"I don't believe it. Your clothes are full of holes. Take them off and let me have a look." Hou Shuyan looked at the dusty clothes on Zhang Xiao's body with moist eyes, and there were still a few holes on them.

Zhang Xiao is not in the mood to joke with Hou Shuyan at the moment, besides, Zhang Xiao has always avoided giving a chance to a woman like Hou Shuyan who has admiration for him, and this moment is no exception, he turned around and looked at Hou Shuyan and said : "I'm really fine, I won't lie to you, you and two people go to the hotel, let all the security team come over, after all, the villa is big enough for us to live in."

"It's great that you're fine. When I saw you, I didn't know how terrifying your appearance was. It scared me to death." Hou Shuyan patted her chest with her hands, and said with some fear.

Zhang Xiao looked at Hou Shuyan and said nothing, until Hou Shuyan realized that it was not a joke, Zhang Xiao turned around.

Hou Shuyan said in a low voice, "Boss, I can go now."

Zhang Xiao didn't look back, just nodded, and continued to look at the dark cloud-covered sky.

Hou Shuyan turned and left helplessly, and went to the hotel to deal with matters.

Not long after Hou Shuyan left, there was a sudden thunder, and the big raindrops fell down, hitting the dry ground, stirring up infinite dust.

Zhang Xiao stretched out her hand from the balcony, feeling the impact of the rain falling on her hand, and said to herself, "The rain is coming, where is the wind?"

At this time, Guo Feng, who just came out of the underground garage, said in a deep voice: "Just now I got a piece of news from Limeng, that is, Limeng and the others came to Hong Kong Island to contact them this time. Li Yaning, boss, you never thought Bar."

Zhang Xiao looked at Guo Feng in surprise. He didn't expect that Li Yaning, who was supposed to be serving his sentence in prison, would come out and even bring him such a big gift. This was absolutely beyond his expectation.

"So Li Yaning is the employer of the Mercenary Alliance?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It should be possible, but it is also possible that Li Yaning joined the Mercenary Alliance." Guo Feng said after thinking for a while.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment. This might not have occurred to him. After all, Li Yaning's family was rich and powerful before, so it was logically impossible for him to join the mercenary organization, but now most of the Li family have been arrested. The rest went their separate ways. Now that Li Yaning came out and learned the news of the collapse of the Li family, the person he most wanted to take revenge on must be Zhang Xiao.

As for how Li Yaning knew about the Li family that Zhang Xiao reported, it’s actually not difficult. After all, there are still three-inch nails on the rotten ship, not to mention that the Li family used to be a big existence. It’s not difficult for Li Yaning to get the truth of the matter. .

Zhang Xiao's expression suddenly became serious. After all, for Zhang Xiao now, what he is most afraid of is not those people who are bound by family relatives, but people who have nothing like Li Yaning. When they become crazy, they will bring you a lot. destruction.Fun Court

Zhang Xiao didn't know about Li Ya-ning's existence before, but now that he knew that Li Ya-ning had come out, how to trap Li Ya-ning or kill him directly became Zhang Xiao's primary problem at present.

You must know that Zhang Xiao is no longer the barefooted person who can have fun with all his strength. He has parents, relatives and friends. If Li Yaning can't make progress with him, he might not extend his claws to Zhang Xiao's relatives.

This is the last thing Zhang Xiao wants to see. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng with a serious expression: "The most important thing for us now is to find him, and then send him to prison again after finding the evidence of his crime. "

Guo Feng nodded. He understood what Zhang Xiao meant, that is, Li Ya-ning was to be imprisoned for life until death. As for how to do it, that was what he needed to do.

"Boss, I'll do it here." Guo Feng solemnly agreed. In fact, he also knew very well that although he may not really want to do some criminal things when he is with Zhang Xiao, sometimes it will inevitably involve some crimes. matter.

Guo Feng was about to leave after finishing speaking, but Zhang Xiao stopped him: "Wait a while, you don't want to just run around in this dirty clothes."

Guo Feng glanced at his clothes covered in plaster, and said with a helpless smile, "If the boss hadn't been reminded by you, I would have just gone out like this, and I might encounter some trouble then."

"Let's change clothes later and go out. I don't care about this time. In addition, you can talk to Li Meng again to see if he has Li Yaning's contact information. It is best to let him make an appointment with Li Yaning." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng that in Zhang Xiao's view, Limon is the best person to use now.

"Okay boss, I'll talk to him again to see if there are any other clues. However, I think that if Li Yaning is a member of the Mercenary Alliance, then the person who issued the mission in the Internet Alliance must be someone else. Who is this person? This is what we need to guard against." Guo Feng nodded first, and then said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he was not entangled in this matter. Although the black hand behind the scenes has not been revealed yet, Zhang Xiao has a general scope. a little person.

"Those five people all have injuries. Be gentle when communicating. Don't let someone kill you. It's best to ask the doctor accompanying the team to show him." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng who hurried to the underground garage.

"Understood. When I came up, I had someone treat their injuries." Guo Feng waved his hand and went down without looking back.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's eyes fell into the rain again. A series of assassinations disrupted his deployment, and Zhang Xiao felt that blessings and misfortunes never come singly. Now that someone has made a move, the next actions will be even more turbulent.

This time the assassination has begun to appear, and his opponents and enemies will appear soon, but Zhang Xiao is obviously not ready to deal with it.

In the past three years, Zhang Xiao seemed to be walking smoothly, but it was not because he walked too fast, which surprised many people. However, the problem of Zhang Xiao's weak foundation is gradually revealed now, just like crossing the street with a golden pig in his arms. There are definitely a lot of people salivating around the children.

Zhang Xiao leaned against the wall of the balcony, lit a cigarette with a tired expression, and thought about what to do next.

