Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 338 Goodbye Tong Yao

After eating, Zhang Xiao drove to the house of his grandma and grandpa. After all, his grandma’s body had changed, which made Zhang Xin very anxious. After all, since he was reborn, many people’s lives have changed, and grandma It is not the butterfly effect that the abnormality of the body appears in advance.

When he came outside his grandma's house, Zhang Xiao saw his grandma and a few neighbors enjoying the shade under the gatehouse, their complexions were rosy, but nothing unusual could be seen.

However, he was curious about the Mercedes-Benz car parked in front of his house. It wasn't until Zhang Xiao got out of the car with a gift that he couldn't help standing up and showing off to the neighbor with a smile: "My nephew is here to see me."

"Grandma, how is your health recently?" Zhang Xiao asked grandma holding a gift.

"I'm fine, come to the room quickly." Grandma said to Zhang Xiao.

"Let's stay here first. I don't think the house has been tidied up yet." Zhang Xiao had already discovered that the house of grandma's house had been rebuilt and was being renovated.

"Well, it's because your mother has to renovate the house for me. In fact, the previous house is still completely liveable." Although grandma said this, the light on her face showed that she was in a good mood.

"It's an old house. Even if you can live in it, you won't be able to live in it for a few years. Now that it's been renovated, it will be convenient for you to live in in the future. Where's my grandpa?" Zhang Xiao said while putting the gift aside.

"Your grandpa should go to the vegetable field, come back soon." Grandma said with some uncertainty.

Zhang Xiao nodded, feeling a little helpless about Grandpa's restless temperament, but since they have been planting all their lives, it is not a problem to have only some vegetables left to fiddle with.

Zhang Xiao took out a cigarette from his pocket, and passed around to the people sitting downstairs. These were neighbors of grandma's house, and they all knew Zhang Xiao.

"Xiaoxiao, I heard that you saw an electronics factory in our county. Do you think we can work in it?" A neighbor couldn't help but ask, seeing that Zhang Xiao had nothing to do with everyone.

"Of course I can. I went back to my hometown to build a factory so that the villagers can have work without going out. Although the salary is not as high as going to the construction site to do contract work, it is worse than stability. If you are interested, you can sign up." Zhang Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"That's great. In the past two years, when I went to work on the construction site, sometimes I couldn't get my salary. It's better to stay at home." A neighbor also said with a smile, but their words still had some affection for Zhang Xiao. slightly different.

This is human nature. For those who are stronger than themselves, they may try their best to catch up with them, but for those who are too much more than themselves, although they will secretly envy and hate them, they can't help being humble when they meet. Some.

Zhang Xiao smiled and did not speak, but Zhang Xiao did not lie. After all, the electronics factory in his hometown has basically been completed, and some workshops have started trial operation. The next large-scale recruitment is inevitable. Row.

Of course, the wages of the electronics factory will not be raised too high. This is not only a matter of cost control, but also determined by the wage level in the market. Once the wages are too high, the next problem will be endless. It was something Zhang Xiao didn't want to see.

It didn't take long for these neighbors to leave with a sense of humor. Zhang Xiao smiled and said to her grandma: "I heard from my mother that you will be out of breath after walking a long distance now?"

"Sometimes, I'm old after all. I used to carry a burden and walk more than ten miles without feeling tired." Grandma said with some emotion.

"Grandma, it's not that you're old. You're sick. I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup. Then you'll be fine after taking some medicine." Zhang Xiao persuaded with a smile.

"No need, I'm old, so why spend that money." Grandma shook her head hesitantly and said.

"Grandma, listen to me, it won't cost much. Besides, it's still a minor illness, and it will be cured after taking medicine. Once it becomes a serious illness, it will cost a lot of money. Besides, I don't lack those few now." Money." Seeing grandma's hesitation, Zhang Xiao quickly tried to persuade her.

"That's all right, when are we going tomorrow?" Grandma was still moved. After all, no one is willing to suffer from illness. The reason why she didn't go to see it before was just because she was afraid of spending money. Now that she has Zhang Xiao's guarantee, she will naturally I didn't insist anymore.

