"The investigation has made it clear that Tang Zhenhao did receive a lot of cash and helped Wang Zhaolong arrange the Xinglin County Electronics Factory project. The project is about to be completed and 70.00% of the project payment has been paid." The supervisor said immediately, After all, he has been investigating this matter for a long time, and he is very clear about the ins and outs of it.

Liu Dong nodded, but he didn't continue to order anything, because there are some things that can be done, but they can't be announced.

The supervisor and Director Liu nodded, and immediately understood that the matters concerning Tang Zhenhao could be handled, but how to do it and to what extent was another matter worth considering.

However, the supervisor didn't stay in Dong Liu's office for a long time. After he left, he directly arranged someone to handle Tang Zhenhao's work. He wanted to make it beautiful and try to win Dong Liu's favor.

After the director of the information center left, Dong Liu picked up the phone on the table and called Yang Wenqing, the general manager of the group.

"Dong Liu, what do you need from me?" Yang Wenqing said on the phone.

"There are some things, come to my office, we can talk about it after we meet." Liu Dong said with a heavy tone, after all, for him, the sudden price drop of Shenhua Computer made him very uncomfortable.

Not long after, Yang Wenqing came to Liu Dong's office, looked at Liu Dong's gloomy face, and couldn't help admonishing him: "Liu Dong, it's not just once or twice that Shenhua Computer dropped suddenly, so don't be so anxious to get angry. "

"This time is different. Shenhua Computer's sudden price cut disrupted our plan. Our current computer profits are not high. Once the price is cut, the profit will be less than [-]%. What will we do then?" Explain to the group." Liu Dong's expression did not relax because of Yang Wenqing's comfort, on the contrary, he became more and more stern.

Yang Wenqing licked his somewhat chapped lips, but he couldn't think of how to explain it. Speaking of which, with the rapid rise of Shenhua Computer in the past two years, this has caused a lot of shocks to Lianxiang Group, which was originally in the comfort zone. Although the number of users It is increasing, but the profit is getting lower and lower, which makes everyone in the Lianxiang Group, including Yang Wenqing himself, a little anxious.

Especially with Shenhua Computer's high salary poaching, the loss of technical personnel caused by the resignation of Academician Ni has become more and more serious, which has affected the technology research and development of Lianxiang Group, which also makes it difficult for Lianxiang Group to reduce its current costs.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the price reduction of Shenhua Computer for the time being. I asked you to come here to discuss with you about the coordination of various computer application software companies. After all, we can't stop the price reduction of Shenhua Computer, so we can only do our best. Reduce their ecological environment, and reduce the presence of Shenhua Computer from the application point of view." Liu Dong said with a serious expression, this is the best way he can think of at present, after all, the computer is only hardware, if the application software cannot keep up, then Computer users will naturally feel various inconveniences and choose to replace the hardware.

"We have coordinated with some companies, but there are not many companies that they have agreed to." Yang Wenqing said with a confused expression. After all, this incident actually damaged the interests of application software companies. After all, the more users, the greater the benefits. Currently, Shenhua The market share of computers is getting higher and higher. It is still very difficult for these companies to give up the development of application software under the Shenhua computer operating system.

"Talk to them again. If they agree not to update the application software under Shenhua's computer operating system, then we can install their software when the computer is installed." Liu Dongyi gritted his teeth and made a decision. After all, application software Originally, the pre-installation of .

"Dr. Liu, is the price to be paid too high? After all, there are too many companies involved in the pre-installation fee. Letting go of it all at once will easily cause bloated and inconvenient operating systems. For us, It’s not that cost-effective. And once the pre-installation fee is cancelled, it will be even more difficult to charge again in the future.” Yang Wenqing was taken aback by Liu Dong’s decision, after all, the pre-installation fee has become a Lianxiang Group is currently an important source of profit, and it is also an important channel for Lianxiang Group to screen partners. Now if it is cancelled, it will not only affect the relationship between the previous cooperative enterprises, but also bury a lot of systemic risks for future pre-installation. .

