After Zhang Xiao made the phone call, he thought for a while that there was nothing missing, and then he opened the math notes summarized before and looked at it. After all, he didn't have any other study materials at hand now.

After watching for an hour, Zhang Xiao got under the covers and started to sleep. After all, the three events of tomorrow's competition are finals. Zhang Xiao decided to take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's competition in the best condition.

Early the next morning, when the temperature warmed up, Zhang Xiao howled inexplicably.

In the morning was the 1500m final, and in the afternoon the 100m and 400m finals. The three events were held on the same day. Zhang Xiao had to take it seriously. After all, things like capsized boats in the gutter happened from time to time, and Zhang Xiao didn’t want to be like this joke.

At 1500 o'clock in the morning, the [-]-meter final started on time. Zhang Xiao squatted on the fifth runway, ignoring the comments and pointing of people around him. After all, there will be more and more such scenes. Zhang Xiao can't be calm, but can Allow yourself to block out the noise around you.

"Bang!" The starting gun sounded.

The eight athletes who participated in the finals all rushed out, Zhang Xiao was no exception, and rushed out the moment the gunshot sounded.

In the 1500-meter race, Zhang Xia trained the most. He rushed to the front in one breath for the first 100 meters, adjusted his breathing and rhythm most of the time, and sprinted for the last 200 meters.

Today, Zhang Xiao is no exception. The training is the same as usual, but the improvement and maintenance of speed is at a peak level. The blood is boiling all over the body, and the speed is a bit faster than usual.

Zhang Xiao liked this kind of running, and with the cheers of the audience in the stands, she reached the finish line.

As the first athlete to cross the finish line, he is naturally No.1, but what Zhang Xiao cares about is the result of this competition, because he feels that his result today should be higher.

3 minutes 26 seconds 24.

Compared with the first day's results, it has indeed improved, but not much, which surprised Zhang Xiao, but then Zhang Xiao knew that the previous results had reached the limit of the human body after all, and every point of improvement required more price .

Zhang Xiao no longer cared about the cheers in the stands and the voice on the radio, it became a habit, and he no longer felt the excitement at the beginning.

Zhang Xiao put on her clothes, took a urine test under the guidance of the staff, and then returned to the lounge.

Sitting in the lounge, Zhang Xiao was a little tired, and his physical fatigue made him a little uncomfortable, which was a feeling he had never felt before.

Zhang Xiao is very familiar with her body, and feels that she must have contracted the wind and cold. It is still in the early stage, and it should not affect the game in the afternoon.

Zhang Xiao began to drink boiling water vigorously, and at the same time sat next to the radiator to keep his body warm, trying to maintain his physical condition.

At this time, Li Kai walked in, looking at Zhang Xiao's tired face, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? Didn't you have a good rest yesterday?"

Zhang Xiao shook her head helplessly, and said, "I think I may have contracted a cold, and I feel powerless."

"How come, then what about your match in the afternoon?" Li Kai was startled, originally thought that Zhang Xiao's next match was just a formality, and he could catch it easily.

But now that Zhang Xiao is infected with the cold, it must have a great impact on his performance, and during the competition, many medicines cannot be taken, and he can only rely on his physical fitness to resist.

"I have no choice but to do my best." Zhang Xiao said with a wry smile, but in fact he still has another way, which is to use Yuan Energy to improve his physical fitness, so as to improve his body and avoid the influence of wind and cold on his body.

However, Zhang Xiao also has doubts about this. After all, the increase in physical strength may not completely avoid the effects of wind and cold on the body, so he has no plans to use Yuan Energy to increase physical strength for the time being.

"The awards ceremony should be about to start, ours is over." Li Kai looked at his watch and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao stood up, moved her body, and felt much better than before. After washing her face, she went out.

Facing the rostrum, where the awarding platform had already been set up, Zhang Xiao hurried over, accepted the award from a leader of Lu Province, and took today's first gold medal into his pocket.

In the speech after winning the award, Zhang Xiao casually said a few words and then returned to the waiting room, but his physical abnormality did not hide from the eyes of some caring people.

"I think Zhang Xiao's situation may be infected with the wind and cold. You must know that he has two finals in the afternoon." A reporter said to the reporter next to him.

"The weather has been hot and cold these days, and it is easy to catch a cold. I hope he is fine. After all, he is the hope of domestic track and field." Some reporters expressed concern about this.


Naturally, the comments of the reporters would not reach Zhang Xiao's ears. Zhang Xiao, who had returned to the lounge at this time, was doing some stretching movements while drinking hot water, trying to take the wind and cold out of his body as much as possible. .

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao was about to arrive at the final venue of the 100-meter race. After more than three hours of adaptation, Zhang Xiao had recovered temporarily, but he knew that this was just an appearance, and it would take time to fully recover.

