After the two came to Zhang Xiao's courtyard, Liu Haijun was amazed, because he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to have a courtyard, which surprised him a bit.

"When did you buy this courtyard house?" Liu Haijun asked curiously.

"This is given to me by my master." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's right, your master is really good to you apprentices." Liu Haijun also said in admiration, "It is said that every apprentice who leaves the master will be given [-]% of the shares in the industry, which is really a big deal. "

"Really? But my master is really kind to me." Zhang Xiao thanked Mo Wenxin from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for his master, he wouldn't be able to make so much money so quickly.

"Well, I'll call my friend and ask him to come here. You two can discuss it yourself. It depends on your choice." Liu Haijun took out his mobile phone and said with a smile.

"Then thank you very much." Zhang Xiao thanked quickly.

"You're welcome, who made us friends." Liu Haijun said indifferently.

Friend, Zhang Xiao immediately laughed when he heard this title. Zhang Xiao knew that Liu Haijun valued him because of his ability in antique appreciation, but it was not important. To be valued by the arrogant Mr. Liu was a manifestation of strength.

After Liu Haijun called, he said to Zhang Xiao: "What is the investment direction of your investment company? Do you want to enter the stock market?"

"Without that plan, I only have so much money, and the stock market is at its peak right now, so the risk is really too great." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, because he knew that although the stock market was booming this year, countless people were waving money and running Entering the market, the myth of getting rich overnight is constantly being staged, but he knows better that he is now in the last moment of madness, although it will continue until May of next year, and he has no time to keep an eye on the market all the time, and now entering the market can only be reduced to Chopped leeks.

After Liu Haijun was slightly taken aback, he couldn't help but said, "Do you think the current stock market will continue to rise?"

"I don't know, and I haven't paid attention to the stock market, so I dare not jump to conclusions." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"Then what are you planning to invest in?" Liu Haijun was obviously very interested in what Zhang Xiao invested in, and this was the second time he had asked.

"Invest in some companies. After all, many companies have difficulty in financing now. I need to find some companies with future development prospects to invest in, so that the risk will be lower, and once successful, the benefits will be countless times." Zhang Xiao did not hide. Keep it in mind, after all, there are many investment companies in China now, and many people are doing this kind of thing.

Liu Haijun smiled and said, "Okay, you can let me know when you invest. If I have spare money, I will invest with you."

"Okay, no problem." Zhang Xiao readily accepted the olive branch offered by Liu Haijun.

After all, in Zhang Xiao's memory, there are many companies that are suitable for investment, and his funds are so much now. If he wants to earn more benefits, he will inevitably bring some people to invest together. This will not only change the relationship between them We can get closer together, and we can use Liu Haijun's own network resources.

Not long after, Liu Haijun's friend walked in.

"Navy!" The visitor had a fair face, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and was wearing a well-fitting suit with a long windbreaker. He opened his arms towards Liu Haijun as soon as he entered the door, and shouted softly.

"Zong Rui." Liu Haijun also greeted him a little excitedly.

The two hugged each other fiercely and slapped each other's backs. It was obvious that the relationship between the two was very deep.

"This is Zhang Xiao, a very discerning antique connoisseur, Master Xin's closed disciple." Liu Haijun introduced Zhang Xiao to Zong Rui, and then said to Zhang Xiao, "This is Zong Rui, my little boy, Haval A top student in the university, he once worked for the famous Lehman Brothers."

"Hello, Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and looked at Zong Rui.

Zong Rui also stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Xiao, looked at Zhang Xiao and said at the same time: "Hello, Zong Rui."

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao greeted Liu Haijun and Zong Rui to return to the house, and the three of them sat on the sofa around the coffee table.

Zhang Xiao took the lead and said: "I have just established an investment company and need to find an investment manager. The company is currently in the initial stage of establishment. I heard that Mr. Zong has just returned to China. I wonder if he is interested in joining our company."

Zong Rui didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be so straightforward. He glanced at Liu Haijun, Liu Haijun nodded to him, and then Zong Rui asked, "Mr. Zhang, what is the future investment direction of your company?"

