Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 311 Rotation System

Zhang Xiao did not hesitate at this time. Even though he had not obtained the mobile phone production license, Zhang Xiao still assigned the task of the mobile phone project: "Tang Zhenhao is fully responsible for the preparation and construction of the mobile phone project, and other departments fully assist. The personnel department is responsible for the recruitment of employees, and the staff within the group can also choose to participate in the recruitment, and the production license is handed over to Academician Ni and me."

"Don't worry, boss, I'll do it well." Tang Zhenhao said with a serious expression at the moment, his face was serious, which was completely different from his usual state of laughing and joking.

Zhang Xiao nodded and continued to say: "The mobile phone project is the key project of our Hongyuan Holding Group in the next 20 years. While we are preparing for the project, the R&D department must also do a good job in related technology research and development. I hope that one day we will The mobile phones produced can be sold all over the world."

Next, Zhang Xiao arranged specific tasks for the mobile phone project, but Zhang Xiao also knew that it would take a long time for such a large mobile phone project to be fully launched. Zhang Xiao was fully prepared for this, but For the technology research and development required for mobile phones, Zhang Xiao asked the R&D department to hurry up and start research and development.

With the real estate company and the mobile phone project finalized, attention turned to other projects in the plan.

There are not only the expansion project of the Xingsheng Glass Factory, but also the plan of the microelectronics technology company to establish an electronic branch factory, the further sinking plan of the people's supermarket, the further establishment of the storage center, and the further expansion of the express company, especially The launch of the new production line of the chip factory.

The total number of projects has reached more than a dozen, and the amount involved is not small, which makes Sun Ting, who is in charge of the group's money bag, feel a lot of pressure. After all, although there are more than one billion funds in the group's accounts, once it is distributed , is not enough at all, but how to solve it, Sun Ting has some headaches.

The meeting was still going on, and each project was finalized until after [-] o'clock in the evening. The meeting finally came to an end. The content of Zhang Xiao's development plan was basically passed. Although some projects were fine-tuned, the overall result was realized. Zhang Xiao's wishes.

At this time, Sun Ting had no choice but to say: "Boss, the funds in the company's accounts are simply not enough to start so many projects at the same time, and we also need to ensure sufficient liquidity to deal with various risks."

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile and said: "The problem of funds is actually not a big problem. After all, the first half of the year is coming to an end soon. You can withdraw the profits of each branch in the first half of this year in proportion. I believe that by then you will You will be surprised, and the finance department must make a summary of the first half of the year, check the accounts of each subsidiary, and the supervision department can enter it to investigate if necessary."

When talking about this, Zhang Xiao paused slightly, and said to the heads of each subsidiary in a serious tone: "For the work of the finance department, each subsidiary must not set up obstacles, but if you let me know that there is a pushback, I will never forgive you lightly, and I will only give you half a month, and the profits of the previous year must be credited in proportion, otherwise all new projects of the subsidiaries will be suspended, and the person in charge of the subsidiary will be held accountable."

It was not without reason that Zhang Xiao got mad at the end of the meeting, because he found that the heads of these subsidiaries are now seriously chaste. They only care about their own one-acre three-point land, and they always procrastinately complete the orders issued by the group company. Sometimes it will be perfunctory, Zhang Xiao has been dissatisfied for a long time, and now he is just taking the opportunity to play.

Zhang Xiao's words stunned the group's top executives for a moment, but no one dared to refute. They knew exactly where Zhang Xiao's dissatisfaction came from, and their words could easily be used as targets at this moment.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao said again: "From tomorrow onwards, I don't want anyone to report that the subsidiary has violated Fengyang's practices. Once it is found out, no matter who it is, it will definitely be severely punished and will not be soft."

"In addition, the company will implement the rotation of the heads of subsidiaries. Everyone must be prepared and don't be in a hurry."

After Zhang Xiao put this sentence down, he left the meeting room directly, and Hou Shuyan hurriedly followed.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao's mood has stabilized. After all, he just took the opportunity to show off, intending to take the opportunity to beat the heads of the branch companies. At the same time, this is also the most genuine thought in his heart.

