After Yuan Min left Zhang Xiao's office, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the more work the Supervision Department had to do next, the greater the pressure on him as the boss. Although Zhang Xiao would investigate to the end, there were many things In fact, they are all subtle rules, and what Zhang Xiao has to do is to find a balance among them, and this is not an easy task.

While Zhang Xiao was meditating in the office, Ye Shijiang knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, I just received a call from Mr. Tang, the negotiation of the electronics industry base project has reached the final stage, and we need you Check it out yourself."

"When is the last round?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon." Ye Shijiang said after looking at the document.

"Okay then, arrange your entourage, we will fly there in the afternoon." Zhang Xiao said.

Ye Shijiang put a list on Zhang Xiao's table and said: "Boss, this is the list of entourage, there are 36 people in total, and this does not count the security and logistics personnel. If the security personnel are added, the personnel will exceed 50. It’s hard to get tickets all at once.”

After Zhang Xiao took over the list of entourages and looked at them, he couldn't help but nodded. These entourages not only included staff from the company's finance department, legal department, and project department, but also some high-level leaders. Secretary, the staff is indeed huge, but they are all indispensable. Zhang Xiao has to feel that with the expansion of Hongyuan Group, there are many people working for each project from the start to the implementation, especially those like For a large project like the electronics industry base, the number of staff involved has doubled.

"Let the office contact the airport first. If there are not enough air tickets, then some of us will go there by car first, and we will meet up after arriving in Greentown." Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang.

"Okay." After Ye Shijiang agreed, he left Zhang Xiao's office.

But after Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiao was thinking about his future travel. After all, as he now fully intervenes in the management of the group, the number of trips will become more and more frequent, and the number of accompanying staff will also increase. , if you buy a ticket every time you fly, the time cost will be a big problem.

However, Zhang Xiao is still a little hesitant about the purchase of private jets that Ye Shijiang proposed before. You must know that it is only [-]. Although there are already private jets in China, there are not many. Zhang Xiao is not going to stimulate people. Emotions.

Not long after, Hou Shuyan came in and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, there are only [-] air tickets left to fly to Greentown today, but there are more people going to Greentown this time, so I think it's better to take the bus together." Better."

Zhang Xiao calculated the time. If the bus travels from Beijing to Greentown at high speed, it will only take eight or nine hours. In fact, the time taken by plane plus waiting time is not too much difference, and the most important thing is that there is also time to go there by bus. It is beneficial to the staff who go to Greentown to connect with each other.

"Okay, then you can make arrangements now, and leave after lunch. In addition, for everyone's safety, the bus driver arranges three people, and each person's driving time should not exceed two hours." Zhang Xiao ordered.

"Okay, boss." After Hou Shuyan agreed, she asked again: "Boss, how do you arrange it?"

"I'll be leaving in a while. I'm planning to go back to my hometown today. It's been more than half a year, and I haven't been back once." Zhang Xiao said with some regret.

Hou Shuyan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. After all, although she was curious about the boss's personal affairs, she would not take the initiative to ask them, because she knew her position and never had any unreasonable thoughts.

After Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiaoba called Guo Feng's cell phone number.Fun Court

"Boss, do you want to use a car?" Guo Feng asked on the phone.

"Today, I'm going to go back to my hometown first, and then go to Greentown tomorrow. Let Lu Huaping and the others come to the company now, and we'll leave in a while." Zhang Xiao ordered.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Guo Feng immediately agreed, and at the same time began to prepare all the items that might be used on the road.

As Zhang Xiao's full-time driver and the leader of the security team, Guo Feng knows exactly what he should do. Compared with his previous life, his living standard has improved many times now, which is the motivation for Guo Feng to work hard.

As for what Guo Feng needs to prepare, Zhang Xiao doesn't ask, because he is now starting to sort out some materials needed for going to Greentown. Although these things are stored in his head, he often needs these documents to convince others .

