Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 315 Production License

All the senior executives of the company knew that although the plan had been made, it would still take a long time to implement it, and Zhang Xiao also gave them a time limit for rectification!

"Three months! This is the time limit I gave you. Mr. Ye and the Supervision Department must follow up. If there is any behavior that lowers the salary of employees, report to me at any time." Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang again.

"Don't worry, boss, I will keep an eye on it." Ye Shijiang nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Ye Shijiang agreed, Zhang Xiao immediately felt relieved. After all, Ye Shijiang was very clear about his plan, and under his supervision, this matter can be carried out.

"I won't pursue the matter this time. Let's not take it as an example. Next, all departments and subsidiaries must do a good job of self-examination and self-correction, and make timely corrections to violations of labor discipline and laws and regulations. In addition, the supervision department must Good job of monthly inspection and quarterly inspection." Zhang Xiao still said with a sinking face at this moment, "Next time similar things happen, we must deal with them strictly! No matter who is involved, I will investigate to the end and never Forgive me."

Zhang Xiao's words made everyone's backs tense, because they knew very well that there were actually many violations in the company, but most of them were accumulated bad habits, and it would be difficult to completely change them.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao returned to his office, while Ye Shijiang left the heads of several subsidiaries and Li Xuejiao from the HR department to discuss the next thing about changing the working hours of employees.

However, Academician Ni handed over the affairs of the microelectronics technology company to Li Yifan, the vice president in charge of production. At this time, Tang Zhenhao from the microelectronics technology company went to the newly established mobile phone project team, and Liu Mingchuan, the vice president, was mainly in charge of Xinglin. The construction of the county's electronics factory and the integration of some small electronics factories in Pengcheng are preparing for the establishment of a mobile phone factory in the next step. It can be said that the number of talents coming out of microelectronics technology companies is the largest.

In fact, this has a lot to do with Academician Ni. As the general manager of Microelectronics Technology Company, Academician Ni is mainly responsible for technology research and development and key project research, but he entrusts the production and sales to his subordinates, which makes Microelectronics Technology The top executives of the company have grown up one after another, and have become independent existences.

After eating in the company's cafeteria at noon, Zhang Xiao was called to the office by Academician Ni.

"Academician Ni, it's too early to go to the Ministry of Information Industry." Zhang Xiao asked Academician Ni with some doubts.

"It's still early, but you need to familiarize yourself with some basic materials. Otherwise, if Minister Wu asks, you can't ask three questions." Academician Ni said after handing a thick document to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little speechless. He really hasn't read these materials, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know about the mobile phone project. After all, for the demonstration of the mobile phone project, Zhang Xiao participated from the beginning to the end.

However, Zhang Xiao has no objection to Academician Ni's statement. After all, looking at the documents of the mobile phone project now can straighten out his own thinking, and when the time comes to face Minister Wu's questioning, he can also be targeted.

Mobile phones are also known as mobile phones. It has been developed for 1973 years since it appeared in 1999 to 26. It has grown from a "big brother" that was originally a brick to a weight of only [-] grams. Not only that, but the call quality is even better. Stable and stronger signal.

The manufacture of mobile phones obviously also uses a lot of technology. Whether it is chips, circuits, operating systems, or even batteries, there is basically a blank in China. The mobile phones in the market are mainly foreign brands. The development is not fast, and many of them are OEM or directly imported parts and then assembled in China.

As early as the beginning of the year, Zhang Xiao's microelectronics technology company had already started to conduct a lot of research on mobile phone parts. The reason why Zhang Xiao started the mobile phone project was to make these technologies better and faster. Transformation into productivity.

Of course, with regard to the research on mobile phone chips, microelectronics technology companies have not achieved many results. They have only carried out some chip research and development by means of reverse derivation. At present, there are already the first generation of chip products, although the technology cannot withstand Deliberation, but it is enough for Zhang Xiao, as long as it is covered with a coat, it can be produced by itself, which is why Zhang Xiao is confident that he can obtain a mobile phone production license.