But for the next two games, Zhang Xiao will never give up, and will win through gritted teeth.

Amidst the shouts of the staff, Zhang Xiao squatted on his runway No. [-], waiting for the firing of the starting gun.

"Bang!" The starting gun sounded.

Like a conditioned reflex, Zhang Xiao immediately shot out, taking the lead by a long way, throwing No.2 five or six meters away.

When Zhang Xiao crossed the finish line, he suddenly felt a little dark in front of his eyes. This was an illusion caused by lack of oxygen. He didn't feel much at ordinary times, but at this moment it gave him an illusion that he couldn't get rid of.

Li Kai supported Zhang Xiao, put a military coat on him, touched his cold forehead, and heaved a sigh of relief. As long as he doesn't have a fever, everything will not get worse.

Zhang Xiao looked at the results displayed on the electronic timer with some difficulty, and nodded in satisfaction.

9 seconds 75.

It can be regarded as a stable performance, and it is a good sign that he did not fall. At least it will not affect the next 400-meter race. As for after the race, Zhang Xiao is ready to get sick.

Zhang Xiao didn't return to the waiting room, because the 400-meter race was about to start, and it was completely unnecessary to come out after returning, and it might make the condition worse.

Zhang Xiao adapted to the cold outside while recovering his physical strength, because Zhang Xiao felt that the biggest reason why he contracted the wind chill was that he did not adapt to the weather, which was why he contracted the wind chill.

Time passed quickly, and the staff had already greeted all the participants in the 400-meter final.

Zhang Xiao took off his military coat and handed it to Li Kai. After stretching his body a few times, he walked towards the fourth runway.

Zhang Xiao squatted on the starting block, waiting for the gunshot.

"Everyone, get ready!"

"Bang!" The starting gun sounded.

Zhang Xiao rushed out immediately. At this moment, he could not care about the rhythm at all. He only knew to charge forward, gritted his teeth and persisted. Persistence is victory.

But in the eyes of all the audience, Zhang Xiao's performance is completely different. His speed has been increasing, seemingly without end, and No.2 has been left far behind by him, at least more than 30 meters.

Zhang Xiao felt physically tired, but he didn't have the slightest awareness of slowing down. He gritted his teeth and charged forward with all his strength.

When Zhang Xiao crossed the finish line, her eyes were a little dark, she forced herself to come to Li Kai's side, supported Li Kai's shoulders, panting hard, bloodshot from the corner of her mouth, it was bleeding gums.

After General Li Kai put his coat on Zhang Xiao, he said, "How is it? Does it matter?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, unable to speak, breathing in fresh air desperately, his heart beating extremely fast.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao stood up straight, her pale face made people feel distressed.

"42 seconds 24, Zhang Xiao, you are so amazing, you ran such a time when you have a cold." Li Kai said excitedly and excitedly.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak, grabbed his long clothes from Li Kai's hand and sat on the floor to put them on. He looked a little decadent, but his eyes were bright and scary.

After putting on his clothes, Zhang Xiao wrapped himself in a military overcoat. At this moment, his whole body was shaking, which was a sign of aggravated illness.

However, Zhang Xiao still moved his body, because he hadn't had a urine test yet, so he could only wait for the staff to arrive.

After a while, a staff member took Zhang Xiao to the testing area for a urine test.

After Zhang Xiao came out of the inspection area, he went back to the lounge directly. Because there was still some time before the awards ceremony, Zhang Xiao was lying on the bed too lazy to move.

Li Kai looked at Zhang Xiao's face, but he didn't dare to let him drink the medicine. In case of a second urine test, it would harm Zhang Xiao.

An hour later, Li Kai pulled Zhang Xiao up from the bed and said, "Wash your face, the awards ceremony will begin soon."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and washed his face with cold water along the faucet, only to feel refreshed, but his face was still pale and scary.

When Zhang Xiao came to the awarding platform, No.2 and No.3 were already on the stage. Zhang Xiao hurriedly stepped onto the awarding platform, twitching the corners of her mouth apologetically, laughing was uglier than crying.

This time the medals for the 100-meter race were awarded, but the medals for the 400-meter race will be awarded later, and the two races will be held consecutively, which makes the audience in the stands very lively.

After the awards ceremony, Zhang Xiao collected today's second and third gold medals together. Although he was very excited, his pale face made him look a bit out of order.

Three gold a day.

This is the affirmation of Zhang Xiao's achievements, and it is also the best news topic. In addition, all Zhang Xiao's competitions are over, and all the media reporters flock to surround Zhang Xiao.

After all, news is time-sensitive, and the sooner the press release can be obtained, the more beneficial it is, so they all subjectively forgot the fact that Zhang Xiao is not in good condition.

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