Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 323 Chemotherapy Ineffective

After the shooting location was set up, Zhang Xiao started to prepare for the shooting under Lilian's instructions.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't need to do much. You only need to complete a set of [-]-meter races. As for the results, we will continue to use the results you won in the National Games championship." Lilian said to Zhang Xiao seriously, after all How to shoot, how to shoot has already been decided, and Lilian is only in charge of execution.

"No problem." Zhang Xiao agreed readily. After all, it was just a [-]-meter race, which was nothing to Zhang Xiao. Moreover, Adidas valued Zhang Xiao's face. Xiao's cooperation.

Lilian was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's cooperation. After all, many celebrities would have one or the other request when filming, but Zhang Xiao didn't have any request, on the contrary, he was very cooperative.

"Every camera position is ready to shoot the scene where Mr. Zhang enters the runway, pay attention to the close-up." Lilian shouted to the staff.

Zhang Xiao is now wearing the sportswear prepared by Adidas and walking towards the runway normally. The Adidas logo on the sportswear is particularly conspicuous at the moment. Obviously, this sportswear has been specially made.

When Zhang Xiao came to the track, there were also a few sprinters as sparring partners, but today’s protagonist must be Zhang Xiao, they are just a foil. If the video of Zhang Xiao’s [-]-meter race was not blurry back then, Adidas could have used Zhang Xiao to win the championship. video clips.

With the end of the warm-up, the focus of this commercial shooting came, which was to shoot the scene of Zhang Xiao's [-]-meter race in all directions.

With the sound of the starting gun, Zhang Xiao rushed out first, and soon reached the finish line, and the electronic timer at this moment also showed Zhang Xiao's achievements.

9 seconds 77.

Although not as good as the previous evaluation results, it is still beyond the reach of people.

Lilian did not expect that the filming of the commercial went so smoothly. Looking at the pictures in the video recorder, the pictures taken by the four cameras completely captured Zhang Xiao's heroic appearance, plus close-ups, it was obviously very successful.

Zhang Xiao is not surprised by this. After all, what is Zhang Xiao's own strength? The [-]-meter run can be broadcast directly without any modification. As for the close-up, it only needs to cooperate with the shooting team to make up a few photos.

"Mr. Zhang is really amazing, he succeeded in one shot." Lilian gave Zhang Xiao a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Just take a few more close-ups."

"No problem, hurry up and shoot, it's almost eleven o'clock now." Zhang Xiao nodded and reminded.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, let's start now." Lilian glanced at her watch and nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao stood on the runway and took a few close-up photos according to Lilian's instructions. This commercial shooting was considered complete.

After the shooting of the commercial was finished, Zhang Xiao went back to the room and began to take a shower. After all, she was covered with the cosmetics just now, and when she ran and sweated, her whole body was sticky, which made Zhang Xiao feel very uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that this kind of advertisement can be used for a long time after the shooting is completed. Even if there is a need to promote new products, Zhang Xiao only needs to take a few close-ups to show it.

The training in the afternoon was carried out step by step, and Adidas also began to post-process the advertisements and photos. After all, the signing ceremony is two days away, and it will be needed at that time.

As the World Athletics Championships approached, the news about the World Athletics Championships began to spread. Maybe people didn't pay much attention to the World Athletics Championships before, but now that there is a track and field king like Zhang Xiao in China, they have also started to promote the World Athletics Championships.

And the reason why Adidas signed the contract with the Field Management Center is to catch the heat of the World Athletics Championships, and once Zhang Xiao achieves results in this World Athletics Championships, then Adidas will definitely not lose money on this investment.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, but news about the signing of Zhang Xiao and Adidas began to spread, especially the astronomical endorsement contract of 5000 million US dollars, which pushed Zhang Xiao and Adidas to the forefront.

However, not many newspapers reported on such things, only some tabloids started to report after hearing the news. After all, for major newspapers, news that has not been verified will not be reported.

On the morning of July [-]th, in the meeting room of the Field Management Center, the venue had already been set up. Countless media flocked after receiving the invitation, and Adidas also invited many foreign media. After all, Adidas paid [-] million US dollars Of course, no effort was spared in publicity due to the high price.

