Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1036 How angry is this?

Cancel cooperation!

Everyone was shocked by Zhao Shanhe's words, they couldn't believe it was true.

Especially the people from Tianhua Machinery, they were all dumbfounded and stood there blankly.

Lu Bingyi looked even more dull.

"Cancel the cooperation? Director Zhao, are you serious?" Lu Bingyi asked anxiously after swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "I just made it very clear that to cancel the cooperation is to cancel. Your Tianhua Machinery's platoon is too big, and our Mongolian milk industry can't bear it. We won't bear the head office, right?"

"How did you get this device, please take it away."

"Also, you only have half a day to pull it away. If you say you can't pull it away before sunset today, I will pull it directly to the open space outside."

"No, Director Zhao, you can't do this. There is a contract between us. You have to act according to the contract, right? You can't say that you can do whatever you want. What is this?" Lu Bingyi shouted impatiently.

"Contract? Do you know there is a contract between us?"

Zhao Shanhe sneered and sneered again and again.

"I believe that as far as today's incident is concerned, anyone who encounters it will know who broke the contract first. Since you don't take the contract seriously, why do you ask us to abide by it?"

"No, you can't do this. Didn't you Meng Dairy say that it will start production soon? If you say this, you don't have other equipment to use, and you will delay the production time, and you will..."

"It's none of your business!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, interrupted Lu Bingyi directly, and said unceremoniously: "Even if we delay time, it is our own business. Does it have anything to do with you and Tianhua Machinery?"

"No, it should be related."

"I will report what happened today in detail, and then let the society judge. Let them see whether we are making trouble for no reason, or you Tianhua Machinery is bullying others."

"I hope that by then, you guys from Tianhua Machinery will still be as confident as you are!"

After saying this, Zhao Shanhe turned to Yang E and said, "Section Chief Yang, see off the guests!"


Yang Ke stared at Lu Bingyi, and said calmly: "Lu Bingyi, from now on, you have five hours to take this device away, and you will not wait!"

Zhao Shanhe turned around and left.

Xiao Mingyu followed behind.

After a brief silence, the workers watching suddenly burst into applause.

All of them had an excited expression on their faces, and their eyes were full of admiration when they looked at Zhao Shanhe's back.

Some of them are old employees left by Tianyuan Milk Factory, and some are new employees recruited later.

No matter who they are, in their previous careers, they have never encountered such a strong boss as Zhao Shanhe.

For the dignity of his own people, he did not hesitate to fight hard.

Such a boss has courage!

It's even more exciting to work with such a boss!

"I didn't expect that our Director Zhao is so mighty!"

"Where is this? Have you forgotten what happened to Huang Fenghua two days ago? Didn't he just molested our Xiao Gong? What happened? He went to jail!"

"It's more than that, let me tell you, our director Zhao still has a lot of things like this kind of protection, let me tell you about it."


The workers in the Meng Dairy Industry were all excited.

And the people of Tianhua Machinery were all looking at each other in blank dismay, frowning, they never dreamed that things would develop like this.

According to the previous law, Zhao Shanhe should be subdued, and then he should flatter us and say good things, begging us to repair the equipment quickly, entertaining with good wine and food, and the red envelopes must be big.

But what is this now?

Play off?

And they must know that the consequences of playing off are not something they can bear at all. A piece of equipment worth [-] yuan was returned like this, which is a fatal blow to the image of Tianhua Machinery.

What's more, if Zhao Shanhe didn't joke and exposed this matter, Tianhua Machinery would be in trouble immediately.

"Lu Gong, what do you say now?"

"I just said that this kind of thing can't be done? You see it's messed up?"

"Shut up, what can't be done? It's a fact that our equipment has problems. You can't admit it, can you?"

There was this mosquito-like sound in his ears, and Lu Bingyi became more and more restless the more he listened, and after he raised his head to interrupt, he said with a cold face: "You all calm down, I'll go outside and contact our President Gong, what's the matter waiting for me?" Come back and talk."

"it is good!"

Lu Bingyi didn't have a big brother, so he could only go to the phone booth outside to make a call, and when he got connected there, his tone suddenly became respectful.

"President Gong, it's me."