At this moment, Ye Shijiang knocked on the door and walked in, sat opposite Zhang Xiao and said with a smile: "Boss, do you really want to start the rotation system for the person in charge?"

"Of course it's true, why do you have any thoughts?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

"I don't think this matter should be rushed, so as not to cause turmoil in the company. This is not good for the development of our company at this stage!" Ye Shijiang persuaded Zhang Xiao after pondering for a while.

"You're right. If it weren't for the fact that I'm going to participate in the training camp soon, I would start the rotation system as soon as possible, but now it seems that it is appropriate to give them a certain amount of time to prepare." Zhang Xiao nodded helplessly, after all now The group has just been established, coupled with the launch of a large number of projects, the current rotation will indeed affect the development of the company.

However, Zhang Xiao is also the result of thinking about the rotation system for a long time. After all, the longer the time, the greater the interests of the heads of these subsidiaries in the company they are in charge of, and corruption is prone to occur. This is for Zhang Xiao who wants to build a century-old enterprise. Said it was unacceptable.

The implementation of the rotation system can largely avoid corruption, which has a great positive effect on the healthy development of the company, but now is indeed not the best time to implement the rotation system.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao accepted his opinion, Ye Shijiang heaved a sigh of relief, but he also knew Zhang Xiao's attachment to the rotation system. After all, he also noticed that the gangsterism within the group was serious, and the rotation system could solve the gangsterism to a certain extent. The presence.

"Mr. Ye, I will go to the field management center for training in ten days. Then you will have to worry more about the company's business. In addition, there are many projects launched by the group. In order to prevent the risks involved, you have to let The Supervision Department checks the status of the project at any time, and can report to me at any time." Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang again.

Ye Shijiang nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will pay more attention."

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao talked to Ye Shijiang about some specific ideas for the project, and Ye Shijiang left Zhang Xiao's office.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Zhang Xiao still took out his mobile phone and called Academician Ni.

"Boss, why are you calling me now?" Academician Ni asked with some doubts. After all, Zhang Xiao rarely disturbed him at night, but today he was surprised.

"Academician Ni, have you left the company?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"I'm about to leave, what's the matter, what's the matter?" Academician Ni put the handbag on the desk and asked casually.

"I have something to discuss with you. Let's have dinner together and chat while eating." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs, hurry up, I'm hungry." Academician Ni hung up the phone after finishing speaking, walked out of the office door with his handbag, and headed for the elevator.

Zhang Xiao also simply packed up his belongings and walked out of the office.

When passing by Hou Shuyan's office, seeing that the lights were still on inside, she knocked on the door and waited at the door.

Hou Shuyan immediately opened the door, and seeing Zhang Xiao standing outside, she shouted in surprise, "Boss, why are you here?"

"I'm about to leave work. I saw that the lights in your office are still on, so I took a look. Why haven't you got off work yet?" Zhang Xiao said casually.

"Boss, look at what you said, you haven't left yet, how can I leave, I am your secretary." Hou Shuyan smiled slightly, and the index finger of her right hand brushed the long hair scattered around her ear, which gave people a kind of beauty. The feeling of being out of place.

"In the future, except for working hours, you don't have to wait for me to get off work. Well, I'll leave first, and you get off work after you finish your get off work." Zhang Xiao also didn't go into Hou Shuyan's office, but stood at the door and said to Hou Shuyan.

"Okay, I'll be done soon." Seeing what Zhang Xiao said, Hou Shuyan didn't leave immediately. After all, today's meeting minutes still need to be sorted out, and she won't leave work until she is done.

Zhang Xiao turned and left, and Hou Shuyan didn't return to her office to continue working until Zhang Xiao got on the elevator.

After Zhang Xiao met Academician Ni in the downstairs lobby of the company, he smiled and said, "Go to my house to eat. After eating, I will ask the driver to take you home."