At exactly nine o'clock, under the leadership of Sun Minghao, Zhang Xiao entered the venue together with Mr. Du Debang, the president of Adidas Asia Pacific, and sat down on the rostrum.

After entering the venue, the flashing lights continued to shine. After all, for the media, the sky-high contract of 5000 million US dollars was worthy of their attention and reporting.

Sun Minghao flicked the microphone, and after the sound test was normal, he said with a smile: "Hello, friends from the media, welcome to this signing ceremony. After nearly two years of negotiations, our field management center and Adidas company finally An agreement has been reached, Comrade Zhang Xiao will become Adidas' brand spokesperson in the Asia-Pacific region for the next three years, and the endorsement fee will be 5000 million US dollars per year."

With Sun Minghao's speech, the signing ceremony reached its climax from the very beginning, and with the signing of the contract between Zhang Xiao and Adidas, the atmosphere of the venue reached its peak.

The flashing lights kept flashing. Not only that, but the signing ceremony was also recorded throughout. After all, there are TV stations that need such news to enrich the sports content.

After the signing ceremony, it was the reporter's questioning session. Zhang Xiao had already prepared for this, and all questions were tactfully pushed to Sun Minghao. protection work.

Sun Minghao didn't care about this. After all, how to answer the reporter's question, he already had a plan. He not only answered the question satisfactorily, but also protected Zhang Xiao. After all, he needed Zhang Xiao to give him achievements.

After the signing ceremony, Zhang Xiao continued to train in the field management center, and Adidas began to vigorously promote it in the Asia-Pacific region with the enthusiasm of the signing ceremony, especially in China, where the promotion was in full swing.

On TV, in newspapers, next to each Adidas store, there are pictures of Zhang Xiao wearing Adidas sportswear, especially the advertisements on TV, which perfectly show the speed of Zhang Xiao’s [-]-meter sprint. At the end, there is a close-up of Zhang Xiao's sportswear and soles, coupled with the Adidas advertisement, everything looks very distinctive.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao also saw the advertisements on TV and the propaganda in the newspapers. Zhang Xiao just glanced at it and didn't care anymore, but focused on training.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao's life was very ordinary. Every day, he would train in the field management center. In the evening, Zhang Xiao had two hours of free time. Zhang Xiao used it to deal with company affairs, and occasionally went to the hospital Visited Huang Jinglei who was still undergoing chemotherapy.

Huang Jinglei's hair has been completely shaved. After all, she won't be troubled by the hair on the pillow when she wakes up every day. However, Huang Jinglei is also very aware of her condition. She can feel that her body is getting worse. The recovered body became weaker and weaker after chemotherapy, and various adverse reactions tortured her day by day, making her exhausted.

However, Huang Jinglei didn't say much to Zhang Xiao. After all, she knew very well that Zhang Xiao was preparing for the World Championships. If she couldn't get good results, Zhang Xiao's reputation would be ruined overnight. Going to disturb Zhang Xiao, he endured the pain silently.

Day by day, although Zhang Xiao's grades have not improved much, Zhang Xiao has a good control of both movements and rhythms, and her grades are more stable. After all, for Zhang Xiao, stable grades are actually more important than progress.

But Zhang Xiao is now worried about Huang Jinglei's condition every day. From the beginning of chemotherapy to now, it has been three courses of treatment. Unfortunately, the original hope has finally come to naught.

That night, Fang Huiping asked Zhang Xiao to meet at a cafe.

When Zhang Xiao rushed to the cafe after training, Fang Huiping had already arrived, ordering coffee and reading a book.

"Aunt Fang, I'm sorry I'm late." Zhang Xiao said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I know you're training so I didn't rush you." Fang Huiping said to Zhang Xiao.

"Aunt Fang, how is Miss Lei doing now?" Zhang Xiao asked impatiently after ordering a glass of boiled water.

"The situation is even worse than we expected. The effect of chemotherapy is limited, and her body is very resistant to chemotherapy, so chemotherapy has no great effect." Fang Huiping said with some helplessness. Meeting Huang Jinglei made her think that cancer It's not terrible, the idea that one day it can be conquered is a little shaken.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little sad. Huang Jinglei's illness made him feel powerless. In the face of life, old age, illness and death, no amount of money is of much use.

