
Qiu Si slightly hesitated, looked around, then lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Zhao, can I take a step to speak?"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe followed Qiu Si to a corner, and after making sure that no one could hear their conversation, Zhao Shanhe said, "Let's talk about it now. It's so mysterious. Could it be that this thing is really weird?"

"Yes, it is indeed a bit weird, but this weirdness, if you ask me, Cai Qian asked for it."

"I've never seen such a cheap person like him. How could he dare to do such a thing? He really deserves to be targeted."

Following Qiu Si's narration, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

There was a playful expression on his face, which was a bit interesting.

This kind of Cai Qian, let alone, is really the talent I want.

It turned out that this guy couldn't stay idle after returning to Zhenghe County. He started to focus on those hospitals, and then relied on his three-inch tongue to persuade the three hospitals to purchase medicines from their pharmaceutical factories.

The purchase orders of the three hospitals!This is a piece of fat.

By doing this, he obviously touched other people's cakes.

After this matter was known by the previous suppliers, the other party found Qiu Si in a rage, hoping that he could help teach Cai Qian a lesson.

The other party wants Cai Qian to know some rules, understand that this is not a place where he can do whatever he wants, and hurry up and get out of here.

"So then I invited Cai Qian over, and then frightened him into asking him to find someone to redeem him."

"Mr. Zhao, I really didn't do anything to him. I didn't touch him with a single finger."

"Well, I think you'd better leave it alone."

"If he is not your person, you'd better pretend that you haven't seen it."

"Otherwise, it won't do you any good to offend those drug suppliers." Qiu Si whispered.

"I see, I'll go in and meet Cai Qian, you can wait outside." Zhao Shanhe said noncommittally.


While talking, Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiucheng into the billiard hall, and saw Cai Qian in a dimly lit room.

This is a middle-aged man of about 30 years old, wearing a leather jacket and parting his hair.

Sitting in a chair, he looked anxious.

Although he said he was not tied up, it could be seen that he was nervous.

"Cai Qian!"

"Qiu Cheng, you're finally here!"

Seeing Li Qiucheng walk in, Cai Qian stood up, rushed forward and grabbed his shoulder, and asked anxiously, "How is it? Did you give them the money? Can I go now? ?”

"Don't panic, it's all right." Li Qiucheng smiled.

"Did you really give them money? 1 yuan? Qiucheng is very interesting!" Cai Qian looked at Li Qiucheng excitedly, choked up for a while, then hugged him fiercely, and patted his back hard.

"Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back the money. When I go back, I will take the passbook and go to the bank to withdraw the money and return it to you." Cai Qian let go of Li Qiucheng and said cracklingly.

Really a chatterbox.

Li Qiucheng didn't say a word, but you said a lot in a rambling manner. According to your posture, you really don't want to give others a chance to speak.

"I didn't give them money!"

"No money?"

Cai Qian was a little stunned, and then asked wonderingly: "Isn't it? If you didn't pay me, those people outside would let me go? What's going on? And who is this?"

Finally saw me.

Zhao Shanhe stood calmly.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my brother-in-law, Zhao Shanhe whom I have told you many times."

"My brother-in-law settled this matter. With my brother-in-law around, those people outside are nothing to worry about."

"You, if you want to thank, thank my brother-in-law." Li Qiucheng introduced proudly.

"You are Mr. Zhao?" Cai Qian was stunned for a moment.

"I am Zhao Shanhe." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

Cai Qian quickly wiped his hands, stretched out and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhao, thank you."

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently, shook hands with Cai Qian, pointed to the chair in front of him and said, "If you don't mind, let's sit down and have a chat?"

"Where is it!"

Cai Qian quickly sat down and asked respectfully, "Mr. Zhao, what do you want to talk about?"

"Qiu Cheng should have told you about me, so I'll get straight to the point."

"Cai Qian, are you willing to quit your current job and go to my place to help me?" Zhao Shanhe asked bluntly.

Cai Qian was taken aback for a moment, he had heard Li Qiucheng say this, but he didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to ask so directly when the two met for the first time.

But he already had his own ideas about this matter. As for the pharmaceutical factory, he didn't want to do it for a long time. Not to mention the hardships, all the credits would be taken away by the leaders in the end.

You said that it's fine if you take away the credit, at least give me some benefits, and give me more bonuses!

But in the end, he couldn't touch the money at all.

As for what kind of person Zhao Shanhe is, he has learned about it in the past two days in Zhenghe County.

Excellent entrepreneur!

Distinguished investor!

A manager who is like a spring breeze!

ambitious!Have ideals!Have a pursuit!

Labels like these belong to Zhao Shanhe.

And isn't such a person the one I have always wanted to follow?

"Mr. Zhao, you've already asked this question. If I say no to answering, it will appear too ignorant."

"As long as you believe in me, I am willing to join your team and work with you." Cai Qian said in a deep voice.

"Okay, then it's settled like this." Zhao Shanhe stood up with a smile.

"That's it?"

"Mr. Zhao, don't you need an interview?" Cai Qian was a little stunned.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth raised.

"You have submitted an answer sheet that satisfies me, so there is no need for an interview."

"I'll give you a week to go back and complete the resignation procedures, and then come and report to me."

"At that time, there will be a task for you. If you say you can complete it, the position of head of the public relations department in the factory will be yours!"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned and walked out.


What else are you interviewing for?Isn't the purchase list of the three hospitals the best interview list?

I am very satisfied with the answer sheet you gave, now let's see if you can complete the task I gave you.

If you can complete it, it means that you are a material that can be made, and I will reuse you.

And Cai Qian, you have to be clear, the task I reserved for you is not light, it is related to the game with Green Arrow, maybe you will become the most important part of defeating Green Arrow.

The interview is over?

Cai Qian followed Zhao Shanhe out of the billiard hall in a daze, and just as he came out, he saw Qiu Si and the others standing in front of him, his expression tightened, and he curled up his neck subconsciously.

But the next scene made Cai Qian's glasses drop on the spot.

"Mr. Zhao." Qiu Sigong said.

"Qiu Si, here is 3000 yuan, you can share it with the brothers." Zhao Shanhe passed an envelope calmly.

"Mr. Zhao, how can I ask for your money? Are you slapping me in the face? Take it back quickly." Qiu Si hurriedly smiled apologetically, shaking his hands hastily.

"Take it as you please. This is what I gave you, and it's not what you want."

Zhao Shanhe threw it to Qiu Si, and after he caught it, he said casually: "Say to those hospital suppliers, Cai Qian will not mess with their jobs in the future, this time the matter is over. .”

"Yes!" Qiu Si hurriedly responded.

"That's how it is. When you see Lao Huang, tell him that I will buy him a drink another day, and leave!" Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and waved without looking back.

"Boss Zhao, go slowly!"

Zhao Shanhe just took Cai Qian into the Crown car and left.

"Fourth brother, is this the case?"

"Otherwise?" Qiu Si stuffed the envelope into the inner pocket of his clothes, straightened his back that was bent just now, and looked at the younger brothers around him, showing a haughty expression.

"Tell you, be smart in the future. Who is this? This is the God of Wealth in our county. Don't provoke him when you are full, understand?"


"Let's go, brother four treats us today, let's have a meal."

"The fourth brother is mighty!"

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