Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 369 Upgrading and Remodeling Surname Supermarket

Once Tang Zhenhao's appointment was announced, it was undoubtedly a silent warning to everyone. After all, Tang Zhenhao, as a veteran of the group, can be promoted publicly and secretly. Then, if they make mistakes, the degree of punishment will definitely be even greater.

Although Tang Zhenhao was bitter in his heart, he still said: "Boss, I will work hard and try to work with Director Li to do a good job in the group's personnel work."

After Zhang Xiao nodded, he continued to speak: "Greentown Electronics Industry Base Project is led by Zhang Guoqiang, responsible for the construction and implementation of the electronics industry base project, and other departments must also fully cooperate. After all, the electronics industry base project is ours. The group's key projects for this year and the next two years must not be missed."

Zhang Guoqiang's promotion speed is faster. Only those who know the inside story know what's going on. Others are at a loss. The reason why Zhang Xiao arranged this is to let Zhang Guoqiang grow up as soon as possible. After all, the future electronics industry base project will be in the future. The production base of all electronic products of Hongyuan Group cannot be lost, and Zhang Guoqiang is undoubtedly the most suitable person Zhang Xiao trusts.

Tang Zhenhao was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate before, but his behavior of accepting gift money undoubtedly put a question mark on Zhang Xiao's trust in him.

Up to now, everyone knows that this personnel adjustment is not a small change, and it also represents that Hongyuan Group has entered a new stage. Before Zhang Xiao had no time to manage the company due to various reasons, but since Zhang Xiao graduated It is only three or four months now, and the changes of Hongyuan Group are changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zhang Xiao is building Hongyuan Group into the enterprise in his mind.

With Zhang Xiao's participation in Hongyuan Group, while the speed of the group's development has increased, Zhang Xiao's will has also begun to be revealed in the entire group.

And this personnel appointment undoubtedly pushed Zhang Xiao's prestige to a new level, and also showed Zhang Xiao's strong side in front of everyone, and everyone knew that with the passage of time, Zhang Xiao's status in the group It's going to become more and more ingrained, and it's not just about being the boss.

With the end of the last appointment, the meeting came to an end. After Zhang Xiao asked Li Mingxuan to stay, the meeting was considered over.

Zhang Xiao brought Li Mingxuan to the office, smiled and said, "What would you like to drink?"

"Tea." Li Mingxuan was also aware of Zhang Xiao's habits, but he liked to drink tea at a young age, but he was not interested in coffee or anything like that.

Hou Shuyan went to make tea without Zhang Xiao's orders. Zhang Xiao and Li Mingxuan sat down on the sofa and said, "Does the People's Supermarket have a plan for food safety?"

Li Mingxuan nodded and said, "We have a plan, but we still need the cooperation of the technical department."

"Tell me in detail." Zhang Xiao didn't expect that Li Mingxuan already had a solution, and said with great interest.

"At present, food safety in our supermarkets is concentrated in two aspects. One aspect is the shelf life of food. Since our group purchases in a centralized manner, the quality of the products can be guaranteed. Therefore, only when the problem of shelf life is solved, food safety will also be solved. can be guaranteed.”

"As for the shelf life, I think we should work hard on the purchase, sales and storage system. As long as we can add the shelf life of the video to the purchase, sales and storage system, and give an early warning before it expires, then we can not only carry out sales promotion and other methods for these products. Fast sales, cost savings, and the shelf life of all products can be seen at a glance." Li Mingxuan obviously has his own views on the operation of Minmin Supermarket, and he analyzed it clearly.

"Yes, this is a very good solution, which can solve the problem of food shelf life once and for all." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but praise Li Mingxuan.

"The other aspect is the homemade food in our supermarkets. Whether it is bread, steamed buns or meat products such as braised pork, these foods have a short shelf life, so we need to establish an institutional production strategy, and all food production is done on the spot. , although the cost may increase, but it guarantees food safety, which is relatively cost-effective." Li Mingxuan continued to speak after a little thought.

"In the guarantee of food safety, the cost is actually placed in a secondary position. As long as the food safety can be guaranteed, it is worth paying some price." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"I think so too." Li Mingxuan agreed with Zhang Xiao's opinion. What he was most afraid of was that Zhang Xiao would give up food safety for the sake of cost, and that would be a disaster.

