Although Academician Ni said so, everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished. You must know that this is a supercomputer. It is not something you can build if you want. company.

Since the microelectronics technology company dared to hold a product promotion meeting to introduce the construction of supercomputers, there must be no fakes. After all, the microelectronics technology company is now a leader in the computer field. It is already number one in the country.

Moreover, although the construction of supercomputers takes time, the results will be seen within one or two years.There is no need for Academician Ni to use false lies to promote.

It has to be said that the supercomputer is really famous, otherwise it would not have attracted so many media reporters. Now that this news is announced by Academician Ni, it can be expected that the news media will report overwhelmingly tomorrow.

A supercomputer refers to a computer that can perform large amounts of data and high-speed calculations that ordinary personal computers cannot handle. In terms of the composition of a supercomputer and an ordinary computer, the components are basically the same, but there are differences in performance and scale.

The main characteristics of supercomputers include two aspects: huge data storage capacity and extremely fast data processing speed, so it can perform work in various fields that people or ordinary computers cannot do.

This is the deepest impression people have of supercomputers, but at this moment, Academician Ni opened another picture on the big screen, which said the expected performance of Microelectronics Technology Corporation's supercomputer.

What everyone is most concerned about now is the computing power of this supercomputer. The calculation level of 60 billion times per second is written on the screen, which makes everyone's breath suddenly quicken.

This means that the technical level of the microelectronics technology company has reached a world-class level. Although it is not the highest, it is already a remarkable thing.

"This is the first supercomputer that our microelectronics technology company plans to build. After completion, this supercomputer will be used in various fields of our Hongyuan Group. By then, we will have stronger computing capabilities. This makes the company's research and development faster." Academician Ni introduced the situation of the supercomputer and said with a smile.

Following Academician Ni's explanation, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became lively. After all, the prospect of supercomputers lies there, but they have no doubts in their hearts. After all, Microelectronics Technology Company is not only a technology company, but also has many R&D personnel. In the laboratory, the continuous emergence of new products of the microelectronics technology company can prove the strength of the microelectronics technology company. Now it is necessary to build a supercomputer, which shows that the products of the microelectronics technology company have made greater breakthroughs.

Many questions stimulated their curiosity, making them listen to Academician Ni's explanation with full attention, wanting to learn more.

Afterwards, Academician Ni closed the introduction about supercomputers on the big screen, and said: "In addition to supercomputers, we also launched three brand new personal computers at this product promotion meeting, and their performance has reached the world-class level. , I also hope that everyone can purchase our company's computers and servers, after all, owning our computers means owning a new generation of computer operating systems."

The three brand-new personal computer models of Microelectronics Technology Company this time, except for the most high-end computer, still use Intel's central processing unit, while the other two personal computers are the first to use Microelectronics Technology Company's own CPU. The central processing unit developed by Huajing processor.

With the appearance of three personal computers and the introduction on the big screen, the media reporters were completely excited, because it means that the domestic CPU widely used in personal computers has officially come out, which makes them full of excitement and pride.

Coupled with the emergence of a new generation of computer operating system for Shenhua computer operating system, it can be said that this product promotion meeting is full of dry goods. The appearance of so many new technologies and new creations has completely ignited the enthusiasm of media reporters.Fun Court

If supercomputers have little to do with everyone, then the new personal computers and the new generation of computer operating systems are closely related to people's life and production, and they are more likely to resonate with people and reflect The progress of microelectronics technology companies in recent times.

In particular, the new cpu launched by the microelectronics technology company has aroused the strong curiosity of media reporters. After all, this cpu named Huajing has already left the laboratory and will be used in personal computers, indicating that its performance has passed test.

"Academician Ni, can you introduce Huajing CPU in detail?" The reporter asked after Academician Ni started the questioning session, and this reporter also asked the aspirations of all the reporters present.

"Everyone knows very well that Intel's Pentium III is the most advanced CPU in the world. This is undeniable. Our Huajing CPU is also slightly inferior. This is a fact, and I don't deny it, but Huajing The cpu has its own advantages in data processing and audio processing, especially in the secondary cache, we are at the forefront of the times, of course, we will disclose more data of Huajing cpu in the near future." Academician Ni gave a general introduction to Huajing CPU, but he did not reveal too much. After all, Huajing CPU is used as a gimmick this time, and mystery is his greatest value.

In fact, Academician Ni is not satisfied with this CPU, but there is no way, the development of the chip is not achieved overnight, coupled with the manufacturing of the chip, currently Pentium 25 has used the 0.5-nanometer manufacturing process, but the chip factory of Hongyuan Group is currently the most advanced. The advanced technology is still [-] mm, and the gap between the two is still obvious.

Afterwards, the media reporters didn't hold back and began to ask other questions. After all, whether it was a supercomputer or the Shenhua computer operating system, they were the focus of people's attention.

The product promotion meeting ended with everyone's enthusiastic questions. It lasted two hours, but it opened a door for everyone, and made everyone aware of the gap between China and foreign countries in the computer field.

However, Zhang Xiao doesn't really care about these media reports. After all, no matter what they say, Hongyuan Group's advantages are there. Compared with other domestic computer manufacturers, Microelectronics Technology Company owns other computer manufacturers. It is difficult for them to match the scientific research strength and technical reserves that they do not have.