"I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning. In fact, not only you are going, but my grandparents are also going to the hospital for a checkup. If you are sick, you will be treated. If you are not sick, we can rest assured." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It would be great if your grandpa and grandma go together, and have a companion on the way." Grandma also said happily.

At this moment, grandpa also came back with a basket, which was filled with cabbage picked from the field, which had been cleaned, and when he saw Zhang Xiao, he said happily, "Xiaoxiao, when did you come back from the capital? "

"I just came back today and came to see you." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, and took the basket from grandpa over by the way.

"How is your company doing now?" Grandpa asked while washing his hands. Although he knew that Zhang Xiao had made a lot of money now, he still asked subconsciously.

"Very good. When I come back this time, one is to go home and have a look, and the other is to go to the provincial capital to discuss a project. In addition, the electronics factory in the county will be built soon. I also want to check the situation." Zhang Xiao slightly A brief introduction to some group situations that can be told can be regarded as an explanation to the family.

"As long as the business is good, let's eat dinner at home, and I'll cook." Grandpa said with a smile after washing his hands.

"Okay, I haven't eaten your grandpa's food for a long time, I miss you so much." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, trying to take care of grandpa's mood, after all, he can eat dinner wherever he wants.

As grandparents went to the kitchen, Zhang Xiao also started to walk outside the door. First, she called her mother and told her that after eating at grandma's house, she asked Guo Feng to buy some daily necessities, because Zhang Xiao could tell that grandma and grandpa They are very frugal, and many daily necessities are on the verge of being eliminated, but they are reluctant to replace them with new ones.

After Guo Feng left, Zhang Xiao suddenly saw a girl in a long beige dress across the street, waved her hand quickly, and shouted with a smile: "Tong Yao."

Hearing someone calling her name from across the street, Tong Yao looked around and saw Zhang Xiao who was standing across the street. She took two quick steps and came to Zhang Xiao's side. She smiled generously and said, "Zhang Xiao Xiao, long time no see."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time. How is your academic performance now?" Zhang Xiao looked at Tong Yao who had gradually grown, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Thinking of Tong Yao's senior year in the county No. [-] middle school, she couldn't help feeling a little emotional asked.

"I'm fine. I've been ranked among the top five in the whole school. Although I'm not as good as you, I'm already very satisfied. But this is also thanks to your study materials and study methods and skills. Otherwise, my study would be so bad." It's not that easy." Tong Yao smiled and talked about her situation, looking at Zhang Xiao with gratitude.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help smiling and said, "This is the result of your own hard work. After all, both the learning method and the learning materials are auxiliary." www.cascoo.

"You can't say that. A good study method can make people get twice the result with half the effort. I think the reason why my current academic performance is so good is because the study method is good, which suits me very well." Tong Yao looked at Zhang Xiao with some admiration. Tong Yao is no stranger, after all, she could see Zhang Xiao coming to her grandma's house in the Tong Yao market before, and they played together when she was a child.

Especially in the past two years, with Zhang Xiao soaring into the sky, every time Tong Yao went home, she could get news about Zhang Xiao from her parents. Xiao is happy.

"It's fine for you. Which university are you planning to take next year?" Zhang Xiao still asked. Originally, Zhang Xiao subconsciously didn't want to know about Tong Yao's situation, but now that it happened, Zhang Xiao still hoped to know more. In addition, the learning method that Zhang Xiao gave Tong Yao before was specially formulated by Zhang Xiao according to Tong Yao's own situation.

"I want to go to Beijing University, but I don't know if I can get in with my grades." Tong Yao said with some worry at the moment. After all, there are not many people who can get into Beijing University every year in the county's No. [-] Middle School. Now they are in the top five, and they are in the third year of high school. After adding repeat students, the ranking in the grade is bound to drop, and Tong Yao now has no confidence in her heart.

"As long as you work hard, everything is possible, and now there are still ten months before the college entrance examination, so you might not be able to get into Beijing University." Zhang Xiao encouraged, but in the previous life, Tong Yao only went to a normal university with a book. There is still some gap between Beijing University and Beijing University.

"Okay, I will work hard." Faced with Zhang Xiao's encouragement, Tong Yao subconsciously clenched her fists and said firmly.

