Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 314 The 8-Hour Workweek

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, Yang Lei looked at Zhang Xiao in disbelief, but seeing Zhang Xiao's face sinking like water, he licked his lips and said bitterly, "Boss, I accept the punishment, it's mine!" responsibility……"

Before Yang Lei finished speaking, Zhang Xiao interrupted Yang Lei's words, and continued: "Hong Jinming, the financial director, did not report his knowledge, and this year's bonus was confiscated. Li Xintian, the head of the personnel department, seriously neglected his duties, and this year's bonus was confiscated!"

"As for the other people here, I don't know how much responsibility you have, but as the company's leaders, you are responsible for not caring enough for the employees. The Supervision Department will come to investigate this matter in the afternoon. Do it."

As soon as Zhang Xiao's words fell, everyone's expressions changed. They were elated just now, but now they were like eggplants beaten by frost, a little depressed. The main reason was that Zhang Xiao's punishment was heavy and made them suffer. Word.

After all, as the senior leaders of Xingsheng Glass Factory, although their salary is several thousand yuan per month, which is not low, the bulk of their income is the annual bonus. Last year, each of them received 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands of bonuses. This year The bonus will only be higher, but now it is because of work mistakes, resulting in the confiscation of the bonus for the whole year. Although only the bonuses of Yang Lei and the other three are fined now, they will definitely be involved in the follow-up investigation.

After all, when the [-]-hour working system was set, they were all present and raised their hands to vote in favor, and the minutes of the meeting at that time had already been sent to the group company for archiving.

"I know that everyone is not convinced, but you have to bear with me if you are not convinced. How many hours do you work every day? It is less than eight hours. When I came here today, some people were late, but as for the employees, twelve hours a day The working hours are [-] hours a day, and I earn money for one day! Comrades, I am not a capitalist, and Xingsheng Glass Factory is not a black-hearted factory that grows by squeezing the surplus value of workers!" Zhang Xiao slapped the table hard at the moment. Said ruthlessly, the cold and stern gaze in his eyes made everyone dare not look at him.

"I don't want to earn the hard-earned money of those workers, and I don't want to be scolded by the workers behind their backs, and I don't want to be a black-hearted boss who people hate!" Zhang Xiao's tone became colder, and he slammed on everyone like ice scum. The high-level executives of these Xingsheng Glass Factory felt a bit of coolness on their faces.

Hou Shuyan, who was sitting beside the meeting minutes, stopped writing at this moment. Looking at Zhang Xiao at this moment, she feels a little strange. Zhang Xiao, who is usually gentle and elegant, has red eyes at this moment, like a beast that chooses to eat people, which makes her feel fear.

"Secretary Hou, you should go and inform all the senior executives of the group and the heads of subsidiaries to come to the company for a meeting at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. Everyone must be present. Those who arrive late will forfeit their bonuses for the first half of this year, and those who don't come will forfeit their bonuses for this year. I’m on a business trip in other places, and I’ll come to the company for a meeting tomorrow morning!" Zhang Xiao turned her head at this moment, staring at Hou Shuyan with blood red eyes and said.

Hou Shuyan nodded quickly, and ran out of the conference room to call the company's top management and the person in charge of the subsidiary.

And Zhang Xiao had no desire to speak at this moment, she stood up, kicked the chair behind her, and left the meeting room.

Only the people in Xingsheng Glass Factory looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't understand why Zhang Xiao got into such a big fire. The fire burned them heartbreakingly but they couldn't do anything.

After Zhang Xiao left the meeting room, she went directly downstairs towards the vehicle. Hou Shuyan stepped on high heels and trotted all the way to follow behind Zhang Xiao with great difficulty.

After Zhang Xiao got into the car, Hou Shuyan also sat in the co-pilot panting, looking at Zhang Xiao who had recovered to normal, feeling a little dazed, he didn't know how Zhang Xiao was able to control his emotions freely.

"After sending Secretary Hou back to the company, let's go directly to the hospital." Zhang Xiao told Guo Feng.

Guo Feng nodded, started the car directly, left Xingsheng Glass Factory, and headed towards Hongyuan Building.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao called Ye Shijiang again, and said, "Boss Ye, let the people from the Supervision Department investigate the working hours of the employees of each group company and each subsidiary company, and report to me directly after the investigation is completed."