"If we can't even pass this level now, what are we talking about? We must stop Shenhua Computer as soon as possible, especially the Shenhua computer operating system, and we must not let it spread." Liu Dong said with a firm expression. Said, because he found an extremely shocking fact from Shenhua Computer's recent development process. From a certain point of view, the threat of Shenhua Computer's operating system is more threatening than Shenhua Computer itself.

"Okay, I'll contact them right away." Yang Wenqing finally agreed. After all, this matter not only concerns Lianxiang Group, but also other computer manufacturers using the Microsoft operating system, and these need to be coordinated as soon as possible. .

But when Lianxiang Group kept running because of Shenhua computer's price cut, Zhang Xiao had already got into the car that He Xiaoxian sent someone to pick him up on board, and of course the security team accompanied him.

When Zhang Xiao came to the pier, he saw a luxurious cruise ship docked at one side of the pier. This cruise ship was extremely huge, about 150 meters long and 20 meters wide. It was divided into eight floors and could carry hundreds of tourists.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming, He Xiaoxian, who was originally staying at the cruise ship ferry to welcome visitors from all walks of life, came over and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, "You're here, I thought you weren't coming."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help rolling her eyes, and said helplessly, "Sister He, you invite me personally, why don't you come?"

"Why are you so wronged? Although it is a gambling boat, there are many recreational facilities in it, such as movie theaters, karaoke, game rooms, sauna rooms, swimming pools, bowling, etc., and the most important thing is that every day There are a lot of stars performing on it during a trip." He Xiaoxian introduced while walking towards the boat with Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, smiled and said, "I heard that this ship is called Las Vegas at sea, so it's good to see it."

After boarding the cruise ship, Zhang Xiao realized that his knowledge was a little shallow. The luxury of the cruise ship exceeded his imagination, and there were all kinds of luxurious facilities here. Since the cruise ship was about to depart, there were many tourists on the cruise ship. People come and go so lively.

Most of the tourists were from Hong Kong Island, but there were also quite a few mainland tourists. After He Xiaoxian handed Zhang Xiao over to the staff, she continued to come to the pier to welcome the invited guests.

Zhang Xiao came to the guest room on the ship, looked at the scene outside through the window, and had to marvel at the magnificence of the ship. Looking down from the ship, the entire pier can be seen in a panoramic view, and the scene is too beautiful to behold.

Time passed quickly. As the cruise ship set sail, people cheered and jumped for joy. Countless tourists began to look for their goals. Now, because they have not yet entered the high seas, many people flocked to the restaurant, eating all kinds of food. What a delicacy on earth.

Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng: "It's relatively safe on the boat. It's enough to keep two or three people around me. Others can move freely and keep the communication unblocked. As for who should rest, you can discuss it yourself."

Guo Feng saw that the people in the security team were very interested, so he kept Lu Huaping. After the others gave him communication equipment, he let them go around freely.

Zhang Xiao held a glass of champagne, sat on a chair on the deck, looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, and enjoyed the surrounding scenery very comfortably. Zhang Xiao was not interested in the sea fishing equipment that had been set up. Fishing is a sport that doesn't have too many hobbies.

Just when Zhang Xiao was in a slump, Guo Feng was surprised when he saw a crowd of people coming, because this person was not someone else, brother Lin Junxian who had formally had conflicts with Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng said in a low voice He said to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, Lin Junxian seems to be here."

Zhang Xiao looked at Lin Junxian who was walking not far away, his eyes were slightly wrinkled, because at this moment Deng Jie was hugged by Lin Junxian, which made Zhang Xiao feel extremely uncomfortable, but Zhang Xiao didn't say much about it, after all Having already broken up, Zhang Xiao didn't bother to worry too much about all the past, and only hoped that everything would go with the wind.

Just when Zhang Xiao looked away, Lin Junxian walked over quickly, and when he came not far from Zhang Xiao, he said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, long time no see. I saw you here."

"Yeah, long time no see." Zhang Xiao said in a flat tone. He didn't have much dislike for Lin Junxian and Zhang Xiao, but he couldn't even talk about liking him. He could only treat Lin Junxian with the most ordinary attitude.

