The Gong family has strong connections in Qingshan City.

The Gong family values ​​face the most.

Even if the equipment matter was Gong Jiaquan's fault, he couldn't say that he was wronged like this. He had to get back his face.

Otherwise, it would lose the face of the Gong family and make everyone laugh.

"I think I should tell Wei Wushu about this? After all, he was the one who made the match at the beginning. And he and Zhao Shanhe are still classmates. If he knew that this matter turned out like this, would he think too much?" Yang Xiurong said softly. Said softly.

"Wei Wu Shu?"

After Gong Jiaquan heard the name, he waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Whatever he does!"

"An inconspicuous little character, he really treats me as a brother! I just think he can bring me benefits, so I talk and laugh with him. When something really happens, who is he?" !"

"And if you don't talk about it, I wouldn't have thought of it. Yes, he and Zhao Shanhe are classmates. Now that Zhao Shanhe has done things like this, then he can't escape responsibility. I can't deal with Zhao Shanhe, but I can Deal with him. That's right, why didn't I think of this, I was slapping Zhao Shanhe in the face when I dealt with him."

The more Gong Jiaquan thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Seeing how excited Gong Jiaquan was, Yang Xiurong frowned slightly.

"What? Do you think it's wrong to do this?" Gong Jiaquan looked over.


Yang Xiurong hesitated for a while, but decided to speak out.

"Wei Wushu is a small person no matter how you say it. It's easy for you to deal with him. But the problem is that he used to have a good relationship with you, and he recommended you for the equipment of Meng Dairy Industry. If you say you deal with him If it is, I am afraid that it will affect your reputation if it gets out."

"Ha ha!"

Who would have thought that after Gong Jiaquan heard this, he would come forward, lift Yang Xiurong's chin, and kiss it fiercely.In Yang Xiurong's astonished eyes, he said proudly: "Do you really think I'm stupid? I will use my name to do this? Don't be funny, I will arrange for others to do this, just wait and see Let's play."

"Even if Zhao Shanhe can't be dealt with for the time being, we still have to make things difficult for him."

"Zhao Shanhe, if Wei Wushu knew that his misfortune was all because of you, do you think he would treat you as a brother? Jie Jie, I am looking forward to seeing the scene of your brothers fighting each other."

Yang Xiurong stopped persuading her.

Just when she was about to say something else, the door of the office suddenly knocked from outside, and before Gong Jiaquan agreed, the door was pushed open brutally.

Wei Wushu rushed in with anger on his face.

"Mr. Gong, he forced his way in, but we didn't stop him."

A few people followed behind Wei Wushu, explaining in panic.


Gong Jiaquan waved his hands and said nonchalantly, "Go out."


Wei Wushu didn't care about this, he raised his finger at Gong Jiaquan, and shouted angrily: "Gong Jiaquan, what do you mean? Did I tell you that Zhao Shanhe is my friend and brother, how could you deceive me?" he?"

"The equipment you gave him doesn't work at all, forget it, you say you repair it. You want [-] for a repair, are you crazy? What kind of broken thing is worth [-] for repairs?"

"Let me tell you, I let Zhao Shanhe sign the contract with you because we are all friends. You can't cheat me like this. If you cheat me like this, how can I have the face to meet him?"

"Hit you?"

Gong Jiaquan slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Wei Wushu's nose and said dismissively: "Wei Wushu, what are you, how dare you yell at me! What do you think I am here? The queen of your family The garden? The vegetable market outside? Let me tell you, if you can't speak, get the hell out of here, you are not welcome here."

"Gong Jiaquan, how can you talk like that? Aren't we brothers?"

Hearing this, Wei Wushu's face changed greatly, and he stared in disbelief.


Gong Jiaquan sneered again and again, with a haughty look in his eyes.

"Are you worthy of calling me a brother?"

"Wei Wushu, people like you, I can't afford to climb high! Didn't you say that Zhao Shanhe is your friend, and that if you cooperate with him, there is no problem with my equipment? Now? It hasn't happened yet, just say me The equipment has quality problems, and my people went to repair it, but they disliked the high maintenance fee.”

"What do you mean? Dare he want to go whoring for nothing? Don't think about it! If he is like this, you and him are brothers, and you are not a good bird, so you should hurry up and rest somewhere!"


