After the mobilization meeting, Zhang Xiao called the leaders of the R&D centers to the conference room upstairs, and discussed with them the R&D priorities of the R&D center this year.

This discussion was mainly to establish the focus of this year's R&D center. Although Zhang Xiao had communicated with these leaders before, he did not emphasize the focus of R&D. However, this time Zhang Xiao plans to establish key projects, so that Let the research and development of the R & D center more adapt to the current development of Hongyuan Group.

After the seminar started, Academician Ni took the lead in announcing all the R&D projects declared by the R&D center this year on the big screen, and then said: "Combining the current development needs of the various subsidiaries of Hongyuan Group, I have carried out a review of all R&D projects. Approval, screened out the projects that are more in line with the current needs of the group, everyone first look at the approval status of the project, and you can raise any disagreements."

The heads of all R&D teams began to compare the information in their hands with the information on the big screen, because they knew that this would be the first batch of projects approved by the R&D center this year, and it would also be the focus of the R&D center's work this year.

Yuan Wenjie, as the general manager of the R&D center, soon discovered that the focus of this project was placed on the semiconductor industry by Academician Ni. Among them, the R&D projects of various chips and electronic components are the most, followed by mobile communications, which is in line with The current situation of the group.

However, Yuan Wenjie still feels that it is inappropriate for some research and development projects to be cut off. After all, in his opinion, all the projects applied for are necessary, and now the research and development personnel who have not passed the project review, how to arrange their work this year will be a problem. A big problem.

"Boss, Academician Ni, I checked the approval status of this year's research and development projects, and found that the projects approved by the group this year are mainly in the semiconductor industry, supplemented by electronic components, and there are also many research and development projects in mobile communications. Except for the software that has been approved, the rest of the software projects have not passed the review, and I want to know the reason." Yuan Wenjie spoke first, and also asked the questions in the minds of the various software R&D teams present.

Academician Ni nodded and said, "The reason for this decision is that the focus of our R&D center is still on the semiconductor industry. Electronic components are used as the basis and all projects have been approved. The research and development of mobile communications is the future of our mobile industry. The basis of the telephone project, so I think everyone should have no objection to these three aspects as the focus of research and development this year."

"The reason why some software projects are deleted is not that we do not pay attention to software development, but because many of these projects already exist in the market, so we will not approve these software projects that have already appeared in finished products. In fact, as a Researchers know very well that a finished software must have its patent barriers, and we cannot step into such a trap.”

"In addition, there is another aspect that the current Internet bubble has burst, and many Internet companies are in the most difficult time. At this time, we don't have to spend a lot of time and energy on research and development. It is the most cost-effective solution to acquire Internet companies that have development prospects in difficult times.”

Academician Ni's explanation made the leaders of the research and development team here couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and nodded their heads to express their understanding. However, they also understand that with the acquisition of these Internet companies, more research and development personnel will join. It is of course a good thing for Hongyuan Group itself, but for R&D personnel like them, it represents competition.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao saw that Academician Ni had finished the main content, and said with a smile: "Currently the task of the R&D center is very heavy, even the software development team will have a lot of work to do, so I hope everyone In the work, we can clarify the focus of the group's development, and carry out research and development closely following the pace of the group's development, so that the group can develop faster."

"As the boss, what I can do is to give you enough research and development expenses and financial support, and what you have to do is to advance the progress of each research and development project as soon as possible, so as not to affect the industrial layout of the group."

"Thank you, boss." Yuan Wenjie was satisfied with Zhang Xiao's promise. After all, the R&D center doesn't have much profitability yet, and Zhang Xiao's support and affirmation will reduce unnecessary difficulties in their funding approval.

The next meeting was mainly for Academician Ni to discuss specific R&D projects with the heads of various R&D groups. Zhang Xiao listened carefully throughout the whole process, taking notes from time to time, and did not express his own opinions.

The discussion didn't end until six o'clock in the afternoon.

When Zhang Xiao took Hou Shuyan back outside the office, she saw Huang Minhui knocking on the door, and couldn't help but smile and asked, "Minister Huang, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Boss, I heard that you have an appointment with President Zhang Rujin, can you bring me with you?" Huang Minhui turned to look at Zhang Xiao and asked.