"Now the competition in the supermarket industry is becoming more and more fierce. I believe that with the rapid development of the social economy, the competition in supermarkets will gradually become fiercer. Therefore, before that, we also need to upgrade and transform the supermarkets. On the one hand, we can keep up with the Wal-Mart and other world giants have learned from the establishment of our own member-only supermarkets. On the other hand, we must also consider the problem of the sinking of supermarkets. After all, in China, small cities and small towns have the largest population and the most developed Potential." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think of those supermarkets in later generations, and differentiated operation will become the focus of the development of the common people's supermarket.

Hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Li Mingxuan couldn't help but his eyes brightened. He had also thought about the future development of the Minmin Supermarket, but he had never thought of a good way, but Zhang Xiao's words suddenly broadened his thinking.

"Boss, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible." Li Mingxuan is very aware of Zhang Xiao's habit, whether it is solving problems or other things, empty talk without a plan is what Zhang Xiao dislikes the most.

"Okay, as soon as possible, try to come up with the plan before the afternoon meeting." Zhang Xiao couldn't help adding, after all, the afternoon is the exclusive meeting of the People's Supermarket, Zhang Xiao doesn't want to hold another meeting in a few days, it can be solved at once, Never divided into two.

Li Mingxuan glanced at his watch, it is already 11:30 in the morning, and it is only three and a half hours before the afternoon meeting, it is still very difficult to come up with a plan, but Li Mingxuan is also used to Zhang Xiao's persecution, and smiled wryly He said, "I will try my best to come up with a plan, but there may be omissions."

"That's fine, as long as you can come up with a plan." Zhang Xiao doesn't care if it's rough or not, as long as there is a framework plan, other details can be supplemented during the implementation process.

"Okay, then I'll get ready now." Li Mingxuan left in a hurry without even drinking the tea that Hou Shuyan had just made.

After Li Mingxuan left, Academician Ni knocked on the door and walked in.

"Academician Ni, you can just call me over if you have something to do." Seeing Academician Ni coming over, Zhang Xiao couldn't help saying in surprise.

"Boss, you're spoiling me." Academician Ni said jokingly. After all, Zhang Xiao would always go there to find Academician Ni for anything. Even Academician Ni didn't notice it, but this After Tang Zhenhao's accident, Academician Ni could see that Zhang Xiao's respect for him was different from other people's. Zhang Xiao respected him from the bottom of his heart. www.cascoo.

"Academician Ni, don't say that. If others find out, I think I'm bullying you." Zhang Xiao said helplessly seeing Academician Ni's expression of being obedient even after getting a bargain.

Academician Ni couldn't help laughing, but after laughing, his expression turned serious, and he asked, "Boss, what did Xiao Tang do wrong, why don't you give him an up and down?"

Academician Ni's outspoken Zhang Xiao is not only not angry, but also a little happy. After all, Academician Ni's EQ is absolutely online, and he can only speak so outspokenly if he has a good relationship with him to a certain extent.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed and said: "It's not about the report letter before, the situation is true. At that time, I dealt with it in a low-key manner so as not to affect the implementation of the electronics industry base project. Now, the reason why he is promoted to one level is also considered To give him a step down, I only hope that he can reflect on his behavior and not make the same mistakes again, and I will also teach him a lesson this time, so that he can understand that some mistakes cannot be made."

Academician Ni immediately understood Zhang Xiao's intentions, but Tang Zhenhao's resentment was inevitably resented by the handling of this, but he felt that he had to persuade Tang Zhenhao.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao participated in the leadership meeting of the People's Supermarket. In addition to the heads of various departments at the headquarters of the People's Supermarket, there were also heads of various regions who came from various places. Because of Zhang Xiao's participation in the meeting, Li Mingxuan presided over the meeting as the person in charge of the People's Supermarket.

In the past, Zhang Xiao rarely participated in the meetings of the People's Supermarket, but the appointment of heads of various departments was approved by Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao was no stranger to them.

Before the meeting started, Li Mingxuan distributed the upgrade and renovation plan of the Minmin Supermarket to all the participants.

