That evening, Zhang Hongjun, who was about to go home, was stopped by the gatekeeper in the reception room and asked him to answer the phone.

Not long after Zhang Hongjun arrived in the reception room, he received a second call from Li Tie, and couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Tiezi, what's the matter?"

"Do you have evening self-study today?" Li Tie said directly.

"No, I'm going home!" Zhang Tiejun didn't know what happened to Li Tie, but there must be something, otherwise he wouldn't have called.

"Then you come to my place to eat now, let's have a good drink!" Li Tie said with a big laugh.

"Tiezi, if you have something to say, I'll go home if it's nothing." Zhang Hongjun said impatiently with Li Tie's habit of looking around.

"It's something, but it's a good thing. Let's talk when you come. Hurry up, I'll wait for you!" Li Tie hung up the phone without waiting for Zhang Hongjun to speak.

Although Zhang Hongjun had many questions, he did not hesitate. He and Li Tie are good friends and usually get together from time to time.

I rode that half-new bicycle towards the grain station. As for why I didn’t ride a new one, the reason was simple. I was afraid of losing it. At this time, a bicycle cost almost a month’s wages.

And at this time, many petty thieves are focusing on stealing bicycles. One is because they are easy to steal, and the other is that they are quick and not afraid of checking, because all bicycles are almost in the same style.

When Zhang Hongjun came to the grain station, all the grain sellers had left. Today's grain collection was over, so Zhang Hongjun pushed the car directly under the stairs of the office building, locked it, and then walked upstairs to the cafeteria.

"Tiezi, what's the matter, you can't talk to me on the phone, you want me to come!" Zhang Tiejun said before entering the cafeteria.

When he pushed open the door of the cafeteria, he saw Li Chunlai sitting on the main seat at a glance, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

Li Tie didn't see this, he stood up and took Zhang Hongjun's arm to make him sit down, then said with a smile: "Hong Jun, you and Li Ju are classmates in the normal school. have a drink."

"Li Chunlai, I didn't expect you to have the face to see me." Zhang Hongjun glared at Li Chunlai, and said fiercely.

"Li Tie, go and order the food first, and I'll talk to the Red Army first! Let's have a few drinks later." Li Chunlai said, waving at Li Tie.

Li Tie also saw that something was wrong with the two of them, and hurried away, but he regretted it to death in his heart. It seems that this time he flattered the horse's leg.

"Red Army, we haven't seen each other for 15 years! I really blamed me for what happened back then, but I didn't do it on purpose! Besides, it's my own sister, do you think I don't regret it?" Li Chunlai felt a little nervous after Li Tie left. Painfully wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he choked up and said.

With red eyes, Zhang Hongjun stood up and said angrily, "If it wasn't for you, Li Xiao wouldn't have died. You killed your sister, and you are an executioner!"

Li Chunlai closed his eyes in some pain, tears kept flowing, and said in his mouth: "At that time, the family objected to the two of you being together, mainly because of your background, but after you entered the normal school, the family almost agreed. It is my sister." I unwisely chose to commit suicide, which my family never thought of."

"But you were the one who informed. If you hadn't told your family, how could they force Li Xiao to marry! And put her in confinement, she is just a weak woman!" Zhang Hongjun burst into tears.

For a long time, the two looked at each other without saying a word.

However, the atmosphere is slowly changing. Maybe it's been too long, and I have thought a lot about it.

At this moment, Li Tie's heavy footsteps came from the stairs.

"Red Army, I'm sorry. I don't ask for your forgiveness. I just hope that you don't live in the past and look forward to everything." Li Chunlai wiped away the tears on his face and said with a helpless smile.

Zhang Hongjun rubbed his face with his hands to make his face look less cold, but he still said coldly: "I don't need to bother you."

Li Tie came in with the dishes, and said with a forced smile, "You two are enough, I don't know how to serve the dishes, but I really want to serve you!"

Zhang Hongjun forced a smile on his face, pretending nothing happened, and said, "On your site, we still need to do it ourselves. Hurry up and bring us all the dishes."

"Okay!" Li Tie turned and left following the actions of the waiter in the shop on TV.

"Actually, I didn't blame you, but Li Xiao's death was too sudden. Oh, don't talk about it, let's drink to the past! Let him pass the past!" Zhang Hongjun drank a glass of wine with Li Chunlai.

"Over the years, I have been afraid to see you, just because I was afraid that you would blame me, but my sister was so rigid at the time, I never thought she would choose this path!" Li Chunlai drank another glass of wine and shook his head. Said.

"Actually, I'm also to blame for this matter. I only found out about it after the fact. At that time, I was training at the party school and didn't receive any news!" Zhang Hongjun said with some self-pity.

"Then why did you choose to come back to teach? Is it only because of Xiaoxiao's wish?" Li Chunlai was a little puzzled by Zhang Hongjun's choice back then.

"It's all there, but it's more about evasion!" Zhang Hongjun shook his head and didn't say much.

"Does sister-in-law know about this?" Li Chunlai asked.

"Are you stupid, let her know about this? But your sister-in-law is very kind, so go and sit at home when you have time!" Zhang Hongjun seemed to really let go, and he seemed much more relaxed.