Gong is always a middle-aged man in his forties. He is wearing a linen casual suit and is teasing a parrot in a cage with a stick.

"Old Lu, are you done with your affairs?" Gong Jiaquan asked casually.

"How can it be done? It's a mess." Lu Bingyi said anxiously.

"Fuck it? What do you mean?"

Gong Jiaquan, who was originally calm and breezy, suddenly froze.

"It's our equipment. Isn't it reassembled with the parts that were eliminated before? Now that equipment has an accident, I have paid [-] yuan for the maintenance of Meng Dairy Industry according to what you said, but who would want Not only did they not repair it, but they asked us to take it away directly."

"Just now, Zhao Shanhe, their factory director, said that they canceled the cooperation with our Tianhua Machinery."

"That's not counting, he also asked us to take this equipment away before sunset. If he doesn't take it away, he will throw it outside as scrap iron."

"President Gong, what do you think we should do about this?"

Lu Bingyi said emphatically, although every sentence sounds correct, but it is clearly fanning the flames, putting him in the position of a victim, telling Zhao Shanhe's arrogance and unreasonableness.

"What? How dare Zhao Shanhe do this? It's simply unreasonable!"


Gong Jiaquan's eyes turned cold, and he broke the stick on the spot.

"He, Zhao Shanhe, doesn't think this is still Handong City, does he? He thinks this is his territory, so he is so unscrupulous in doing things. He doesn't care about our Tianhua Machinery!"

"What I'm saying is, I've already reported you, but he doesn't give you any face." Lu Bingyi was furious.


After Gong Jiaquan snorted twice, he said indifferently: "Didn't he say that he would take the equipment outside? All right, let him fix it. You bring our people back now, and we will go to him tomorrow to settle the final payment." .”


Lu Bingyi's hanging heart suddenly fell.

If Gong Jiaquan came forward in this matter, he would not be afraid.You must know that in this Qingshan City, no one dared not to give Gong Jiaquan face, but the Gong family stood behind him.

But anyone who has a little knowledge of Qingshan City will know that it is the most unwise choice to offend the Gong family here.Are you really Tianhua Machinery the lifeblood of Gong Jiaquan?Stop making trouble, here is a toy that the Gong family gave Gong Jiaquan to play with.

People can throw this toy away at any time, but throwing it away is throwing it away. If you forced him to throw it away, then Zhao Shanhe, you can wait for revenge.

If it weren't for this, do you think Tianhua Machinery would dare to take a piece of assembled equipment to deal with errands?Do you think Lu Bingyi dares to offer a sky-high maintenance fee of [-] yuan?

in the office.

No one expected this kind of thing to happen. Xiao Mingyu was still furious when he thought of Lu Bingyi's face just now, and said angrily: "An enterprise like Tianhua Machinery should never cooperate with them, and it must always be drawn in." Blacklist. If you don't say it, the most important thing is that it will delay our production plan."

"Fortunately, we only purchased such a piece of equipment from Tianhua Machinery, otherwise, we would be in great trouble." Cai Shishi felt a little lucky when he thought of this.

"It's really bad enough."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the information of Tianhua Machinery in front of him, and said calmly: "Tianhua Machinery has a backstage background in Qingshan City, so it dares to be so unscrupulous."

"Although Tianyuan Milk Factory said that it cooperated with them before, the problem is that the scale of Tianyuan Milk Factory is so small, and the equipment it needs is also very low-end, so there will be no accidents. Even if there is an accident, it can only be Bad luck."

"But Tianhua Machinery is wrong to think that we are easy to bully like Tianyuan."

"This matter will be handled according to what I said, and all cooperation with Tianhua Machinery will be completely cancelled."


Cai Shishi respectfully accepted the order.

"Then what should we do now? If the installation and commissioning of this equipment cannot be completed on time, it will directly affect our work plan." Xiao Mingyu said anxiously.

"Do not worry!"

Zhao Shanhe snapped together the information of Tianhua Machinery, and said with an easy-going expression: "I have already talked about this with Donghua Trading, Mr. Song said that he has such equipment over there, and it will definitely be delivered within a week. Come over to complete the installation and commissioning."

"That's great!" Xiao Mingyu smiled openly.

