"Master usually has a bad temper?" Zhang Xiao asked in confusion after the vehicle entered the street.

"Master, when he loses his temper, maybe there are some exceptions for you. Usually scolding us is like scolding our own children. Sometimes I don't get used to being scolded for a day." After leaving Mo Wenxin, Du De made a sentence Along the way, he began to introduce the great achievements of the master to Zhang Xiao.

It turned out that Mo Wenxin came to the capital in the 80s. With his extraordinary eyes and superb antique appreciation skills, he began to buy and sell antiques. It didn't take long for him to become famous, and the word 'Xin Ye' became his A synonym, it is known as 'produced by Lord Xin, absolutely genuine. '

After just three years, Mo Wenxin established the headquarters of Xinglin Zhai in the Panjiayuan Antique Market, and then successively established antique shops in major cities across the country. In the antique industry, everyone respectfully called him "Xin Ye".

In recent years, Mo Wenxin has started to split up the properties in his hands one after another, and most of his apprentices who can be independent have been sent out, but the most core industries, Xinglin Zhai and Xinhai Real Estate, are still firmly controlled by him. in hand.

Listening to Du Debiao's words, Zhang Xiao's impression of Mo Wenxin became fuller in his heart. A person who can make a big fortune is by no means as simple as he thought before. There are still many unknown secrets in him.

Half an hour later, the car drove to the entrance of a single courtyard. Zhang Xiao was taken aback when he got out of the car. From the outside, it looked like a standard courtyard house.

Zhang Xiao took out the key from his pocket, opened the door, and walked in. Du Debiao also hurriedly called the two hygienic aunts to come in.

Du Debiao smiled and sighed: "Master is really willing. This is a standard three-entry courtyard. Last year, someone paid 500 million yuan to buy this courtyard. The master ignored her. I didn't expect to give it to you."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Senior brother Du, I heard that senior brother said that you also have a set in the East District, and it is also a courtyard with three entrances, right?"

Du Debiao shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm only staying here temporarily, and the master didn't say I would give it to me."

"Hey, Senior Brother Du, Master is not a stingy person. Since he let you live, he prepared it for you. However, you have not been a teacher and have not made any major contributions, so it is not good for Master to give it to you directly, lest others feel it is unfair. " Zhang Xiao was a little speechless at Du Debiao's slowness, and couldn't help but wake up.

Du Debiao understood immediately, and said, "That's true, but what should I do to become a teacher?"

"Learn more, see more, take more responsibility, there will always be opportunities." After Zhang Xiao said something, he opened the doors of each room with the key, and said to Du Debiao, "Call a few more people to come and clean up, or else this will have to be cleaned up." When will it be?"

Du Debiao, who was in a good mood, said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely let someone clean it up for you, and it will definitely satisfy you."

Immediately, Zhang Xiao stopped caring about these trivial matters, and started to walk around in the courtyard. Since he will live here permanently in the future, it is inevitable to renovate the courtyard.

But this is not urgent, you can entrust this matter to Du Debiao, after all, he has been in Beijing for several years, and he is more familiar with it than himself, Zhang Xiao thought so.

Zhang Xiao looked at the time, it was past twelve o'clock, and it was time to eat, so he greeted Du Debiao and the two cleaning aunts: "It's time to eat, let's eat first, and then continue after eating."

"Okay, I thought you forgot." Du Debiao said with a smile.

Then the three of them came to a small restaurant, ordered a few home-cooked dishes, and quickly finished their lunch.

After eating, Zhang Xiao gave Du Debiao the key and asked him to take someone to clean the house, and he came to a telecommunications office, and he was going to buy a mobile phone.

After entering, Zhang Xiao found that he still overestimated the service level at this time. After entering, no one paid attention to him at all. Several fashionable young women chatted while knocking on melon seeds. When Zhang Xiao came in, they just glanced at it. .

"Hello, I want to buy a mobile phone." Zhang Xiao came to the counter and said with a smile.

"Eighteen thousand." A staff member at the counter said coldly.

Zhang Xiao was dumbfounded. He said the price directly without even seeing the phone. This was an eye-opener for Zhang Xiao, which was in stark contrast to the enthusiastic smiles of later generations of shopping guides.

Zhang Xiao also knows that there is no way to do it. The low-level staff in the system, it doesn't matter whether they do business or not.

Zhang Xiao directly took out two stacks of banknotes from his backpack, and after drawing out twenty bills, he put the money on the counter and asked with a smile on his face, "Sister, how many models do you have here?"

Seeing that Zhang Xiao took out the money directly at a young age, the woman who spoke to her just now had a better attitude, and pursed her lips and said, "There are three models in total, two models from Motorola, one from Ericsson, and you Choose."

After finishing speaking, the woman took out four prototypes from the drawer of the counter, handed them to Zhang Xiao, and said, "If you are sure you want to buy it, I will open a card for you."

