In fact, the combination of theory and practice mentioned by Zhang Xiao has always been a difficult problem in the field of scientific research. After all, theory will always exist beyond practice.

In enterprise competition, it is the only way for an enterprise to grow stronger and surpass similar enterprises by taking the lead in transforming theory into productivity. Zhang Xiao now hopes that Hongyuan Group can do this. Although there will be difficulties in this process, this It is the only way for Hongyuan Group to grow and develop.

In scientific research, speed is everything and a key factor in the success of technology companies.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that after the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the Internet crisis gave the domestic semiconductor industry a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Not only was the technology blockade temporarily broken, but a large number of semiconductor talents will return to China. source group's greatest opportunity.

Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni discussed the main content of the afternoon meeting, and considered semiconductors as the main direction of the future R&D center, which is also in line with the current layout of Hongyuan Group.

The afternoon meeting was held in the auditorium. When Zhang Xiao brought Hou Shuyan to the auditorium, he was still taken aback by the scene in the auditorium.

The more than 500 employees of the R&D center were all gathered in the auditorium, which made the auditorium very crowded. The aisles and corridors were full of people. Not only that, even the front of the rostrum was full of temporary seats.

"Are there so many people?" Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and looked at Hou Shuyan.

"Boss, this is all the employees of the R&D center in Beijing. The number of them greatly exceeds the number of people in our auditorium, but fortunately, everyone can sit down and have a meeting." Hou Shuyan said cautiously, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would be angry.

"That's how it is. The auditorium still needs to be further expanded in the future. If it's not possible, we will build a auditorium that can accommodate more than [-] people in the open space behind the building." Zhang Xiao didn't have much emotion, and his face was expressionless. Said with an expression.

Hou Shuyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as Zhang Xiao didn't blame her, then she would be satisfied.

Zhang Xiao turned on the microphone and flicked the microphone, the auditorium suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to the rostrum.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "There are so many people. This shows that the auditorium of our group is still not big enough. This shows that the speed of our group's talent pool exceeds the update speed of our hardware. This is not only a blessing for our Hongyuan Group, It shows that everyone is full of longing for the future of Hongyuan Group and full of hope for the future."

"In the past year, our group's R&D center has spent a total of 42 billion R&D funds, providing our R&D personnel with the most advanced R&D equipment that the group can provide, and also setting up our own R&D teams for all R&D teams. laboratory."

"This year we will invest more in R&D. The Group will continue to invest in all areas and projects that are worth researching. This is my guarantee to everyone, and I hope you will continue to maintain the current enthusiasm for R&D."

Zhang Xiaoyang talked eloquently about the achievements of the R&D center in the past. From the development and update of basic electronic components to the design and packaging of semiconductor chips, Zhang Xiao was not stingy in his praise of the R&D personnel, which filled the entire auditorium with a hot atmosphere , It also made all the R&D personnel aware of Zhang Xiao's attention, which made them extremely excited.

"At the beginning of the new year, we must not only summarize past achievements, but also summarize the experience and lessons of the past year."

"Last year, the output of our R&D center was only 42 million yuan, which was a full 36 billion yuan compared with the [-] billion yuan invested in R&D. Not starting from the most basic links, this will play an important role in consolidating the foundation of our group and will allow us to develop more smoothly in the future."

"However, everyone should also notice that the current R&D center of the group is based on the support of all the subsidiaries of the group. It is not to become the bottomless pit that people say, the abyss that cannot be filled."

"Dear colleagues, since we are on the road of scientific research, we must go forward bravely and use our own ingenuity to build a road to the future. The road of scientific research that belongs exclusively to Hongyuan Group, let our desired theory Research can be turned into products that can be applied in practice, allowing us to shine in the field of science and technology."

When Zhang Xiao said this, there was thunderous applause in the auditorium, and the employees responded to Zhang Xiao's expectations with applause, which made Zhang Xiao very emotional. matter.

After the applause stopped, Zhang Xiao continued to speak: "Scientific research is not a dinner party, or a game between you and me, but a competition for life and death. It is a situation in which the winner takes all and the loser has nothing. I believe everyone is very clear about it. Serious consequences."

"So I hope that everyone will pay more attention to efficiency and speed in the next research and development, so that we can change from being behind to equal and then leading. We must do our best. Can everyone do it? "

"Yes!" Due to the reservedness of the men in science and engineering, there were only sporadic responses in the auditorium.

"I can't hear it, I can't hear everyone's determination to work together and move forward!" Zhang Xiao flicked the table with her fingers and said loudly.

"We can do it!" Zhang Xiao mobilized the emotions of all employees at this moment, and responded loudly.

"Very good! I am very satisfied with everyone's answers." Zhang Xiao stood up, grabbed the microphone and said.

"Some people abroad once said that we will never be able to manufacture an atomic bomb, but we have developed it by relying on our own efforts!"

"But now foreign giants in the semiconductor industry predict that we will never catch up with the development progress of foreign countries. I am not convinced. Everyone has the same brain. Why should we never be inferior to others? Isn't it just brainstorming! Just do it!" Zhang Xiaona shouted loudly into the microphone.

"It's over!" More than 500 people responded loudly, and they all shouted without showing any weakness after being aroused by Zhang Xiao.

Those who can enter the R&D center of Hongyuan Group were once the favored ones of heaven, and they will never take the initiative to admit defeat. The reason why they are willing to join Hongyuan Group is not only because of the generous treatment provided by Hongyuan Group, but also because of the Yuan Group has given them a platform to the world's scientific research field, allowing them to conduct research and development without distraction.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear about the thoughts of these people, and can easily mobilize their emotions, make them more enthusiastic about work, and unleash infinite power for the progress of research and development.