"Investment companies naturally focus on profitable projects. As long as there are good investment projects, we shouldn't miss them." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zong Rui nodded and said, "What about the capital, how much is the company's registered capital?"

"Currently it is 1000 million." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, he knew that this amount of money was too little for Zong Rui.

Zong Rui also shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Zhang, your goal is ambitious, but your funds are too small. Even if you find a good investment project, the company's funds are not enough at all." invest."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "Mr. Zong is right, but this is often the case. When there is money, there may be no projects, but when there are projects, there is no money. Therefore, we need to invest selectively."

Having said that, Zhang Xiao paused slightly, and then continued to say: "My company is for investment. Although the capital is only 1000 million, this is just the beginning. What I have to do now is to establish the framework of the company. , and then look for a suitable investment project, I believe that as long as the project is suitable, there should be no problem with the money."

Zong Rui nodded and said, "That's true."

Afterwards, Zong Rui fell into deep thought. Although he just came back from abroad, he also has some judgments about the current economic situation. He knows that the country is developing at a high speed and there are many opportunities. However, although he is not very optimistic about Zhang Xiao's company, he still It is an opportunity for him to join a newly established investment company. After all, he can give full play to his talents in this company, instead of doing odd jobs like in Lehman Brothers.

"I agree to join Mr. Zhang's company, but I hope that I will recruit all the people in my team." Zong Rui finally made a decision, so he said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"There's nothing wrong with that. After all, you're the only one in the company right now." Zhang Xiao readily agreed, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't agree. Although he wanted to recruit people himself, he really didn't have that much time.

In fact, Zhang Xiao originally just wanted to establish a leather bag company, mainly for the purpose of avoiding taxes reasonably, so that he could pay about 20.00% less tax. However, Zhang Xiao chose to establish an investment company. The reason is that he can invest in the name of the company when encountering good investment projects, instead of investing in his own name.

Zong Rui's joining the company is of great benefit to Zhang Xiao. At least the company's framework can be established in a short period of time, and Zong Rui will try his best to find suitable investment projects.

As for the loss of money in the investment project, Zhang Xiao is not too worried. After all, after finding the project, he still needs to make a final decision. From his perspective of more than 20 years of experience, the possibility of losing money is not very high. The problem of earning more and earning less.

Afterwards, the three of them came to a Beijing mutton hot pot restaurant not far from the courtyard, and started eating and drinking Erguotou.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Xiao went back to the courtyard alone, while Liu Haijun took Zong Rui and left by car.

Zhang Xiao lay on the deck chair in the courtyard of the courtyard, looking at the blue sky, couldn't help but sigh, in a few years, such a blue sky will be rarely seen.

Then Zhang Xiao thought about the company's future development. After all, the company has been established, and the company's development is still clueless. Although he knows the future development direction, investing in this kind of thing requires detailed research, and He has no time to do this.

Zhang Xiao is aware of his shortcoming, that is, his low level of education. In his previous life, he just went to an ordinary college, and most of the jobs he participated in were doing basic work. What is needed is to learn more knowledge. As for money and wealth, we can only rely on some memories from previous lives to accumulate.

Zhang Xiao knows that the more wealth one has, if one does not have the corresponding strength or ability, it will only be a source of trouble.

There are many people who get rich overnight, but few are able to keep their wealth and increase its value in the end, and the reason is very simple, that is, your knowledge is not worthy of your wealth at all, and you will lose your wealth at a faster rate. drain.

Zhang Xiao didn't want to rely on some foresight and meager knowledge in his previous life to earn wealth, and after losing these, he would lose his wealth at a faster rate, so that he could only become a loser again like his previous life.

Some people may say that they can retire early after earning wealth, enjoy life, and travel around the world to spend the rest of their lives.

But Zhang Xiao understands that when you have a huge amount of wealth, there will be countless people thinking about your wealth and wanting to retire. You don't know the success or failure at all, and you can't refuse, this is the reality of society.

It will not be transferred by anyone's will. Since ancient times, how many people have had huge wealth and can die well. The more wealth you have, the more people will care about your wealth. There is no matching ability and strength , will only become someone else's dinner.

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