After tidying up, Zhang Xiao made a pot of tea and began to wait for news from Guo Feng.

Not long after, Guo Feng knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, everything is ready, you can go out at any time."

After Zhang Xiao drank all the tea in the cup, he got up and left the office, and walked outside, while Guo Feng naturally held Zhang Xiao's suitcase in his hand.

Coming downstairs to Hongyuan Building, Zhang Xiao got into the car when he saw that the security team had arrived. Guo Feng had already put his luggage in the trunk and sat in the driver's seat.

As the three vehicles filed out, the staff in Hongyuan Building got the news quickly, and some employees also started to fish daily, but more employees still worked as usual.

It has to be said that the gap between people is gradually different at this time. Employees who are accustomed to fishing will definitely have a gap in performance compared with hard-working employees. The longer the time, the gap will also be The bigger they are, the more their positions will naturally change accordingly.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao doesn't pay attention to the behavior of the company's employees. He is now fully focused on the company's rectification, and he is constantly thinking about how to carry out the rectification quietly, so that people can change unconsciously. , instead of using the method of thunderbolt.

After all, Hongyuan Group is no longer the small company it was in the past, and fluctuations in personnel can easily lead to the implementation of projects below, which Zhang Xiao doesn't want to see.

As time passed, Zhang Xiao closed the folder in his hand, looked at his watch, picked up his cell phone, and dialed his father's cell phone number.

"Xiaoxiao, why do you have time to call now?" Zhang Hongjun said on the phone.

"Dad, I'm on my way back to my hometown now, and I'll get home around four o'clock in the afternoon." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Really? Alright, I'll let your mother go shopping for vegetables." Zhang Hongjun said happily. He still misses Zhang Xiao very much even though Zhang Xiao has been away for more than half a year since Chinese New Year.

Although he keeps in touch with each other on the phone, Zhang Hongjun still feels a little guilty about this child who has completely changed the family situation.

"Of course it's true, where is my mother?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao's phone is talking to you." Zhang Hongjun said after handing the phone to Yang Lan.

"Xiaoxiao, you just told your dad that you are coming back today, when will you be home?" Yang Lan asked on the phone.

"It's around four o'clock in the afternoon. I want to eat your braised pork." Zhang Xiao said to her mother with a smile, full of longing in her heart.

"Okay, I'll start making it in a while. What else do you want to eat, tell mom, mom will prepare it for you." Yang Lan said happily, and she was very excited about Zhang Xiao's return.

"The main thing is that I want to eat your cooking." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, but his eyes were slightly red. Although it was only half a year, for Zhang Xiao, a lot of things happened in the past six months of this year, which made Zhang Xiao feel tired. a feeling of.

"Okay, I see." Yang Lan hung up the phone after she finished speaking, and started to prepare for grocery shopping.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone's microphone, Zhang Xiao felt a little helpless. Her mother, Yang Lan, was still as frugal as ever. Although the family conditions had improved countless times and there was no need to be frugal anymore, many things were still engraved in her bones.

The vehicle was driving smoothly on the highway, Zhang Xiao looked at the scene outside the window at the moment, but felt a little melancholy in his heart.

As his thoughts spread, Zhang Xiao leaned back on the back seat and gradually fell asleep.

The journey home was dull and boring, but Zhang Xiao's heart was full of excitement. After all, he was going to see his family soon, and he didn't know how the family had changed in the past six months.

Except for a stop in the service area for refueling, there was no stop along the way.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, the vehicle stopped at the door of the house smoothly.

After Zhang Xiao got off the car, she walked in quickly, only to see her mother, Yang Lan, still busy in the kitchen, while her father was sitting on the balcony, constantly looking towards the door.

"Back?" Zhang Hongjun looked at Zhang Xiao who walked in, and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm back." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel comforted seeing Zhang Hongjun not only not getting old, but also more energetic.

"Mom, I'm back." Zhang Xiao called to the kitchen.