While Zhang Xiao was thinking about countermeasures, Lin Junxian was in a villa, comforting his weeping mother and grandma, but in his heart he was waiting for news from the old housekeeper. After all, in terms of time, dealing with Zhang Xiao His action should have been carried out a long time ago, but there is no news so far, which made him realize that things have changed.

Not only that, the eyes of his mother and grandma looked at him full of sophistication. After all, neither Zhang Xiao nor anyone else had the motive to commit the crime. On the contrary, he, the beneficiary of vested interests, was the one who benefited the most after JJ Lin died.

Lin Junxian is now the only direct descendant of the Lin family. For a family that has been passed down for a long time, only the direct descendants have the qualifications to inherit the patriarch of the family and control most of the Lin family's property. the real reason.

At this moment, the old housekeeper came in with a group of people, and first said to the old lady: "My condolences to the old lady, I have arranged the itinerary, and after the heavy rain stops, we will take Junjie back to the family by private plane." Zudi, I will never let Junjie suffer any more grievances."

"Ah Fu, you grew up with his grandfather. You have been with his grandfather since you were a child. You should know that Junjie is the person most like his grandfather. Over the years, although Junjie has been a bit of a jerk, but I have never done anything to be sorry for my family or my relatives, this is very similar to his grandfather back then, but now that poor child Junjie has died, how can you make me mourn!" The old lady was full of tears, her face full of tears. The wrinkles still can't stop the tears that burst the embankment.

The old housekeeper, Ah Fu, couldn't help but burst into tears. By now, he had already understood it, but so what, Lin Junxian is the only one left in the Lin family's lineage. As long as there is no accident, he is destined to The person who took over the entire Lin family.

"Sister, Junjie is no longer here. If he has a spirit in the sky, he will not want to see you sad." Ah Fu knelt down in front of the old lady, crying like a child, like tears Can wash away his guilt and sadness.

The old lady patted Ah Fu's head with her withered hands, squeezed away the tears vigorously, wiped the tears on her face with a handkerchief, and after recovering a little, said: "The Lin family is in such a catastrophe, it is precisely When everyone needs to work together, the next thing is very simple, that is to let the murderer pay his life as compensation, and at the same time, bring Junjie's body back to the ancestral land for burial. During this period, the Lin family's business will require everyone So much trouble."

"Please don't worry, old lady, we will do our best to do a good job." All the people in charge of the Lin family's property were present, and they all saluted the old lady respectfully at this moment.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words, let's all go back to work." The old lady waved to everyone, motioning them to leave.

After everyone left, only the old lady was left in the hall.

At this time, the old lady said to Lin Junxian with a serious expression: "Junjie's murderer has been arrested on the spot, and the case is relatively clear, but we still need to investigate clearly, is there someone instigating behind the scenes? Let the murderer decide the matter, but if the investigation reveals that someone ordered it, don't be lenient, there are many people who have offended our Lin family, but those who dare to assassinate our Lin family's direct descendants will surely bear the thunderous wrath of our Lin family."

"Grandma, I know, I will investigate clearly and give Junjie an explanation." Lin Junxian's expression was full of grief and indignation, and his acting skills can definitely be on the line.

"Son, you have to be careful yourself. You are the only one left in your generation of the Lin family. From today onwards, Ah Fu will be responsible for your security work." Sun Ning was wearing a black cheongsam, sitting The person next to him spoke in a deep voice.

"Okay, Mom, I will also pay attention to safety." Lin Junxian said respectfully to his mother Sun Ning.

After Sun Ning took a deep look at Lin Junxian, he said with a serious expression: "Junjie's accidental death is a great crisis for the already weak blood of the Lin family, so you should put the marriage on the agenda as soon as possible, and say Tell me, do you have a girl you like?"

"Mom, my younger brother's bones are still cold, how can I think about my personal affairs, at least I have to wait until my younger brother's third anniversary has passed before thinking about it." Lin Junxian shook his head and refused.

Sun Ning looked at Lin Junxian with cold eyes, and his voice was raised a lot: "Junxian, I'm not discussing with you, the reason why I didn't specify a marriage partner is enough to give you face, if it wasn't for your brother's accident Death, I will not be so anxious, but now I have to do it, this is the responsibility you must bear as the direct descendant of the Lin family."

Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Junxian's mind, but he never thought that his mother, Sun Ning, would make marriage and family succession the top priority, and this was exactly what Lin Junxian didn't want to decide now.

For Lin Junxian, being single allows him to be able to handle many beauties with ease, but once he gets married, these women who are all for marrying wealthy families will disappear in an instant. As for other real girlfriends, although there is only Deng Jie at present, But when she discovered the scar on Deng Jie's body, she quickly classified Deng Jie as an unmarried partner, which Deng Jie didn't even know.

"Junxian, I will give you three months. If you can't find a suitable girlfriend to marry within three months, then I will find you a marriage with a well-matched family." Sun Ning saw that Lin Junxian didn't speak, Immediately, the time limit was strongly set.

"Mom, I really don't want to get married now. I don't think marriage is the most important thing for me. The most important thing is to help the family recover from the decline. And during my return to China, our family's business has changed a lot. , I think as long as I continue to work hard, the family business will be rejuvenated." Lin Junxian said quickly, after all, three months is too short, not enough for him to find a married woman.

"Hey, it seems that you still don't understand where the biggest problem of the Lin family is!" Sun Ning said to Lin Junxian with some resentment.

"The reason why the family business is in decline is not because the family business is not good, nor is it because of the layout, but because the patriarch of the Lin family has been suspended since your father passed away, and the family business is singing their own songs , each playing their own tune, too much internal friction to appear a bit sluggish, after all, you and Junjie were still young at the time, and you should be very clear about the requirements of the family patriarch, so getting married and having children is imperative."

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