Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 217 It's All About Making Them Nervous

Mayor Liang?

Who is this county magistrate?

Does Zhenghe County still have a magistrate surnamed Liang?


But if it wasn't the magistrate of our Zhenghe County, who would it be?

But when the two listened to it, their complexions soon became brighter. They never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe had such a means.

"County Liang, I've thought about what you said before, and I think what you said is right and very reasonable."

"Anyway, Nanjue County is my hometown. I have no reason to say that I can't go back and invest in construction."

"Well, tomorrow I will arrange a team to contact you. If there is no problem, Shanqiu Foods will build a factory in our county. Please take care of it when the time comes!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Really? Have you really thought it through? Do you want to invest in Nanjue County?" Liang Xuefeng said excitedly.

"It can be fake, I don't dare to make fun of you." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"That's fine, no problem. I'll go to the county boundary to meet him tomorrow." Liang Xuefeng said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

"Are you coming too?"

"That's right, you went in person, can I not go?" Zhao Shanhe said with a big smile.

"Haha, see you tomorrow then."

Liang Xuefeng hung up the phone amidst laughter, and then began to give orders, and the Nanjue County Investment Promotion Office immediately became busy.

"Director, were you serious just now? Are we really going to Nanjue County to invest and build a factory?" Yang E asked.

"Of course it's true. I've mentioned this to you before. Have you forgotten?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"I haven't forgotten, I just feel that at this juncture, if you do this, the people in Zhenghe County will definitely be nervous." Yang E continued.

"What I want is to make them nervous." Zhao Shanhe's mouth twitched slightly.

Then he said calmly: "However, this matter is not as complicated as you think. I really want to put pressure on Zhenghe County in this way, but this was originally our established plan."

"After all, if Shanqiu Foods wants to become bigger and stronger, it must expand its scale."

"And Nanjue County is the most suitable no matter in terms of geographical location or other factors."

"The factory manager is right. As long as Nanjue County gives us the most favorable policy, it is indeed a wise move to build a factory there."

"And we now have a lot of liquidity on the books, which is enough to support the construction of a new factory." Li Xiangyang said.

"I haven't asked you yet, how much money can we mobilize on the books?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Although at the Shenzhen Canton Fair, we won a turnover of 600 million yuan, but the money has not yet been fully credited to the account. After excluding miscellaneous expenses, the funds that can be mobilized on our books now are almost There are more than 400 million."

"Apart from anything else, there is no problem in building a new factory," Li Xiangyang said.


Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

This number sounds like a lot, but if it is really expensive, it is not expensive.

It will cost money to win Jiuquan Hardware, right?

Although there are such and other preferential policies, at least 200 million funds must be prepared.

And if you want to build a branch of Shanqiu Foods now, you need to prepare at least 100 million yuan, or even more. After all, Nanjue County can give you policies, but not equipment.

With such a swipe, there are only more than 400 million left in an instant from 100 million.

This amount of money is not enough for Zhao Shanhe to buy a Hutou Benz with confidence and boldness.

Gotta keep making money!

"Four million is enough, everything will be discussed after I go to Nanjue County tomorrow."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and began to give orders.

"Xiang Yang, you and Yang E, come with me tomorrow. Also, if possible, find me a person who can take on the role of public relations as soon as possible. I plan to set up a public relations department in the near future."

"Public relations department?" Li Xiangyang was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is the public relations department. If we want to develop and grow in the future, we cannot do without the public relations department. This department will be responsible for public relations negotiations, such as factory construction negotiations, problem negotiations, crisis public relations, etc., all rely on this department Deal with it." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Understood, I will pay attention to this matter." Li Xiangyang nodded in response.

"Factory manager, if this is the case, I think we should publicize this matter so that everyone in Zhenghe County knows that we are planning to build a new factory in Nanjue County."

"And the more vague this kind of propaganda, the better. Don't just talk about Shanqiu Food, but also incorporate Hetu Manufacturing, and create a sign that we are going to relocate as a whole." Yang E said slowly after pondering.

"Yang E is right, let's do it this way, you can discuss this matter with Han Chunni." Zhao Shanhe said directly.


after an hour.

A piece of news spread throughout Zhenghe County, and after hearing the news, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all started discussing with righteous indignation.

"Have you heard? Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing are likely to move out."

"Really? How could they move away? After all, it's such a big factory."

"Besides, even if we move, where will we move? Don't they know that we can make money here?"

"What you said is too unstructured. Can't people make money if they move away?"

"You have to understand that it is Shanqiu Food and Hetu that made our Zhenghe County a success, not that our Zhenghe County has a success for others."

"Leaving us, he will still be able to do well and make a lot of money."

"But if they leave, what will we do here? The economy has just picked up after a while, and it will collapse in an instant."

"Yeah, I know what you said is right, but the problem is that Zhenghe County really has no right to accuse others of this matter."

"Let me tell you, I've heard that this Jiuquan Hardware had already signed a contract with someone else, but now it's going to be handed over to Sifang Industry, and it's still under the circumstances that Sifang Industry has been exposed so many scandals, you said If you were Zhao Shanhe, would you be able to swallow this breath?"

"Can't swallow!"

"So Zhao Shanhe did the right thing!"

And when the news started to spread wildly, Du Jingming also heard about it very quickly.

The moment he just heard about it, he was a little dazed, because he never dreamed that such a thing would happen again.

This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Zhao Shanhe actually wants to move the factory?

How could he move away?

If he said to move away, who would be the top taxpayer this year?Who will complete the target tasks assigned above?

Neither Zhenghe County nor Du Jingming could bear such a severe injury.

"Nanjue County? No, I have to ask quickly."

After speaking, Du Jingming picked up the phone and immediately dialed a number.

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