Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 210 You Made a Wrong Choice

county government.

Zhao Shanhe came to Du Jingming's office very quickly, and immediately asked straight to the point after sitting down: "County Du, what happened? You said that there is a new situation. Could it be that Jiuquan Hardware is not going to restructure?"

"That's not it."

Du Jingming shook his head, pushed the teacup in front of him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, please drink tea."

"What's the situation?" Zhao Shanhe stared at Du Jingming and asked.

"The situation is that a new company is involved in the contracting of Jiuquan Hardware. Because of this new company's involvement, the county is considering who to choose between your Hetu Manufacturing and them."

Du Jingming didn't hold back any more, and said directly.

"New company? What company?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Sifang Industry!"

The moment Du Jingming said the name, a gleam flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and it really was Sifang Industry.It seems that I remember correctly, it was this Sifang Industry that absorbed Jiuquan Hardware.

As for Sifang Industry, Zhao Shanhe didn't like it at all.

why would you say so?

Because Sifang Industry does not look like an industry by name, but what it actually does is capital operation. It has nothing to do with industry.

What they are best at is to use capital leverage to make profits through low-interest loans and reselling.

They are chanting slogans about how many jobs they will provide, but in fact it is impossible for them to provide a single job.

This is how Jiuquan Hardware was played to death in the previous life.

People in Zhenghe County are thinking that the arrival of Sifang Industry will definitely revitalize Jiuquan Hardware and save it.

Who would have thought that the final result would be that within three months, Sifang Industry would quickly collect money through Jiuquan Hardware, then pack it up and sell it, and finally leave with a large sum of money, leaving Zhenghe County a mess riddled with holes.

Although I said in the previous life that I couldn't stop you from Sifang Industry, but if you come here again in this life, no matter if it's for the people of Zhenghe or for the long-term development plan made by me in Hetu, I can't stand by and watch you succeed.

I want to snipe you.

"County Du, so the current situation is that our Hetu Manufacturing will compete with Sifang Industry?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly after he stabilized his mind.


Du Jingming said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Zhao, I'm actually leaning towards you on this matter."

"But there is no way. You also know that since Sifang Industry has publicly stated that it is interested in contracting Jiuquan Hardware, then our county can only do business."

"What's more, Comrade Huang Fangjun from the Municipal Tractor Factory is also involved in this."

"But don't worry, as long as the conditions offered by Hetu Manufacturing are not worse than those offered by Sifang Industry, then this quota will definitely be yours."

"So, Magistrate Du, you mean to let us compete fairly with Sifang Industry, and the one with the highest price wins?" Zhao Shanhe asked playfully.

"Yes!" Du Jingming nodded.

Although he said that this matter was a bit unreasonable, but it's okay, things have become like this, it is impossible for him to say that he publicly created a wave of flags and cheers for Hetu.

After all, there are people in Zhenghe County who support Sifang Industry, and Du Jingming has no way to refute the reasons given by them.

The reason is that there is an opportunity to win more benefits for Jiuquan Hardware, why give up?

"Major Du, our county is not doing this properly."

Zhao Shanhe raised Erlang's legs, looked over with awe-inspiring eyes, and said in a mocking tone.

"Before today, our county said that it hoped that I could contract Jiuquan Hardware, hoped that I could revitalize this hardware factory, and hoped that I could find a way out for those workers. Did I say anything?"

"I didn't say anything, did I? I just agreed."

"But now you guys have come up with something like this!"

"What does this mean? Is it forcing us to continue to increase the size of Hetu Manufacturing?"

"I think the conditions we offer are already generous enough, even Sifang Industry may not be much better than us."

"Is it interesting that you insist on doing this?"

"This!" Du Jingming hesitated.

"and also!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes became colder and colder.

"County Du, what kind of situation we are creating in Hetu, you know best in your heart, and everyone in our county knows it very well. We just do business cleanly and cleanly."

"But what about Sifang Industry?"

"Do you know the details of this company? Do you know how they invest and build factories? Do you know what they will do after acquiring and annexing Jiuquan Hardware?"

"I guess you don't know, not only you don't know, but there are not many people in Zhenghe County who know about it. For you, as long as someone comes to compete with our Hetu, that's a good thing."

"Eggs can't be put in one basket after all!"

After saying this, Zhao Shanhe slowly controlled his emotions, but the expression on his face was still very angry.

"County Du, I just want to tell you so much. It's better to investigate Sifang Industry to see if they are worth what you are doing."

"Of course, the final decision is still in your hands. You can choose whoever you want."

"As for the conditions of our Hetu manufacturing"

"It's what we said in the initial agreement. We won't add another one. If the county is willing to trust Hetu Manufacturing and me, then we will sign the contract."

"If you say you don't want to, then I can only say, unfortunately, you made the wrong choice."

Strong and awe-inspiring.

No worries.

This is the powerful aura displayed by Zhao Shanhe.

You make things like this, do you mean that I am not even qualified to complain and vent?

No, I just want to do this, I just want to let you know my attitude through this deliberate venting.


After seeing Zhao Shanhe's reaction so fiercely, Du Jingming immediately said: "Mr. Zhao, don't get excited. This matter has not been finalized yet. The county just has such an idea."

"Don't worry, it's still the same sentence, I support your Hetu creation!"

"County Du, I still have a lot of trust in you. After all, many workers from Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing were recommended by you."

"Just for this, I believe that you are sincerely supporting us, and you really want to give our local enterprises in Zhenghe County a chance to develop."

"My, what I said just now is also about the matter and not the person, so don't worry about it." Zhao Shanhe's tone softened a lot.

"No, you are right. Supporting the development of local enterprises has always been the principle of our Zhenghe County." Du Jingming said.

"Du County, that's all for now. I'm waiting for your news." Zhao Shanhe stood up quickly and said neither humble nor overbearing.


Du Jingming got up and sent Zhao Shanhe out of the office, and then he didn't go back, he went up to the third floor after a corner, and knocked on the door of the county magistrate Xie Nanfang's office.

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