Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 244 Where is the problem?

That night.

Li Qiucheng didn't go to Zhao Shanhe's house, but accompanied Cai Qian for dinner, and comforted him by the way.

What surprised Li Qiucheng was that Cai Qian didn't show the slightest timidity or fear despite going through this kind of thing. Instead, he seemed very excited.

In his words, he finally found his goal in life.

"You know? I was just fooling around in the past."

"Although I also have ideals and ambitions, it's okay. The seniority ranking situation in that pharmaceutical company is too serious, and it has become a disease."

"In that place, everything I did was a jerk."

"Don't look at me, I won orders from three hospitals this time, it seems to be beautiful."

"But do you know? As long as I go back, these orders will be divided up soon, and in the end, I won't have much commission at all."

"So I want to thank you now. Thank you for recommending Mr. Zhao to me. I believe that following Mr. Zhao will always make me look good."

"Qiu Cheng, let's not get drunk tonight. I will go back and resign tomorrow. I will be back within two days."

Cai Qian raised his wine glass.



The two drank it happily.

at the same time.

At Zhao's house, Zhao Shanhe was having dinner with his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Li Qiuya had already told about Xiao Mingyu's situation. After knowing that Xiao Mingyu's identity was actually a researcher, Tian Lihua herself was a little scared.

Fortunately, I didn't make a fuss in the past, otherwise, what a joke this would have been.

Not only that, but it will also affect Zhao Shanhe's reputation.

"Mom, you have to take it easy in the future."

While washing the dishes, Li Qiuya whispered.

"Don't worry, your mother is not so old and confused."

Tian Lihua gave her daughter a hard look, but felt guilty in her heart.

"Shanhe, I heard from Qiu Ya that your parents will come over in two days, right?" Li Jianguo asked while sitting on a small bench, smoking a cigarette.

"Yes, I said to take them over to live for two days, and then help to keep an eye on the decoration at home."

"Dad, you also saw that the four small courtyards here and there are ours. I have to tidy them up anyway. It's not comfortable to live in."

"In this way, when you are free in the future, you will have a place to live whenever you come over." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"You're right, it's time for a good renovation here."

"I also took a look today. The terrain here is pretty good. If the courtyard wall is opened up, it will be a courtyard. I think it would be good for you to pretend to be a courtyard." Li Jianguo said.

"I think so too."

Zhao Shanhe has a special liking for courtyard houses. Now that Li Jianguo also suggested such a decoration, he immediately found a common language. After passing a cup of tea, the two began to study.

"That's how it is. I'll talk to your parents when they come over. After all, your father worked in the engineering team before, so he must know more about these situations than I do." Li Jianguo laughed.

"Okay, let's start working after he comes over and study it."

After Zhao Shanhe finished talking about this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "Dad, I heard that Gushun Distillery is having a hard time recently. There is news that you are going to go bankrupt. Is it true?"

"Ah!" Hearing this, Li Jianguo sighed.

It happened that Tian Lihua also walked in, and then said: "Shanhe, you also know that many people in our Xikou Village work in the Gushun Winery, but now they can't survive."

"This winery said it was going to go bankrupt last year, but somehow it managed to survive until now."

"Shanhe, can you really not save the winery?" Li Jianguo raised his head and asked earnestly.

"Li Jianguo, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"As far as the shitty things you did at Gushun Winery, isn't it enough to hurt the mountains and rivers?"

"Isn't Shanhe saving you? It's your fault."

"People tell you the idea, but you make a mess of it."

"People say they want to buy shares, but you offer such excessive conditions."

"It's good now, Wu Hengdu hasn't said anything yet, why are you in a hurry to talk about it here."

"Let me tell you, don't cheat Shanhe, and play tricks on Shanhe."

"Your winery is a hot potato, anyone who picks it up will be dragged in."

"Shanhe, don't listen to your dad's nonsense, you can just feel at ease and do your own thing well."

It was rare for Tian Lihua to say such sober words this time.

"Dad, Mom is right." Li Qiuya continued.

"It's not that you don't know our current situation. Hetu Manufacturing has just won Jiuquan Hardware, and we have also built a new factory in Nanjue County. All of these will cost money, and there is not much money in the account of the factory now. .”

"If the Gushun winery is taken down now, we will definitely be dragged to death." Li Qiuya complained slightly.

Li Jianguo rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I just said that casually, and I didn't expect Shanhe to take over the winery."

"Shanhe, just pretend I didn't tell you."

"Okay, it's getting late, you guys should go to bed early, let's go to sleep in the yard over there." After Li Jianguo finished speaking, he walked out with Tian Lihua.

"Okay!" Zhao Shanhe nodded, stood up and saw him off.

Although there is no decoration here, it is owned by Zhao Shanhe after all, so Li Jianguo and his wife have a place to live when they come here.

After the two walked out, Li Qiuya sat in front of Zhao Shanhe.

"Shanhe, don't listen to my dad's nonsense, the Gushun winery is a pit, you can't jump into it."

"I know what Dad means. He also has feelings for the winery. After all, he has worked there for so many years, and he doesn't want to see the winery go bankrupt."

"I can understand his mood, but I really can't say that I should make a move now. You just said the reason."

"Even if I want to make a move, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. I can't say that our own factory will be brought down because of a winery."

"Unless!" Zhao Shanhe hesitated to speak.

"Unless what?"

After Li Qiuya saw that Zhao Shanhe was moved, she asked curiously: "Do you really want to make an idea of ​​the winery?"

"It's still a winery after all. If it can be won, it can also open up a new business territory."

"After all, there is no reason not to eat a ready-made piece of fat meat."

"But as I said, unless all the foreign debts of the winery are cleared, all the wages of all the workers are paid off, and they are paid to me at a very low price, otherwise I am really powerless now."

"Let's talk about this later!" Zhao Shanhe stretched his waist and hugged Li Qiuya in his arms.

"Daughter-in-law, let's do something serious."

"Fuck you, what serious business can you have?" Li Qiuya already knew what he was going to do, and struggled symbolically.

"I'm busy with that."

Hetu manufacturing R&D workshop.

When the warm sunlight came in through the window, Gao Shaoyuan was standing in front of the experimental bench with a frown, looking at the newly developed water pump, and waving his hands with a sigh.

"Tell me, where is the problem?"

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