Fang Huiping, as the director of the department, is already considered a leader in the field of breast cancer, and few can surpass her. Even so, she has put in all her efforts for Huang Jinglei's condition, but it still hasn't played a big role.

Fang Huiping is also constantly thinking at this moment. After all, Huang Jinglei's situation is very special. She is the most special of all the patients she has encountered. Moreover, Huang Jinglei is still so young. If she passes away like this, it will be a pity in life.

"Xiaoxiao, I also consulted with the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine before. Although they gave a treatment plan, because the effect of the treatment was not obvious during the chemotherapy stage, since the chemotherapy is not effective now, you might as well try the treatment of Chinese medicine. "Fang Huiping thought for a long time before speaking to Zhang Xiao.

"Traditional Chinese medicine, it's good to try. But Aunt Fang, I don't know anyone in my hospital, so I need you to worry about it." Zhang Xiao nodded, and Fang Huiping said.

"That's no problem. Liao Qingyun, the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an old friend of mine. If you have time tomorrow, come and meet with me." Fang Huiping agreed without hesitation. After all, Zhang Xiao was concerned about Huang Jinglei's condition The cost is huge, and she also wants Huang Jinglei to recover as soon as possible.

"Then I'll take a day off tomorrow, hoping to find a suitable treatment plan for Sister Lei." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed. In fact, Zhang Xiao knew very well that although traditional Chinese medicine is miraculous, it may not really be effective in the face of this kind of cancer. , but now he is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. It is best if he can be cured well, and if he can't, he will not regret it.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the hospital tomorrow." Fang Huiping nodded and agreed.

Later, Fang Huiping left with Zhang Xiao after drinking coffee, and Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to take Fang Huiping home first.

On the way to Fang Huiping's house, Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking Fang Huiping: "Aunt Fang, is Chinese medicine treatment the same as chemotherapy?"

"It's different. Traditional Chinese medicine mainly uses Chinese herbal medicines for treatment, while chemotherapy uses chemical drugs. There is a big difference between the two in essence. In addition, there is no name for cancer in Chinese medicine, only tumors. As far as I know, the treatment plan of traditional Chinese medicine is one person, one case, basically there is no same plan." Fang Huiping shook her head and said with a wry smile.

Speaking of Chinese medicine, Fang Huiping actually has a lot to say, but thinking of Huang Jinglei's illness, Fang Huiping still didn't say much. After all, during this period of time, both Zhang Xiao and Huang Jinglei have experienced the process of shattering their hopes again and again. At this moment, she I don't want Zhang Xiao's hope of rekindling to be shattered in the end, it will be another blow.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he didn't dare to have too much hope. After all, Huang Jinglei's condition is very serious now. He only hopes that Huang Jinglei can take good care of her body after chemotherapy and live for a while.

After sending Fang Huiping home, Zhang Xiao returned to the field management center. After all, he only had two hours to go out at night, and today's time was obviously much longer.

However, the security guard at the gate of the field management center has been used to Zhang Xiao going out during this period of time. Seeing Zhang Xiao coming, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, you are coming back late today. Go back quickly. You are not registered."

According to the usual behavior of these security guards, if they return late, they will be registered, and they will be placed on the desk of Sun Minghao, the director of the Field Management Center the next day. The reason why the security guards are so polite to Zhang Xiao is very simple. These security guards are all Under Hongyuan Security, it is natural to be more polite to Zhang Xiao, the de facto boss.

"Then thank you little brother, I'll treat you to a drink another day." Zhang Xiao didn't know the origin of these security guards, so he threw him a pack of cigarettes and said with a smile.

After passing the gate, Zhang Xiao started heading towards his room.

"Mr. Zhang, go slowly." The security guard looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back and said respectfully.

Zhang Xiao also turned her head and waved with the security guard, before continuing to go to the room.

After Zhang Xiao walked away, the security guard looked at the cigarettes in his hand and couldn't help exclaiming: "As expected of a rich man, all the cigarettes he smokes are giant pandas."

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