Zhang Xiao looked at the upgrade plan of the Minmin Supermarket, and couldn't help admiring Li Mingxuan's ability. Although he proposed an upgrade plan, the upgrade plan still caught Zhang Xiao's eyes.

In the upgrade plan, Minmin Supermarket will carry out differentiated operations, and establish supermarkets of different levels according to the economic capacity of the location where the Minmin Supermarket is located. Among them, the existing Minmin Supermarket will be the main one, and a full membership system will be established for the Minmin Supermarket in large cities and economically developed areas. In small cities and small towns, small supermarkets that meet the local consumption level will be established. This will avoid the unacceptable situation of common people's supermarkets, not only save costs, but also further increase the profitability of common people's supermarkets.

After the meeting started, Zhang Xiao took the upgrade plan and said with a serious expression: "The upgrade plan of the People's Supermarket this time is the main business direction of the People's Supermarket in the future. It is necessary to have local survey reports and avoid a one-size-fits-all expansion model, so that Minmin Supermarket can establish different levels of consumption areas for different consumer groups, so that it can serve customers in a more targeted manner."

After Zhang Xiao confirmed the implementation of the upgrade and renovation plan, the heads of various regions also began to make suggestions. After all, they have more say in the consumption level of each region and city, and it is more in line with the local conditions.

With the development of the meeting, the upgrading plan of the People's Supermarket has gradually been improved, and many omissions and mistakes have also been corrected. From the speeches of the heads of various departments and regions, Zhang Xiao saw a deeper understanding. In terms of levels, Li Mingxuan has a management model different from other subsidiaries in the management of Minmin Supermarket.

This may have something to do with the nature of the business of Minmin Supermarket, but it has more to do with Li Mingxuan's personal leadership level. This kind of meeting mode where everyone expresses their opinions also opened Zhang Xiao's eyes.

At the end of the meeting, Zhang Xiao made a concluding speech and reminded everyone of the crisis facing Minmin Supermarket.

"Everyone, Minmin Supermarket has been established for more than two years. In the past two years, with everyone's efforts, our Minmin Supermarket has expanded into a nationwide comprehensive supermarket, with 450 stores of all sizes. Erjia is currently the largest comprehensive supermarket in China, which is not only our achievement, but also our pressure."

"Before the second half of this year, all supermarkets at home and abroad are staking their land. After all, as long as they open new stores, they can make a profit. This has led to the establishment of supermarkets like mushrooms after rain. As long as they are established, basically It can pay for itself within a year.”

"However, starting from the second half of this year, the profitability of supermarkets has gradually declined. I believe that some of you here have seen it. What is the reason for this? Is there something wrong with our supermarket operations?"

"Obviously not, but because as the number of domestic supermarkets continues to increase, the competition has become increasingly fierce. There are endless promotions among supermarkets in various places. After customers have more choices, they will naturally divert them. Under such circumstances, we The People’s Supermarket will face unprecedented opportunities and challenges, if we can continue to be the leader in the domestic supermarket industry, then I believe our People’s Supermarket will usher in greater development.”

"How to maintain the leading position of the Minmin Supermarket requires all of you to work together to obtain new profit growth points from upgrading and transformation, to obtain customer recognition from food safety, and to obtain product diversity and different positioning. Customers' recognition, only by providing them with the products they need according to their tastes, can our people's supermarket develop faster and better."

As Zhang Xiao's speech became more and more in-depth, all the participants began to take notes. After all, what Zhang Xiao said was the current dilemma that the people's supermarket is facing, and Zhang Xiao's speech undoubtedly provided everyone present with The direction of development and improvement also made everyone realize that although Zhang Xiao is young, he is not so easy to fool. After all, his vision and level are placed there, and ordinary people cannot be fooled.

After emphasizing the importance of food safety, the meeting of the People's Supermarket is over. As for how Li Mingxuan will allocate tasks in the next day's meeting, Zhang Xiao no longer cares about it. After all, it is Li Mingxuan's own business. .

And from today's meeting, Zhang Xiao has already understood that whether it is the people's supermarket or other industries, the establishment of the development direction should be the first priority.

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