Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 372 The Counterattack Begins

Academician Ni didn't know what Zhang Xiao was thinking, and he was still immersed in his joy. After all, the establishment of a supercomputer was his greatest long-cherished wish. If he could preside over the construction of a supercomputer in his lifetime, it would be an achievement recorded in history.

"How long will it take to make the plan?" Zhang Xiao asked Academician Ni.

Academician Ni, who was awakened by Zhang Xiao's words, pondered for a while and said, "It doesn't take much time, maybe a day or two."

"Then I'll give you one day tomorrow. At nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, we will hold a product launch conference for supercomputer construction in Hongyuan Building. At that time, not only media reporters but also distributors from all over the country will participate. You also prepare, you are going to speak then." Zhang Xiao said after calculating the time.

"Boss, are you overthinking? Supercomputers are still in my imagination, so how can we hold a product launch event!" Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't look like he was joking, Academician Ni couldn't help but twitch his eyes, and quickly said.

"You are very clear about the current situation of our Hongyuan Group. If there is no major incident, we will not be able to break through their shock waves. The construction of the supercomputer is enough to make all the media's attention focus on our Hongyuan Group. I believe there is no If anyone dares to do illegal things in front of all the media, then not only will the joint investigation team leave, but other people who target our group will also be deterred!" Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone, this time he used Academician Ni's ambition, but it is not a new publicity.

"Boss, you are really far-sighted and treacherous!" Academician Ni said with a chuckle, happy that Zhang Xiao could take advantage of all the conditions, but he was not forgiving.

"No way, everything is forced." Zhang Xiao said helplessly. If it wasn't because of being targeted, why would Zhang Xiao announce so eagerly? For Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Under the gaze of the media, it is a good thing.

"Boss, we are operating under the sun, even if it is paid attention by the media, it is no big deal, and the media will promote our group, such a free advertising space is very cost-effective." Academician Ni said with a smile , Academician Ni has long been used to media attention. After all, he was already a celebrity before joining Hongyuan Group.

Zhang Xiao has no good solution for this. After all, for the media, a rookie like Zhang Xiao is worthy of their pursuit, and Zhang Xiao also knows that you can't have it both ways.

If you want to promote a company, you naturally need exposure. Whether it is a product or the operator of the company, it is normal to live under the spotlight.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao doesn't have anything shameful now, even if there is media attention, it doesn't matter, and according to Zhang Xiao's previous agreement with these media, they will not easily disturb Zhang Xiao's family, let alone report on Zhang Xiao's family. Xiao's personal life.

"Academician Ni, besides the supercomputer, what other ideas do you have? Let's talk about it together. Otherwise, you don't do it for a long time. This is a huge challenge to my heart." After thinking about it, Zhang Xiao opened his mouth Asked, after all, the reason why Academician Ni joined Hongyuan Group was not because he wanted to realize his dream that was difficult to realize before. As for money, Academician Ni really didn't care.

Academician Ni chuckled and said, "I have many dreams. In addition to supercomputers, there are network root servers, lithography machines, spaceships, etc."

Zhang Xiao's face darkened, and he said to Academician Ni angrily, "I shouldn't ask, I'll ask too much, and all the spacecraft that flew out of the solar system will come out soon."

Academician Ni also smiled impressively. He knew that it would be difficult to rely on the power of an enterprise to do these things, but he still saw hope from Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao is still very young. As long as he does not make mistakes, the road ahead will be very smooth. Long, we can definitely go further on the road of technology.

"Academician Ni, you need to worry more about the invoicing system of Minmin Supermarket, and urge them to complete it as soon as possible. The Minmin Supermarket is waiting to use it. In addition, the group's erp system and oa system must be launched as soon as possible. After all, paper documents Work efficiency, in any case, is not as good as electronic documents, and as a technology company and group, we have to make preparations in advance." Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni chatted for a while before talking about work.

"Don't worry, I know in my heart that the prospect of the network office system is extremely broad. With the continuous development of the network, the application will only become more and more extensive. After our oa system and erp system are launched, as long as the time is right, we can use it All these systems have been moved to other companies." When Academician Ni talked about his work, he immediately became energized, which was very different from the lazy state just now.

Both Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni are workaholics. When they talk about work, they forget the time. They talk about other industries from microelectronics technology companies, and the more they talk, the more energetic they become.

It wasn't until Guo Feng reminded that there was no water that Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni stopped talking.

"Hey, it's getting late, we should go back." Academician Ni glanced at his watch and said that it was already two o'clock in the morning.

"Go back to the city, have a supper and then go to bed." Zhang Xiao also stretched, and moved her numb body.

"Let's go, I don't feel hungry if you don't tell me." Academician Ni patted his belly and said with a smile.

Guo Feng packed up his things, drove Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, and headed for downtown Beijing.

In the courtyard, Lu Huaping, who had already received the news, brought out the supper not long after they entered.

The supper is very simple, the staple food is just millet porridge, but it is extraordinarily sweet when cooked by Lu Huaping, and it has a special flavor when paired with homemade biscuits.

After supper, Academician Ni did not have the habit of staying overnight, so Guo Feng had no choice but to send security personnel to escort Academician Ni away.

After Academician Ni left, Zhang Xiao also returned to the room to rest. Academician Ni's whim today gave Zhang Xiao an opportunity to fight back, and let Zhang Xiao find another path, which is not only suitable for him who has no foundation It is also suitable for many people with shallow foundations.

That is to do things in a high-profile way and be a low-key person. The development in the field of science and technology can be as high-profile as possible. Some technologies can be publicized through the media during the process of use, so that not only can the products become popular, but also all those who covet Hongyuan Group People have scruples.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao saw Yuan Min not long after waking up. Seeing his flustered appearance, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to him, "I must have been exhausted after running a long way."

