Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 324 Traditional Chinese Medicine Conditioning

The next morning, after waking up, Zhang Xiao went to Wang Jinming, who led the training, to ask for leave. After all, today he was going to the hospital to accompany Huang Jinglei to find Liao Qingyun, the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This was also an agreement with Fang Huiping.

"A day off?" Wang Jinming frowned slightly, and was a little surprised by Zhang Xiao's request. After all, Zhang Xiao had been training on time for so long, and now he couldn't figure out the reason for asking for leave.

"Yes, I need to ask for a day off today. I have a friend who is in the hospital, and I need to accompany her to see a doctor today." Zhang Xiao nodded and said, Zhang Xiao did not deliberately hide anything about Huang Jinglei, he And want to use other reasons to persuade Wang Jinming.

"Okay, I agree." Wang Jinming said helplessly, "But you have to come back as soon as possible. It's not long before the World Athletics Championships. Although your training results are very good, you still have to persevere in training. .For you, the maintenance of state is very important, I hope you can understand this truth."

"Don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible after today's business is over." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile. He also knew that Wang Jinming was under a lot of pressure, especially now that it was the end of July and the World Athletics Championships were only a short time away. There are more than ten days, it is indeed not negligible. .

After asking for leave with Wang Jinming, Zhang Xiao left the Field Management Center by car and headed for the Beijing University Hospital.

When Zhang Xiao came to the Beijing University Hospital, Huang Jinglei had already gotten up and started to wash, because the face that had been rosy after chemotherapy had turned pale again, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little distressed by her bald head.

Zhang Xiao knew how much Huang Jinglei cared about her appearance before, but now facing her illness, her appearance has become less important.Fun Court

Huang Jinglei looked very happy when she saw Zhang Xiao coming, but she put on the hood quickly and said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, why are you here today? Don't you need to train today?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I'll take a day off today. I heard from Aunt Fang that your chemotherapy is over, and the next step is to recuperate your body. You can leave the hospital after recuperating your body."

"Well, Auntie Fang told me this morning that she would find a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for me to see and make a treatment plan for me today." Huang Jinglei nodded with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he did not tell the truth to Huang Jinglei, because he was afraid that Huang Jinglei would not be able to bear such a blow. After all, Huang Jinglei had experienced too much in the past two months. Zhang Xiao was afraid that Huang Jinglei would not be able to persevere. After all, people are most likely to despair when their hopes are shattered.

Huang Jinglei put her head on Zhang Xiao's shoulder, and said in a leisurely tone: "Xiaoxiao, I know my own illness, and the treatment by traditional Chinese medicine is just lingering. I want to be discharged from the hospital. Before leaving this world, I should take a good look at this world."

Although Huang Jinglei's voice was low, every sentence was like a heavy hammer hitting Zhang Xiao's heart, making Zhang Xiao's originally strong heart shattered at this moment.

Zhang Xiao gently stroked Huang Jinglei's arm with a slightly trembling hand, and said in a trembling tone: "Leilei, it's okay, even if we go to see the world, we have to take good care of our bodies, otherwise how can we make it happen?" .”

"How do you say what I do, I support you." Huang Jinglei put her arms around Zhang Xiao's neck with her hands, put her head on Zhang Xiao's shoulders, and said with a smile, her voice was full of dependence on Zhang Xiao and yearning for life.

"Everything will be fine." Zhang Xiao said firmly.

"Yes." Huang Jinglei agreed, leaning against Zhang Xiao's chest at the moment.

Zhang Xiao took Huang Jinglei to Fang Huiping's office after she finished washing.

"Aunt Fang, when do you think we will go there?" Zhang Xiao Fang Huiping said with a smile.

"We don't need to go there. I'll just call Lao Liao and ask him to come over." Fang Huiping put down the medical records in her hand and said indifferently.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. After all, he didn't know much about the situation in the hospital.

At this moment, Fang Huiping had already picked up the phone and dialed Liao Qingyun's cell phone number.

"Old Liao, are you busy?" Fang Huiping said with a smile after the call was connected.

"Director Fang, I'm not busy right now, but I have to go to the clinic soon. What can you do?" Liao Qingyun had just arrived at the hospital's office when she received a call from Fang Huiping.