Although Ye Shijiang didn't know the reason why Zhang Xiao did this, he still smiled and agreed: "Good boss, I'll arrange it now."

After Zhang Xiao hung up the phone, seeing Hou Shuyan's hesitant appearance, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"My phone is out of battery, so I can't notify them now." Hou Shuyan looked at the black screen of the phone and said helplessly.

"Use my mobile phone to call Director Tian and ask her to notify you." Zhang Xiao handed over her mobile phone and said with a smile.

Hou Shuyan took Zhang Xiao's cell phone, dialed Tian Xiaodan's number, and briefly explained the matter to Tian Xiaodan before asking her to help inform the senior management of the group company and the person in charge of the subsidiary.

Tian Xiaodan was surprised by Zhang Xiao's announcement, but he didn't ask any more questions on the phone, but agreed directly.

After Guo Feng sent Hou Shuyan back to the company, he drove Zhang Xiao to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, Huang Jinglei didn't feel anything unusual at the moment. She just felt nauseous and had no appetite. This was just a normal reaction to chemotherapy.

This made Zhang Xiao feel relieved, but in view of Huang Jinglei's situation, Fang Huiping did not agree with Huang Jinglei going home, but asked Huang Jinglei to observe in the hospital.

Zhang Xiao has no objection to this either. After all, although Huang Jinglei's current situation is fine, she can deal with various abnormal reactions more quickly in the hospital after all, which is a condition that cannot exist at home.

After watching Huang Jinglei eat a nutritious meal, Zhang Xiao returned to Fenglin Villa.

After returning to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao began to think about the working hours of the employees. After all, according to the feedback from the Supervision Department, except for the group company, the daily working hours of the employees of other subsidiaries are obviously much higher than Eight hours, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little uncomfortable, but this is also a characteristic of the times. Many corporate employees work longer than eight hours.

However, Zhang Xiao hates this practice of extending the working hours of employees. He does not want to be a person who earns surplus value by squeezing employees. Zhang Xiao feels very helpless about the profit-seeking nature of capital. It is precisely because of the profit-seeking nature of capital.

The eight-hour work system is a work system in which the length of the working day is eight hours as stipulated by national laws. At present, the eight-hour work system is generally implemented in countries all over the world.

The eight-hour working class is the result of the long-term struggle between the working class and the bourgeoisie. In the early days of capitalism, the working class started strikes and demonstrations to fight for the eight-hour working class. After years of hard work and struggle, they paid a lot of blood and lives. Only after World War I, the eight-hour working system was recognized by the International Labor Conference in October 1919, and capitalist countries were forced to confirm the eight-hour working system one after another.

At present, the country has also implemented the eight-hour working system, and passed the "Labor Law" on July 1994, 7. The Labor Law not only raised the new working hour system to the national legal system, but also emphasized two "not exceeding" working hours. system.

The Labor Law stipulates that the state implements a working hour system in which laborers work no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on average.

And Zhang Xiao's group company and subsidiaries obviously didn't do a good job with the working hours of the employees, but Zhang Xiao also knew that there was still a long way to go to completely limit the working hours of the employees to eight hours, but No matter what the price is, Zhang Xiao will insist on implementing the eight-hour working system.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao came to the company after breakfast very early. Looking at the documents printed in the printer, Zhang Xiao felt very heavy in his heart. After all, this is not something that can be solved with a few words.

At eight o'clock, when Zhang Xiao came to the meeting room, all the company's top management and the heads of subsidiaries had already arrived, and they were all competing to discuss the theme of today's meeting. After all, what happened at Xingsheng Glass Factory quickly spread throughout the group. , these company executives are very clear about what Zhang Xiao is going to do next, but it is one thing to be clear, and if it is done, it is another. In their view, it is completely impossible to implement the eight-hour work system now After all, the company is now undergoing rapid expansion, and the shortage of manpower is a problem faced by all companies.

After Zhang Xiaojiang sat in his seat, he said with a gloomy face, "Everyone knows the theme of today's meeting, and that is about the implementation of the eight-hour working system."

