Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 370 The Future of Xingsheng Glass Factory

After the meeting of the People’s Supermarket, Zhang Xiao returned to the office and began to check the current operating conditions of each company. After all, when the opponent is still unclear, it is the current Hongyuan Group to cultivate its internal strength to cope with challenges from all sides. The most important thing to do.

In Zhang Xiao's view, all conspiracies and tricks are false in the face of strength. As long as he can stick to his own heart and not be moved by some false news, then no matter how he changes or how many opponents he has, he will not be able to shake Hongyuan Group. After all, the achievements of Hongyuan Group cannot be destroyed by a few lies from others.

As for how to quickly cultivate internal skills, in Zhang Xiao's view, it is necessary to make up his mind to determine the future development direction of Hongyuan Group. Only when the direction is determined can he work hard towards the goal.

The current Hongyuan Group has experienced the hardships of the entrepreneurial period. Many employees, including Zhang Xiao himself, are actually a little confused. For Zhang Xiao, this is a very dangerous signal. After all, once you lose your direction, it is easy to get lost in the ocean of money At that time, it will be difficult to find yourself.

Determining the future development direction of Hongyuan Group and finding a more precise goal for Zhang Xiao himself and the employees has become Zhang Xiao's top priority at present.

Zhang Xiao didn't realize it before, but today, from the development planning process of Minmin Supermarket, Zhang Xiao also understands that it is impossible to pursue perfection in everything, and that selective development is what Hongyuan Group should do at present matter.

Doing anything to the extreme is art!

Zhang Xiao took this sentence very seriously. He felt that the development of Hongyuan Group should no longer pursue a large and comprehensive development, but should deepen its development in a certain field, so as to lead the development of the entire industry. This is the current situation of Hongyuan Group. Most need to do.

Zhang Xiao can't help but feel a little headache when sorting out the current business of Hongyuan Group and its various subsidiaries. Whether it is a warehouse center or an electronic industry base project, plus a Hongyuan real estate, every industry can become a giant enterprise in the end.

Looking at all the industries, Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning. After a long time, he still didn't make up his mind. After all, it is easier to do addition than to do subtraction. These industries can be said to have begun to take shape, and they all show signs of prosperity.

As the largest cash cow of Hongyuan Group at present, Minmin Supermarket is the foundation of the future retail industry. It must not be given up. After all, with the upgrade and transformation of Minmin Supermarket, the top Minmin Supermarket will establish a store with the most complete variety. Home appliances and various luxury counters, and the smallest supermarkets, the so-called community supermarkets, will be distributed all over the country and will be where new retail bases will be established in the future. Even these common people’s supermarkets can compete with Wal-Mart and other world presence of giants.

As for the microelectronics technology company and the chip factory, as the top technology company and chip manufacturing base of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao must rely on these two industries. After all, only companies with a large number of core technologies can become Zhang Xiao's amulet. Make sure that he is not targeted by some people, and after all, he is a person who grew up from the grassroots. He has no foundation at all. For some people, he is just fat that can be swallowed at any time.Fun Court

As the political bargaining chip in Zhang Xiao's mind, the electronics industry base project was established in his hometown to make it his foundation, and the electronic industry base will become more and more important in the future. After all, establishing R&D A modern electronics industry base integrated with production is Zhang Xiao's pursuit.

Even in the future, manufacturing enterprises like chip factories will join the ranks of electronics industry bases, which is also Zhang Xiao's ambition.

The express company will continue to expand, and even Zhang Xiao will not pursue holding shares in the end, but wants to establish it as a company jointly owned by many partners, and will eventually seek listing for financing, so as to become the largest express company in China.

Even the Xingsheng glass factory is not only booming now, but also with the continuous development of society, the demand for both architectural glass and automotive glass is increasing day by day, and the dividends of the development of the times are at least ten years away.