Cai Shishi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, factory manager, if according to what you said, this Tianhua Machinery has a backstage background, will it be like Huang Fenghua, who will retaliate against us? After all, people like Lu Bingyi can see this What kind of virtue is the boss of Tianhua Machinery, Gong Jiaquan?" Xiao Mingyu suddenly frowned and asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand calmly.

"I still don't believe that the soldiers will block the water and cover it with the earth. He alone, Gong Jiaquan, can take care of our Meng Dairy Industry. Besides, isn't there Deputy Mayor Bai Jianyuan here? With him, he can block many open and hidden arrows." Yes. And as long as we are given time to start production, by then, I see who will dare to trouble us.”

"Director, you have so much confidence in our Mongolian milk industry!" Xiao Mingyu said with emotion.

"That is!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his head proudly.

"I'm full of confidence. If you don't believe me, just wait and see how the Mongolian milk industry rises step by step!"

"We're waiting!"

Cai Shishi and Xiao Mingyu looked at each other and smiled.

"Go get busy."


10 minute later.

Zhao Shanhe knew Lu Bingyi's attitude, because they patted their buttocks and left like this.Just when he was about to order someone to carry that device out, the phone on the table rang.

"Hello, Zhao Shanhe from Mongolia Milk Industry."

"I know you are Zhao Shanhe, I said, is it too much for you to do things?"

A rather angry voice came from the phone.

"Who are you?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.

"Gong Jiaquan, Director of Tianhua Machinery Factory." Gong Jiaquan said proudly.

Zhao Shanhe sat up straight slowly, and said with a playful look: "So it's Mr. Gong, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, Zhao Shanhe, are you playing tricks for me to pretend to be confused? I called you, don't you know why? If I don't know, I will tell you, my device, you If you dare to carry it out as scrap iron for me, I will never end with you!" Gong Jiaquan shouted aggressively.


Zhao Shanhe was too lazy to waste his time talking, so he just died.

"What the hell!"


Gong Jiaquan over there was stunned on the spot when he heard the bursts of blind voices coming from the microphone.

Then he realized that Zhao Shanhe had hung up the phone, and he threw the microphone on the table out of anger.

"President Gong, are you okay?"

Vice President Yang Xiurong, who had been waiting to report on work, was startled when he saw Gong Jiaquan's appearance, and hurriedly asked.You must know that she has been following Gong Jiaquan for three or four years, and she has never seen him like this.

How angry this must be.


Gong Jiaquan glanced at Yang Xiurong's charming face, and then temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart.

Although Yang Xiurong has long been his woman, she is not a vase, she is a woman with real skills, otherwise she would not be entrusted with the important task of vice president.

When she asked like this, Gong Jiaquan would definitely answer.

"It's Zhao Shanhe from the Meng Dairy Industry. He dared to hang up on my phone. He is really tired. Believe it or not, on the ground of Qingshan City, I will destroy his prestige in minutes."

Gong Jiaquan's eyes were fierce.

"Zhao Shanhe from Meng Dairy Industry?"

Yang Xiurong suddenly realized that, as Gong Jiaquan's woman and confidant, she knew everything about him.Of course, he is also aware of the tricks between Lu Bingyi and that device.You don't have to think about it, it's not like you haven't done it before.

It's just that this time Zhao Shanhe didn't give Gong Jiaquan face and dumped his face.

"Mr. Gong, what are you going to do about this matter? Are you following the old rules to make trouble for the Meng Dairy Industry and force Zhao Shanhe to beg for mercy?" Yang Xiurong asked in a low voice after putting the microphone away.

"Old rules? No!"

Gong Jiaquan was angry, he was not a brainless person.

"You should have heard about what happened to Huang Fenghua in Huang'an County. Although Huang Fenghua is just a pawn, he can't compare with me. But the matter is the same. Meng Milk Industry has already registered in the city. , is being taken care of by Deputy Mayor Bai Jianyuan, so we can no longer do anything casually."

"Then what should we do? Just let it go?" Yang Xiurong asked eagerly.

"Of course not."

Gong Jiaquan's eyes narrowed into a straight line.

"In that case, won't we become a joke of Qingshan City?"

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