After Zhang Xiao read the information provided by Academician Ni, he found that many of the technologies involved were very obscure, but they were more perfect, forming a complete chain. It can even be said that the 100% localization that Academician Ni said will It was the first to realize it on mobile phones, which surprised Zhang Xiao.

"Academician Ni, have you already made breakthroughs in these projects?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but ask after looking at the information on the materials.

After all, in Zhang Xiao’s opinion, the problem of the circuit board is not that big. After all, the microelectronics technology company started as a circuit board. It only needs to rearrange the position of the components and insert some components. But the chip and the system But it is a shortcoming. At the moment, the information provided by Academician Ni shows that the chip and mobile operating system have already been made.

"Samples of chips and mobile phone operating systems have been made, and even a few prototypes of mobile phones have come out, which are already in the testing stage. Since we want to obtain a production license, some things have to be taken out to dry. , It is easy to unconsciously become obsolete if you have been hiding it all the time." Academician Ni said with a relaxed expression, Academician Ni has more confidence in the launch of the mobile phone project, after all, Zhang Xiao discussed the idea of ​​​​transforming from a computer to a mobile phone with him from the very beginning. of.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being surprised by Academician Ni's foresight. Originally, he thought that if he wanted to start the mobile phone project, he needed to purchase foreign patented technology, but now it seems that he still doesn't understand the achievements of his company, and Academician Ni, as the leader of the group, The person in charge of technology obviously knows better than him.

"Okay, with these technologies and our strong economic strength, I really can't think of a reason for Minister Wu not to grant a production license." Zhang Xiao said excitedly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"I hope so. Many times their thinking direction is different from ours. Things we take for granted are out of date in their eyes." Worried, with concern in his eyes.

Zhang Xiao was also a little silent, but it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to go to the Ministry of Information Industry. After all, they had to spend time on the road, so they couldn't let Minister Wu wait for them.

When Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni went downstairs, Guo Feng had already driven the car downstairs, and Hou Shuyan was already waiting beside the car. Since Zhang Xiao graduated, Hou Shuyan has truly fulfilled her duties as a secretary. No longer limited to uploading and distributing, but following Zhang Xiao to participate in the management of the company.

This time I went to the Ministry of Information Industry, Hou Shuyan also went with me. After all, as the CEO and Vice President of the group, it always seemed a little out of place to have no errands around.

The Ministry of Information Industry is not close to the Hongyuan Building. It took four to ten minutes for Zhang Xiao's car to drive outside the Ministry of Information Industry. After a strict inspection by the gate guard, a group of people entered the compound.

Zhang Xiao said helplessly to Academician Ni: "We should make a phone call before we come, should we go up and wait directly now?"

"Boss, it's good to see Minister Wu, do you still want him to take the initiative to meet you?" Academician Ni couldn't help teasing.

"That's not true, the main reason is that we came a little early, isn't it a bit embarrassing to go up and wait now." Zhang Xiao said with a chuckle.

"Boss, this is a matter of attitude. We can't let Minister Wu wait for us! We must correct our attitude, sometimes attitude is very important." Academician Ni said in a deep tone.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, knowing that Academician Ni was talking from experience, and now that he had such an awareness, he immediately felt a lot more balanced.

The three of them came outside Minister Wu's office. Minister Wu's secretary Li Qinglan received them and asked them to wait in the small meeting room.

"Academician Ni, Minister Wu is still in the meeting, but the meeting is almost over. I will ask for instructions as soon as the meeting is over." Secretary Li Qinglan said to Academician Ni with a smile.

"Then thank you Director Li." Academician Ni said.

Academician Ni called Li Qinglan Director Li because although Li Qinglan was Minister Wu's secretary, she was still the director of the office, so most people called Li Qinglan Director Li.

After Li Qinglan asked the staff to make tea for Zhang Xiao and the others, she turned around and left. After all, he also had a lot of work to do, so it was impossible for him to stay with Zhang Xiao and the others all the time.

