According to the cooperation agreement, Microelectronics Technology Company will share computer hardware manufacturing technology with these computer manufacturers in the future, including but not limited to computer hardware, and Microelectronics Technology Company will receive 20.00% of these computer manufacturers' profits in computer sales.

From the point of view of the cooperation agreement, it is nothing more than that the microelectronics technology company obtains profit sharing by using technology as a shareholder, but the deeper reality is kept silent by everyone.

As for the microelectronics technology company, academician Ni is too embarrassed to say that it is cheap, but other computer manufacturers are too embarrassed to say it out. After all, the technology and parts they need are currently only available in China at a low price. Microelectronics technology company. side.

In terms of the production of computer parts and components, with the start-up of Xinglin Electronics Factory on Microelectronics Technology Company, the manufacture of various components has far exceeded the needs of Microelectronics Technology Company itself, and now it is time to allocate the excess production capacity For these computer manufacturers, in this way, not only can they get the profit share of the whole computer, but they can also earn some profits on computer components.

As for the computer operating system, Academician Ni even urged them to replace it with the Shenhua computer operating system. On the one hand, it is to save costs. After all, in terms of computer systems, Shenhua's computer operating system is free, while Microsoft's computer operating system is charged. of.

On the other hand, Academician Ni also wanted to make the Shenhua computer operating system the mainstream of domestic computer operating systems. This was the main reason why Academician Ni agreed to cooperate.

After Zhang Xiao signed the cooperation agreement, he still came to the meeting room to meet with the computer manufacturers present. They are good at management, and such talents are relatively scarce in Hongyuan Group.

For this reason, Zhang Xiao held a dinner party in the living room of Hongyuan Building. After all, it is often better to speak out after drinking. Zhang Xiao will not let go of such a good opportunity to connect with each other.

The dinner was held in a joyous manner, and the executives of the Hongyuan Group, who were called by Zhang Xiao to accompany the guests, knew Zhang Xiao's purpose very well, so they vaguely leaked information to the representatives of these computer manufacturers during the dinner.

And Zhang Xiao also expressed enough goodwill towards them. Anyway, they are now a cooperative relationship. As for recruiting Zhang Xiao, he didn't make it clear, but the representatives of these computer manufacturers, as people who have worked in the business circle for many years, don't know how Zhang Xiao Xiao means.

But no one was immediately confused by Zhang Xiao's attitude, but they also knew that, as the heads of the computer department, the failure of the computer department this time would definitely affect their future development in their respective companies, and the sadness in it Bitterness can only be kept in the bottom of my heart.

Zhang Xiao also knew that these things would not be able to make them make up their minds in a short while, but his kindness would definitely be the most considered option when they were looking for their next family in the future, and that was enough.

After the dinner, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after taking the senior management of Hongyuan Group to send the representatives of these computer manufacturers away.

After all, in the computer market, being able to obtain such a large market share and reach such a cooperation agreement with these computer manufacturers is of great significance to Microelectronics Technology Company, and it can also increase the influence of Microelectronics Technology Company in the computer market. Continue to expand.

More importantly, after the joint investigation team left, the shackles that were originally tied to Hongyuan Group were significantly less restricted, especially the publicity and affirmation of supercomputers and Huajing chips by the official media, which made Microelectronics Technology There are many fewer restrictions on the development of the company.

On the second day after the microelectronics technology company and these computer manufacturers reached a cooperation agreement, Microsoft's headquarters in China had already received the news. This was the first time that Microsoft had encountered such a situation.

After all, as the world's largest software supplier, Microsoft's main business is software and the Windows operating system. Although pirated copies of personal computer operating systems emerge in endlessly, they are all based on the Windows operating system. Now Shenhua's computer operating system installation ratio is Make them feel incredible.

As the president of Microsoft Asia, Tang Jun asked the company to start counting the installation ratio of the operating system in China when he got the news. Although they were nervous about the appearance of the Shenhua computer operating system before, it was still used in a small area after all. Now everything seems to have changed.

"Mr. Tang, at present, on the enterprise side, the installation ratio of our operating system is about 80.00%, and the rest are secondary developments based on the linx operating system, among which the Shenhua computer operating system accounts for the largest proportion."

"On personal computers, the installation ratio of our win operating system is about 60.00%, while the installation ratio of Shenhua's computer operating system is now 30.00%."

Following the introduction of the marketing manager, Tang Jun's heart skipped a beat. After all, such an installation ratio is still very high in the world, but as an emerging computer market in China, such an installation ratio has already explained some problems.

"Talk about Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer's operating system in detail. I remember that Shenhua Computer is a computer brand in China." Tang Jun said thoughtfully.

"Shenhua Computer is a product of Microelectronics Technology Company. It appeared two years ago, and now it is the computer brand with the highest market share in the domestic computer market. Not only that, according to their latest product launch, they have produced products including CPU chips in All the computer components in the computer, although their computer chips are not comparable to Intel's top-end cpu, they can already meet the needs of most users."

"The Shenhua computer operating system is also a computer operating system formed by microelectronics technology company based on the secondary development of the linux system. At present, it has an installation ratio of 30.00% in China. The most important thing is that this computer operating system is in The world of personal computers is completely free."

As the manager of the marketing department, she obviously has a deep understanding of Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer Operating System, but it is precisely because of this understanding that she is shocked, because neither Shenhua Computer nor Shenhua Computer Operating System has been around for a long time. More than two years, but the speed of its development is jaw-dropping.

"What about the ecological environment of Shenhua's computer operating system?" Tang Jun continued to ask. After all, he knew very well that without a sufficient ecological environment, the so-called operating system installation rate was nothing more than a castle in the air.