"This is my business card with my phone number on it. If you need any help, you can call me." Zhang Xiao said after taking out a business card from his pocket and handing it to Tong Yao.

Tong Yao took a look at the business card, and saw that it said Hongyuan Group——Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao's phone number was written on it. The content was very simple, and Zhang Xiao's position was not written.

After all, for Zhang Xiao, the entire Hongyuan Group is his own, so there is no need to write a long list of titles to flaunt himself.

In Zhang Xiao's view, printing a large number of titles on a business card is a sign of lack of confidence, and it is even worse than writing the company's products on the business card.

"Is there one thing you can help with?" Tong Yao couldn't help asking Zhang Xiao when she thought of her father's long sighs during this period.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, as long as I can help, I will help you." Seeing Tong Yao's hesitation, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile, because he knew that Tong Yao would not speak unless there was something really difficult. of.

"It's like this. My dad contracted Guo Fuxue's project last year, and he hasn't settled the bill yet. People come to the house every day to ask for the bill." Tong Yao said cautiously.

"That Guo Fuxue from Cuizhuang?" Zhang Xiao raised her brows and asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's him." Tong Yao nodded and said.

"I'll make a phone call to ask." Zhang Xiao didn't agree straight away. After all, Zhang Xiao wasn't very familiar with things in his hometown.

Zhang Xiao took out her mobile phone and called her uncle Zhang Guoqiang.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhang Guoqiang answered the phone immediately and asked.

"Uncle, do you know Guo Fuxue from Cuizhuang?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I know, he is still contracting the civil engineering of the electronics factory, what's the matter, what's the matter?" Zhang Guoqiang said in surprise, after all, in his impression, Guo Fuxue and Zhang Xiao should not know each other.

"It's like this. The father of one of my classmates, Tong Mingshun, did some projects under him last year, and he hasn't settled the bill yet. Ask what's going on." Zhang Xiao briefly explained the matter, and asked Zhang Guoqiang to solve it. I believe Zhang Guoqiang has a way.

"Okay, I see. Are you at home or are you going to the provincial capital?" Zhang Guoqiang agreed and asked.

"At my grandma's house, I'll be back later." Zhang Xiao said.

"I'll go back that night." Zhang Guoqiang said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Tong Yao who looked hopeful: "The matter should be resolved soon, don't worry."

"Thank you, otherwise I really don't know who to look for." Tong Yao said happily.

"You're welcome, it's not a big deal. If uncle wants to do a project in the future, you can go to my third uncle. He is currently in charge of the construction of the electronics factory, and there should be a lot of projects." Zhang Xiao said indifferently, for him , this matter is actually nothing, but he is very happy to be able to help Tong Yao.

"Okay, I'll tell my dad when I get home." Tong Yao's mood is better at the moment, after all, the situation at home also makes her worry about it, and seeing Zhang Xiao solve it with a phone call, she admires Zhang Xiao even more.

After Zhang Xiao talked to Tong Yao about some trivial matters in her hometown, Tong Yao said goodbye to Zhang Xiao and left.

Looking at Tong Yao's back, Zhang Xiao felt a feeling in her heart. After all, since she was reborn, although Zhang Xiao didn't pay much attention to Tong Yao's affairs, she would still think of her when the night was quiet.

When Zhang Xiao walked back to grandma's house, many people had come to grandma's house, they were all relatives, they were walking and sitting downstairs chatting, seeing Zhang Xiao coming back, they couldn't help standing up and saying hello to Zhang Xiao .

Zhang Xiao took out cigarettes for everyone and greeted everyone while smoking. Zhang Xiao actually knew the purpose of their coming now, but it was just for the work or engineering of the electronics factory.

As for their demands, Zhang Xiao agreed as long as he could. After all, it was nothing to him, and taking the opportunity to sell a few people to invite them out would also benefit Zhang Xiao's prestige in his hometown.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao had no airs, these relatives agreed to their request to work in the electronics factory, and left after a short pause.

After they left, grandpa and grandma brought the food to the table. Although Zhang Xiao was not very hungry now, he still invited Guo Feng to sit down and eat together.

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