Although the product promotion meeting was over and the media reporters left in twos and threes, the dealers were led by the staff of Hongyuan Group to the living room on the 22nd floor, which is also the most luxurious living room in Hongyuan Building.

At this moment, delicious dishes have been served in the living room, all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and the standards on every table are the same. It can be said that Zhang Xiao has spent a lot of thought on this banquet, after all, this banquet determines the enemy and us For the balance between the two sides, Zhang Xiao naturally hopes that the dealers will stand on his side.

The computer sales model at this time was mainly through dealers, and dealers generally not only represented one computer, the main reason was that computers were still luxury goods at this time, and not many families could afford them, so dealers Channels account for a large proportion of computer sales.

The strategy adopted by Zhang Xiao this time is very simple, but it is also very effective, that is, to tie the dealers to his chariot and establish a close cooperation model, all of which must be determined at this dealer conference .

The extravagance of the banquet made many dealers realize the unusualness of this conference. Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni entered the venue with the senior management of the microelectronics technology company.

"Everyone, it's been a long time. This time we are holding a distributor conference. On the one hand, we want to thank you for your support to Microelectronics Technology Company. On the other hand, we Microelectronics Technology Company also want to establish a closer cooperation model with you." Ni The academician set the tone at the beginning of the banquet, which made all the dealers breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, the current market share of Shenhua Computer has reached 12.00%, which has far surpassed other computer brands. There are many reasons for this, the most important reason is that Zhang Xiao has made donations and half-gifted half-sells early on. It has reached cooperation with colleges and universities across the country. Almost all colleges and universities have now adopted Shenhua computers, and the operating systems of computers have also used Shenhua computer operating systems.

Coupled with the construction of computer rooms in various places and the establishment of computer training schools, Shenhua Computer has become the most popular brand on the market. This has also led to many people who use computers for the first time to contact Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer for the first time. operating system.

In this way, the Shenhua computer operating system has entered thousands of households in a subtle way, making everyone choose Shenhua computers independently when choosing a computer brand.

During the whole process, although the microelectronics technology company did not do much advertising, more sales costs were allocated to these training schools and schools, but the computer room distributed computers through the form of shares.

Distributors have a keen sense of smell. When Academician Ni said this, they immediately understood. However, they still wanted to hear Academician Ni's plan on whether to only represent the Shenhua Computer brand.

Seeing that all the dealers were concentrating on him, Academician Ni couldn't help but smiled and said, "Everyone is wondering what a close cooperation model is, so I'll show you a document."

After Academician Ni finished speaking, all the staff in the venue came up with sales plans that had been prepared, and put them in front of the dealers.

The dealers couldn't wait to open the file and read it.

The sales plan this time didn't have much content, only four A4 sheets of paper, but the content inside made all the dealers' expressions change.

Because it can be seen from the sales plan that this time Microelectronics Technology Company will compensate all distributors of Shenhua Computer with a 5.00% profit share. You must know that the 5.00% profit share means that they will get [-] to [-]% for each computer. Incentives ranging from five hundred are a huge temptation for dealers.

After all, in the sales process of branded phones, a 50.00% gross profit is already very high, and now adding five points of profit sharing means that their profit will increase by at least [-]%, which is something they have never done before. I dare not think about it.

However, the microelectronics technology company also has requirements for this, that is, if they sign the agreement, they will only wait for the computer brand Shenhua Computer to act as an agent in the future, and even the components for assembling computers have the same requirements.

All dealers are weighing the pros and cons at the moment. After all, once they sign the contract, they will be tied to the chariot of Shenhua Computer, and they will win and lose with the microelectronics technology company. However, if they do not sign the contract, they may not be able to get Shenhua. Great prices on computers.

However, they also sensed different meanings in this. After all, Microelectronics Technology Company and Lianxiang Group were in full swing before, and Microelectronics Technology Company is holding a dealer conference at this moment, the purpose of which is self-evident.

Soon, some dealers signed the agreement. After all, money touches people's hearts, not to mention Shenhua Computer's discount is so great that they have no choice but to be tempted.

As time goes by, more and more distributors have signed the agreement, which also means that Hongyuan Group's strategy is successful.

As more and more dealers signed contracts, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more enthusiastic. All dealers began to talk loudly, after all, they will be a family in the future.

After the banquet, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni came to the office, and Zhang Xiao asked, "What is the proportion of the dealers who signed the contract this time?"

"I took a rough look, and there are about 120 signed contracts, accounting for more than 70.00% of the dealers this time. This is already a very high proportion." Academician Ni said with some excitement. Shenhua Computer is naturally a good thing.

"It's about the same as I expected, but I think that as time goes by, more people will join the dealers who came today." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly. After all, people always follow blindly.

When these unsigned distributors see the increasing profits of other distributors, they will naturally come to their senses and sign with Microelectronics Technology Company.

"I hope so, but in this way, our profit per computer will drop, and it will easily cause dealers to be fattened, but we will starve to death." Although Academician Ni is also very happy, he still analyzes rationally road.

"Academician Ni, what we need to do now is not how much money to make, but how to knock down our opponents. By then, with the continuous innovation of our company's computer components, profits will increase significantly." Zhang Xiao But he said indifferently about this. After all, once the dealer only acts as an agent for Shenhua Computer, it will definitely be a draw from the bottom for a computer brand like Lianxiang Group.

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