Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 240 What is the origin of this woman

"Mr. Xiao, let's make a deal. When do you think you can leave?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Mr. Zhao, have you finished your work?" Xiao Mingyu asked.

"Yes, I came here to discuss the renewal of the contract with CCTV's advertising department. This matter has been negotiated, and Yile Chewing Gum will continue to advertise on CCTV."

"If you say you can leave at any time, let's go to Zhenghe County together."

"Of course, if you still have something to do, you can go there by yourself. I'll be there anytime in Zhenghe County."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"In this case"

Xiao Mingyu hesitated for a while.

"I'm going home and tidying up, plus some mess to deal with"

"Do you think this is okay? Let's go tomorrow, and I will follow you back to Zhenghe tomorrow."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Zhenghe County Shanqiu Food.

When Xiao Mingyu arrived here after a day's train ride, she looked at the factory full of vigor and vitality in front of her, and her nervousness and doubts were swept away, and her tired body seemed to be pumped with blood.

What she fears most is seeing a small, half-dead factory.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be jumping from one fire pit to another?

She's probably going crazy.

But luckily, that's not the case.

Shanqiu Food appeared in front of her, and the roar of machines was everywhere. Every worker she could see was talking and laughing energetically, exuding a fighting spirit from them.

This is the most commendable.

"Director Zhao, you are back."

"Hello, Director Zhao!"

"Director Zhao, it's good to see you. This is the capers that my mother asked me to bring you. Didn't you say it was delicious last time? She pickled it for you specially."

All the workers who passed by greeted Zhao Shanhe from the bottom of their hearts. Their eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, and their faces were filled with sincere smiles.

And what about Zhao Shanhe?

Not only did he greet every worker, but he was able to call out everyone's name accurately, and the smiles on the faces of the people he called out became even brighter.

"Do you know each of them?" Xiao Mingyu asked in surprise.

"more or less!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"They are all the first to follow me, do I know their names are strange?"

"Don't mention them, even if they are newly recruited later, I will remember each of their names."

"Mr. Xiao, I don't care what other companies are like, but in Shanqiu Food, what I want to create is a corporate culture of family. Don't you think you don't know the names of family members?"

"Mr. Zhao, I believe it now." Xiao Mingyu said thoughtfully.

"What do you believe?" Zhao Shanhe looked at her in surprise.

"I believe you didn't lie to me, you are really Zhao Shanhe." Xiao Mingyu blinked her eyes with a serious face.

Black lines suddenly appeared on Zhao Shanhe's forehead, dare you have been on guard against me all this way.

Do you think I'm the kind of liar, someone who kidnaps women?

"Don't make such an expression. I only met you twice, so I believed your words and followed you here from the capital."

"You said that if you were a big girl like me, would you not be murmuring in your heart? Could you not be on guard?" Xiao Mingyu saw through Zhao Shanhe's thoughts at a glance, and said confidently.

"Okay, you're right, everything you said is right. Then Mr. Xiao, can we go to my office to discuss things now?" Zhao Shanhe shrugged helplessly.

"Lead the way ahead."

Xiao Mingyu pouted with raised eyebrows.

Come on, I'll lead the way.

Why didn't I see that you, Xiao Mingyu, have such a pungent personality?By the way, when I met you in the capital, weren't you a very serious person?Why does it feel like a different person now?

In fact, this is Zhao Shanhe's preconceived idea. He thinks that Xiao Mingyu is a researcher, so he should be a strict person.

But he didn't know, if it's really that kind of pedantic person, would Xiao Mingyu dare to make a scene in the Red Star Laboratory, sue the old witch, and drop a bomb of academic fraud before leaving?

"Did you see it? Our factory manager Zhao went out for a trip and brought back a beautiful woman."

"The beauty in black glasses looks quite intellectual."

"Or our factory manager Zhao is very powerful, the red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside."

"Hurry up and shut up, our Director Zhao is not the kind of person you said."

"I was just joking, why take it seriously!"

In this joking atmosphere, the news that Zhao Shanhe came back with a beautiful woman quickly spread throughout the factory.

Everyone who heard the news showed curious eyes, wanting to know the relationship between this beauty and Zhao Shanhe.

The news quickly reached Li Qiuya's ears.

At this time, Li Qiuya had just picked up her parents and was talking with them at home, when she received this call.

When she hung up the phone, before she had time to digest the news, Tian Lihua, who was sitting drinking tea, became angry.

She slapped the table with a bang, and the teacups on the table shook three times.

"I knew that Zhao Shanhe was not the kind of well-behaved and honest person. It's only been a few days, and the fox's tail is showing."

"What is he trying to do? Don't you know how busy my daughter is in the factory?"

"It's good for him. When he went to the capital, he flirted with flowers and grass, and he even brought them back."

"Why do you think he is ashamed? How dare he do such a thing so openly?"

Tian Lihua was full of anger, and angrily grabbed the key on the table and was about to go out.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Li Qiuya quickly grabbed her.

"You sit down for me!"

Li Jianguo, who saw this scene, scolded with a gloomy face: "Can you calm down?"

"Impulsive when encountering something, can you solve the problem impulsively?"

"Don't be all right, and you will make trouble in the end."

"I'm thinking of Qiu Ya." Tian Lihua shouted outrightly with a face full of anger.

"If you really think about her, sit down with me first and think about it before you talk about it."

"Don't forget what happened to Yang E last time, you almost made me mess it up." Li Jianguo shouted with a livid face.

What about Yang E?

Thinking of this, Tian Lihua restrained her anger and sat down slowly.

"I also heard what was said on the phone call just now. It said that Shanhe came back from the capital and brought a woman back with him."

"Apart from these, is there anything else to say? No, this is all your wild imagination."

"Do you think Shanhe must have that kind of relationship when he brought a woman back?"

"Confused! How could Shanhe do that? Not to mention that Shanhe wouldn't be that kind of person, even if he did, do you think he would bring someone into the factory so blatantly? Nonsense!"

Li Jianguo gave Tian Lihua a hard look, and then said to Li Qiuya, "Go to the factory right now and find out what's going on."

"Remember, don't make trouble! Don't make people laugh! Shanhe is the director of the factory anyway, so he has to face outside."

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya nodded, got up and walked outside.

She didn't doubt Zhao Shanhe, she just wanted to find out where this woman came from.

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