As time went by, there were more and more people in the small conference room, apparently all of them came to see Minister Wu.

Some of them are acquainted with Academician Ni, and they will exchange greetings with Academician Ni, but although Zhang Xiao is famous, he does not know many people, but for some of them, Zhang Xiao still has their information in his memory .

An hour later, Li Qinglan walked in and said to Academician Ni: "Academician Ni, the minister asked you to go over."

"Okay." After Academician Ni agreed, he stood up and followed Li Qinglan with Zhang Xiao towards Minister Wu's office.

Hou Shuyan naturally stayed in the small meeting room and waited.

After entering Minister Wu's office, Li Qinglan poured tea for Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni and left the office.

Zhang Xiao looked at Minister Wu who was sitting behind the desk processing the documents, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional, because he felt a majesty as deep as the sea from Minister Wu, but he felt it carefully but it seemed as if it didn't exist.

Minister Wu stood up, with a white shirt on his upper body and black trousers on his lower body, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses hanging from his nose. He said kindly to Academician Ni, "Old Ni, long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been about ten years. You still haven't changed at all, but I'm old." Academician Ni said with some regret.

"You haven't let go of what happened back then?" Minister Wu obviously knew Academician Ni very well, and said after pulling Academician Ni to sit down.

"Let go? It's not easy. I spent so much effort to make something, but I was kicked out in the end. How can I let go? If the boss didn't invite me, I would be useless in this life." Academician Ni said emotionally.

Minister Wu nodded, looked at Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, right, I've heard of you for a long time."

"Minister Wu, you are joking, boy, how can I let you know." Zhang Xiao said nervously.

"Humble, isn't it? In the past year or so, news about you has reached my ears from time to time. How can I not remember you? You are worth tens of billions at a young age. The most important thing is that you have also established a chip factory. , This makes us old guys feel ashamed!" Minister Wu looked very amiable, and he praised Zhang Xiao very much in his words.

Zhang Xiao was a little apprehensive. After all, the more Minister Wu talked, the more uncertain he was. But at this moment, Zhang Xiao also knew it was not time to back down, so he smiled and said, "Minister Wu, I came here this time to ask you for help." Now, our group is preparing to start the mobile phone project, and the production license still needs your approval."

Academician Ni couldn't help laughing at this moment, because he knew that Minister Wu was putting a high hat on Zhang Xiao to prevent Zhang Xiao from raising the production license. He didn't expect that Zhang Xiao would climb up the bamboo pole and push Minister Wu to the top all at once. Yes, he wants to see whether Minister Wu agrees or not.

Minister Wu is also a little speechless at the moment. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to dare to say it, but at this moment he has to think about whether to grant Hongyuan Group a production license. You must know that because of the production license, the Ministry of Information Industry is in chaos. It became a mess, especially the unlicensed companies that were sealed up before, are still looking for connections.

"You really put me in a difficult situation, and now the granting of the production license is not up to me alone, it needs to be discussed at the meeting before it can be confirmed." Minister Wu said helplessly, although he didn't directly refuse, but It's the same as saying no.

Academician Ni had expected this, and his expression didn't change much, but Zhang Xiao was very surprised at the moment. He didn't know why Minister Wu refused, and he didn't even submit the materials, which made Zhang Xiao a little reconciled.

"Minister Wu, why don't you take a look at the materials of our Hongyuan Group's mobile phone project first? Actually, there is not much content, but this is the confidence for us to apply for a production license. If you feel that Hongyuan Group is not suitable for authorizing a production license after reading it , then I won’t bother about anything.” Zhang Xiao said in a solemn tone after taking out the materials for applying for a production license from his handbag and handing them to Minister Wu.

Zhang Xiao is also betting that the reason why the country set up production licenses is for the growth and development of domestic mobile phone companies, not for foreign brands to occupy the domestic mobile phone market unscrupulously.

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