Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 423 Implementation Method

"It's up to you! Besides, this lady is naturally beautiful, so she won't get fat at all." Hou Shuyan said arrogantly, but she obviously ate much less than before.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about this, because Hou Shuyan was just like this for a while, and she would return to normal after a day.

This is a woman who wants to be youthful and charming, but can't control her mouth and body. The height of thinking and physical practice will always become the biggest contradiction.

After eating, Academician Ni left Zhang Xiao's office, but Zhang Xiao returned to the lounge to rest for a while. After all, he didn't sleep well last night, and his waist is still sore.

After a short lunch break, the afternoon meeting began.

The content of the afternoon meeting is mainly to discuss the construction and implementation methods of institutionalized management, which is the focus of this meeting.

After all, Hongyuan Group's system is relatively complete, and the most important thing about institutionalized management is to connect all the systems in series, add some systems for assessment and incentive mechanisms, and then implement them in a reasonable way.

In order to achieve institutionalized management, a set of scientific and reasonable rules and regulations that conform to the reality of Hongyuan Group must be formulated.

In Hongyuan Group, the system is the rule, and it is the rules and regulations that all employees must abide by. Therefore, all the rules and regulations must first be understood and recognized by the vast majority of employees, otherwise, the rules and regulations are just a dead letter.

In fact, there are many precedents for this.For example, some units formulate a lot of systems, but the unit members can’t explain clearly, and some systems are not fully considered when they are formulated, and cannot be implemented in practice; some systems are empty and divorced from the actual situation, and some systems themselves contradict each other , such a system does not work at all.

In order to make the group's rules and regulations really play a role, first of all, all employees of the group must recognize the rationality and necessity of the rules and regulations, and make these rules and regulations deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, when formulating rules and regulations, all employees or employee representatives must be fully involved and discussed, so that the creation of the system will go through the process of "negotiation-drafting-modification-trial implementation-revision-promulgation". Only through the inspection of the process can we formulate rules and regulations that all employees of the group accept. Only such a system is reasonable and operable. All employees of the group also willingly accept its constraints, thus receiving the effect of institutionalized management.

As far as Hongyuan Group is concerned at present, the first thing is to establish a sound rules and regulations, and the second is to find a suitable implementation plan.

Zhang Xiao was the first to speak after the meeting started: "Since the institutionalized management has been finalized, I will discuss the establishment and implementation of the system this afternoon. After these are finalized, we only need to establish a reasonable system in the future."

"The boss is right. I think we should first discuss how to establish a system and to what extent the system should be established?" Tian Xiaodan said with a serious expression. She had already thought about this issue at noon, so she directly threw bricks to attract ideas.

"I think the group must fully consider its feasibility and operability when establishing a system. This is what we must do first. I think that when establishing a system, we must fully consider the actual situation of the group and the past rules and regulations. We must ensure that the system Gaining the recognition and support of most employees facilitates the smooth implementation and implementation of the system. In addition, I think that the more systems the group has, the better, nor the stricter the better. The key lies in whether the system is feasible and whether it has Better operability." Tian Xiaodan expressed her inner thoughts, and this was the limit she could consider.

"Assistant Tian is right, but it is necessary for us to establish the rules and regulations and win the support of most employees. Only in this way will the implementation process be smoother." Li Mingxuan nodded, Then he said, "During the construction of Minmin Supermarket, we have a corresponding investigation mechanism. Every employee can submit suggestions through the intranet of Minmin Supermarket. I think the group can also learn from this model."

Li Mingxuan's words made Zhang Xiao nod his head. People's Supermarket has indeed done a good job in this regard. It has come to the forefront of the times and solved the communication problem between employees and the leadership to a large extent. This is also to a large extent. Address employee grievances.

"Currently among all the subsidiaries, Minmin Supermarket has done a good job in communicating with superiors and subordinates. Everyone should learn from Minmin Supermarket, but this is not what I want to consider today. We still need to consider the system The establishment and implementation of the meeting." Zhang Xiao brought back the theme of the meeting, and he wanted to control the direction of the meeting.