"Okay, I'll go when I have time." Li Chunlai also relaxed a lot.

After a while, Li Tie ran in with a big pot, and before he entered the door, he shouted, "I tell you two, please help, or the vegetables will be spilled on the floor."

This time the two did not hesitate, and helped Li Tie lift the iron pot to the table and put it down.

Zhang Hongjun was overjoyed when he saw the contents of the pot, and cursed with a smile: "Tiezi, you've paid for your money by fawning on the leader! I haven't eaten this big goose stew in an iron pot for several years!"

"Eat, eat, there are delicious things and you can't stop your mouth!" Li Tie's face was a little red, but he was already dark, and the lights in the room were dim, so no one could tell .

For a moment, no one was talking, and they began to deal with the big goose that had been stewed for most of the pot.

After drinking and eating, the three of them lit cigarettes and began to talk.

"I will take up the post at the Education Bureau next Monday, so I'm returning to my old job!" Li Chunlai said with a smile, "Tiezi, I have already arranged your affairs, and I should report to the Grain Bureau soon. During this period of time, you must be careful, and don't be caught by others."

"Don't worry, brother, I will pay attention." Li Tie was Li Chunlai's distant cousin.

"As for you, you should teach honestly! Unless there are major changes, you will be a teacher for the rest of your life!" Li Chunlai was very dissatisfied with Zhang Hongjun's choice at the beginning, and couldn't help but have resentment in his words.

"I don't need you to worry about it, and I am very satisfied with my life now." Zhang Hongjun waved his hand and said with some disdain.

Li Tie didn't know the relationship between the two, so he chose to shut up.

"Let's go, pack the big goose into a lunch box for me, and go home and let the little ones satisfy their hunger!" Zhang Hongjun extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand and said to Li Tie.

Li Tie sent Zhang Hongjun down the stairs, handed him the lunch box he had prepared earlier, and said, "Hongjun, do you have any grievances with Director Li?"

Zhang Hongjun shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just the past, it's not worth mentioning, don't worry, it has nothing to do with you."

After speaking, Zhang Hongjun rode away.

Li Tie saw that although Zhang Hongjun had drunk, he had no problem riding a bicycle, so he returned to the room.

After Li Tie lit a cigarette for Li Chunlai, he asked, "Brother, what do you have to do with the Red Army?"

"It's nothing serious, it's just a matter of the past. Let's stop here today, is the room tidy?" Li Chunlai said.

"Clean it up, come with me." Li Tie led Li Chunlai into the room.

After leaving the grain station, Zhang Hongjun rode a bicycle and rushed towards the school quickly, because the school's evening self-study was about to end, and he wanted to pick Zhang Ping home.

When Zhang Xiao returned to his father's office, he saw the lunch box on the table at a glance. Looking at his brother and sister who were devouring their mouths full of oil, he couldn't help but said: "Eating before going to bed is not easy to digest. It's best to take a walk after eating." Half an hour, it won't be uncomfortable."

Zhang Hongjun was surprised by what Zhang Xiao said, it is good to have meat these days, so there is no need to pick the time.

As soon as Zhang Xiao opened his mouth, he knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly added: "I saw this in the newspaper today, and I think it makes sense."

"Do you want to eat?" Zhang Hongjun said helplessly.

"Eat, I haven't eaten meat for several days!" Zhang Xiao put down the Oxford dictionary in his hand, washed his hands and started to eat.

Zhang Hongjun looked at Zhang Xiao's face, as if seeing her jumping down from upstairs, he couldn't help being a little crazy all of a sudden!

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise, because his father was crying just now.

"It's okay, a flying insect flew into the eye!" Zhang Hongjun rubbed his eyes, hiding his gaffe just now, but said in his mouth.

In fact, Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, but he didn't know how to ask. If he asked many things, he might not only get no answer, but also make people bored. Moreover, these were all his father's private affairs.

After they were full, Zhang Hongjun took Zhang Ping home by bicycle, while Zhang Xiao and Zhang Kai were still sleeping in the office.

Zhang Hongjun, who was lying on the bed at home, couldn't fall asleep, and couldn't resist going out of the bedroom to smoke in the yard.

Yang Lan was also awakened by Zhang Hongjun's door opening, followed him to the yard and asked, "Something is wrong with you today, what happened?"

Zhang Hongjun shook his head and said, "It's okay, a classmate from the normal school came over today and had a drink with Li Tie. He is going to be the director of the Education Bureau."

"That classmate of yours is not slow to be promoted, and he is in a regular course." Yang Lan was a small team leader in the village, so she was no stranger to these things.

"Yeah, he got promoted very quickly." Zhang Hongjun also felt that Li Chunlai's promotion was not slow, so he couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts.

"Are you jealous of him?" Yang Lan felt that she had guessed what Zhang Hongjun was thinking.

Zhang Hongjun threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped it out, and walked into the house with Yanlan in his arms without saying a word.

"Jealous?" Zhang Hongjun didn't think about it in his heart, but Yang Lan's words aroused some of his ambitions. In addition, he made a conclusion to the past tonight. Count one step.

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