Lin Junxian was a bit bitter. Of course he knew the conditions for the succession of the head of the Lin family. In addition to the direct children of the Lin family when needed, having a wife and children was also a prerequisite. After all, this could basically guarantee the orderly inheritance of the family's direct blood, so having a son prerequisites.

If it was in the previous hundreds of years, this rule might not be a big deal. After all, most men in ancient times were married at around 16 years old. If you are just married and can only marry one wife, it will take more time to have a son. For the Lin family, which has suffered serious internal friction due to the loss of the patriarch, time is very precious.

Lin Junxian didn't feel that his move was wrong. After all, no matter from which point of view, Lin Junjie was a threat to him, especially Lin Junjie had recently started to frequently touch the confidential documents of the family business, which gave Lin Junxian a very serious warning. , and finally had to formulate this crazy plan.

From the current point of view, the plan is considered a success. Not only does Lin Junjie's death be attributed to fighting with others, but it is also possible to change Zhang Xiao from his own personal enmity to an enemy of the Lin family. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

But now Lin Junxian knows that he has become the only candidate for the head of the Lin family, but he is not as happy as he imagined in his heart. On the contrary, he is mostly uneasy, and many times he cannot completely calm down and think about problems.

Lin Junjie's death still caused great mental trouble to Lin Junxian, but Lin Junxian himself knew very well that such trouble can only be washed away with time.

"Okay, mother, I will seriously consider it." Lin Junxian finally agreed. After all, for him, marriage is just a restraint in a formal sense. As for how much he can really restrain, it depends on the ability of his future wife.

Seeing that Lin Junxian agreed, Sun Ning softened his tone. After all, he was her own son, so she couldn't force her too hard.

"Our Lin family may have to face many opponents in the future, and you must be extremely careful. After all, the most complete destruction of a person is physical destruction. Once a person dies, everything is over." Sun Ning lost a After his son, he paid extra attention to Lin Junxian's safety.

"I understand, I will protect myself." Lin Junxian also said with a serious expression.

And Lin Junxian himself knew that the action against Zhang Xiao should have failed, otherwise the old butler Ah Fu would not have met him and not spoken.

However, unlike the busy green of the Lin family’s villa at this time, Zhang Xiao’s villa was quickly refreshed by everyone’s cleaning. A group of members of the security team sat together to discuss the lessons learned this time, and made further steps to protect Zhang Xiao in the future. arrange.

Now the rain has not stopped, but it is much lighter. Hou Shuyan also brought all the people who had stayed in the hotel to the villa. Zhang Xiao went to take a shower and change clothes immediately. After all, dirty clothes are very uncomfortable to wear. Comfortable.

After Zhang Xiao came out of the room, Guo Feng was already waiting in the living room downstairs.

"Boss, I found Li Yaning's address on Hong Kong Island. Should I send someone there now or wait at night?" Guo Feng asked.

"Let's go now, be careful not to expose your whereabouts, and be careful. If you can't do anything, you can give up temporarily. It's okay to monitor him until night." Zhang Xiao asked, after all, he was afraid of scaring Li Yaning away, and then he would think about it later. It is not easy to find a needle in a haystack to find him.

"Okay, how about I go there in person?" Guo Feng was a little nervous. After all, this was the first time the security team took action since it was established. Although it was not the task of protecting Zhang Xiao, it was still not to be missed.

"No need, just let them go by themselves, I trust them." Zhang Xiao doesn't want Guo Feng to participate in this kind of specific matter, and Guo Feng has been by Zhang Xiao's side for long enough, once he appears, people will know this It was Zhang Xiao who made the move. For Zhang Xiao who wanted to hide his whereabouts, he would not agree.

Guo Feng nodded, turned around, looked at the security team members who had gathered together, and said with a serious expression: "Everyone has been in the security team for a long time, I believe you have practiced countless times , but this operation is your first operation, you can only succeed and not fail! Do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone couldn't help puffing out their chests. After all, for them, the performance of this mission is to test the results of their training all the time.

"Zhang Biao!" Guo Feng shouted.

Zhang Biao, who was very tall, but very flexible, walked out of the queue and watched Guo Feng waiting for the task to be issued.

"You take the nine members of your team to perform the mission together, and the others leave first." Guo Feng said without hesitation after making a decision.

After the others left, Guo Feng took out the map, clicked on the red dot marked on it, and took out Li Ya-ning's photo, and said to members of Zhang Biao's team: "The target is this young man. This person, whose previous name was Li Yaning, is now called Li Anping, and he should have received a short period of professional training, but this person is talented and intelligent, and should not be viewed by ordinary people."

"Now he is staying in an apartment in this place. It is not clear whether he is in the apartment or out. Since there are many people in the apartment, everyone must pay attention when they act!"

"Understood, how is his skill, is there a weapon on him?" Zhang Biao asked with some doubts.

"I'm a bit skilled. I've practiced Taekwondo before, but I don't know how it will work after the training. I don't know much about weapons, but I have to be prepared for the worst." Guo Feng said seriously, after all, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

And after Zhang Xiao handed over this matter to Guo Feng, he began to plan the matter of Yuandian Capital. When it comes to the global stock market, bond market, and futures and foreign exchange market, Zhang Xiao also needs to be cautious enough. After all, he did not pay much attention to these in his previous life. , a lot of things just know a little bit.

However, to transform it into actual investment behavior now requires a lot of work, not only to combine the memories of previous lives, but also to combine the current economic situation, which is not an easy task.

And all stocks and futures, whether they go up or down, are the result of capital circulation. Yuandian Capital now has nearly [-] million US dollars in funds, and there will be more in the future. It is not so easy to operate.

