"Why, the conversation with Zhao Shanhe didn't go well." Xie Nanfang raised his eyebrows and said.


After Du Jingming sat down, he said helplessly, "Zhao Shanhe complained to me and said that we didn't do it kindly."

"Magistrate Xie, I think he's right, it's because we didn't do it kindly."

"It's a good thing, why do you have to make extra troubles?"

"And what Zhao Shanhe said was very correct. He asked us if we know Sifang Industry, and if we know what the company is like."

"I don't know anything, but I just want to hand over Jiuquan Hardware to them. Isn't this playing the piano randomly?"

After a short pause, Du Jingming continued, "After all, Hetu Manufacturing is a native enterprise in Zhenghe County, and we watched it develop step by step with our own eyes."

"There is no reason for us not to support local companies, but to support foreign ones?"

"County magistrate, who said that monks from outside can all recite scriptures? Are they all reciting scriptures?"

Du Jingming shook his head and said.

Xie Nanfang sighed, nodded and said, "I understand what you said, but didn't I say it? This matter also involves the city."

"Do you think that Sifang Industry was only recommended by Huang Fangjun, the director of Handong Tractor Factory?"

"No, there must be someone else behind Huang Fangjun."

"If there is no one else, how could Huang Fangjun do such a thankless thing."

"And take a step back, even if there is only Huang Fangjun, we can't ignore it."

"You have to be clear, Huang Fangjun is a real cadre at the department level, and it is said that he has plans to enter politics. If he works well, he can take my place and take charge of the government and the county."

"What do you think he will do under such circumstances? Will he still create a fair competition opportunity for Hetu? No, he will directly order Jiuquan Hardware to be handed over to Sifang Industry."

"So to be able to compete fairly is already an opportunity we have won for Hetu, and he, Zhao Shanhe, should be content!"

Xie Nanyu said earnestly: "Jingming, this matter is still in your hands. You can choose one of Hetu Manufacturing and Sifang Industry to contract Jiuquan Hardware."

"I have only one request: we must proceed from the vital interests of the workers of Jiuquan Hardware, and we will choose whoever offers better conditions."

"County magistrate, I understand!" Du Jingming replied with a frown.

This matter is difficult.

Made by Hetu.

After Zhao Shanhe came back here, he called Li Xiangyang and Yang E over, and after telling them the news he just got, he said solemnly: "Is this the current situation?"

"Sifang Industry? Where did this come from?" Li Xiangyang frowned puzzled.

"Sifang Industry?"

Yang E showed an expression of sudden realization, and explained to Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang's surprised glances, "I've heard of this company."

"Didn't I work in sales before? I ran around all over the world, and what I did was deal with the company. At that time, I heard people talk about Sifang Industry. It's just that the reputation of this company is not very good!"

"What do you mean by bad word of mouth?" Li Xiangyang couldn't help asking.

"That is to say, Sifang Industry does not follow the rules. It often takes advantage of legal loopholes to make money by playing around the edges."

"Although they are called an industrial company, except for one headquarter that is engaged in some industries, the rest of the branches are all leather bag companies."

Speaking of this, Yang E asked with some perplexity: "Mr. Zhao, how can a company like this come to our Zhenghe County to contract Jiuquan Hardware? This matter is clearly tricky."

"Yeah, you also know that there are tricks, but the problem is that our county doesn't know about it. Or even if they know about it, they will think this is a good opportunity."

"After all, it will allow us to offer higher terms to buy Jiuquan Hardware." Zhao Shanhe casually twirled the pencil and said without haste.

"Does anyone really think so?" Yang E looked surprised.

"There is nothing impossible about this. You must know that shopping malls are like battlefields, and people's hearts are unpredictable. Many times, there are many calculations, which cannot be seen on the bright side."

"But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that we discuss what to do next."

"If the county insists on letting Hetu Manufacturing compete with Sifang Industry and let them compete sideways, what should we do?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Then what else is there to think about, start a war with Sifang Industry!"

Li Xiangyang sneered and said: "I don't care what Sifang Industry is, as long as it dares to cause trouble in our Zhenghe County, if it dares to confront our Hetu Manufacturing, it must be killed!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Yang E.

"I also agree with Deputy Director Li's opinion."

Without any hesitation, Yang E said decisively: "Jiuquan Hardware is beneficial to the development of our Hetu Manufacturing, and there is no need to think about it."

"Since this is the case, then we can't say to let go of the meat that is almost at the mouth."

"And considering the notorious reputation of Sifang Industry, I have enough reasons to believe that they are doing this purely to take advantage of the opportunity to make money."

"Mr. Zhao, if this is the case, we should attack them all the more."

"There is another advantage of doing this, that is, as long as we succeed, no one will dare to underestimate us in the business circles of Zhenghe County from now on. Only then can we truly gain a firm foothold and have the right to speak."

These words reached Zhao Shanhe's heart.

Don't look at the fact that he owns two factories, Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing, and that these two factories are doing well, but when it comes to the status of the business community in Zhenghe County, Zhao Shanhe really can't talk about it. How prominent.

"Yang E is right, then let's attack Sifang Industrial!"

Zhao Shanhe made a decision on the spot.

Isn't it just Sifang Industry?If it is said that even Sifang Industry does not dare to snipe now, how can it compete with those big groups in the future?How can you go abroad to break out a world?

"Since we have decided to attack, we don't have to wait for Sifang Industry to make a move."

"What is the most important thing about Jiuquan Hardware? Talent! As for the equipment, if you can get it, you can get it. If you can't, it's nothing more than spending some money to buy it."

"So our top priority now is to sign contracts with all the senior technicians of Jiuquan Hardware as soon as possible. As long as we win these senior technicians, then we will be invincible in the competition with Sifang Industry."

Zhao Shanhe stood up, walked to the window, and said sharply, "Yang E, make an appointment with Chen Jiguo, I want to see him!"

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." Yang E turned and walked out after speaking.

"Xiangyang, we can't pin all our hopes on Chen Jiguo, you continue to do your work, and try to take down all the senior technicians of Jiuquan Hardware for me!" Zhao Shanhe said.


Li Xiangyang also turned and walked out of the office.

The matter is urgent, and everyone must move quickly.

When he was the only one left in the office, Zhao Shanhe called Li Qiucheng over with a phone call, and when he stood in front of him, Zhao Shanhe gave an order.

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

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