Academician Ni coughed at this time, attracted everyone's attention and said: "Institutionalized management must enhance the awareness of innovation when establishing institutionalized management to prevent the system from becoming rigid after the establishment. This is not conducive to the development of the group."

"After all, system innovation is an important way for the group to enhance its core competitiveness, and it is also one of the effective measures to stimulate employees to work creatively. Therefore, when the group establishes rules and regulations, it must leave room for the soundness and perfection of the system and continuous improvement. Institutional innovation builds a good platform. Moreover, in the process of implementing institutionalized management, some institutional content must be revised and adjusted in a timely manner with the development of the group and changes in the environment, so that the enterprise's system conforms to the actual situation of the enterprise and meets the needs of enterprise development. and the needs of environmental changes, thereby enhancing the adaptability and market competitiveness of enterprises."

Academician Ni said this because he had encountered such problems in Lianxiang Group in the past, and now he naturally does not want Hongyuan Group to repeat the same mistakes.

"Academician Ni is right. Whether it is a system or something else, we should look at the problem from the perspective of sustainable development instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all model to establish rules and regulations." Zhang Xiao summarized Academician Ni's opinion and agreed gave his own opinion.

Everyone couldn't help nodding. After all, Zhang Xiao raised the establishment of rules and regulations to a new level. After all, sustainable development requires a platform. Zhang Xiao obviously managed the rules and regulations as a new project.

Seeing that no one spoke again, Zhang Xiao said again: "Let's discuss the establishment of the rules and regulations here. In the process of establishing the rules and regulations in the future, we can rationalize and adjust the rules and regulations according to the actual situation. Next, let's discuss institutionalization." implementation of management."

Seeing that everyone was thinking, Ye Shijiang said, "I think the implementation of institutionalized management should be carried out from four aspects."

"In the first aspect, the implementation of institutionalized management must maintain the seriousness and authority of the system. In the process of implementing institutionalized management by the group, it should be strictly ensured that the system can be implemented in a fair, fair, and open manner, and no special circumstances can arise in front of the system. It is necessary to form a good atmosphere within the group where everyone abides by the system, maintains the system, and supervises the implementation of the system, so as to ensure that the seriousness and authority of the system are not violated.”

"Secondly, in the process of institutionalized management, we must correctly handle the relationship between institutionalized management and emotional management. The group's institutionalized management must be integrated with emotional management and emotional communication in order to fully play its role After all, institutionalized management makes enterprises bear greater operational risks, and proper addition of some emotional management methods can minimize this risk, and the penetration of institutionalized management can make the power out of control problem that emotional management is difficult to solve. It's easy to solve."

"The third aspect is to properly handle the resistance of informal organizations. As we all know, people are social creatures, so there will be many informal organizations within the group. However, these informal organizations have great influence on the production and operation activities of the group. is huge."

"In the process of implementing institutionalized management, the group is likely to damage the interests of the informal organization or restrict its behavior, making the informal organization resist the institutionalized management process of the group. At this time, do not take Instead of a simple enforcement method, on the basis of adhering to the principles, a more moderate approach should be adopted, such as communicating with the leader of the informal organization, explaining the stakes, and making them accept, understand, and consciously abide by the group's rules and regulations. "

"The fourth aspect, which is also the most important aspect, is that if we want to achieve institutionalized management, we must start from the management of the group. As the saying goes, "The train runs fast, it all depends on the front belt", so institutionalized management First of all, we must start from the management, and start from the institutionalization of the management."

"That is to say, the institutionalized management of our group must start with the system construction of the management. At the beginning of the construction of various systems of the group, we should first establish the rules and regulations that the management must abide by. Only when these rules and regulations are established, and the management personnel Only by truly complying with them can the group formulate the rules and regulations for ideological and political work, business work, and administrative management work, and the management will take the lead in complying with the rules and regulations, not specializing, and setting an example for other employees of the group, so that the whole group can abide by these rules and regulations. Rules and regulations, effective from top to bottom, mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all staff within the group, so as to achieve institutionalized management and receive the desired results."

