Time passed quietly like this, and it was June 6th in a blink of an eye. Although the school organized two exams during the period, they were not important exams, and Zhang Xiao didn't take these exams to heart.

But the teachers and classmates in the school were all shocked by Zhang Xiao's grades, because Zhang Xiao's grades were too stable and too high. The total score of each test was above 550 points, absolutely surpassing the previous ones. No.1 Cheng Hao scored 40 points.

As the class monitor, Cheng Hao hated Zhang Xiao to the extreme during this time, because all his light was covered by Zhang Xiao, and all the classmates revolved around Zhang Xiao, and he, the former No. Zhang Xiao's best background board.

However, in the eyes of the students, it is only natural for Zhang Xiao to be number one. Zhang Xiao, who scored 50 points in the English test, has always been among the top five in the class, and his grades are only a few points lower than Cheng Hao. Now Zhang Xiao has caught up with Cheng Hao in English. Come up, surpassing Cheng Hao has become a matter of course.

During self-study that night, the homeroom teacher Li Hanyu walked in and said, "Tomorrow, the city will hold the third mock exam. I hope everyone will take it seriously, and the city will be ranked by then!"

"Tomorrow, the exam room will be arranged in the back playground. The exam time is the same as that of the high school entrance examination. Everyone prepares carefully. This time, we must treat this exam with the same attitude as the high school entrance examination."

In fact, all the students already knew the news, but Li Hanyu knew that this was the first big exam after the new director of the education bureau. According to the news from the education bureau, the director Li Chunlai attached great importance to it this time, and he would go to various schools to inspect it. The above and below have paid more attention to this already important exam.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about these things. He had already read all the review materials in junior high school these days, even the Chinese dictionary and the English Oxford dictionary. With his terrifying memory, he had completely memorized these contents. He is not worried, and has already started to study high school courses in a planned way.

Because he doesn't know whether his memory will become weaker with time, so hurry up and learn all the knowledge that can be learned. He can read books, but he doesn't have that much money to buy books.

The next morning, after eight o'clock, all the students in the third grade of junior high school moved their stools to the playground and lined up in a queue to prepare for the exam.

Zhang Xiao, Cheng Hao and other students were arranged by Li Hanyu under the poplar tree on the edge of the playground. This is also the treatment only for students with good academic performance. The rest of the students had to face the direct sunlight, but no one raised any objections. It all feels right.

In order to prevent students from cheating, the distance between students is as much as two meters. It can also be seen that the school attaches great importance to this exam.

"Red Army, Director Li heard that he is coming to our school to inspect the work, do you know?" Principal Wang Chunan asked Zhang Hongjun who was standing by the playground.

"Principal, you are embarrassing me. How would I know? I'm not the director!" Zhang Hongjun really didn't know about this. Come to this remote township to investigate and work.

"Hehe, you boy, I heard that you and Director Li are classmates in the normal school. When he comes, you have to accompany him." Wang Chunan said to Zhang Hongjun with a smile.

Zhang Hongjun nodded and agreed, but he had doubts about Li Chunlai's arrival.

After nine o'clock, not long after the exam started, Li Chunlai actually came, followed by a large group of leaders from the Education Bureau and the town, which made many students flustered, and the big leaders came to inspect.

Li Chunlai waved his hand to stop those who wanted to follow, and walked around the playground by himself before leading everyone to the conference room.

Zhang Hongjun felt a little bitter in his heart, from the direction Li Chunlai was walking, he could tell that he was looking for Zhang Xiao, but it was not obvious what he did, but how could this be hidden from his eyes.

Li Chunlai sat on the rostrum in the meeting room, surrounded by a deputy director of the Education Bureau and the deputy mayor in charge of education in the town, and Wang Chunan sat at the bottom as the principal.

The rest of the entourage and the school teachers sat below.

Li Chunlai began to speak, which was also his first general speech other than his speech.

"Teachers and comrades, science and technology are the primary productive forces, and basic education is the most important thing."

"Currently, we are in a period of constant renewal of concepts, rapid economic development, and increasingly prosperous culture. The party and the government have higher and higher requirements for the development of education, and economic and social development is increasingly dependent on education. The people's There are more and more demands for education. Opportunities are unprecedented, and difficulties are also unprecedented. As educators, we must, from the height of strategy and overall situation, from the height of scientific development and leapfrog development, strive to grasp the general trend of education development, and thoroughly implement the national , the spirit of the Provincial Education Work Conference and the requirements of the "Education Planning Outline", give full play to the important role of education in serving regional economic and social construction, and strive to provide strong spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the county's economic and social scientific development and leapfrog development. "

"A century-old plan depends on education, and education depends on teachers. I hope that all the teachers and educators here will pay attention to the morality of teachers in their future work, establish themselves with morality, teach with morality, establish noble moral sentiments and spiritual pursuits; Learning concepts, constantly absorbing new knowledge, new skills, and new technologies, broadening knowledge horizons, updating knowledge structures, comprehensively mastering modern educational technologies and methods, calming down to teach and educating people, not only paying attention to words and teaching, but also paying attention to teaching by example, sincerely Care for every student, care about the growth and progress of every student, educate and influence students with true feelings, sincerity, and sincerity, and be a teacher who is loved by students, satisfied by the masses, and respected by the society."