"Old Liao, come over to my place first. The patient you saw last time has finished chemotherapy now, so you can come and see the situation." Fang Huiping obviously knew Liao Qingyun very well, so she said casually.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Liao Qingyun promised and hung up the phone.

Not long after, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked in quickly. Seeing Huang Jinglei and Zhang Xiao were there, he smiled at Fang Huiping and said, "Director Fang, this is the patient and his family members."

"Yes, you should take a look at the patient first to see if there is any change in the situation." Fang Huiping saw Liao Qingyun approaching, stood up and said.

Liao Qingyun nodded, sat down at a table, smiled at Huang Jinglei and said, "Miss Huang, come here and let me check your pulse."

Huang Jinglei obediently sat opposite Liao Qingyun and put her arms on the table.

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory of yin, yang, and five elements, and regards the human body as a unity of qi, shape, and spirit. Through the method of "seeing, hearing, asking, and feeling", the four diagnosis methods are combined to explore the cause, nature, and location of the disease, and analyze the pathogenesis and the five internal organs of the human body. Changes in the six fu organs, meridian joints, qi, blood, and body fluids are judged to determine the growth and decline of pathogenic factors, and then the name of the disease is obtained, and the syndrome types are summarized. Based on the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment, the treatment of "sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, warming, clearing, nourishing, and eliminating" is formulated. The method uses traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping, qigong, diet and other treatment methods to make the human body achieve the harmony of yin and yang and recover.

In the theory of Chinese medicine, there is no such word as cancer, and the so-called cancer-free in Chinese medicine is just like this.

As the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liao Qingyun is obviously a great master of Chinese Medicine. Although Chinese Medicine is now being slandered by many people, Chinese Medicine is still one of the choices for people to treat diseases.

Liao Qingyun checked Huang Jinglei very carefully. Not only did he cut the pulse, but he also checked Huang Jinglei's body, complexion, tongue body, and tongue coating. As for the medical history, he did not ask too much. After all, he had already given Huang Jinglei Had a diagnosis and treatment once.

After a long time, Liao Qingyun finished examining Huang Jinglei. After pondering for a while, he said: "Miss Huang has many physical illnesses now, not only Yin and Yang imbalance, meridian blockage, but also spleen and stomach loss. Miss's physical damage is also relatively large, and it is very difficult to recover."

"Then what do you think should be done now?" Fang Huiping was not interested in the vocabulary of Chinese medicine that Liao Qingyun said. After all, she was studying modern medicine and only had a superficial understanding of Chinese medicine.

"First of all, let's adjust the spleen and stomach first. After all, the spleen and stomach are the foundation of life, and the loss of soil in the spleen and stomach is already a critical sign. I will prescribe a prescription first, take it for three days, and see the effect." Liao Qingyun said after a little thought .

"The specific treatment is up to you. In addition, should Ms. Huang be transferred to your Chinese medicine department or stay with me." Fang Huiping asked.

This is not because Fang Huiping wants to shirk responsibility, but for the sake of Huang Jinglei's condition. After all, Liao Qingyun has many patients, and Huang Jinglei is just one of them. If Huang Jinglei is admitted to the ward of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it will be convenient for Liao Qingyun's diagnosis and treatment.

"Let's stay here with you. I'll come here for a reexamination every day. After all, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is overcrowded. Even special needs wards need to be approved." Liao Qingyun said without hesitation.

"That's fine, but the brewing of the prescriptions has to be borrowed from your Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Fang Huiping frowned slightly, and then said.

"That's not a problem. In addition, from today onwards, you should stop taking chemotherapy drugs. If you continue to take them, it may cause pharmacological conflicts and cause trouble." Liao Qingyun then said to Fang Huiping.

"Okay, then I will tell her all the medicines from him, and I will start taking your prescriptions today." Fang Huiping agreed without hesitation. After all, Liao Qingyun once cured cancer patients, and even relieved the pain of countless cancer patients. , Fang Huiping trusted Liao Qingyun very much.

With Liao Qingyun's diagnosis and treatment, Huang Jinglei also felt relieved. After all, she had taken too much chemotherapy drugs during this period, which caused her body to suffer a lot. If it wasn't for Zhang Xiao's comfort from time to time, plus her aunt and She could no longer hold on to the comfort of the nurse.