"Conversely, if the management members of the group cannot abide by or implement the group's rules and regulations, but require the employees below to abide by them, it will be counterproductive and cause dissatisfaction among employees, which will lead to rebellious psychology and lead to employees' lack of enthusiasm for work. High, poor subjective initiative, implementing various systems through the motions, making various rules and regulations useless, and all work will be greatly affected. Therefore, I believe that the group management takes the lead in complying with the implementation of various rules and regulations, which is the way to achieve institutionalized management The key is also the key to the overall improvement of various jobs.”

Ye Shijiang's words revealed the difficulties and key points of institutionalized management, but it also placed the key points of institutionalized management in front of all management. After all, it is still very difficult for them to abide by the group's rules and regulations like ordinary employees.

Zhang Xiao also had to consider this issue. It was a process that had to be experienced to make all these managements follow the rules and regulations, otherwise the so-called institutionalized management would really become a joke.

Zhang Xiao coughed lightly and said to everyone: "In order to achieve institutionalized management, a corresponding assessment mechanism must be established. Assessment is a method to test the implementation of rules and regulations and evaluate whether the rules and regulations are reasonable, feasible and easy to operate. At the same time The assessment work also needs to be standardized and a system must be established, and it must be more operable and standardized.”

"In the process of assessment, we must not go through the motions and be mere formalities. Instead, we should refine and quantify the assessment, and establish files, so that the assessment of various rules and regulations can be truly implemented, and no management and assessment objects will be missed, so that It makes the whole group conscientiously abide by various rules and regulations, and each employee is not only the executor of the system, but also the supervisor of other people's implementation of the system, so that the whole group of the group forms a three-dimensional network of institutionalized management." www.cascoo.

"Thanks to the supervision mechanism of assessment, various systems can be truly implemented, and the role of institutionalized management can be truly played, thereby ensuring the overall progress of other work."

"I will personally supervise the assessment system. All employees who violate the company's rules and regulations, no matter who they are, will be assessed according to the assessment system and will be notified throughout the group. I hope everyone will implement it seriously."

Zhang Xiao's words made everyone cheer up. After all, the assessment was not terrible for them, but they had to pay attention to the notification of the whole group.

At this point in the meeting, Zhang Xiao felt that the discussion on institutionalized management was almost done, and was about to end the meeting, but Academician Ni said, "Boss, everyone, if the group wants to achieve institutionalized management, it must not relax ideological and political work."

"The great leader once said, 'Ideological and political work is the lifeline of economic work and all other work'. To achieve institutionalized management, a group must have a strong set of ideological and political work as a guarantee."

"In the process of brewing, negotiating, drafting and discussing the rules and regulations, we should pay attention to fully listening to and widely collecting the opinions of all employees, concentrating the wisdom of all employees, respecting their enthusiasm and creativity, and implementing ideological and political work in all tasks. Always."

"Moreover, after implementing strict rules and regulations, some employees will inevitably feel unsuitable and even full of complaints. This requires us to have realistic and effective, patient and meticulous ideological and political work. By doing their ideological and political work, we can not only adhere to the system The standards remain unchanged, dispel their doubts, resolve their dissatisfaction, and enable them to consciously abide by the rules and regulations from resisting the implementation of the system, so that the problem can be satisfactorily resolved.”

"At the same time, I think that ideological and political work should be institutionalized so that all employees in the group regard ideological and political work as a system that must be followed and implemented. They can get the necessary psychological comfort after work, get timely and effective help when they encounter difficulties, and they will feel caring all the time, so that they can consciously work and implement various rules and regulations.”

"In my opinion, always adhering to the principle of leading political work and leading ideological work is an important guarantee for the realization of institutionalized management."

Zhang Xiao had to pay attention to Academician Ni's words. There is no doubt about the importance of ideological and political work. Not quite right.

In fact, there is no way to do this. At present, the top and bottom of Hongyuan Group are all young. As a modern woman, Tian Xiaodan has been influenced by many liberalization trends. It is not appropriate for her to do ideological and political work. It is imperative that people with experience in ideological and political work be responsible for the ideological and political work of the group.

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