In the past one hour, there are still many people and strength. The entire courtyard has been cleaned, and a large amount of garbage has been sent to the garbage dump next to it. live for a short time.

Looking at the cleaned yard, Zhang Xiao was suddenly a little happy. This is his yard, and it will be a very valuable courtyard house in the future.

"The master said that he has already booked a hotel near here, so he may not stay here at night. When the time comes, his parents will come, so let's listen to their opinions before making a decision." Zhang Xiao thought so.

After Du Debiao paid the salary of the day to these cleaning aunts, they left happily. Most of them are migrant workers from other places. They do the most tiring and dirtiest jobs in this city. Live and maintain the cleanliness of the entire city.

Before three o'clock, Moboqi came in with two people, a man and a woman.

"Zhang Xiao, this is President Hu Yuexin, who specializes in company registration and certification." Mo Boqi pointed to the woman and introduced to Zhang Xiao.

Hu Yuexin is a woman in her 30s. She looks ordinary and not beautiful, but she exudes intellectual charm all over her body. A well-fitting small suit sets off her special temperament, making it hard to forget at first sight.

"Hello Mr. Hu, I hope you will take care of me in the future." Zhang Xiao smiled and stretched out his hand and said.

"You're welcome, it's you who take care of my business." After Hu Yuexin stretched out her hand and shook Zhang Xiao slightly, she smiled, giving people a sense of intimacy.

"This is Mr. Liu Mingxuan, Yinxuan's tax agent, who is mainly responsible for corporate tax declaration and other matters." Mo Boqi introduced the middle-aged man in his 40s beside him.

Liu Mingxuan was wearing a baggy suit, which was in line with the characteristics of the times, but what surprised Zhang Xiao was that Liu Mingxuan looked very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Hello Mr. Liu, I need you to worry about my company's tax issues in the future." Zhang Xiao said politely.

"You're welcome, you pay, and I'll help you with tax issues. This is a matter of course." Liu Mingxuan said solemnly.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk, so we can deal with it as soon as possible." Moboqi greeted everyone.

After everyone sat down at the square table in the living room, Zhang Xiao talked about her situation, and said with a smile: "The situation is like this, so what kind of company is established, what is the nature of the company, and how to avoid taxes reasonably. You can say, after all, if you pay according to personal income tax, you have to pay 40.00% five."

After thinking for a while, Liu Mingxuan said: "Mr. Zhang, I knew about your situation from Boqi before I came here, so my suggestion is that you'd better not avoid taxes. On the one hand, because the amount involved this time is huge, it is easy to be deceived by someone with a heart. Keep an eye on it. On the other hand, you are a national athlete, and now you are being promoted nationwide. After that, your every move may become the focus of the media, so I suggest you pay taxes as usual, after all, you get it in your pocket The money is the most secure."

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. If he uses some methods to avoid taxes today, it will be a huge trouble if someone finds out in the future, so he said with a smile: "Thank you, President Liu, for reminding me, If you hadn't said I would have committed a crime."

"It's serious. After all, it is our responsibility to consider the employer. Since we don't consider tax avoidance, we can issue invoices and pay the tax now. It will be much easier." Liu Mingxuan's feeling towards Zhang Xiao was immediate. Much better. After all, he originally thought that Zhang Xiao was also the kind of businessman who wanted to avoid taxes no matter what. He didn't expect to agree to pay taxes cleanly. This is very rare in this era. Many of the rhetoric he had prepared were useless. Useful.

In fact, Zhang Xiao thinks more now. After all, there is already a lot of money now. With the code of getting rich quickly like emerald rough stones, plus his future identity, he can't give his future opponents a trace of weakness, so he pays more taxes. You have to pay attention, after all, if something goes wrong in this aspect, you will face a prison sentence.

Hu Yuexin said at this moment: "Since tax avoidance is not considered, the nature of the company is very simple. In the future, you can go to the industrial and commercial registration for the business direction of the company. The registered capital also needs to be prepared, and it must be paid in full at that time. registered capital."

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said: "The company's business scope is mainly investment management, with a registered capital of 1000 million. For the office location, you need to find a place to rent it out temporarily. After all, it is only a start-up now, and I haven't found a suitable one yet. investment projects."

Hu Yuexin was stunned for a moment, and then said with some doubts: "If you are not in business now, there is no need to register a company now, and even if you do not have a business now, it is a troublesome thing, not only the rent is paid, but also the registered capital is too large. It must be something good."