Wei Wushu was dumbfounded.

He was really pissed off.

He wishfully thought that Gong Jiaquan was his brother and his friend, so he introduced him to Zhao Shanhe.But who would have thought that in Gong Jiaquan's eyes, he was a clown.

"What's wrong with me? Looking at you, do you still want to do it? All right, if you have the ability to hit me, I want to see if you have the guts!" Gong Jiaquan sneered.

"Beat him to death!"

Looking at Gong Jiaquan's rampant face, Wei Wushu really wanted to make a move, but he was not a young man, and he could still control it at critical moments.

He knew who Gong Jiaquan was, and he also knew how strong the energy behind the Gong family was. If he really did something, he would definitely be wiped out.It's a trivial matter to be unlucky, but what about the family?

Thinking of this, Wei Wushu took a deep breath with a cold tone.

"Gong Jiaquan, after today, we will cut off our friendship."

After speaking, Wei Wushu turned around and left.

Looking at his back, Gong Jiaquan smiled disdainfully.

"Wei Wushu, I know you have a good relationship with Zhao Shanhe, and you will definitely talk to him about it. If that's the case, I'll ask you to bring him a message. Just my equipment, 10 yuan a piece There is no less money, he must call me. Also, if the equipment is to operate normally, a maintenance fee of [-] yuan is also necessary."

"He is willing to serve tea and apologize, so let's forget about it."

"If not, let alone 12, even if it is 20, I will continue to play with him, and I will let him know, don't think that if you take care of Huang Fenghua, you can walk sideways in Qingshan City. How deep the water is, he will never know."


Wei Wushu snorted coldly and left without looking back.

"Mr. Gong, I didn't expect it to turn out like this. Since Wei, Wu and Shu have all said they will break up with you, do you still need someone else to deal with him?" Yang Xiurong asked.

"of course."

Gong Jiaquan said with a smile: "I keep my word. If I let others do it, I will never show up in person. I should leave this matter to others. I can rest assured."

"I am a person, I don't want to see this kind of sword light and sword shadow."

Yang Xiurong: "..."


into the night.

At a barbecue stand in Qingshan City.

Wei Wushu and Zhao Shanhe sat opposite each other.

Seven or eight empty beer bottles were already placed under the table, and Wei Wushu, who blushed a little from drinking, picked up the wine in his glass and said in a muffled voice, "Shanhe, come, let me toast you again."

"You are missing."

Zhao Shanhe saw Wei Wushu who was aggrieved and drinking like this, put the wine glass directly beside him, and said with a serious expression: "General Wei, if you have anything to say, you can say it now. You can save yourself and drink." If you're drunk, it's not easy to talk to me."


Wei Wushu's face became more and more red.

In this kind of aggrieved, he sighed hard, looked up at Zhao Shanhe, shook his head and said: "Shanhe, you are right, I really have something to tell you, but I don't know how to say it. Because I I'm sorry, I'm guilty, I..."

"You're talking about Tianhua Machinery, right?" Zhao Shanhe interrupted with a wave of his hand.


Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said bluntly, Wei Wushu didn't hide it. He blushed and said, "Shanhe, I did something wrong with Tianhua Machinery, and I didn't think too much about it. I mistrusted Gong Jiaquan. If I had known that he was such a person, I would never recommend him to you, but now I have cheated you."

"I already know about your equipment, don't worry, since I did it, I will be responsible to the end."

"I will contact other manufacturers to see if I can find supporting equipment for you in the shortest possible time. You don't have to worry about the money for this equipment, I will pay for it."

"Are you coming out? What nonsense are you talking about? Why, did you get drunk just after drinking a few bottles?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled speechlessly.

"No, I'm not drunk, I'm serious, I'm telling you this very seriously. You just let me buy this device for you, or I feel very uncomfortable, and I can't live with myself It's in my heart."

Wei Wushu's eyes were blood red.

"Old Wei! Wei Wushu, listen to me clearly, the matter of Tianhua Machinery was something that neither you nor I thought of. I cooperated with them because of your recommendation, but it was not your fault. Because I Even if you are working with them, you should check their qualifications in advance, I did not do this, and this is my fault."

