It's not easy for Zhang Xiao to refuse. After all, he has already promised to do something, and he must not do things that break his promise. What's more, these reporters who are unreasonable and still take three points are not to be offended.

Zhang Xiao stood by the side of the stadium, resisting the discomfort in his body, and answered the reporters' questions.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao had prepared well before, and his situation was simple, so there were no unanswerable questions, so everyone was happy.

In the end, it was Li Kai who pulled him away from the reporter's encirclement.

On the way back to the guest house, Zhang Xiao felt more and more weak all over her body, and her head hurt badly, so she said directly to the taxi driver, "Master, I feel a little uncomfortable going to the People's Hospital."

Li Kai also agrees very much, after all, going to the hospital is the safest way, and Zhang Xiao has completed all the competition events, so there is nothing to worry about.

After arriving at the hospital, Zhang Xiao went directly to the outpatient department of internal medicine. Zhang Xiao was very clear about which department to go to. After all, she had dealt with the hospital a lot in her previous life because of her child's illness and cold.

The doctor in the outpatient clinic was a middle-aged man in his 40s. After examining Zhang Xiao, he said, "This is caused by wind evil entering the body. It is hot inside and cold outside, so you can't show it. The weather has changed these days, and many people are sick. , but this is not a serious illness, and it is still in the early stage, I will prescribe some medicine for you, and it should be almost enough after you go back and take it for three days."

"Thank you doctor." Zhang Xiao looked weak, but said politely.

"Go get the medicine." The doctor said after handing the prescription to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao thanked again and left the outpatient clinic, while Li Kai took the prescription and went to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

After a while, Li Kai rushed back with the medicine in hand. Looking at Zhang Xiao who was shivering in the chair, he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

After returning to the guest house, Zhang Xiao drank the medicine first, and then lay on the bed to rest, feeling dizzy and sore all over her body.

Zhang Xiao did not expect that the first illness after rebirth would be so unbearable, Zhang Xiao fell asleep at some point in the groggy state.

In the dream, Zhang Xiao seemed to be asleep and woke up. I don't know how long it took before Zhang Xiao woke up. Looking at the familiar room, Zhang Xiao sat up and drank a glass of cold boiled water, feeling much more comfortable.

Zhang Xiao looked at the watch beside the bed. It was already three o'clock in the morning. Apart from his body still feeling weak and his throat a little dry, he had no other symptoms, and his spirit was much better, and he was no longer groggy as before.

Zhang Xiao poured a glass of water from the thermos, took out another medicine and drank it.

Then Zhang Xiao got back under the covers and continued to sleep. After all, the wind and cold need to be completely exposed to be considered good, and Zhang Xiao is no exception.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao was awakened by the knock on the door, put on her clothes, Zhang Xiao opened the door, and saw Li Kai and Guo Tianfeng standing outside the door.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly let the two of them into the room.

"I heard that Coach Li said that you were sick, are you feeling better now?" Guo Tianfeng sat on the chair and asked.

"I went to the hospital yesterday to get some medicine, and I drank it twice at night, and I'm much better now." Zhang Xiao's body feels fine at this time, but he still has to take the medicine. After all, the most afraid of recurring colds. Time will become longer.

"That's good. Pay more attention to rest. Fortunately, all your competitions are over, and you can go back after the closing ceremony." Guo Tianfeng felt relieved when he saw that Zhang Xiao was indeed fine.

"Director Guo, I haven't been home for a long time, I want to go home." Zhang Xiao said.

"Aren't you going to participate in the closing ceremony? Many media reporters are here for you." Guo Tianfeng didn't expect Zhang Xiao to have such an idea, and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"I won't go to the closing ceremony. After all, the competition that belongs to me is over. It doesn't matter if I go or not." Zhang Xiao really didn't want to participate, so she wanted to take advantage of the two days' free time to go home.

"Okay, when are you leaving? I'll ask the driver to take you to the station." Guo Tianfeng said helplessly.

"In the morning, I'll leave after breakfast." Zhang Xiao didn't reject Guo Tianfeng's good intentions, after all, he had a lot of things, and it would be very tiring to take the bus to the station alone.

"Okay, I'll tell the driver." After Guo Tianfeng agreed, he led Li Kai out of Zhang Xiao's room.

Zhang Xiao looked at the time and it was already past seven o'clock in the morning. After washing up, he hurried to the restaurant for dinner.

At this time, Guo Tianfeng brought Li Kai to his room, and said with a smile: "Do you think Zhang Xiao knows that we persuaded him not to attend the closing ceremony?"

"No way, how would he know? We just decided." Li Kai said with some surprise.