"How do you know?" Zhang Xiao asked as he pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

Zhang Xiao didn't tell the news about meeting Zhang Rujin, and it was even more impossible for Yuan Min to reveal it, but Huang Minhui knew about it, which made Zhang Xiao curious.

"I heard from friends abroad." Huang Minhui said vaguely.

"You know Mr. Zhang?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise. He didn't know why Huang Minhui wanted to meet Zhang Rujin. After all, Zhang Xiao didn't want too many people to know about the meeting.

"I've only heard her name, but I haven't met her in person." Huang Minhui shook her head and said.

Zhang Xiao was dumbfounded. As the designer of the chip, Huang Minhui knew that Zhang Rujin was normal, so Zhang Xiao still asked, "Why do you want to see him?"

"I think the road he is walking on now is full of thorns. I want to have further exchanges with him, and maybe I can persuade him to join the group." Huang Minhui smiled and said without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Xiao expressed doubts about this, because Zhang Xiao knew very well how hot Zhang Rujin was at the moment, and even Zhang Xiao himself was not sure if he wanted to persuade him to join Hongyuan Group, so he could only say to try it. try.

But Huang Minhui actually said that she was sure to persuade Zhang Rujin, which made Zhang Xiao full of doubts.

Huang Minhui naturally saw the suspicion in Zhang Xiao's eyes, she smiled and said: "The current domestic chip industry can be said to be barren, lacking everything, lacking funds, technology, and high-end talents and manufacturing equipment. They are all lacking, and our Hongyuan Group is the only company with mid-to-high-end chip capabilities, and has a complete technical reserve and authorization, which is what Mr. Zhang lacks the most."

"I believe that as long as we show Mr. Zhang the advantages of Hongyuan Group, he should make the right choice."

Huang Minhui is full of self-confidence. After she joined Hongyuan Group, she learned about the current patents owned by Hongyuan Group and various patent authorizations, and she felt lucky to join Hongyuan Group.

"Okay, then you will accompany me to meet Zhang Rujin tomorrow and see what he chooses." Zhang Xiao is looking forward to Zhang Rujin very much, hoping that he can join Hongyuan Group and integrate Hongyuan Group's chip manufacturing and generation Workers take the fast lane.

"Thank you, boss." Huang Minhui immediately said happily.

Zhang Xiao waved his hand, and after signaling Huang Minhui that you're welcome, he asked, "How's the internationalization plan going?"

"It's in progress. Because it involves many differences at home and abroad, we must fully consider various conditions in the production of our plan, so the progress is not fast, but it is cautious and safe enough." Huang Minhui said with a smile.

"That's good. This year will be the most critical year for the group. If we can achieve the planned goals in all aspects this year, then the foundation of our Hongyuan Group will be considered solid." Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling emotional, and he was also looking forward to Huang Minhui internationalization program.

Huang Minhui smiled, said goodbye and left without saying anything, but Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Minhui's leaving back and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Dad, Minister Huang has already left, so don't miss it. Besides, I don't think that Minister Huang is prettier than me." Hou Shuyan couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied when Zhang Xiao stared at the direction Huang Minhui left in a daze. Said.

"What are you thinking? What you think in your head every day is too nasty." Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan angrily.

"Hmph, men are duplicity bastards, they have a wicked heart but no guts!" Hou Shuyan sneered. cascoo.

"Secretary Hou, I think you are too free to make fun of me." Zhang Xiao's face darkened, and she looked at Hou Shuyan and said.

Hou Shuyan was startled, but then she laughed and said, "Boss, I'm off work, goodbye."

After Hou Shuyan finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels and left. When she left, she still twisted her body exaggeratedly, leaving Zhang Xiao with endless reverie.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing bitterly, Hou Shuyan became more and more bold, which made him feel helpless and worried.

After eating at noon the next day, Zhang Xiao brought Huang Minhui and Hou Shuyan to the Capital Hotel, and saw Yuan Min who had already arranged everything.

