"Hello, Laoliang, it's me, Du Jingming from Zhenghe."

"Hehe, Lao Du, hello, hello, why did you remember to call me?"

Liang Xuefeng, who was sitting in the Nanjue county magistrate's office, asked in surprise.

Although he said he knew Du Jingming, the relationship was not very close, and he never thought that Du Jingming would take the initiative to contact him.

"Old Liang, I came to you to ask you something." Du Jingming smiled.

"Ask!" Liang Xuefeng's brain was spinning rapidly.

"I heard that Shanqiu Foods is going to invest and build a factory in Nanjue County, is that right?" Du Jingming asked.

Shanqiu food!Zhao Shanhe!

Liang Xuefeng suddenly realized, and said that it was impossible for Du Jingming to make this call for no reason, and it turned out that he was calling for Zhao Shanhe.

And thinking of the news he had heard about the competition between Sifang Industry and Hetu Manufacturing, Liang Xuefeng guessed the reason for Du Jingming's call.

Is this because you are afraid of poaching yourself?

But don’t tell me, I only wanted to introduce Shanqiu Food at the beginning, but if I can really bring Hetu Manufacturing to the table, it will have an immeasurable impact on the economic development of our Nanjue County effect.

And this is all caused by your Zhenghe County itself.

Who told you to bully Zhao Shanhena like this?

"Yes, Mr. Zhao will lead a team to sign the contract with us tomorrow. We will arrange a site for Mr. Zhao in Nanjue County for the construction of new factories for Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing." Liang Xuefeng said with a smile .

"Hetu made!"

Du Jingming tightened his hand holding the microphone, and asked with a serious face, "Laoliang, do you mean that not only Shanqiu Food, but Hetu Manufacturing will also go to your Nanjue County to build a factory?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Liang Xuefeng smiled lightly.

"Old Du, since your Zhenghe County is not going to take care of Hetu Manufacturing, then don't hold him back and let us Nanjue County."

"I'm not afraid to tell you clearly that as long as Mr. Zhao Shanhe is willing to come to our Nanjue County, he can choose various preferential policies."

"Speaking of which, we also have a bankrupt hardware factory in Nanjue County, which will be handed over to Hetu for the manufacturing contract."

"Old Liang, you can't do this!"

Du Jingming's tone was a little hurried.

"Ha ha!"

Liang Xuefeng laughed and said, "Old Du, this matter is not with me, but with Mr. Zhao, don't you think so?"

"If he says he doesn't want to move the factory, even if I talk about it, it's useless."

"But if he thinks about it too, hehe, then I really thank you for this matter. I heard that you are in charge of this matter. Your Zhenghe County intends to cooperate with Sifang Industry."

"Then simply, be more generous, and let the Hetu maker leave."

"County magistrate with academic style, this is a matter of our Zhenghe County, so I won't bother you, let's do this first, hang up."

After Du Jingming finished speaking, he hung up the phone, got up and went out. He had to tell Xie Nanan about this immediately, otherwise, the factory would be moved by Zhao Shanhe. The consequences were not something he could bear .

Not to mention him, Xie Nan can't afford it either.

Nanjue County.

After hearing the beeping busy tone from the phone, Liang Xuefeng put down the phone slowly, with a playful smile on his face.

To know what he said just now, he believed that Zhao Shanhe would be very happy to hear it from his mouth, because this should be the purpose of Zhao Shanhe's plan to come to Nanjue County to invest and build a factory.

And he didn't have the slightest psychological burden to say those words.

why would you say so?

Because this is also Liang Xuefeng's selfishness, he wants to use the words just now to plant a thorn between Zhao Shanhe and Zhenghe County. With this thorn, maybe Hetu Manufacturing will move to Nanjue County.

If that's the case, what I said is too valuable.

"Sifang Industry, hehe."

"Du Jingming, what are you thinking?"

"I also saw the evening paper in your county. The evening paper made it so clear that Sifang Industrial is a leather bag company. You are still vacillating between it and Hetu Manufacturing. Are you crazy?"

"Is this really going to force Zhao Shanhe away?"

Du Jingming met Xie Nanfang soon, and briefly described the content of the phone call with Liang Xuefeng just now.

Then he said with a serious expression: "Major Xie, I don't think we can hesitate any longer now."

"Whether to choose Hetu Manufacturing or Sifang Industry, we must give a clear statement, and I support Hetu Manufacturing."

"Isn't this Zhao Shanhe messing around? Does he really dare to move the factory?" Xie Nanfang frowned.

"Major Xie, don't say that. With Zhao Shanhe's personality, there is nothing he dares to do."

"What's more, even if the factory is really moved, it's not a big deal. As long as Nanjue County makes arrangements, it won't take long for people to move there and start production."

"This has almost no impact on Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing, but if this is really the case, our Zhenghe County will be completely finished."

A serious expression appeared on Du Jingming's face.

"We personally forced the excellent enterprises in our Zhenghe County to leave. What do you think the people in our county will think?"

"Do you think foreign investors dare to invest? What about the workers when the two factories are moved away?"

"And you have to know that these two factories shined brilliantly at the Canton Fair in Shenzhen."

"I dare say that as long as Zhao Shanhe reveals the idea of ​​moving the factory, even Handong City will come to fight for it."

"Under such circumstances, do you think our Zhenghe County became famous all at once?"

"The most important thing is, do you think Sifang Industry is reliable in Hetu manufacturing?"


Xie Nan's expression gradually became serious.

"What you said is all right, but you know that this matter is not something that our county can make a decision casually."

"Now this matter has something to do with the city. Unless the people in the city nod, we really can't say anything about it."

"You're talking about Huang Fangjun, right? It doesn't matter what he says, isn't he the director of a tractor factory?"

"And the situation in the tractor factory is not much better now, and his words are not as effective as before." Du Jingming continued.

"In this way, you and I will go and find out what's going on in the lower city. If there is any loosening there, then we will support Hetu Manufacturing in this matter." Xie Nanan said solemnly.

"All right!"

Du Jingming sighed, it seemed like this was the only way to go.

I just hope that there is enough time, and don't really force Zhao Shanhe away in the end.

The day passed quietly.

On this day, the entire Zhenghe County was discussing the matter of Jiuquan Hardware. After knowing that Sifang Industry had the obvious advantage and had suppressed Hetu Manufacturing, everyone's heart was very heavy.

And when they heard that Hetu Manufacturing was going to move the factory, their hearts were pounding, and they were all worried, wondering if it might be a fake.

The next day, a message spread throughout the city.

Zhao Shanhe personally led the inspection team to Nanjue County.

The whole city was in an uproar.

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