"Sister, don't worry, you will definitely buy it." Zhang Xiao looked at the mobile phone that could be regarded as an antique in the future market, and finally chose the Motorola 8900.

After opening the card and paying the money, Zhang Xiao also had the first mobile phone since his rebirth. Zhang Xiao inserted the card into the mobile phone, saw that the mobile phone was working normally, and left.

After Zhang Xiao left, the chatting women all smiled and said, "Xiaoqin, please leave your number. You are young and rich, and you are very handsome. You are a good prey."

Xiaoqin pursed her lips into a smile, which was charming, and said with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth: "He came here on foot, which means that he lives not far from here, and I see that there are more than two stacks of banknotes in his backpack, plus He didn’t even bat an eye when he took out the money, which means that his money is at least millions, and overall he’s a good prey, but he doesn’t know what type he likes.”

"Hey, Xiaoqin, you've observed carefully enough, do you want to make an appointment with him tonight?" A tall and thin woman joked.

"This is the number, anyone can call, whoever gets it will be treated." Xiaoqin unceremoniously pushed the paper with Zhang Xiao's mobile phone number on it among the crowd.

Zhang Xiao, who had no idea that beating herself was already called a prey, hit Mo Wenxin immediately after returning home.

"Master, this is my mobile phone number, please remember it." Zhang Xiao said after connecting.

"Hey, the speed is fast enough. After your parents arrive in the afternoon, people from my company will take you to go through the formalities. The hotel has also arranged for you. I will take time to go there in the evening and have dinner together." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

"Okay, does the person who picks up my parents have a mobile phone?" Zhang Xiao asked again.

"It should be, you can ask your elder brother." Mo Wenxin hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Zhang Xiao then called the eldest brother Mo Boqi again. He found that it is convenient to have a mobile phone, but it seems that there are too many things to consider.

"Brother, I'm Zhang Xiao. This is my mobile phone number. Please remember it." After the call was connected, Zhang Xiao said directly.

"Junior Brother, I was just looking for you. Are you still in the courtyard near Wudaokou?" Moboqi said with a smile.

"Yes, just come here directly. I want to call and ask the person who picked up my parents if they have a mobile phone?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"No, they are all grassroots workers, and they are not worthy of carrying mobile phones. But don't worry, they will call when they arrive in the capital." Moboqi said with a smile.

"That's it, okay, I'll wait for you here." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, Moboqi hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiao called Liu Haijun again and asked him to write down his phone number, then hung up the phone.

Back in the courtyard, Du Debiao had already greeted a group of sanitation aunts and started the general cleaning. Not only that, the bedding and bedding were all ready, which shocked Zhang Xiao, the efficiency is too high.

You must know that this is not a later life, you can buy everything, and being able to buy these things in just one hour is definitely a talent.

"Senior Brother Du, if we live in this courtyard for a long time, do we have to redecorate it, otherwise it will be inconvenient to live in." Zhang Xiao and Du Debiao said.

"Of course, you haven't gone to Master's home in Beijing, have you? The decoration is so beautiful. Let me tell you, I decorated it for him. At the beginning, Master was not willing to rectify it, but you See how comfortable he lives now!" Du Debiao said with some pride.

"Then brother also help me renovate this courtyard house. I will come to live here for the summer vacation next year, and the decoration should be completed in more than half a year!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Little brother, you..." Du Debiao was stunned for a moment, and he wanted to refuse but didn't know how to say it. However, it is too troublesome to decorate and rectify the courtyard house. I didn't expect that my quick talk would attract another big trouble.

"Senior Brother Du, don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. I will bear all the expenses myself, and I will give you an extra reward of 3 yuan after the decoration is completed. What do you think?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile, he knew The most important reason for Du Debiao's lack of money is that he hasn't started his career yet.

"Little brother, it's really troublesome, and I have to go to the municipal government to go through the formalities. My legs are running thin in the yard of the master." Du Debiao wanted money, but it was really difficult, which made him hesitate for a while. know how to say it.

"Fifty thousand, and I'll pay you first!" Zhang Xiao continued to increase the price, and he believed that Du Debiao would agree.

"Really." Du Debiao immediately agreed, "For your sake, Junior Brother, I'm going to risk it all, besides, it's too extravagant for you and me to talk about money between brothers."

"That's right. By the way, how big is the courtyard house, master? How much did the decoration cost?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Master's is also a three-entry one. It's about the same size as yours. It was renovated two years ago and cost more than 40 yuan." Du Debiao said after a little calculation, "Your one is more expensive than the master's, probably It's about 60."

"Okay, give me your account number, and I'll go to the bank to transfer 65 yuan to you in a while, of which 60 yuan is a reward for you first, and the [-] yuan is a project payment, more refunds and less compensation!" Zhang Xiao is very happy, after all, the capital There are fewer and fewer courtyard houses, and if they can be preserved, they are definitely worth the money.

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