"Brother Shanhe, are you still short of people here, why don't I resign and follow you?"

Cui Ying said eagerly.

"Forget it. Don't forget about how you got your job. If you dare to resign, dad won't break your leg."

Cui Huan waved his hand and said angrily.

Cui Ying pouted like a deflated balloon and said, "Forget it then!"

After Cui Huan's matter was settled, Li Qiuya came back from shopping, Cui Huan and Cui Ying hurried to the kitchen to help clean up, while Zhao Shanhe chatted with Li Xiangyang and his brother.

"Shanhe, thank you." Li Xiangyang said gratefully.

"Xiangyang, we brothers will see each other if we say this."

Zhao Shanhe grabbed a handful of melon seeds and kowtowed, and said while chewing: "In fact, even if there is no Cui Huan, I am going to tell you about it."

"Do you have any reliable ones over there? If so, introduce two more to me. I want to find two more to sell shaved ice!"

"Do you still need someone here?" Li Xiangyang asked slightly surprised.


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "Xiangyang, you also know that the shaving ice business doesn't really have much technical content, and sooner or later there will be a bunch of followers."

"I don't think this time will be very slow. Instead of being robbed of business by then, it's better to take advantage of now and recruit more people and earn more money. In this way, even if someone follows suit, I can still earn first." A wave."

"Brother Shanhe is right."

Li Xiangdong agreed: "Even Bi Yuntao can think of selling shaved ice, how can others not think of it? So let's make more money now."

"In this case!"

Li Xiangyang hesitated for a while and said: "I have a few friends around me, all of whom are honest and willing to do things, and they are not the kind of people who play tricks."

"Then introduce them all, I will run both daytime and night markets." Zhao Shanhe said straightforwardly.

"Okay, then I'll talk to them after dinner. How about the salary? Is it also four or six cents?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"of course not!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said, "It's because Cui Huan has a special relationship, so I only say four or six. If the people on your side say that they are not close, they are only three to seven."

"Sanqi is Sanqi, Sanqi and the others earn a lot." Li Xiangyang said cheerfully.

"Then we'll settle this matter, and you arrange for them to come here quickly."


During the meal, Zhao Shanhe could tell from chatting with Cui Huan that she was a very honest woman.After all, having experienced the ravages of life, you will cherish the opportunity to work even more.

In the next two days, Zhao Shanhe got busy.

In addition to teaching Cui Huan how to make shaved ice, he also had to teach four other people. These four people were all recruited by Li Xiangyang, and they were all workers in the ice factory before.

This ice factory is on the verge of bankruptcy, there is no way, they have to find something to do. After knowing that shaved ice can make money, they all come here happily to learn.

After all five people learned it, Zhao Shanhe arranged for them to sell shaved ice.

At the beginning, some of these five people went out during the day, and some went to the night market, but after they tasted the sweetness, they all seemed to be fighting chicken blood.

Cui Huan now sells shaved ice at the night market near her home.

This is her third day selling shaved ice.

On the first day, she didn't fall asleep all night after returning home, tossing and turning with joy.

Wouldn't she be excited to earn forty in just one night?Replaced by everyone's excitement.

Every night, I can get 50 to [-] yuan, and in just three days, I can earn more than others in a month.

This also stimulated Cui Ying.

"Sister, how much did you sell tonight?"

Cui Ying helped push the tricycle into the courtyard and asked.

"Yes, tonight is more than 100, and I can divide it into forty." Cui Huan said with a smile.

"Sister, you earn a lot, much more than me."

Cui Ying rolled her eyes, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Sister, you see that you earned the money yourself, and you know what's going on here, why don't we do it alone? This way more than 100 yuan is all yours Yes, it’s no better than giving it to Zhao Shanhe.”

"Xiaoying, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing this, Cui Huan straightened his face immediately, and said seriously: "When my sister was in such a difficult time, he was the one who helped me. How can I do something wrong for him?"

"Whoever else likes to do this, I won't do it anyway. I have identified Zhao Shanhe, and I have identified the forty-six share. I will listen to this tonight. In the future, you can Say no more."

"Got it, sister." Cui Ying stuck out her tongue and smiled.


Cui Huan touched Cui Ying's head, and said lovingly: "Do you think Shanhe can't think of things you can think of?"

"If you don't say it, there must be a way, so don't play tricks. Besides, isn't there Xiangdong in the middle? If you really do that, how will you make Xiangdong look at me, you, and you in the future? Our family."

"Dare he?"

Cui Ying raised her head and said.

"If he dares, see how I deal with him!"

"Okay, who else do you want to deal with, wash up and go to bed, because you have to go to work tomorrow."

"it is good!"

In this way, Zhao Shanhe took a few people and started reselling shaved ice on wheels.

Half a month passed quietly, and it was late July in a blink of an eye.

That night Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya started to settle accounts after dinner, it didn't matter, Li Qiuya was so excited that she almost jumped up.

She looked at the numbers in front of her in disbelief, raised her head and asked, "Shan He, is this true? Did we really make so much money?"

"What do you think!" Zhao Shanhe laughed casually.

"I really can't believe that you can earn so much just by selling shaved ice?" Li Qiuya covered her mouth and said.

"You don't believe me, do you? I'll tell you. You see, my daily average of [-] yuan in the past half month is just over [-] yuan."

"Cui Huan can get about 100 yuan a day, which is the little two thousand. The four of Xiaohua and the others can get more than [-] yuan a day, which is eight thousand."

"Do the math, it adds up to [-], plus what I earned before, it's [-] after deducting the change."

While drinking tea, Zhao Shanhe calculated the accounts clearly.

"Yeah, it's really [-]. I didn't expect us to earn [-] in just one month."

"Shanhe, you are right. Fortunately, you didn't listen to me at the time. Otherwise, without Cui Huan and the others, we wouldn't be able to make so much money." Li Qiuya said with a smile on her face.

"Really? Now you know what I said is right, Qiu Ya, you can enjoy your blessings in the future." Zhao Shanhe put his hands on Li Qiuya's shoulders, leaned over and said.


Li Qiuya glanced coquettishly, then her expression suddenly became awkward.

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