Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 241 I only have one request

Shanqiu Food Office Building.

After Zhao Shanhe brought Xiao Mingyu in, he brought her a cup of tea, and said with a gentle smile, "I have shown you the factory just now, what do you think of Shanqiu Foods? Would you like to stay?"

"I am willing!"

Xiao Mingyu held the teacup and said with a smile: "Shanqiu Food is a company full of vigor and vitality. It must be a pleasure to work in such a factory."

"But Mr. Zhao, if you want me to stay, you have to spend money to build me a laboratory."

"Without a lab, I wouldn't be able to work."

"And the scale and grade of this laboratory should not be too low. If it is too low, I will not be able to do many things I want to do."

"For example, the combination of certain food ingredients and the extraction of the essence of certain ingredients all require high-end instruments to do so."

"And these instruments are allocated funds for university laboratories, but for you, they are completely spent on your own money. Don't you feel distressed?"

"Distressed about spending money?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

"If I cared about money, I wouldn't have invited you here from the capital. Mr. Xiao, the last thing I'm afraid of is spending money, because I believe that there will be returns only if you invest."

"How much you invest now will determine how much you will return in the future. Investment and return have always been directly proportional, don't you think?"


Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Xiao Mingyu sat upright and said: "Mr. Zhao, don't worry, as long as you trust me, I promise that I will not let your money go to waste, and I will never disappoint your expectations."

"Don't be so serious, Mr. Xiao, you just make a list of what equipment you need to buy, and I'll let someone purchase it."

"Let's try to set up your laboratory in these two days, and then I have a task for you."

Zhao Shanhe said.

"Is it the new product you mentioned earlier?" Xiao Mingyu's eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

"Yes, it's the new product I was talking about."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he took out a stack of papers from the drawer and handed it over.

"I call this new product milk tea!"

"milk tea?"

Xiao Mingyu took over the documents, looked down carefully, and quickly read through the thin sheets of paper, and a surprised expression appeared on her face after reading them.

"Mr. Zhao, you really dare to think about it. According to what you mean, it is to liberate milk tea from roadside shops and deliver it directly to thousands of households."


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, it seems that you also know about milk tea, and have also drank milk tea."

"Yes, I drank it once on Hong Kong Island at the beginning of the year. It tasted good, but queuing was really hard." Xiao Mingyu looked nostalgic at first, then frowned.

"That's true. At present, we don't have this thing in the mainland, so once this delicious tea comes out in the mainland, the market will definitely be huge."

"What I want to develop is a product that does not require on-site preparation, but can be brewed with boiling water at home to become a cup of fragrant milk tea."

"People who buy it don't need to spend a long time queuing up, and everyone can drink it at any time."

"I believe that as long as this kind of milk tea is made, there will definitely be a market."

"So next, Mr. Xiao, your task is very simple. It is to research this kind of brewed milk tea. As long as you research it, leave the rest to me."

"How is it? Teacher Xiao, do you have the confidence to take on this job? Show the old hag of Red Star Lab your skills, and let those who looked down on you before know that they are blind."

Let people who underestimate you know that they are blind!

Hearing these words, Xiao Mingyu felt a kind of passion in his heart.

What is the purpose of following Zhao Shanhe out?Isn't it just to realize your own value?

Now that people have given him a chance, if he says he can't grasp it, what is the value, what is the ideal, what is the old witch's admiration, and the intestines of regret are green?

Therefore, without any hesitation, Xiao Mingyu said decisively: "Mr. Zhao, I have accepted this task!"

"Okay, let's talk about the equipment you need now."

"Okay, I have done this kind of food experiment before. In fact, the principle of brewing milk tea is very simple. It is nothing more than solidifying and powdering the milk tea. What needs to be mastered here is only a matter of matching ratio."

"As for the equipment, I think about it, what we need to buy for the time being"

Xiao Mingyu took out a pen and paper while talking.

Zhao Shanhe watched quietly.

"Dong dong."

Just when the two of them were about to study, there was a knock on the door of the office, and then Li Qiuya walked in.

"Director Zhao, you're back!" Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"Qiu Ya, you're here."

Zhao Shanhe stood up, pulled Li Qiuya over, and said to Xiao Mingyu, "Let me introduce you, this is the researcher I invited back from the capital, Teacher Xiao Mingyu."

"From today, she will be fully responsible for the product development of our Shanqiu Foods."

"Mr. Xiao, this is my assistant and my lover Li Qiuya."


Xiao Mingyu looked up and down Li Qiuya in some surprise.

"Mr. Zhao, you are really blessed to have such a beautiful and virtuous wife. No wonder you can make the factory flourish. Assistant Li, I am Xiao Mingyu. Please take care of me in the future."

Xiao Mingyu stood up and finished speaking, and stretched out her hand to Li Qiuya.

Li Qiuya grabbed Xiao Mingyu's hand with both hands and shook it, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, you are too polite. It is our Shanqiu Food's blessing that Shanhe can invite you here. No, it should be our Shanqiu Food." .”

"Mr. Xiao, we will be a family from now on. If you need anything, just tell me."

Li Qiuya was no longer a rookie at the beginning, and she is very familiar with dealing with people.

And after knowing Xiao Mingyu's identity, the worry in Li Qiuya's heart completely disappeared without a trace.

Let's just say, Zhao Shanhe can't be the kind of person who attracts bees and butterflies, just look at it.

Mom, you have to take care of your mouth in the future. If my dad hadn't been here to stop you in time, if you really rushed here to make a scene, the consequences would be disastrous.

No, after I go back, I must have a good talk with my mother about this matter.

"Qiuya, you came just in time."

Zhao Shanhe interrupted the conversation between the two women, and handed over the list with a smile.

"Look, this is the equipment needed by Mr. Xiao's laboratory. You give it to Wu Jianjun and ask him to buy it quickly. It's best to buy it all for me within two days."

"As for the price, don't worry about it. I have only one request, be quick!" Zhao Shanhe raised a finger.

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya took the list and glanced at it, her face was a little surprised.

"So many devices?"

"A lot? In fact, not much at all, because it is consumed during the experiment."

"And these devices are not meant to be disposable. After the research on brewing milk tea, we can continue to develop other new products." Xiao Mingyu explained gently.

"Make milk tea?"

Li Qiuya's eyes lit up, she stared at Zhao Shanhe and asked: "Shanhe, is this a new product that our Shanqiu Foods is going to develop? After you have chosen it, you will study this kind of brewed milk tea?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

"Just study how to make milk tea. Teacher Xiao will take full responsibility for this matter."

"it is good!"

When Li Qiuya was about to continue talking, who would have thought that the door of the office was pushed open suddenly, and a figure walked in hurriedly.

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