangyang said calmly.

Is it just for this reason?

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he has always been very clear that the development and growth of any enterprise will ultimately fall on people.

Human nature is complicated, and no one can say that he can completely control everyone.

And the collapse and demise of many enterprises is really just because of the backwardness of management experience?

No, to a greater extent it is because of human reasons.

After all, you must know that even if the management experience is behind, it is because the person in charge of management is behind.

If people don't want to make progress, they will fall behind.

If people betray, you will lose a lot.

Kong Jie, Wu Jianjun, and Chen Jianfei, strictly speaking, can be regarded as Zhao Shanhe's starting team. After all, they all followed from the ice factory.

But if you say how loyal the three of them are to Zhao Shanhe, even Zhao Shanhe himself is not sure. After all, the relationship between them and him is not like that between Li Xiangyang and himself.

Li Xiangyang is a buddy, at best they can only be regarded as followers who know the current affairs.

Do you dare to place all your trust in these defectors?

Li Xiangyang said just now that Kong Jie didn't know about the whole thing, but Zhao Shanhe didn't believe it.

You may have been ignorant at first, but this matter has been raging for several days. How dare you say that you didn't hear any trouble?

You obviously already know, but you don't want to try to calm public opinion, but turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear.

What exactly are you trying to do?Do you dare to say that you have no selfish distractions?

"Xiangyang, do you think what Kong Jie said was really drunk?" Zhao Shanhe asked with his eyes narrowed.

Li Xiangyang's heart trembled.

"Do you suspect that Kong Jie did that on purpose?"

"Shouldn't I be suspicious?"

"You have to know that it took less than half a day for you to come back to investigate the public opinion turmoil surrounding the siege of the laboratory. You have figured out the ins and outs of the whole matter, and you know that it has something to do with Kong Jie."

"Then things have happened for several days, how could he, Kong Jie, not know about it?"

"Dare you say he knows nothing?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with burning eyes.


Li Xiangyang didn't think of this just now, but now he was reminded by Zhao Shanhe, and he came to his senses on the spot.

That's right, I investigated clearly in less than half a day, not to mention that Kong Jie has been staying in the factory all the time.

And it was his people who made the rumors, so how can he say he didn't know anything?

If such words were spread out, even Kong Jie himself would not believe them.

"Then how do you deal with this matter? Fire Kong Jie?" Li Xiangyang gritted his teeth.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly.

"This matter has not yet reached that level of seriousness. Up to now, it is nothing more than some rumors, and these rumors are also said in the name of thinking about the factory."

"Even if Kong Jie did this, I believe he is afraid of his status being threatened, so he wants to rely on such rumors to protect himself. He has no ill intentions towards Shanqiu Food."

"Yes, I also believe that's the case." Li Xiangyang nodded, he was really afraid that Zhao Shanhe would act impulsively when his mind became hot.

No matter what Kong Jie said, he is the veteran of Shanqiu Foods, so don't move lightly.

"Well, since you're back, let's have a meeting to discuss the laboratory."

"I want to take this opportunity to tell them about our development strategy and let them know my attitude."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Okay, I'll notify you right now."

Ten minutes later, in the meeting room of Shanqiu Foods, all the managers were present.

"What do you say the factory manager is going to say?"

"Who knew that!"

"Just wait, we'll find out soon."

In such whispers, Li Xiangyang suddenly looked at Kong Jie, and asked casually: "Director Kong, has nothing happened to your production department recently?"

"No!" Kong Jie said immediately.

"It's best if you don't have one."

Li Xiangyang said indifferently, and then did not continue to ask questions.

But this kind of question and answer has already made everyone around look thoughtful.

No one is stupid, everyone knows Li Xiangyang, and knows that he never likes to talk to anyone before a meeting.

But today I said, is this normal?

In this atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe walked in and sat down. After scanning the audience, he said with a smile, "Everyone, I have brought you here for a meeting today. I have something to discuss with you."

"Before that, I have good news for everyone."

"That is the laboratory of our Shanqiu Foods. After intensive preparations, it is finally established today!"

"There is also a personnel appointment announced at the same time. The laboratory will be managed by Teacher Xiao Mingyu Xiao."


Everyone present applauded.

Zhao Shanhe raised his hands and pressed down: "I don't think I need to say, you should all know the importance of a laboratory to an enterprise."

"Let's not talk about it, let's talk about Hetu Manufacturing."

"I'm sure you've all seen that, under the leadership of Gao Gong, Hetu Manufacturing's laboratory is constantly producing new products."

"From the initial heat fast, to the later non-ferrous metal solder, and the new products that are currently under development, the new products we have put on the market have achieved impressive results."

"It can be said that our factory can develop and grow as it is now, thanks to the laboratory. It is precisely because of the unremitting and hard work of the laboratory personnel that we can keep the freshness of our products at all times."

"Hetu Manufacturing is like this, and Shanqiu Foods should be like this."

At this point, Zhao Shanhe's words suddenly changed, and the words he said immediately made everyone present sit up subconsciously, and no one dared to smile lightly.

Especially Kong Jie, after hearing these words, felt uneasy and felt like sitting on pins and needles, but he couldn't do anything, he could only sit pretending to be calm and try his best to maintain his original state.

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