After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing. After all, Zhang Xiao's company was mainly a sole proprietorship before. Even if some people wanted to cooperate, they didn't know how to speak, but now Yuandian Capital After the establishment, the cooperation with Zhang Xiao has a new avenue.

This is actually the case with people, the more successful you are, the more people will believe in you, but once your career goes downhill, things will happen one after another.

He Hong took the lead and said with a smile: "The reason why everyone can come to participate in the opening ceremony is also because everyone believes in Zhang Xiao's investment ability and level. I don't think everyone will deny this."

"Of course, Mr. He is right."

"Yeah, it's because I believed that I came here."

As soon as He Hong finished speaking, everyone smiled and said good things about Zhang Xiao. As for whether it was true or not, who cares, after all, Zhang Xiao is a well-deserved protagonist today.

Zhang Xiao still enjoyed everyone's praise, but he didn't get carried away. He said with a smile: "In the next time, Yuandian Capital will focus on international stock futures, supplemented by corporate investment. The risk is not small, you can think about it, participate in such an investment, we will manage capital according to different needs, of course we can discuss these in detail later.”

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, everyone was noncommittal. After all, the stock and futures markets are very risky, especially what Zhang Xiao wants to enter is not the domestic market, but the international market. There are countless financial players in it, and there are many sovereign capitals in it. The wind and the rain are stirring up inside. Although everyone knows Zhang Xiao's performance in the domestic stock market before, many people have to think clearly about Zhang Xiao's entry into the international market.

Although the scene was cold for a while, everyone soon started to discuss heatedly. After all, the domestic market is too restrictive for them, and once they enter the international market, although the risk rises geometrically, the corresponding benefits are also high. will be even greater.

After all, risk and return are directly proportional. There is no doubt that if you want to have high return, you must have high risk.

As everyone discussed, someone began to greet Zhang Xiao, obviously very interested in Yuandian Capital's next investment.

Zhang Xiao had to ask Ye Shijiang to drink tea and chat with everyone in the living room temporarily, while Zhang Xiao himself came to the office next door to have one-on-one communication with those who were interested in investing.

The first one is Liu Kuohai, a jewelry businessman brought by Xu Zhiyuan. He came here because of Zhang Xiao's title of Jade King, but now he has a different idea, because he knows very well that no matter what the investment result is, he will take the lead with People who Zhang Xiao gets in touch with are bound to gain Zhang Xiao's favor, at least they can get acquainted with each other, laying the foundation for future cooperation.

"Mr. Zhang, I have admired you for a long time. I met you today. You are indeed a good-looking talent. I am Liu Kuohai from Linglong Jewelry. I hope to invest with Mr. Zhang." But it was polite and impressed Zhang Xiao deeply. cascoo.

"Hi Boss Liu, I don't know what kind of investment you want to invest in, stocks or futures, or investing in companies?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Wealth and wealth are in the middle of insurance. I hope to participate in futures investment. I plan to invest 3000 million US dollars, but I don't know how the risks and benefits are distributed." Liu Kuohai gritted his teeth and said an amount, which is already enough for him Not less.

"3000 million US dollars, it's okay. This is a plan of our Yuandian Capital for investment. Take a look. If there is no objection, we can sign the contract now." Zhang Xiao took out a document from the drawer of his desk, This is a brief on the allocation of risks and benefits.

After Liu Kuohai took over the document, he immediately understood that Zhang Xiao's document was not much different from other funds in essence, but the only difference was that Zhang Xiao's company did not charge so-called management fees, but when the proceeds After exceeding 50.00%, the excess profit will be divided into 25% of the profit as a management fee.

Liu Kuohai couldn't help but be surprised by Zhang Xiao's generosity. After all, even the most powerful funds have an average annual rate of return of only about ten percent, but Zhang Xiao actually set the target at more than 50.00%. I have to say This surprised Liu Kuohai.

However, Liu Kuohai still trusted Zhang Xiao, and said to Zhang Xiao: "No problem, we can sign the contract now."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, seeing Liu Kuohai's emotional changes, but Zhang Xiao didn't say much. After all, he didn't need to brag about anything. The general trend is in hand, if the profit cannot exceed 50.00%, then there is no point in doing so-called investment.

After Zhang Xiao and Liu Kuohai signed the contract, and Liu Kuohai promised to transfer the funds to Yuandian Capital's account within three days, Liu Kuohai returned to the living room.

As time went by, there were quite a few people who had one-on-one interviews with Zhang Xiao. Although there were some who confirmed their investment, there were not many. Most of them had no intention of investing now. After all, Zhang Xiao’s current investment direction was the international market. None of them have any confidence.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about this, because Zhang Xiao knew very well that he was not well-known in the investment world now, and there were many people who didn't believe him.

After inviting everyone to a nearby hotel for lunch at noon, everyone left separately. After Zhang Xiao sent everyone away, he brought Ye Shijiang back to the office.

Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang: "Now the company's capital is 400 million U.S. dollars, plus Mr. He's 400 million U.S. dollars and other people's [-] million U.S. dollars, the attack is [-] million U.S. dollars, and then it depends on your gone."

"Boss, I understand, I will work hard." Ye Shijiang nodded and said, but he still had no confidence in his heart. After all, this time he entered the international market, which is still very different from the domestic market.

"Don't worry too much. It's enough to do a good job of investigating various markets in the first month or so, and be familiar with the investment models of each market. We are not in a hurry to build a position. After the people in the company are fully familiar with it, it will not be too late for us to enter the market." Zhang Xiao comforted with a smile, after all, most of the company has no experience in the international market, and even the newly recruited traders only have an understanding of part of the market.