"Okay, I just called my wife and asked her not to wait for me." Academician Ni said with some expectation. After all, he never forgets Lu Huaping's cooking skills. He hasn't eaten for a long time, and he still misses it very much. .

Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni got into Guo Feng's car together and headed towards Fenglin Villa. During this time, he had been living in Fenglin Villa. Lu Huaping and his team of security personnel naturally moved here, but they were not I have been with Zhang Xiao all the time.

On the way to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni: "Academician Ni, are you familiar with the leaders of the Ministry of Information Industry?"

"Very familiar. After all, Lao Wu and I are of the same generation, and we usually communicate quite a lot, and microelectronics technology companies often need to deal with the Ministry of Information Industry." Academician Ni understood Zhang Xiao's situation when Zhang Xiao asked I want to obtain a mobile phone production license.

"Well, see if you can make an appointment with Minister Wu tomorrow. We will have a meal together and ask Minister Wu about the mobile phone production license." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly. He knew that Academician Ni had a wide network of contacts, but he did not expect Academician Ni and Minister Wu are very familiar.

"Okay, I'll contact you tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure about the production license of the mobile phone." Academician Ni couldn't help shaking his head and said with a wry smile.

"Then let's talk about it after meeting Minister Wu, but I think we have a great chance." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"I hope so, Boss, we are a private company after all, it is not so easy to obtain a mobile phone production license." Academician Ni is worried, after all, it is not so easy to obtain a production license.

Since the government forwarded the "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Mobile Communication Industry" issued by the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Planning Commission in January today, the country now has strict regulations on the production and sales of mobile phones, the purpose of which is to speed up the development of the mobile communication industry. development of.

At present, there are some urgent problems to be solved in the development of the country's mobile communication industry. The first is that due to the late start of the domestic mobile communication manufacturing industry, although it has formed a certain industrial scale, it still cannot meet the needs of the rapid growth of the mobile communication product market.

Secondly, the independent development capability of domestic mobile phone manufacturers is weak, and the industrial structure is unreasonable. In particular, domestic mobile communication product manufacturers are mostly assembled in the form of imported parts, and the added value of products is very low. They have become de facto compradors.

The third factor is that most joint venture mobile communication product manufacturing enterprises have poor technology transfer and slow progress, and the phenomenon of production and sales exceeding the contract scale is quite common, which affects the independent development, production and market development of domestic mobile communication products.

The fourth aspect is the mobile communication products independently developed in China, especially the mobile communication switching equipment developed on the basis of domestic program-controlled switch technology.

Based on the above reasons, in order to protect domestic communication product manufacturers and to develop communication technology, production licenses came into being.

In Zhang Xiao's view, the current Hongyuan Holding Group has its own advantages. Once the chips used in mobile phones have obtained patent authorization, they can be directly mass-produced by chip factories. As for the main boards and casings of mobile phones, microelectronics technology companies can in production.

Zhang Xiao has strong confidence in the company's R&D team of nearly 5000 people, and Zhang Xiao is also familiar with the development process of mobile phones, which can prevent the production and sales of mobile phones from entering the misunderstandings experienced by mobile phone companies in the previous life, thus saving a lot of time. Realize curve overtaking.

After arriving at Fenglin Villa, Lu Huaping had already prepared meals, waiting for the arrival of Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni.

On the contrary, Huang Jinglei went upstairs to rest early and did not show up.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni came to the study, drinking tea and chatting.

"Boss, you have to prepare for the worst. After all, it is not so easy to obtain a production license. I heard that many capital and state-owned enterprises have been rejected." Academician Ni is still a little worried. After all, in March this year The large-scale inspections across the country have closed down many enterprises.

"Academician Ni, in fact, the country's establishment of such a policy is for the rapid development of the domestic communication industry, and our Hongyuan Holding Group needs technology and equipment. In addition to some patents that need to be authorized, our domestic The conversion rate is the highest, and I believe the country will agree." Zhang Xiao said confidently.

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