"I hope I was thinking too much. If he really guessed our intentions, he would be so wise that he is almost a monster." Guo Tianfeng looked at the newspaper on the table, which was full of praise for Zhang Xiao, exaggerating him as A new star in domestic track and field.

"Probably not, I think he is quite real." Li Kai still shook his head, somewhat disbelieving Guo Tianfeng's guess.

"Let's not talk about him anymore. What are your plans? Zhang Xiao's achievements this time are enough for you to advance to the next level." Guo Tianfeng said to Li Kai with a smile again.

"I'm still Zhang Xiao's exclusive coach. I don't have any other ideas." Li Kai said from the bottom of his heart. Naturally, a rising tide lifts all boats.

"That's fine, but after going back this time, Zhang Xiao's performance is enough for us to set up an exclusive coaching team for him. It's impossible for you to lead him alone. At that time, we will accept your fate as the team leader of this team and be in charge of Zhang Xiao's coaching team. I hope you can take this responsibility." Guo Tianfeng smiled slightly and said seriously to Li Kai.

"I promise to complete the tasks assigned to me by the organization." Li Kai stood up excitedly and said loudly.

"Okay, Zhang Xiao, I'll leave it to you, and then you give me the list of the coaching staff, and I will personally coordinate for you." Guo Tianfeng stood up, patted Li Kai on the shoulder, and said seriously.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know what Guo Tianfeng and the others were talking about. After eating, Zhang Xiao called Mo Wenxin and said, "Master, I'm going back to my hometown today. When will you go back?"

Hearing Zhang Xiao's voice, Mo Wenxin couldn't help laughing and said, "Why are you going back now, boy, aren't you going to attend the closing ceremony?"

"I won't participate. I haven't been home for a while, so I just go back this time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, since you're not going to participate and I'm fine, let's go today, so we can have a companion on the way." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

"Then I'll go to the store to find you or go directly to the station to wait for you..."

"What to do at the station, you don't think that I go home by bus just like you do? I have my own car, so you can just wait at the guest house." Mo Wenxin interrupted Zhang Xiao angrily, and scolded with a smile said.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao didn't refuse. There is no need to go to the station to squeeze a car if there is a car.

But he wanted to tell Guo Tianfeng, after all, he had to make it clear when he left. .

After Zhang Xiao hung up the phone and told Guo Tianfeng about the situation, he went back to his room to pack up his salute. There were not too many things, except for a schoolbag, which was just a suitcase containing clothes.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao saw a black car coming downstairs, and Mo Wenxin got down from the back seat of the car.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly picked up her schoolbag and walked downstairs with the suitcase.

After arriving downstairs, a young man came down from the driver's seat and helped Zhang Xiao put the salute in the trunk.

"Xiaoxiao, get in the car. I have accepted you as an apprentice. I also need to visit your house. This time is just a chance." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

Looking at the car, Zhang Xiao felt a little surprised, but he didn't ask any questions. Instead, he got into the back row of the car. It was Mo Wenxin who asked him to sit in the back row, otherwise he might have been the co-pilot.

The vehicle left smoothly, which surprised Guo Tianfeng who saw this scene upstairs, because he knew Mo Wenxin, and he didn't expect that it would be him who came to pick up Zhang Xiao.

Guo Tianfeng couldn't figure out the relationship between the two, but they looked very close, otherwise they wouldn't both be sitting in the back row, leaving the co-pilot free.

"You can do it, kid. The TV news and the newspapers have been reporting about you for the past two days. It seems that it is imperative for you to find an agent." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

"Of course, I don't look at whose apprentice I am." Zhang Xiao didn't forget to praise Mo Wenxin at the same time, which made Mo Wenxin inexplicably happy.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I haven't taught you anything yet. Even if I teach you, I only teach you some knowledge about cultural relics, antiques and jade. What does your sports performance have to do with me?" Mo Wenxin said. Said, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

"That's also due to your contribution." Zhang Xiao said with a chuckle.

Mo Wenxin ignored Zhang Xiao's clever play, took out two worn-out books from a box beside him, handed them to Zhang Xiao, and said: "These are two books introducing cultural relics and antiques. You should read them carefully. I will treat you well in the future." Appreciation of books is of great help, but books are dead and people are alive, and it must be used flexibly to be the king, otherwise it will not go far."

Zhang Xiao carefully took the book that Mo Wenxin handed over, only to see that the fonts on it were still small script, obviously it was a book from a long time ago, no wonder it was packed in a box.

Zhang Xiao opened the book only to find that this book is different from the current books. The books are turned to the right instead of the current one to the left.

Not only that, the writing brush is neat and neat, and the writing is also written from top to bottom, and judging from its appearance, this is a handwritten book, not a later printed matter.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being amazed at this discovery. This kind of books are generally very valuable, because they are all orphan copies, and once damaged, they will never be found again.

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