Zhang Xiao shook her head and said, "That's not true, but many things have to be prepared for the worst, and the 500 million is just the last way out."

"Okay, I understand when you say that. I'll finish the matter when I go back and deposit it in the Bank of China. After all, it's the country's top four banks, so there shouldn't be any accidents." Zhang Hongjun nodded solemnly.

"Then go to bed early, and tomorrow I will ask the driver to take you home directly." Zhang Xiao then bid farewell to his parents.

After Zhang Xiao left, Zhang Hongjun lit a cigarette, and said with some melancholy: "Oh, the child is growing up, and many things are clearly arranged, but it seems that I am a little incompetent."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are complaining about your child's achievements." Yang Lan said with some dissatisfaction, "But Zhang Xiao is a little weird today, and she even arranged a way out."

"Don't think too much, my son's vision is wider than mine now, and our family has nothing at all. Even if he goes back to the past, at least he still has the 500 million?" Zhang Hongjun saw it very clearly, and said to Yang Lan.

"That's true." Yang Lan had no better way to do this, so she could only comfort herself.

But Zhang Xiao, who returned to the room, was thinking about how to increase his wealth quickly. Originally, he didn't feel much when he was in school. With tens of millions, Zhang Xiao felt that the money was even more insufficient.

Zhang Xiao also knows that his thoughts are a bit dangerous now, which is a manifestation of arrogance, and this is often the beginning of failure, so he will leave a way out for himself and his family, even if he fails in the future, there will be a comeback Chance.

Preparing for the worst is the only thing Zhang Xiao can do at present. Although he knows the general trend of development, who knows the specific details unless he has actually experienced them, and details often determine success or failure.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao sent her parents to the car on the way home, and watched the car merge into the traffic flow before Zhang Xiao went back to check out.

After checking out, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard. He needed to hurry up to arrange the company's affairs, and it was imminent to find someone he could trust to be the general manager.

Just when Zhang Xiao was going to go out to have a look outside, the phone rang and Zhang Xiao answered the phone.

"Zhang Xiao, I'm Liu Haijun." Liu Haijun's voice came from the microphone.

"Brother Liu, what do you need from me?" Zhang Xiao didn't know what Liu Haijun wanted to call now, so he asked.

"Where are you now?" Liu Haijun didn't answer Zhang Xiao's question, but asked.

"It's in the capital." Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything, but said.

"That's great. I have a rough stone with half a window here. I want you to help me see if it's worth buying. Where is your exact location? I'll ask the driver to pick you up." Liu Haijun said excitedly.

"I'm at Wudaokou." Zhang Xiao then told his exact location. After all, he has nothing to do now, so it's not bad to go and have a look.

"We are not far away, the driver will be there in a while." Liu Haijun said with a smile, "He will call you when he arrives."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao simply packed up his clothes and walked out of the courtyard with his bag on his back.

Not long after leaving the courtyard, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang. Zhang Xiao also saw the car that came to pick him up. It was a black car, but it had a unique shape, and Zhang Xiao had never seen the logo on the front of the car.

After getting into the car, Zhang Xiao looked around and still didn't know what kind of car it was, but the inside of the car was very spacious and beautifully decorated.

The place where Liu Haijun lives is also an exclusive courtyard, but this courtyard is not the old quadrangle courtyard, but it is the same as the exclusive courtyard in the countryside, a bit simple.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, Liu Haijun and a middle-aged man walked out of the house and introduced to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Zhang Xiao is here, this is Mr. Guo Liang, who is in the rough stone business."

"Hello Mr. Guo!" Zhang Xiao greeted Guo Liang and shook hands.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me." Guo Liang spoke with a southern accent, and handed over his business card after shaking hands.

Zhang Xiao took it and took a look. It said that Guo Liang's position was the general manager of Yupin Pavilion, and the phone number was also left on the phone.

"Everyone will take pictures of each other in the future." Zhang Xiao put the business card in his pocket and said with a smile.

"I told you two to stop talking, come and take a look at this rough stone." Liu Haijun said anxiously.

"Brother Liu, don't you only buy high-quality jadeite? Why do you think of buying rough stones?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile while looking at the half-opened jadeite on the ground.

"My hands are itchy, I want to play a few games." Liu Haijun didn't hide his thoughts, and said with a smile.

"Have you ever played stone gambling before?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"I didn't have it before, but I've played a little bit recently, and it's a mess." Liu Haijun said helplessly.