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "The company must be established first, otherwise how to recruit personnel, everything must be standardized. After all, it is still difficult to recruit some professional financial personnel and legal personnel. As for the registered capital, it is also to attract talents. I am willing to come to work in your newly established company, but you must know that what we are establishing is an investment company, and all we need are financial and legal talents, and this needs to be done now.”

At this moment, Moboqi said, "Where do you plan to set up the company?"

"Let's put it near here. On the one hand, there are more universities here, which can attract talents well. On the other hand, the rent here is relatively cheap." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"There is a small three-story building not far from here. No one uses the second and third floors. I originally wanted to rent it out. Since you are looking for a place, little brother, let's tentatively decide there." Mo Boch said with a smile.

"Okay, if you don't think it's suitable in the future, just find a place." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed, after all, it is difficult to find a place immediately, and using the big brother's house can save a lot of trouble.

Then everyone agreed on some details, but the plan was quickly completed.

"Since the matter has been settled, we can go to pay the tax first, after all, it's getting late now." Liu Mingxuan looked at his watch and said.

Zhang Xiao also got up and said: "Then I will go to pay the taxes with Mr. Liu first. Brother Du, wait for my parents to come and go to register first, and I will meet you after I finish."

Du Debiao said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will take care of my uncle and aunt when they come."

Zhang Xiao and Liu Mingxuan then headed towards the tax bureau, taking the car that Mo Boqi drove when he came.

On the way, Zhang Xiao asked Gu Tianxin and Liu Haijun for the name of the company to be billed, after all, these things will be used soon.

Due to the presence of Liu Mingxuan, a lot of links are missing. In addition, the large amount of taxes is paid, and the director of the lobby will personally take them through the process. The processing speed is very fast. In less than an hour, not only the tickets are issued, but the taxes will also be very fast. Quickly deduct from the account.

After paying the tax, Zhang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and then Liu Mingxuan left. As for the agency fee, he didn't ask for it. Instead, he left his mobile phone number and asked Zhang Xiao to register with him after the company registered. connect.

Then, Zhang Xiao drove to the industrial and commercial office and joined Mo Boqi and the others.

As soon as they met, Zhang Hongjun asked, "How much tax have you paid?"

"Fifty eight million." Zhang Xiao said with some pain.

Zhang Hongjun patted him on the shoulder and said: "The money must be paid, otherwise, if it is found out later, it will be a big trouble."

Zhang Xiao also understands this truth, but she still feels distressed, it's too much, and basically paid half of it.

Registering the company was quick, and Zhang Xiao only needed to sign. During the period, Zhang Xiao and Yang Lan both took photos and kept them in the industrial and commercial office for filing.

The name of the company, Zhang Xiao, finally chose Jingcheng Hongyuan Investment Co., Ltd., and her mother Yang Lan became the legal person of the company, accounting for 5.00% of the company's shares, and Zhang Xiao accounted for 90.00%. , At that time, the industrial and commercial office will conduct capital verification, which will be dealt with later.

Due to the presence of Hu Yuexin, the business license was issued on the same day, but Hu Yuexin still needed to help with many subsequent matters. The company's temporary office location chose a three-story office building in the north of Huaqing University. This is Mo Boqi where provided.

After finishing everything, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon, but Zhang Xiao had to feel Hu Yuexin's contacts in the industry and commerce for setting up the company in just one afternoon. It can't be done at all, and a lot of things that need to be prepared are enough for you to run away.

Hu Yuexin then only charged 5000 yuan, including some later procedures that she needed to go through, and then Hu Yuexin left without stopping, but Zhang Xiao and her exchanged mobile phone numbers for future contact.

On the way back to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao received a call from Mo Wenxin, asking them to go to Qiyue Hotel for dinner.

"Dad, my master called and told us to go to Qiyue Hotel for dinner. Let's go there now." Zhang Xiao said to Zhang Hongjun.

"Okay, let's go. Then you have to thank your master well. Without him teaching you, how could you make so much money." After Zhang Hongjun agreed, he began to tell Zhang Xiao.

"Brother Li, go to Qiyue Hotel." Zhang Xiao then said to the driver Li Fuxin.

"Okay." After Li Fuxin agreed, he turned around and walked towards Qiyue Hotel.

After arriving at Qiyue Hotel, Mo Wenxin had already arrived and was waiting for them in the lobby.

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