"Boss, I've already booked the room, let's go up. Besides, I've given Zhang Rujin the room number, and he'll be here soon." Yuan Min reported to Zhang Xiaohui as he walked.

"Okay, then I'll go up and wait for him, and you and Lao Guo will wait for him in the lobby." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"Okay." Yuan Min nodded and agreed.

Guo Feng had no objection to Zhang Xiao's arrangement, although he didn't know why Zhang Xiao asked him and Yuan Min to pick him up together.

After Zhang Xiao came to the presidential suite upstairs, she said to Hou Shuyan, "Get ready, Zhang Rujin will be here soon."

Hou Shuyan nodded, took out the tea set from the suitcase, and started making tea.

"Boss, Mr. Zhang is a Christian, and he is usually very frugal. I'm afraid he will be dissatisfied when we treat him like this." Huang Minhui couldn't help but said worriedly when she saw Zhang Xiao's preparations with great fanfare.

"You worry too much. The reason why Mr. Zhang is frugal is just for the sake of his own image of self-denial and dedication to public affairs. No one would dislike a comfortable environment. But we must put on an air of wealth and wealth. Only in this way can we meet Take the initiative in the next conversation." Zhang Xiao has his own different views, in his opinion, entertaining guests must let them understand your strength, which is countless times better than explaining your financial strength.

Huang Minhui immediately understood Zhang Xiao's approach. The biggest difference between her and Zhang Xiao was in the way she considered the problem. Starting from herself, Zhang Xiao took various measures to show her own strength. Although it looked vulgar, the effect was innumerable. times.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room, and Zhang Xiao immediately stood up and went to open the door to greet her.

After opening the door, Zhang Xiao recognized Zhang Rujin at a glance. It was not much different from the photo. Perhaps it was because of the winter that Zhang Rujin's clothes looked a little bloated.

"Mr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time." Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Rujin together, and said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, I really admire you. I am ashamed of myself for having achieved what I have achieved at a young age." Zhang Rujin said with a smile, and was very surprised at Zhang Xiao's youth, even though he had already I know that Zhang Xiao is not very old.

"Mr. Zhang, please." Zhang Xiao smiled and invited Zhang Rujin in.

After arriving in the room, Zhang Rujin took off the down jacket on his body, and Zhang Xiao naturally took it and handed it to Guo Feng.

Zhang Rujin was stunned for a moment and couldn't help smiling. While Zhang Xiao's casual behavior surprised him, he also had to admit that Zhang Xiao was easier to get along with than he imagined, and he had a lot to do with Zhang Xiao in his imagination. s difference.

"Mr. Zhang, please, try the tea made by our Secretary Hou." Zhang Xiao invited Zhang Rujin with a smile.

Zhang Rujin didn't refuse either. After sitting on the sofa with Zhang Xiao, he took the tea that Hou Shuyan pushed over, took a sip, and couldn't help but praise: "Good tea, this is the Yuhua tea from Jinling."

"Yes, Jinling's unique Yuhua tea. I know that Mr. Zhang's ancestral home is from Jinling, and Mr. Zhang has just returned to China, so I borrowed flowers to present Buddha." Zhang Xiao said very naturally, putting himself in the position of a landlord , this natural approach makes people feel very comfortable.

Zhang Rujin took another sip of tea before putting the cup on the table, and said with a sigh: "Actually, I haven't drank Yuhua tea for a long time. I haven't drank it since I left Taiwan Island for the beautiful country. Thank you." you."

"It's nothing more than a little effort. I ordered this tea specially for you. I hope you like it." Zhang Xiao took out the tea from under the coffee table and said with a smile.

Zhang Rujin couldn't help being dazed, and felt Zhang Xiao's full sincerity. In his opinion, Zhang Xiao's ability to achieve such a level with Zhang Xiao's wealth was enough to show Zhang Xiao's purpose.

Zhang Xiao looked at Zhang Rujin with a smile, and didn't speak, but waited for Zhang Rujin to speak first, and he knew very well that although Zhang Rujin was valued by the country, many people still didn't like it.

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