Although Boss Cao's jewels are in front of him, Zhang Xiao does not have much confidence in competing with him, but Xingsheng Glass Factory may not be able to compete with him by virtue of its capital advantages and research and development capabilities, and the current Xingsheng Glass Factory has a good reputation. Thousands of employees, this involves thousands of families, Zhang Xiao must be responsible for them.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao dialed Yuan Min's phone number and wanted to ask Yuan Min if there was any investigation information on the glass industry.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Yuan Min's phone was not connected, and Yuan Min called after a while.

"Well, where are you, not in the company?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I'm doing some business outside, boss, what do you want me for?" Yuan Min didn't say anything, but he thought it was important.

"There are some things. You should go back to the company after you finish your work." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after speaking. Zhang Xiao was already used to Yuan Min's frequent mystery.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao called Yang Lei again. After all, in Zhang Xiao's opinion, Yang Lei used to be the person in charge of the Xingsheng Glass Factory and developed the Xingsheng Glass Factory. He must have a clear understanding of the glass market. Then He also has some insight into the future of the glass industry.

Yang Lei did not go out, but stayed in Hongyuan Building to handle the handover with Huang Yulong. After all, Yang Lei was in charge of the Xingsheng Glass Factory before, and this time Yang Lei resigned, he must hand over to Huang Yulong.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Yang Lei also called Zhang Xiao the boss in the company, mainly to avoid suspicion.

"Come over to my place if you have time. If Huang Yulong is in the company, then come with me." Zhang Xiao said, he didn't know if Yang Lei and Huang Yulong were both in the company now.

"We're handling the handover together, we'll be there right away." Yang Lei said without hesitation.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Lei took Huang Yulong and walked quickly towards Zhang Xiao's office, because Yang Lei knew very well that Zhang Xiao would not call him to the office if there was no urgent matter, and he would go to the courtyard to have dinner and talk when talking about things.

Huang Yulong was pulled by Yang Lei at the moment, he struggled a bit and gave up embarrassingly, because Yang Lei's strength was much stronger than his.

"Mr. Yang, pay attention to your identity, this is in the company." Huang Yulong said a little depressed.

"It seems that we are related, what's the matter." Although Yang Lei said so, he still let go of Huang Yulong.

Huang Yulong rubbed his aching arm that was caught by Yang Lei, and said helplessly, "Mr. Yang, even if the boss finds us, don't be in such a hurry."

"You don't understand. It's a good thing. You'll know when the time comes." Yang Lei chuckled, glanced at Huang Yulong, and shook his head helplessly at this bookish successor.

Huang Yulong didn't know what Yang Lei meant by shaking his head. Before he could ask, the two of them arrived outside Zhang Xiao's office. At this moment, Zhang Xiao's office door was wide open, and Hou Shuyan was making tea, apparently for them.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Huang Yulong, pointed to the opposite sofa, smiled slightly and said to Huang Yulong: "Yulong, come to my office for the first time, don't be restrained, just sit down."

Yang Lei sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, and the leather sofa squeaked, which made Zhang Xiao say helplessly: "Mr. Yang, it's time to lose weight. You have gained too much weight in the past two years. Still have to pay attention."

"I'm losing weight, but I can't lose the damn fat, so there's nothing I can do about it." Yang Lei patted his belly that had grown like an inflated balloon in the past two years, and said helplessly.

"I will ask Lao Guo to make a fitness plan for you another day. He will have someone supervise you to complete it. I don't want your health to have problems." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation. Regarding the health of his family members, Zhang Xiao See more than anyone else.

Yang Lei's face suddenly turned bitter. For Guo Feng, the stern and selfless goalkeeper, Yang Lei felt helpless from the bottom of his heart. He didn't say anything, and won Zhang Xiao's trust. Once Zhang Xiao decided on something, Guo Feng would definitely complete it without compromise. .

Huang Yulong was secretly happy in his heart, but his face was calm. After all, Zhang Xiao's words showed that they were close.

"Okay, I won't gossip. I called you this time to ask you what plans you have for the future development of Xingsheng Glass Factory. After all, I think the development of Xingsheng Glass Factory is a bit messy." Zhang Xiao asked with a smile Dao said that he wanted to understand the development of the glass industry first.

After Yang Lei glanced at Huang Yulong, he said to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, let Yulong tell you, after all, he is the person in charge of the glass factory."