"Although the ecological environment of Shenhua's computer operating system is not as good as our Win computer operating system, it is already very good in China. Not only do they have the WPS office software developed for them by Jinshan Software, but they also have application software developed for them by other software companies. What is even more unbelievable is that many domestic computer games only support the Shenhua computer operating system." Obviously, the marketing manager has been investigating the Shenhua computer operating system for more than a day or two, and his understanding of the Shenhua computer operating system is extremely deep. of.

Tang Jun's expression changed. In fact, Tang Jun was not ignorant of the emergence of the Shenhua computer operating system, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, for him, new versions of the computer operating system appeared almost every day, but he could grow There are very few of them. Even the Linux system, although fully open, cannot pose a threat to Microsoft's operating system at all.

But now seeing the data of Shenhua computer operating system, Tang Jun has to admit that he was wrong, but it is no wonder, after all, the development speed of Shenhua computer and Shenhua computer operating system is so fast that people have not reacted yet It has already occupied a large part of the market, especially the establishment of the ecological environment, which has increased the installation rate of Shenhua's computer operating system.

It is predictable that with the passage of time, people's recognition of Shenhua's computer operating system is bound to increase. After all, according to the layout of Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, they are the place where everyone first comes into contact with the computer. Advance layout is done for free or at the best price.

Whether it is the computer rooms of various universities or the computer rooms of major cities, there are Shenhua computers everywhere, coupled with the computer training courses in various places, to a certain extent, it is a support for those who are new to computers. It has become an operating habit.

It is often said that habit formation is the hardest, but it is also the easiest.

After all, it only takes seven days to form a habit initially, and after seven days, as long as it is not completely changed, the habit that has been formed is bound to accompany a person's life.

Tang Jun said to the manager of the marketing department: "As soon as possible, compile a report on Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer's operating system, and I will submit it to the group headquarters. After all, this problem is already very serious."

"Okay, Mr. Tang." The marketing manager nodded and agreed. After all, this is not a difficult thing for him. The most difficult thing is how to change the status quo, and this is not something he needs to consider now.

In fact, it is not only Microsoft that notices the abnormality of microelectronics technology companies. Whether it is Jinshan software, which has a close cooperation basis with microelectronics technology companies, or other software companies that cooperate with microelectronics technology companies, they can see their own of application software is being downloaded and installed, and it is still being upgraded at an extremely fast speed, which makes them have to consider the deep-seated reasons.

Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lei from Jinshan Software sat on the sofa in the office, looking at the latest market research results together, Mr. Qiu couldn't help but smiled and said, "How about it, Lao Lei, have you considered this situation?" ?"

Mr. Lei said with a smile on his face: "Although I haven't thought about it, I actually expected this kind of situation a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Yes, the development is too fast. Whether it is Shenhua computer or Shenhua computer operating system, the development in the past two years can be said to be changing with each passing day. Huge changes are happening almost every day." Mr. Qiu said with some emotion. Compared with the development of Shenhua computer, the development of Jinshan software can be said to be as slow as a cow. This is due to the pre-installation of Jinshan software on Shenhua computer, otherwise it will be even more unbearable.

"Mr. Qiu, have you heard? Now many computer manufacturers have cooperated with Boss Zhang's microelectronics technology company. I think this will be an opportunity for us in the domestic market, as long as we can keep up with the pace of Shenhua's computer operating system." , there will definitely be greater development, and maybe our dream will come true." Mr. Lei said excitedly.

Mr. Qiu couldn't help but nodded. How could he not know Mr. Lei's thoughts? He was also very excited when he thought of the prospect of office software in domestic application software. After all, he chose the track of office software because of this track. Prospects.

"We must seize this opportunity well. After all, if such an opportunity is missed, God will not forgive us." Mr. Qiu said with a serious and serious expression.

"Let's invite Boss Zhang and Mr. Ni to dinner tonight. After all, we haven't met for a long time." Mr. Lei said with a smile. He really wanted to get some news from Zhang Xiao. Unique, it seems to be able to see the development prospects of some industries.

"Okay, you can get in touch." Mr. Qiu doesn't have much desire to invite people to dinner. In his opinion, this is a waste of time, but he is also very clear that some contact is still necessary.

Lei Jun is very good at such things. He can always find opportunities to communicate with others, so as to obtain the information he wants. This ability can only be attributed to talent. m. cascoo.

And it is not only the computer market and the software industry closely related to computers that are affected, almost all companies that produce electronic products are more or less affected, with good and bad. At this time, people realized that microelectronics Technology companies have now become a pivotal presence in the computer industry, and every move affects the entire computer market.

At the moment, inside the Lianxiang Group, it is gloomy. When they received the news of the cooperation between the computer manufacturer and the microelectronics technology company, Liu Dong and Yang's general manager looked gloomy. Operators can best feel the wind direction of the market.

"Liu Dong, what should we do?" Mr. Yang asked with a bitter expression.

"Let's wait and see what happens, and ask the production department to find a way to reduce costs as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for us to turn around in the computer market under the current situation." Liu Dong said with a helpless expression. After all, this situation happened a month ago He didn't expect it all, but when it happened, it seemed so natural.

"What about the board of directors?" Mr. Yang asked in a low voice. After all, what he is most afraid of is the dismissal of the board of directors. As the general manager of Lianxiang Group, he is very satisfied with his current salary, and once he is fired, it will affect him blow to the future.

"Don't worry, everything has a chance." Liu Dong said comfortingly, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

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