The meeting ended in less than an hour. After the meeting, Wang Chunan hurried to report to work.

"Principal Wang, I just took office, and I need your cooperation in future work." Li Chunlai asked the two to sit down and said.

"Director Li, that's for sure. Under your leadership, our school will continue to work hard and strive for glory." Wang Chunan hastily expressed his determination.

After Li Chunlai exchanged a few words with Wang Chunan, he asked directly, "How is Zhang Xiao, the third grader at your school?"

"Very good, especially in the previous two review exams, his scores were very high, with a total score of 550 points!" Wang Chunan was almost fooled by Li Chunlai's questioning. I did some homework before, and Zhang Xiao, as a teacher's child, was also concerned by all the teachers.

"Tell me specifically!" Li Chunlai suddenly became interested, his eyes sparkling.

"It's like this. Zhang Xiao used to study well, but his English was relatively poor. He got full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry every time. Later, he must have been stimulated by the pressure of the senior high school entrance examination, and his English quickly caught up. This is not three consecutive exams. English is around 95 points, the total score will naturally go up, and now it ranks first!"

Wang Chunan suddenly remembered something, and hurried to the back of the desk to get a few sheets and handed them to Li Chunlai, "This is the top [-] results of the last three third grades, please take a look."

Li Chunlai looked at Zhang Xiao's dazzling report card and smiled happily in his heart, but on the surface he said: "It is a good thing that the school has top students, but the gap between the students behind and No.1 is a bit big, you still have to work hard."

"Yes, Director Li, what you said is very correct, but some things have to do with talent, not everyone is as smart as Zhang Xiao." Wang Chunan understood that Li Chunlai's thoughts were all on Zhang Xiao, and immediately he was not stingy with his praise Knowledge.

Zhang Xiao, who was taking the exam, had already finished the test paper and checked it again, and handed in the paper in advance after finding that there was no problem.

Li Hanyu was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao's early submission of the test and said, "Zhang Xiao, this exam is very important, don't you want to check it?"

"I checked it again, and there is nothing wrong with it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go. Don't be an eyesore." Li Hanyu was happy in his heart, but said with disgust in his mouth.

Zhang Xiao tidied up the pencil case and left. As for the stool, he left it here, anyway, he still needs to use it in the afternoon.

When Zhang Xiao passed by from the office building, the sharp-eyed Wang Chunan saw him at a glance, opened the window and shouted: "Zhang Xiao, come up."

Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, but didn't hesitate, and went directly to the principal's office.

"Principal, are you looking for me?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

"I handed in the papers ahead of time. How do you feel about the language? Are the questions difficult?" Wang Chunan said casually, and then introduced to Zhang Xiao: "This is Director Li Chunlai of our County Education Bureau."

"Hello Director Li!" Zhang Xiao saluted obediently. He had met Li Chunlai many times in his previous life, and he had been helped a few times. He sometimes went to Li Chunlai's house during the holidays, knowing that he had a good relationship with his father. .

"You are the boss of the Red Army family!" Li Chunlai said with a smile, "Your father and I are college classmates, so you can call me Uncle Li!"

Zhang Xiao didn't feel any embarrassment at all, after all, he called Li Chunlai like this in his previous life, and called out obediently: "Uncle Li."

"Sit down. I heard from Principal Wang that you have always been a top student in the third year of junior high school. Recently, you have caught up with your English and become No. 1." After Li Chunlai asked Zhang Xiao and Wang Chunan to sit down, he said with a smile.

"Well, I used to think that English was useless, so I didn't study hard. I'm about to take the senior high school entrance examination. If I don't study, I'm afraid I won't be admitted to the county's No. [-] Middle School." Zhang Xiao answered very casually, because he had to attribute his poor English in the past to I didn't study hard, so I didn't dare to make people doubt it.

"English is very important. You must know that English, as a common language in the world, is circulated in many countries. It will become more and more important in the future. You must pay attention to English. Don't just treat it as a homework, but as a subject. Learn the language.” As the first college student who resumed the college entrance examination, Li Chunlai has worked in the government department for so many years, and his knowledge is indeed extraordinary.

"Uncle Li, I know, I will study hard in the future." Zhang Xiao nodded in agreement.

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