"After yesterday's investigation by the Ministry of Supervision, the results made me feel heartbroken, and made me clearly understand that my company is no longer a company that benefits employees, but has become a tool to squeeze the surplus value of employees, and has become a tool for many people to seek personal gain. tool, and I feel bad about it."

"Maybe some people will justify themselves that this is just to save money. It is true that the company has saved a lot of money by extending the working hours, but it is full of the blood and sweat of the employees. Don't you feel sad? Or say you Already numb and indifferent!" Zhang Xiao's emotions were very agitated, which surprised the company's senior management and also caused a psychological shock.

Zhang Xiao specially held such a high-level meeting to solve the problem of employees' working hours. This is something that all the senior management of the company did not expect. After all, extended working hours are common in many companies and enterprises, and the company also gave employees Compensation is already considered very good.

However, Zhang Xiao at this moment is very dissatisfied with the performance of the company's top management: "It can be seen that everyone seems to be accustomed to this, but the working hours of the employees must be adjusted to ensure that the interests of the employees are not damaged. From now on, I will give you nine and 10 minutes to make a plan, and I don’t care what you do, but after nine and 10 minutes, I will see your rectification plan for employees’ working hours.”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao left the meeting room alone, leaving only a group of high-level executives staring at each other in the meeting room.

Especially Sun Ting, the director of the financial department of the group, originally wanted to talk to Zhang Xiao about the financial impact of adjusting the working hours of employees, but unfortunately Zhang Xiao didn't give them a chance to talk, which made her feel a little bit bitter, but she also I understand Zhang Xiao's determination this time.

At the same time, Li Xuejiao from the personnel department also had the same idea as Sun Ting. She also wanted to persuade Zhang Xiao. After all, if you want to adjust the working hours, you will inevitably need to recruit a large number of employees. This is also a huge challenge for the group's personnel department. .

"Everyone, hurry up and make a plan. The boss is determined to rectify this time. Don't run yourself into the gun. Don't forget what happened to Lao Yang. The bonus for the whole year is gone. You say yes, Lao Yang!" Ye Shijiang said with a smile at this time, after all, he knew the problem of the working hours of the employees for a long time, and he also wanted to change it. He can't stand up in the company.

Yang Lei didn't care about Ye Shijiang's teasing. To him, the fine of hundreds of thousands of bonuses was of course a pain, but compared to Zhang Xiao giving him 5.00% shares in Xingsheng Glass Factory, it was nothing.

"Mr. Ye, don't make fun of me. Everyone should think about how to deal with the boss. My rectification plan was completed by the staff last night." Yang Lei said with a smile, proud of his foresight.

The senior executives of other companies all looked at Yang Lei in disbelief, and felt incredible for Yang Lei's foresight. After all, among all the people present, Yang Lei's education is low, but they are not as good as Yang Lei when it comes to trying to figure out people's hearts.

Yang Lei can see Zhang Xiao's determination from Zhang Xiao's attitude yesterday. As the saying goes, if you make a mistake, you will be punished. If you are punished, you must stand upright. Only with a correct attitude can you correct your mistakes.

"Mr. Yang, that's amazing." Academician Ni couldn't help giving a thumbs up. He also knew the theme of today's meeting last night, but he didn't want to make a rectification plan.

After all, whether it is a Xingsheng glass factory or a microelectronics technology company, it is the hardest-hit area to violate the working hours, but the people's supermarkets and chip factories basically have no major problems with the working hours.

The chip factory has been operating four shifts and three shifts from the very beginning, which fully complies with the eight-hour work system stipulated by the state. This is mainly to allow employees to have enough rest time. It may cause the yield rate to drop.

As for the Minmin Supermarket, it is mainly because the daily business hours are from 06:30 in the morning to [-]:[-] in the evening, and there are always two shifts of people going to work. Except for some office staff working overtime, there is no major problem.

"Hurry up and make a plan." Academician Ni said helplessly.

Nine and 10 minutes passed quickly. When Zhang Xiao returned to the conference room, the rectification plans for all subsidiaries had been prepared, and the group company also made a rectification plan for overtime.

After Zhang Xiao reviewed all the plans, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very well, since everyone has made it, then implement according to their respective plans. I hope that the eight-hour work system will become the norm in the future, instead of requiring me To urge."

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