"Qiuya, is there something wrong? Don't hide anything from me."

Seeing this, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly asked.

"It's like this. My mother called me and said that she wanted me to hurry up and go back in the next two days. From what she said, it seemed that something happened at home. I thought I'd go back tomorrow."

Li Qiuya followed suit.

"Is something wrong at home?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, and then a light flashed in his mind.

is not that right?

Something must have happened to Li Qiuya's family. If I remember correctly, it was her younger brother who was the devil in the world who caused the disaster.

Li Qiuya's younger brother is called Li Qiucheng. He probably got into a fight with someone and injured him in the hospital.

Zhao Shanhe vaguely remembered that at that time they wanted [-] yuan in compensation, and if they refused to pay, Li Qiucheng would be imprisoned.

"Yes, then everything will be right!"

Zhao Shanhe's heart is like a bright mirror.

Because of this compensation, Zhao Shanhe definitely couldn't get it out in his previous life, and Li Qiuya couldn't bear to see her parents being forced to cry, so she went to sell blood.

It was also because of that blood sale that Li Qiuya contracted the disease and died unfortunately.

"Qiuya, this time I won't let you repeat the same mistakes and go down the old road of selling blood!"

After Zhao Shanhe knew it in his mind, he said, "In this way, no matter whether there is an accident at home, you don't have to worry. Let's go back and have a look at it tomorrow. Let's go shopping early tomorrow morning and take it back with us. Also, you will take 2000 yuan."

"What are you doing with so much money?" Li Qiuya's eyelids trembled slightly.

"Take it, it will always be useful." Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently.

"Okay, then listen to you!"

Li Qiuya wanted to refuse, but thinking of her mother's tone when she called, she swallowed the words back.Just hold it, take it out if it is useful, and take it back if you don’t need it.

"Mountains and rivers!"

"Why, is there anything else?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"That's right. You also know that my parents sometimes talk harshly, and what they say may be a little harsh, but they definitely have no evil intentions. They are all for our good."

"So if they talk a little too much tomorrow, for my sake, don't flinch and don't get angry, okay?" Li Qiuya's tone revealed a little pleading.


Zhao Shanhe held Li Qiuya's hand and said with a smile: "Your parents are also my parents. If they say a few words, just say a few words. Can you lose a lot of meat if you say a few words? Don't worry, I will It's not three-year-olds, I won't confront them."

"That's good!" Li Qiuya smiled.

"Pack up and go to bed early!"

"it is good!"

After lying on the bed, Zhao Shanhe thought about Li Qiuya's words, he knew why Li Qiuya said that, it was nothing more than his father-in-law didn't like him, disliked him for his incompetence, and couldn't make Li Qiuya live a good life.

But if you say how vicious these old couple are, that's a lie.

Even if they look down on themselves, they won't say they want to kill themselves.

But even so, it is estimated that it will be difficult to pass this level tomorrow.It doesn't matter, now I am really not afraid of being scolded by the old couple, who will let me make money.

"Money is the best explanation sometimes."

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Shanhe fell asleep peacefully.


The next morning, the two got up early, went outside to buy a bunch of things, had a casual breakfast outside, and then got on the bus bound for Xikou Village.

Li Qiuya is from Xikou Village.

This village is not far from the county seat. According to the current statement, it is at the junction of urban and rural areas.

Most of the people in this village work in nearby wineries.Speaking of the winery, Zhao Shanhe still remembers it fresh.Because every time I come here, I can smell a strong smell of distiller's grains.

Very pungent.

Very high.

"Qiuya is back!"

"Third Aunt, are you going to feed the chickens?"

"Qiu Ya, hurry back and ask your mother to cook something delicious."

When Zhao Shanhe walked into Xikou Village, everyone who saw Li Qiuya smiled and said hello.

This is normal, who told Li Qiuya to be a flower in Xikou Village back then, so many matchmakers broke the threshold just to match her.Who would have thought that she would look down on any of them in the end and insist on marrying Zhao Shanhe.

If you say marry, just marry, and you can live well, but everyone in Xikou Village knows that Zhao Shanhe is just a gangster with nothing to do, and Li Qiuya will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if she lives with him.

So the villagers were very enthusiastic when they talked to Li Qiuya, but when they looked at Zhao Shanhe, they all shook their heads subconsciously, and looked at his back with an undisguised contempt on their faces.

"Look, how can such a girl like Qiu Ya be scolded by this kind of person?"

"Who says it's not? It's like a flower stuck in cow dung."

"Dress like a dog, hmph, it's all Qiuya's money, so don't feel ashamed."


Such whispers were heard everywhere, and some people even pointed at Zhao Shanhe.

What's more interesting is that these people, they really wanted Zhao Shanhe to hear them, but they didn't intend to lower their voices, they just said it so openly.

When Li Qiuya heard these words, her complexion changed slightly, her body trembled slightly, and she turned around to reason with them.

But Zhao Shanhe grabbed her arm directly, shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "I'm fine, there's no need to be familiar with them, let's go home quickly!"

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya's eyes revealed a hint of gratitude.

At this moment, Li Qiuya didn't even realize that, since when, she has changed her impression of Zhao Shanhe from the bottom of her heart.In her heart, Zhao Shanhe is a positive energy, the man she loves the most, and she can't tolerate others saying anything bad.

After a few minutes.

The two came to their home in the west of Xikou Village.

Like all houses, Li Qiuya's house is an ordinary one-story house with two concrete gates outside.Facing the direction of the gate is a wall covered with tiles.

"Mom and Dad, we're back!"

As soon as she arrived at the door of the house, Li Qiuya shouted happily.

If this was placed in a normal family, the family members would definitely get up and greet them when they heard the shout.

But here it was completely silent.

No one spoke up.

Li Qiuya smiled apologetically at Zhao Shanhe, and the two walked in, but as soon as they reached the courtyard, they saw two people sitting on the bench, the woman was picking leeks, and the man was smoking.

They are Li Qiuya's parents, Zhao Shanhe's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Mom and Dad, we're back to see you." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

It's okay who doesn't want to talk. After speaking like this, the mother-in-law who was picking the leeks threw the leeks away, and looked at Zhao Shanhe and shouted a word as cold as ice.

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