Zhao Shanhe slammed the wine bottle with a solemn expression.

"Don't say that, the more you say that, the more uncomfortable I feel."

Wei Wushu's entire face flushed with shame.

"Also, I heard that you are not going to settle the final payment for Tianhua Machinery, nor agree to pay the maintenance fee. Let me tell you, if you do this, I will absolutely support you."

"But this Gong Jiaquan is not an ordinary person. The Gong family behind him is a very powerful business family in Qingshan City. He said in front of me today that he will retaliate against you and ask you to be careful."

"So you really have to be careful with this matter."

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the corners of his lips, casually picked up a salted peanut and ate it, and said casually, "If he really dares to do this, I'm not afraid."

"Isn't it just a Gong family? It doesn't matter. It's not because I was frightened that I can get to this day."

"Even if the Gong family is powerful, so what? We must know that the country is governed by law. If they are not afraid of violating the law, then come and see who can touch whom?"

Feeling the arrogance revealed in Zhao Shanhe's words, the kind of pride in Wei Wushu's heart also spontaneously emerged.

He couldn't help standing up, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said loudly: "That's right, it's not that the two of us brothers didn't have a big trouble back then, and the scene back then didn't scare us, and now the Gong family doesn't care. "

"No matter what, let's carry it together!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe also raised his wine glass, and after the two touched it, they drank it down in one gulp.


the next day.

When Zhao Shanhe just walked into the gate of Meng Dairy, he found that Qian Junheng from the county government was waiting for him in front of the building, so he walked forward quickly.

"Yo, Qianxian, when did you come? Tell me before you come, I'll be waiting."

"No, I just didn't want you to make a big fuss, so I came here by myself. Director Zhao, do you have time, let's talk a few words?" Qian Junheng smiled heartily.

"Of course there is!"

The two of them didn't say they entered the office, but walked forward along the path in front of them. Without taking two steps, they came to the front of the production workshop and saw the equipment that had been tossed out.

Qian Junheng stopped, pointed to this equipment and said bluntly: "Director Zhao, I have already heard about the matter between you Meng Dairy Industry and Tianhua Machinery. The point of your conflict is this equipment, right?"

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe looked over with deep meaning in his eyes, and said thoughtfully, "Qian County, are you here to be a lobbyist for Tianhua Machinery?"

"A lobbyist?"

Qian Junheng shook his head, and said calmly: "I am not a lobbyist for Tianhua Machinery, and Tianhua Machinery is not qualified to do so."

"Although the Gong family has a lot of energy in Qingshan City, especially in the business circle, don't forget that I am the chief official of the Huang'an County Government. No matter how the Gong family is, please don't move me. guest."

"If you say that, I'm relieved. I'm really afraid that you will be the lobbyist, let me take out the money for this equipment, and ask me to apologize to Tianhua Machinery for this equipment. If it is true In that case, Qianxian, I can only say I'm sorry." Zhao Shanhe let out a sigh of relief and then smiled comfortably.


Qian Junheng shook his head, and said speechlessly: "You think too much, do you think I might do that? Don't forget, I am the chief official of Huang'an County, and your Mongolian Milk Industry is now my company in Huang'an County. I can't push you out anyway?"

"I'm telling you this, just to tell you that I have already cleared up the matter of this device."

"I think you are doing the right thing. After all, if any company wants to develop, the quality of the equipment must be guaranteed. A piece of equipment with problems will delay the progress just by causing trouble."

"So you can do whatever you want in this matter, and the Huang'an county government will always be your strong backing!"

"Thank you Qian County, I really appreciate it."

Zhao Shanhe was moved to express his gratitude, and his gratitude was sincere.

After all, in his opinion, the Gong family, a behemoth that has been entrenched in Qingshan City for such a long time, will more or less affect Qian Junheng's choice. Even if Qian Junheng came to be a lobbyist, he can understand .

Who would have thought it was not.

This huge gap really brought Zhao Shanhe a kind of unexpected joy, and it is also the surprise today, which will give Qian Junheng unimaginable benefits in the near future.

"you are welcome."

Qian Junheng waved his arm, and what he said again made Zhao Shanhe a little astonished.

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