"It's fate to meet each other, how about playing two games at once?" Lin Junxian invited Zhang Xiao with a smile, but he didn't like Zhang Xiao very much in his heart. After all, in his opinion, Zhang Xiao was just a shit luck Nouveau riche.

"No, I don't gamble, I'm here to see the scenery." Zhang Xiao directly shook her head and refused, not caring about Lin Junxian's invitation.

"Cut, who would believe it? I'm afraid I wouldn't dare." Lin Junjie, who was staying beside Lin Junxian, sneered with disdain at the moment. After all, for him, Zhang Xiao was an enemy. If it wasn't for the constraints of the family, he would have He made a move on Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Lin Junjie, but didn't say anything. After all, he didn't bother to care about this kind of ignorant second generation. Complaining about him would only lower his status.

But Lin Junxian couldn't ignore it, so he had to say to Lin Junjie: "Xiaojie, how do you talk, Mr. Zhang just doesn't like it, please apologize to Mr. Zhang."

The reason why Lin Junxian said this is not that Lin Junjie did anything wrong. If he was an ordinary person, Lin Junjie would not care about offending some people, but Zhang Xiao was different. Besides, the current situation of the Lin family did not allow him to make more enemies. Zhang Xiao, who has become a climate, is something he cannot easily offend.

Although Lin Junjie hated Zhang Xiao very much, he didn't dare to disobey Lin Junxian's order, so he frowned and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I made a slip of the tongue."

Zhang Xiao was noncommittal about Lin Junjie's apology, but still said to Lin Junxian: "Mr. Lin, just please, but I think it's better to advise you. For some uneducated people, it's better not to show off. After all It’s easy to create disaster for yourself.”

Lin Junxian's expression remained unchanged, he nodded with a smile, and prepared to leave with a group of people, but Lin Junjie's expression became ugly, because Zhang Xiao said in front of everyone that he was not well-bred, and he was angry Looking at Zhang Xiao, his eyes were red, and he cursed loudly: "Zhang Xiao, be careful what you say. Who do you say is uneducated? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for my family not letting me trouble you, you would die a hundred times." Not enough."

JJ Lin’s yelling made many people couldn’t help but come over to watch the excitement. After all, watching the excitement is a human habit, especially those who can come to the cruise ship, and they are all people who like to gossip. They all rushed over one after another.

Zhang Xiao frowned, because as the number of onlookers increased, his mood became worse. He didn't expect Lin Junjie, a mindless bastard, to explode suddenly, but Zhang Xiao looked at Lin Junxian and smiled slightly: " Mr. Lin, manage your people well, otherwise I don't mind helping you discipline them."

Lin Junxian looked at Zhang Xiao's smiling face, but felt very depressed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to make friends with Zhang Xiao, but now it seems that not only is there no friendship, but the possibility of friendship is even greater. He quickly grabbed Lin Junjie, Apologizing to Zhang Xiao: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, he may have been drinking today and his head is not very clear, so I will take him away."

After finishing speaking, Lin Junxian ignored Lin Junjie's quarrel and asked his subordinates to force Lin Junjie to leave quickly. He and Zhang Xiao said a few words of apology before leaving the deck.

Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie accompanying Lin Junxian following every step, and couldn't help but feel a little bitter in his heart. The original mood of looking at the scenery suddenly disappeared, and he returned to the room helplessly.

"Boss, why don't you go to the swimming pool? I heard that the swimming pool is the place with the most beauties. It would be a pity if you don't go." Guo Feng suggested to Zhang Xiao. After all, this is a gambling-based cruise ship. If you don't gamble, you won't be so attractive to the well-informed Zhang Xiao, and beautiful women will always be the most attractive existence to men.

"All right, let's go and have a look." Zhang Xiao nodded. In fact, Zhang Xiao is not very interested in beauties now, but since she is here, staying in the room is not a problem.

Soon Zhang Xiao brought Guo Feng to the swimming pool, seeing a group of people swimming in the swimming pool, and most of them were men, Zhang Xiao suddenly lost interest.

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