After all, the larger the amount of funds, the easier it is to be noticed by the financial giants in the market, and what Zhang Xiao has to do now is to disperse his funds and use the advantage of foresight to grab profits from the financial giants bit by bit. And the risks involved are not small. After all, black swan incidents are emerging one after another both at home and abroad.

If Zhang Xiao feels that he has the advantage of rebirth and can do whatever he wants, then he will not be far from bankruptcy, which is why Zhang Xiao is cautious.

What will happen to the ever-changing financial market, even if Zhang Xiao is a reborn, he can't fully predict what will happen, let alone he is not so familiar with the financial market.

At present, Zhang Xiao only has about 5000 million funds left in his domestic stock account, and 5000% of them are stocks. The rest of the funds plus the funds from this year's fine jadeite auction have all gathered [-] million US dollars. Among them, [-] million US dollars was put into Citibank's account by Zhang Xiao for personal investment, and the remaining [-] million US dollars were all injected into Yuandian Capital this time.

This means that Zhang Xiao invested more than 40 billion national currency in it. After all, the current exchange rate is more than [-] to [-]. In this way, only this money can be listed on the rich list, but Zhang Xiao is the same for the pig killing list. The rich list is not very popular, and Zhang Xiao's current enterprises are all private, and none of them are listed, which also allows Zhang Xiao to still be free from the rich list.

As for partners like Xu Zhiyuan who came to invest, Zhang Xiao didn't care too much. After all, his own funds are large enough and he needs to diversify his investment. However, if someone is willing to invest money into the capital pool, Zhang Xiao also welcomes it. After all, the more capital there is, the more room there is to move around.

When Zhang Xiao was making plans for Yuandian Capital, Lin Junxian and other Lin family members took Lin Junjie's body and left Hong Kong Island in a private plane. return home.

Deng Jie, who was staying in the hotel, looked at the light rain outside the window, but felt a pain in her heart. She originally thought that Lin Junxian's refusal to leave this time was because of the relationship between the two of them. Like other women, it's just his capital to show off.

Thinking of this, Deng Jie couldn't help feeling sad, and at the same time, she unconsciously thought of Zhang Xiao, the man who treated her so well and could satisfy all her requirements, but now they met like strangers.

That's how people are, what they don't get is the best, and they get used to it when they get it. This is the case of Deng Jie, which is the root of human inferiority.

But Deng Jie also thought of Zhang Xiao's resoluteness when they separated from her, and understood that she had completely broken Zhang Xiao's heart.

The light rain made Deng Jie, who was already in a bad mood, even more irritable. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Deng Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then became a little ecstatic. She ran to open the door, but found that the person who knocked was not Lin Junxian, but a man she didn't know at all.

"Hello, this is a gift that Mr. Zhang Xiaozhang asked me to give you. Do you need me to help you take it back to your room?" The young man spoke fluent Mandarin, but he was a little different from the young people on Hong Kong Island. At his feet was a huge suitcase.

"Send it in, thank you." Although Deng Jie didn't know why Zhang Xiao sent a huge suitcase over or what would be inside, she still said.

The corner of the young man's mouth was raised slightly, and he said with a smile: "You are welcome, you go in first, and I will send you in later."

While speaking, the young man pointed to the door blocked by Deng Jie, which made Deng Jie feel a little embarrassed, and hurried back to the house, watching the young man put the suitcase on the ground.

"Open it and have a look. Mr. Zhang Xiao Zhang specially asked me to watch you open it, and then answer your questions." The young man said humbly.

Deng Jie didn't suspect him, after all, she knew that Zhang Xiao was also on Hong Kong Island, so she didn't feel any surprise when she knew her address and sent a gift.

Deng Jie bent down and squatted on the ground to open the suitcase, but she didn't see the stern look on the young man's face.

Deng Jie opened the suitcase, but found that it was empty and there was nothing there. Just as she was about to turn around to ask what was going on, she found a wire wrapped around her neck.

Deng Jie's complexion changed immediately, but she didn't sit still, but lifted the suitcase and blocked the attack from the wire. Not only that, Deng Jie, who had practiced martial arts for many years, blocked the attack from the wire without hesitation. Kicking, kicking the unsuspecting young man to the ground, this is the reason why Deng Jie didn't have enough strength, otherwise, he could bend the iron plate with his kick, enough to make people fly.

Seeing the young man who fell to the ground, Deng Jie didn't hesitate at all. She easily picked up the huge suitcase and slammed it on the young man's head. After all, for Deng Jie, as long as she doesn't directly kill people, such a legitimate defense will be fine.

At the moment, the young man is suffering and cannot tell. He originally wanted to take revenge on Zhang Xiao, so he chose Deng Jie, a young and beautiful woman, as his target. Unexpectedly, he met a female tyrannosaurus, and even met the irritable Female Tyrannosaurus.

It took a long time before Deng Jie let the young man go, but the young man was not only torn to pieces, but even his legs and feet were kicked off, showing how bad Deng Jie was in a bad mood.

"Say, who sent you to assassinate me?" Deng Jie took a chair and put it on the young man's body, and after sitting on it, she asked panting.

"Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao asked me to come." Although the young man regretted dying at the moment, his IQ was still online. After all, according to the information he knew, Deng Jie was Zhang Xiao's girlfriend. But he is often with another man. At this moment, he thinks this is the best chance to frame Zhang Xiao.

Sure enough, Deng Jie couldn't help being silent. After all, Zhang Xiao was the pain in her heart now, the more she was left out by Lin Junxian, the more pain she felt in her heart. Only after losing her did she realize how happy she was.

Seeing that Deng Jie was silent, the young man continued to speak quickly: "Boss Zhang sees that you are with other men and you are in a couple together, so let me get rid of you in case you ruin his reputation. I've told you everything, so let me go."

But following the young man's narration, Deng Jie's mood suddenly became worse, because she felt that her IQ had been insulted.

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