"Yulong, just tell me." Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Yulong, hoping to hear useful information from Huang Yulong.

After pondering for a while, Huang Yulong said: "I think the glass industry still has great prospects for development. After all, with the rapid development of the national economy, whether it is the housing market or the passenger car market, people's demand for housing and passenger cars is increasing. As long as we focus on these two main directions for research and increase the strength and performance of glass, then I think there is a lot to be done.”

"Then which aspect do you think we should focus on, and what do we need to do if we want to go hand in hand?" Zhang Xiao asked, not worried about Zhang Xiao's future, he wanted to see Huang Yulong's choice.

"Boss, it is inevitable to go hand in hand. After all, we rely on architectural glass to develop again. At present, the market for architectural glass is becoming more and more mature, and the demand is increasing. Although its profit margin is not too high, only 20.00%. The demand is many times that of automobile glass, and the output is much larger than that of automobile glass, and we are currently the industry leader in architectural glass." After thinking about it, Huang Yulong said to Zhang Xiao.

"What about the car glass?" Zhang Xiaoruo asked with interest.

"Although we have made some progress in auto glass, negotiated with several auto factories in the market, and invested a lot in research and development, it is difficult to become a leader in the industry by virtue of technology. The boss has already started doing it many years ago, and what we can do now is to catch up as much as possible and try to catch up within ten years." Huang Yulong has little confidence in the auto glass market, which is related to his understanding of the current situation of auto glass There is a certain relationship.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, and was satisfied with Huang Yulong's sober cognition. After all, in the current auto glass market, Boss Cao's Fuyao Glass stands out. It is not easy for Xingsheng Glass Factory to develop some achievements in such an environment.

"Then what do you think our Xingsheng Glass Factory should do next?" Zhang Xiao asked Huang Yulong with a smile.

"Boss, I think our Xingsheng Glass Factory should focus on building glass and continue to make efforts to consolidate our leading position in the building glass industry. At the same time, we must continue to research and develop whether it is automotive glass or other applied glass. At the same time, we will further develop the automotive glass market while researching and developing, and I believe the future prospects of glass are very broad." Huang Yulong said, as the incoming general manager, Huang Yulong also has his own development plan for Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Zhang Xiao was lost in thought. After all, from Huang Yulong's mouth, Zhang Xiao already knew the current status of the glass industry. In terms of architectural glass, Xingsheng Glass Factory is indeed the industry leader, but the profit of architectural glass is low. If there is no change, it will be a disaster for a thriving glass factory that can only rely on scale to win.

In terms of automobile glass, Xingsheng Glass Factory is indeed far inferior to Fuyao Glass. There is no doubt about it. As for catching up, it is not an easy task. Knowing the market situation, in short, if Xingsheng Glass Factory wants to develop for a long time, it is inevitable to have its own core products.

"Yulong, we are indeed the leader in architectural glass, but this is supported by our strong capital. In addition, our Xingsheng Glass Factory must have its own core products. After all, only the reasons that others have to choose can we gain a foothold. Invincible, so technological innovation and product innovation are what Xingsheng Glass Factory must do, otherwise the larger the Xingsheng Glass Factory, the more dangerous its future will be." Zhang Xiao said to Huang Yulong with a serious expression, He hoped that Huang Yulong could clear up his doubts for him, otherwise Xingsheng Glass Factory would rather make plans now than to collapse under the general environment in the next few years.

Huang Yulong did not expect Zhang Xiao to have such high requirements for Xingsheng Glass Factory, but he still said very rigorously as a research and development background: "Boss, we have not made much progress in the research and development we are doing, but we believe that once we succeed The development of a new type of plexiglass will bring new profit growth points to Xingsheng Glass Factory."

"I will give you three years, and you will be responsible for the development of Xingsheng Glass Factory during these three years. However, if Xingsheng Glass Factory can only achieve success by relying on scale within three years, you must consider the future of Xingsheng Glass Factory. I hope you don't let me down." Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Yulong solemnly, he could only give Huang Yulong so much time.

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