"Brother Liu, there is a specialization in this art, and there are risks in betting on stones. If you are poor, you are rich and you are wearing a rag. This is not just talking. I advise you to only collect, and bet on stones for fun. Good." Zhang Xiao knew where the problem was when he saw the half-opened rough stone.

Although the window of this rough stone is very good, it looks full of green, but Zhang Xiao took a photo with a strong flashlight, and found that it was only the outer layer, and the energy in it was only five hundred, which meant that the inside of this rough stone was green. The emeralds are not worth much when they are opened.

Liu Haijun smiled awkwardly and said, "Isn't this just to try your luck?"

"Mr. Guo, how much do you sell this rough stone?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Liang.

"80." Guo Liang said seriously, "This rough stone is produced by Laokeng, and the window is perfect, and the whole body is free of cracks. sell."

Zhang Xiao nodded. The window opening of this rough stone is indeed perfect, which can make many people have the urge to gamble.

"Just this one?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Just this one, I shipped it directly from Huacheng." Guo Liang said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao pulled Liu Haijun to the side, he asked softly, "What's the relationship between Guo Liang and Guo Tao?"

Liu Haijun was slightly taken aback, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, there is something wrong with this rough stone."

"Some problems are not worth 80 yuan, and I think it's a pitfall." Zhang Xiao told the truth, after all, Liu Haijun is also an old acquaintance.

"Forget it, I said it's a gamble." Liu Haijun said a little tiredly at the moment.

Later, Liu Haijun made an excuse while answering the phone, left Guo Liang's place with Zhang Xiao, and drove towards Zhang Xiao's courtyard.

"Brother Liu, what's going on?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, seeing Liu Haijun's tired face.

"Something is wrong. The real estate business is very difficult now." Liu Haijun rubbed his face and said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while. He also knew that after the real estate crash in Nanhai, the real estate business has been really difficult in recent years. Many houses built by enterprises could not be sold, and the vacancy rate continued to rise, but Zhang Xiao knew that this was not the most difficult time. , The financial turmoil next year will deal a fatal blow to many real estate companies, but this is also the most suitable opportunity to get in the car. Zhang Xiao originally planned to acquire or merge a real estate company next year, which is also the main reason why he established an investment company.

"It's quite difficult, but now that the welfare housing allocation has been cancelled, the future development will only get better and better." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Who knows what will happen in the future, but do you know how many companies can't survive now? As far as I know, at least three hundred." Liu Haijun said helplessly.

"Brother Liu, are you still short of money? Will the bank still draw a loan from you?" Zhang Xiao didn't believe what Liu Haijun said, because he knew that Liu Haijun's family was very powerful in the financial system.

"That's not true, but now the house can't be sold. This is a big problem. The losses have been increasing recently, and the project cannot be stopped. Once it stops, it will be even more difficult to get a loan." Liu Haijun was a little depressed. Said.

"How much did you lose by betting on stones recently?" Zhang Xiao simply changed the subject, ignoring Liu Haijun's self-pity.

"Several million, although the money is not much, but I am very upset. No matter whether it is full of wool or half of gambling, none of it is profitable. I am disgusted." Liu Haijun said a little irritated.

"Then don't gamble with rocks. It's gambling after all. Once you become addicted, even if you have a lot of money, you can't resist losing money in this bottomless pit." Zhang Xiao couldn't help persuading.

"You are right. I heard that you have established an investment company. What are you going to do?" Liu Haijun put down his inner irritability and asked with a smile.

"I plan to invest in some enterprises, but there are no good projects yet, and I am now a bare-bones commander with no one under my command." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, but was also surprised by Liu Haijun's well-informed information.

"You start a company and you have no one, aren't you joking?" Liu Haijun couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Xiao looked at Liu Haijun helplessly, shook his head and said, "I'm preparing to recruit some people now. After all, I'm going back to school soon, and I won't have time to take care of these things. But the early stage is mainly to establish the company's framework. You don’t need to do any projects, it’s mainly just a preliminary investigation of various industries.”

After a little thought, Liu Haijun said, "I do have a friend who used to work in a foreign investment bank. He just returned to China recently. I don't know if he has found a job. Would you like me to introduce you?"

"Sure, I just don't know if he is willing to come to my small company." Zhang Xiao laughed at himself.

"At that time, you can talk about it yourself. Whether you can let him come depends on your ability." Liu Haijun also said casually, after all, this is a matter of mutual consent.

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