Yuan Min was indeed a little tired at the moment. Although there were drivers taking turns driving, how could he not be tired after sitting in the car all night.

"Fortunately, there is a driver." Yuan Min sat across from Zhang Xiao, scooped up a bowl of haggis soup, and said vaguely while gnawing on the biscuits.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything else, and ate quietly.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao brought Yuan Min to the study, made a cup of tea for him before asking, "How is the situation?"

"Boss, you are really good at predicting things. Under the secret instigation of our people, the Lin family is now planning to elect a new patriarch. Although Lin Junxian is the son and the only heir, the times have changed after all, and many people have My own plan, plus the fact that the Lin family has lacked a patriarch for many years, Lin Junxian has no advantage in electing the patriarch at this time." Yuan Min said with a smile, this time he went to Xiangyuan overnight to handle this matter.

Originally, Yuan Min didn't want to go by himself, but things developed too fast, so he had to go to find out the situation in person.

Zhang Xiao is based on his own deduction. He feels that Lin Junxian is one of the masterminds behind the attack on Hongyuan Group, and Liu Dong of Lianxiang Group should also be among them. Therefore, Zhang Xiao adopted a strategy of dividing and attacking. Let the Lin family be in chaos, and let the Lin family fall into civil strife.

At that time, Zhang Xiao will only have to face those people headed by Liu Dong, and Zhang Xiao now has countermeasures against Lianxiang Group.

After all, Lianxiang Group is not the company owned by Liu Dong alone. When Hongyuan Group's Shenhua Computer continues to rapidly occupy the market, Lianxiang Group's market share continues to decline. This will naturally cause the shareholders of Lenovo Group to be dissatisfied with Liu Dong. After all, although Dong Liu at this time has a high prestige, he is far from reaching the status of his previous life.

"Then is there a high chance of Lin Junxian taking over as the head of the Lin family?" Zhang Xiao asked, after all, Yuan Min knew Lin Junxian's position in the Lin family better than him, and also had more information about the Lin family.

"It's impossible in a short period of time. After all, although Lin Junxian has done some things since he returned to China, he has not yet achieved outstanding results. It is difficult to convince the public at this time. However, if nothing happens to the Lin family, it will still fall on him. In his hands, after all, he is not only justified but also has many supporters, and many people who are attached to the big tree of the Lin family hope that the Lin family will be stable, and Lin Junxian can be regarded as what everyone expects." Yuan Min analyzed for Zhang Xiao, not only that, Yuan Min also got Lin Junxian's list of supporters and opponents in the Lin family.

Zhang Xiao looked at the information provided by Yuan Min, nodded and said: "You should always pay attention to the affairs of the Lin family, but don't interfere too much. After all, we are not strong enough to deal with this giant. Next, our focus is to contact the group. By the way, teach them some lessons so that they don't dare to attack us casually."

Yuan Min nodded, and understood Zhang Xiao's plan, and the next series of measures were aimed at making Hongyuan Group's development environment better, not against anyone.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao came to the company and presided over the supercomputer project of Microelectronics Technology Company. Although Academician Ni could preside over this matter, Academician Ni still invited Zhang Xiao to attend the meeting.

One day passed, and the supercomputer construction project began to really enter the process, and it was estimated that it would cost one billion yuan, which suddenly increased the pressure on Zhang Xiao, but the money did not need to be paid in one go, but Microelectronics technology companies can be allowed to raise funds by themselves.

With the establishment of the supercomputer project, countless news media have also received the news. After all, in this era, supercomputers are still very rare, and there are not many in the world, and microelectronics technology companies want to build their own supercomputers. It was reported that it attracted the attention of countless media.

In addition, Zhang Xiao also invited Shenhua computer dealers across the country to participate in the product promotion meeting, and this time the product promotion meeting will ultimately focus on the construction of supercomputers.

This morning, more and more vehicles poured into the parking lot at the entrance of Hongyuan Building, which made the originally empty and huge parking lot crowded. However, with the opening of the underground parking lot of Hongyuan Building, the parking lot Problem finally solved.

At this time, in the lobby on the third floor of Hongyuan Building, people began to come in one after another, and the staff began to serve them.

Time passed, and when Zhang Xiao came to the hall, the hall was already full of people, which is why many media reporters stood behind the hall and prepared to shoot.

Looking at the crowds that were still pouring in, Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan: "Open Hall No. [-] too, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to let so many people in."

Tian Xiaodan nodded, and quickly asked someone to make arrangements.

Hall No. [-] on the third floor is actually connected to the hall, but because such a large banquet hall is not usually used, it is separated by a movable partition. At this time, with the merger of Hall No. [-], the venue The problem has finally been alleviated.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the product promotion meeting officially began. Academician Ni walked to the center of the stage alone. His gray hair was not awkward against the backdrop of a decent suit, but it gave Academician Ni a special charm.

"Hello everyone, we meet again." Academician Ni greeted everyone with a bright face. After all, whether it is a media reporter or a dealer, Academician Ni is familiar with everyone.

"Hello, Academician Ni!" Everyone greeted Academician Ni, and they respected Academician Ni very much.

"The reason why I held the product promotion meeting this time is to launch new products of our microelectronics technology company. First, please look at the big screen." Academician Ni waved his hand, and the supercomputer image was displayed on the big screen. No construction, but pictures of the supercomputer are still there.

As soon as the picture of the supercomputer came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, making people's adrenaline soar, and the flashlight began to flash continuously, making Academician Ni squint his eyes slightly.

"The picture you see is a picture of a supercomputer. Although our microelectronics technology company has not yet been built, more than half of the relevant research and development has been completed, and only the final installation and debugging are left. You can continue to pay attention." Academician Ni The voice is not high, but it seems very passionate in a quiet hall.

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