In fact, many cancer patients can withstand the test of surgery, but in the end it is difficult to endure the pain of chemotherapy. Many people talk about the discoloration of cancer because chemotherapy and radiotherapy are too painful.

After Zhang Xiao sent Huang Jinglei back to the ward, she quietly came to a small conference room and met Liao Qingyun and Fang Huiping who were waiting here.

"Director Liao, Aunt Fang, what do you want from me? Is there something wrong with Ms. Huang's condition?" Zhang Xiao also rushed over after receiving a call from Fang Huiping.

"Yes, Ms. Huang's current body is honestly at the end of its strength. I don't know how long I can last, and I'm not sure if I can recover. But I can only say that I will do my best. As for how far I can recover, I can only see the effect of the subsequent treatment, and I have to explain it to you before the treatment." Liao Qingyun said with a heavy tone, after all, Huang Jinglei is so young, but she has to face such suffering, which makes Liao Qingyun feel very heavy.

And after all, Zhang Xiao is worth tens of billions. If he can cure Huang Jinglei, Zhang Xiao will naturally remember his kindness, but Huang Jinglei's current situation is difficult to say that she will recover, so it is not an exaggeration to say the ugly words first.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said in a solemn tone: "Director Liao, please rest assured, I, Zhang Xiao, am not an unreasonable person, please do your best. After all, medicine and medicine can never kill people, and everyone has their own destiny. fate."

After Liao Qingyun and Fang Huiping looked at each other, they nodded towards Zhang Xiao and started to prescribe.

After the prescription was opened, Fang Huiping also signed her name on it, representing Jianghe and Liao Qingyun to share the responsibility. This also shows Fang Huiping's character and responsibility.

But Zhang Xiao didn't know what it meant, and thought it would be more convenient to get the medicine.

Then Fang Huiping called a nurse to take the prescription to get the medicine and boil it. After all, Huang Jinglei is still a patient in their department, and it needs a nurse to cook medicine for the patient.

At this time, Zhang Xiao also left Fang Huiping's office and went to the ward to chat with Huang Jinglei, because Zhang Xiao knew that the reason why Huang Jinglei was able to persevere now was because she was holding a breath in her heart. If it wasn't like this, Huang Jinglei would have a hard time After chemotherapy.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm fine. You should go back to training early, after all, the World Championships will start soon." Although Huang Jinglei was very reluctant to give up on Zhang Xiao, she still spoke because she knew what Zhang Xiao's task was now.

"I asked for leave today, and I will accompany you for a day." Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Jinglei's pale face, her lips were bloodless, and she couldn't help but said with a bit of distress.

Huang Jinglei nodded, stretched out her hand to hold Zhang Xiao's hand, and said, "Xiaoxiao, I know you hired a Chinese medicine doctor for me, but I know my physical condition and my time is running out. Promise me, Don't be sad for me when I die, just take care of my grandma."

"Don't be silly, I will try my best to heal you. And what you have to do now is to sort out your emotions and let yourself face everything positively. Only in this way will the chance of recovery be Bigger." Zhang Xiao wiped away the tears on Huang Jinglei's face with some pity, and said with a smile.

Even he himself didn't really believe what Zhang Xiao said, but he knew very well that a person's mentality is very important, and only by facing it positively can miracles happen.

Huang Jinglei nodded silently, and said after a long time: "My family is from the countryside of Hebei Province. My grandfather passed away when my father was young. It was my grandma who worked hard to bring him up. Later, my father After getting married, life at home has improved a lot, but unfortunately the good times didn’t last long, my parents fell from the overhead during a job and died, and I was only six years old that year.”

"I vaguely remember that after my grandma buried my parents in grief, she took up the burden of the family again and began to provide for me to go to school, let me go to school. Grandma raised me with her thin body. I grew up in college. After graduation, I wanted to work hard and earn money, but unfortunately, my grandma fell seriously ill, so I had to go to work in the clubhouse. Fortunately, I met you, and I got out of the sea of ​​misery."

"After I met you, I felt that God finally opened his eyes, but let me enjoy life. Unfortunately, fate abandoned me again and made me suffer from cancer. I thought I would be fine after the operation, but unfortunately The surgery did not save my life, and I had high hopes for the three chemotherapy sessions, but the chemotherapy was just torture to me and did not play its due role."

"Xiaoxiao, why do you think my life is so hard?"

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