Zhang Xiao pressed down with both hands, and after everyone calmed down, Zhang Xiao continued to speak: "The group will provide you with the best research and development conditions, and will continue to invest, but I hope that everyone will Our own theoretical research is transformed into actual productivity and specific products, so as to prepare for turning losses into profits. Next, Academician Ni will create badges for this year's scientific research stars!"

Scientific Research Star is an honor specially set up by Zhang Xiao for the R&D Center this year. There are still ten seats in total. Every selected employee is a benchmark for this year’s R&D Center and a person who has made great contributions. To these scientific research stars, Not only will there be badges and certificates, but also a cash reward of [-] per person.

Academician Ni said with a smile: "The star of scientific research is that all employees of our R&D center can receive honors. As long as you can make outstanding contributions, you can receive honors and cash rewards."

After Academician Ni said a few words, he began to announce the list of scientific research stars.

Soon, these scientific researchers who were rated as scientific research stars came to the stage one after another, accepting everyone's attention.

Academician Ni personally wore badges for these people one by one, which made the ten R&D personnel extremely happy. After all, it was their dream to be recognized by Academician Ni.

They stood on the stage full of excitement, accepting photos from the photographers, and the golden badges were also expected by everyone.

And Zhang Xiao handed out a reward of [-] to each of them, and the brand new red banknotes made everyone envious and envious. After all, the current [-] in cash was their salary for more than a year.

The next meeting, chaired by Academician Ni, will set the research and development goals and direction for the R&D center in the new year, and will announce the investment amount of each project. This is also the decision after discussion between Academician Ni and Zhang Xiao.

After all, large-scale capital investment can make these R&D personnel more enthusiastic and devote more energy to scientific research projects, thereby promoting the continuous improvement of Hongyuan Group's scientific research level.

Zhang Xiao participated in the whole meeting and listened to the work reports of all R&D team leaders. Zhang Xiao also encouraged them in a timely manner.

The meeting belonging to the R&D center ended in a warm atmosphere. Zhang Xiao was satisfied with the effect of the meeting. The only thing that made him regret was that the size of the auditorium was still too small to accommodate the current Hongyuan Group. The scale also forced Zhang Xiao to consider building a larger auditorium to host such a meeting.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, there will be many such large-scale conferences in the future. After all, he is committed to being a leader in the semiconductor industry, and conferences in the semiconductor industry are bound to be held frequently, thus establishing Hongyuan Group's position in the semiconductor field.

This is also Zhang Xiao's main goal this year, but in order to achieve this, Hongyuan Group must produce achievements and contributions that everyone has to recognize.

However, Zhang Xiao also has the confidence to do this. After all, the current Hongyuan Group will become the largest electronic product manufacturing company in China with the construction of the Greentown Electronics Industry Base Project. After the second production line of the chip factory in Beijing is put into production, the chip The production capacity will be greatly improved, which is of positive significance to Hongyuan Group.

The most important thing is that Hongyuan Group is completely in the hands of Zhang Xiao. Everything is decided by Zhang Xiao himself. Almost all development plans can be decided by Zhang Xiao with one word. The ability to acquire intelligence to ensure that the general direction of Hongyuan Group is correct.

In this way, if the general direction is correct, Hongyuan Group can develop better. Even if there are slight flaws in some details, it can be changed and fine-tuned in the actual development, and even re-arranged.

It is rare and valuable to be able to understand the future development direction. More importantly, Zhang Xiao is very clear that in order to make Hongyuan Group develop rapidly and promote the rapid progress of the semiconductor industry, all of this is inseparable from the promotion of money, or capital drive.

And Zhang Xiao completed the industrial layout of the People’s Supermarket at the beginning of the establishment of the Hongyuan Suggestion Group. The retail industry is currently the most realistic cash flow, and there is still a long period of development bonus. Excellent cash flow can allow Zhang Xiao to expand More money goes into the semiconductor industry.

In addition, the current layout of the express delivery company and warehousing business is all profitable, and their development bonus period will be longer. Even in the Internet age of later generations, these two businesses will still be prosperous for a long time. This is for Hongyuan For the group, it not only guaranteed the basic source of funds, but also allowed Zhang Xiao to invest in the development of the semiconductor industry without hesitation.

Funds are the basis for the development of all groups. The most important thing is that Zhang Xiao currently has very strong funds, and the development of various industries is the benchmark of each industry, so that Hongyuan Group can attract talents to a greater extent and provide Hongyuan Group with a wealth of resources for its development. More motivation.

In particular, the joining of Academician Ni has indescribable benefits to Hongyuan Group.It can be said that without the support of Academician Ni and the active efforts of Academician Ni, the development of Hongyuan Group in the semiconductor industry, especially the computer field, would not be so smooth.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao’s respect for Academician Ni comes from the heart, not only in Zhang Xiao’s behavior, but also in Zhang Xiao’s reward for Academician Ni. At present, Academician Ni’s share in Microelectronics Technology Company has changed from the original 5%. rose to 10%.

Although Academician Ni had evaded it, it was impossible for him not to be tempted by such a large amount of wealth.After all, microelectronics technology companies have become a benchmark in the domestic industry. Although they have not yet been listed, their valuation is at least [-] billion. There is no doubt that [-]% of the shares are worth at least [-] billion. This is a crazy Interests.

Even though Academician Ni was indifferent to fame and wealth, he still couldn't refuse the huge benefits, but it was also because of Academician Ni's character that Zhang Xiao let him hold so many shares.

And academician Ni's efforts to hold so many shares are also due. The efforts of the past three years have made the microelectronics technology company a leader in the computer field, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

The meeting ended very quickly. After all, it was just a mobilization meeting. Although it was important, it did not involve specific projects, and the time did not need to be very long.

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