Yang Lan came out of the kitchen with sweat dripping from her face, but unlike before when she had to sweat every time she cooked, the air-conditioned kitchen is now much more comfortable.

"I lost weight." Yang Lan said with reddened eyes after glancing at Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little helpless and at the same time feeling very warm. After all, there is a kind of concern that your mother thinks you are thin, which is similar to your fat and thin body in martial arts.

"Mom, is the braised pork ready?" Zhang Xiao changed the subject with a smile, otherwise he was afraid that his mother would cry and it would be ugly.

"It will be ready soon. Let me tell you, the braised pork our family makes is completely different from the ones on the market..." Yang Lan said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, not forgetting to tell Zhang Xiao about the braised pork again. What makes the difference.

At this time, Zhang Hongjun also began to invite Guo Feng and the others to come in and sit in the house. To Zhang Hongjun, although these people were Zhang Xiao's subordinates, since they came to the house, they were guests.

And entertaining guests is exactly what he needs to do.

Guo Feng had already seen Zhang Hongjun's enthusiasm, and he didn't refuse. He brought the security team to the house and sat down.

Zhang Xiao stayed in the kitchen, chatting with his mother, asking about the changes at home.

"Mom, are my grandparents in good health?" Zhang Xiao asked while helping Yang Lan peel the garlic.

"It's all good. It's just that your grandma doesn't know what's wrong recently. After walking for a long time, she becomes short of breath. I think I should go to a big hospital for a checkup." Yang Lan said worriedly.

As soon as the mother said, Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered that the problem of the grandmother in the previous life was not found out until a few years later. It was an enlarged heart. Grandma, it's best for everyone to check it out.

"Okay, I'm going to the provincial capital tomorrow, and then everyone will go there. One is to check your body, and you can also take a trip." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Yang Lan nodded and said, "It's time for a physical examination. I told them that they are afraid of spending money and don't want to go to the hospital. You'd better persuade them when you come back this time."

"Okay, no problem. I'll go for a walk after dinner. Whether it's my grandparents or my grandparents, I'll have a full body checkup." Zhang Xiao readily agreed, after all, he had planned for this matter a long time ago. Zhang Xiao's vigilance was heightened by what happened to Huang Jinglei before.

"It would be nice to have your persuasion, and they will listen." Yang Lan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knew very well that the reason why he was able to persuade him was not because he was rich or something, but because of the intergenerational relationship.

The relationship between grandparents is much purer, and the relationship is naturally much better. Sometimes there may be conflicts between father and son, but there are few conflicts between grandparents. The most fundamental reason is that the elderly have obvious demands on their grandchildren. to be lower than the son.

Soon, the braised pork was out of the pot, perhaps considering the large number of people Zhang Xiao came back with, the portion of the braised pork was huge, and there were several large bowls in the steamer.

But at this time, Zhang Xiao and his parents didn't need to do anything about serving the food. Guo Feng and the others quickly served the food on the table under Lu Huaping's command.

Zhang Hongjun took out a box of old Fen wine from the wine cellar, smiled and said to everyone, "Although Xiaoxiao is your boss, you are all guests when you get home. You don't have to be polite, you should eat and drink."

Guo Feng and the others had been to Zhang Xiao's house before, so they naturally knew the rules of Zhang Xiao's house. After returning home, Zhang Hongjun was in charge of everything in Zhang Xiao's house, so they no longer restrained themselves, and started eating and drinking casually.

Zhang Xiao is a little thankful to his parents. He knows that the reason why his parents do this is because Guo Feng and the others are usually responsible for their own safety. In many cases, whether they put their heart into it depends on their usual thoughts, and the relationship with the reward is not the same. too big.

As Zhang Xiao's driver, Guo Feng didn't drink alcohol, but the other security personnel let go of alcohol and drank a lot under Zhang Hongjun's persuasion.

After a meal, the whole case of wine has been drunk.

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