"I think so too. I will do the research work with Mr. Long first, and I will also group the staff, so that we can be targeted." Although Ye Shijiang was under a lot of pressure, he still thought about going on in an orderly manner. How to do it down, but not the slightest impatience.

Zhang Xiao was very satisfied with Ye Shijiang's mentality, so he simply didn't give any more instructions, but let Ye Shijiang leave.

After Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiao turned on the computer and looked at the situation of various markets on the computer. After all, now he also needs to be familiar with each market, and then make targeted investments.

Looking at the performance of various markets this year, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After the financial crisis in 1997, the economic situation this year is far better than expected. Investors' confidence has gradually recovered. Both the stock market and the bond market are developing rapidly, especially in the international bond market. massive development.

Last year, the international financial market experienced the most severe turbulence after the war. The pessimistic sentiment in the international financial market was high, and both the stock market and the bond market fell into an unprecedented silence.

However, since the beginning of this year, the international financial market has seen both vitality and turmoil. At the beginning of the year, the financial turmoil in Brazil cast a new shadow on the international financial market. Fortunately, it did not spread to other markets, nor did it affect the recovery of investor confidence.

In the international capital market, investor confidence has been generally restored. From the data point of view, the total financing amount of the international capital market in the first quarter alone is equivalent to half of the level of the whole year in 1998, which shows that the global investor confidence has greatly increased , in the total financing amount, the international bond market has shown a substantial expansion, and the international syndicated loans have also rebounded sharply since the second quarter. Although there is no specific data so far, Zhang Xiao still sees some opportunities .

Compared with the bond market, the international currency market has experienced ups and downs. By the end of June this year, international bond financing was still the most important form of international capital financing, accounting for 50.00%. Driven by the tide, the financing scale of the corporate sector and financial institutions in the international securities market has increased significantly.

Moreover, due to the rapid expansion of the issuance of floating-rate bonds in anticipation of rising global interest rates, this has led to a broad strategic shift in international capital flows—from the pursuit of capital preservation to the pursuit of high returns on investment, which has also led to rapid growth in many markets. The recovery, especially the re-entry of emerging market fundraisers to the international securities market, is a different kind of stimulus for the international capital market.

The launch of the euro at the beginning of this year revitalized the European capital market, which turned the European market from a downturn to an upward trend, and even swept away the previous gloom in the European stock market and entered a new round of growth.

However, in the foreign exchange market, the performance of various currencies is inappropriate. Affected by economic cycle factors and capital flows, the exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar has appreciated steadily.

Compared with the Japanese Yen, the single currency, the Euro, has been weak since its inception due to policy coordination difficulties and political disputes, and its continuous depreciation has been targeted by many international investors.

Zhang Xiao looked at the data on the computer. These data were collected by Long Zhiyun. It can be seen that Long Zhiyun still has a lot of channels for the collection of this information. You must know that the current information is not as informative as the later generations. In developed countries, a lot of information is deliberately concealed or modified by people, and it is not easy to get accurate information.

However, when Zhang Xiao saw the price of US$20 per ounce in the international gold market, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. You must know that gold has soared all the way in the following years, and it has lasted for more than [-] years. Thinking of this rising cycle, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little jealous, but Zhang Xiao also knew that it was still too early to tell, after all, he could get too little information now.

And when Zhang Xiao was studying the international financial market in the office, the news about Zhang Xiao's establishment of Yuandian Capital began to spread throughout the entire domestic financial market. After all, there are no absolute secrets in the financial market, and information is even more important. The most important.

Far away in the headquarters of Lianxiang Group in the capital, Chairman Liu was being annoyed by the sudden price cut of the microelectronics technology company. In the past two years, since Shenhua Computer entered the market, the market share of Lianxiang Group has gradually shrunk. Although the profit has remained stable due to the expanding market, but in this period of rapid development of all walks of life, if there is no growth, it will fall behind.

But Liu Dong is very clear that with the price reduction of Shenhua Computer, further expansion is bound to be carried out, and the living space of Lianxiang Group will be further compressed. Most affected or other computer manufacturers.

In the current computer market, the computers of Lianxiang Group and Shenhua Computer are evenly divided, and they are further reducing the living space of other computer manufacturers. However, compared with Shenhua Computer, which actively cut prices, Lianxiang Group has been more affected. Passively bearing all this far exceeded their own expectations.

After all, in Lianxiang Group's vision, price reduction is inevitable, but it is done under the premise of ensuring profits, and it is so difficult to guarantee profits now.

"Have you found out the reason? Why did Shenhua Computer lower the price?" Dong Liu asked the director of the information center.

"I didn't find out the specific reason, but I have a new piece of news today." The supervisor said cautiously.

"What news? Is it about Lao Ni or Zhang Xiao?" Dong Liu asked thoughtfully.

"It's about Zhang Xiao. According to the news from Hong Kong Island, Zhang Xiao has established an investment company in Hong Kong Island with a registered capital of [-] million U.S. dollars." Seeing that Dong Liu was interested, the supervisor quickly said.

"[-] million U.S. dollars! It's really a big deal, but how did he get so much money? Can you find out?" Dong Liu knew Zhang Xiao well, but he was still shocked by Zhang Xiao's investment of [-] million U.S. dollars. .

"The source is very clear. In the first half of this year, Zhang Xiao took more than 20 pieces of rough jadeite in the public auction of jadeite. The [-] million US dollars is part of the proceeds from the jadeite auction." Seeing Dong Liu's question, the supervisor shared the information he had investigated. Speak up.

After hearing what the supervisor said, Dong Liu didn't speak for a long time, which made the supervisor feel a little uneasy.

"How is the investigation about Tang Zhenhao going?" After a long time, Dong Liu said.

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