At four o'clock in the afternoon, the group of people had to rest in a mountain col. After all, they had been traveling rapidly in the tropical rainforest for four hours. Everyone was exhausted, even Guo Feng. Zhang Xiao is in the best condition.

But Ma Zhiyong was in the worst condition. He had injured his arm and bled a lot. He hadn't had a good rest in the past two days. Coupled with his age, his face was covered with sweat, and his shirt was soaked with sweat. Yes, the whole person looks very haggard.

Everyone sat around and drank the drinking water they brought to relieve physical fatigue.

When everyone took a short break, a shout made everyone move quickly.

"Be careful, be alert!"

Guo Feng suddenly yelled, and at the same time the submachine gun in his hand fired three times in a row.

Everyone immediately became alert and took up the guns in their hands.

Zhang Xiao, who was sitting opposite Guo Feng, looked in the direction of Guo Feng's shooting, and suddenly felt chills all over his body, and felt a chill on his back.

Not far in front of them is a pond with a size of five to sixty meters. At this time, a giant python with a length of seven or eight meters and a thickness of a bowl comes out of the pond, and it is crawling freely towards the direction of the crowd. Come.

The whole body of this giant python is covered with tiny blue scales, and there are staggered oval-shaped black spots on the python's body. The speed of crawling is not very fast. Spit out a red snake letter more than ten centimeters long from the mouth, a pair of eyes the size of a copper bell, staring at the crowd, Guo Feng's three consecutive shots did not cause any harm to it, I don't know if it was shot empty or the rough flesh of the python thick.

On the contrary, the sound of the gun stimulated the boa constrictor, and the boa constrictor began to accelerate towards the crowd.

Guo Feng was also extremely nervous at this moment. Zhang Xiao didn't know about this thing, but he knew it very well. This was not a boa constrictor, but an anaconda known as a jungle killer.

The anaconda is the largest snake in the world today, with a length of up to ten meters and a weight of more than 220 kilograms. It is as thick as an adult man's torso, but the length of an anaconda is generally less than [-] meters.

Anacondas are water-loving by nature, usually inhabit mud banks or shallow water, prey on water birds, turtles, capybaras, tapirs, etc., and sometimes even devour crocodiles up to 1.5 meters long. Anacondas will tightly entangle the crocodile until it Suffocated to death, then swallowed whole, without food for several weeks.

Anaconda is undoubtedly the king of snakes. Although different types of snakes will eat each other, no matter what kind of snake, including the highly venomous cobra, they are the prey of adult anacondas. Other snakes are not suitable for adult anacondas. Danger.

"Boss, be careful."

Guo Feng's gun had already aimed at this huge anaconda, but his palms were covered with sweat at the moment, because Guo Feng knew that this kind of anaconda had a very strong vitality, if he was entangled by it, even if he killed himself Even if its head is exploded, it is very likely that its bones will be crushed and broken by its huge winding force.

Before Guo Feng could make a move, the others had already started shooting. After all, everyone knew that once the anacondas started to attack, there would be no casualties due to so many of them. It is also unbearable to sweep the tail of the snake.

The gunshots sounded like popping beans, and countless bullets hit the anaconda. Even though the scales of the anaconda were hard, they couldn't stop the attack of so many bullets. It didn't take long for the anaconda to be smashed into a sieve. The huge snake's head fell to the ground with a thud, splashing countless muddy water.

"TMD, why are there anacondas here? Aren't anacondas supposed to live in South America?" Guo Feng couldn't help but swear, which is hard to see.

"Who knows, someone should have brought it here from South America." Minister Weixing said with a serious expression. As a country that doesn't even have taxes, Myanmar has almost no inspections for entry and exit, which also caused There are many things in Myanmar that should not exist.

As an alien species, the anaconda is easy to reproduce in the absence of natural enemies. This made Minister Wei Xing feel worried. After all, the anaconda's reproductive ability is too strong. It can lay up to [-] eggs at a time, and it grows extremely Quickly, once it reproduces on a large scale, it will be a disaster for the mine.

So under Minister Wei Xing's suggestion, everyone began to look for the anaconda's eggs in the surrounding area, but in the end they found nothing. After all, no one knew whether the anaconda's nest was here or it was just passing by.

Everyone rested for a while before continuing on the road, and the atmosphere became more tense unknowingly. After all, the appearance of the anaconda gave everyone a sense of crisis.

Although the four seasons in Myanmar are not so obvious, there are indeed a lot fewer animals in the forest this season, and there is no danger in the following journey.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came to a mountainside with sparse forests, which is also the location of the biological experiment base provided by Ma Zhiyong.

Guo Feng looked at the map carefully for several minutes, then raised his head and said with certainty: "Boss, this is here, but I don't know if Ma Zhiyong can find the entrance."

"Let's watch, and pay attention, after all, the situation will only get more complicated when we reach our destination." Zhang Xiao's Kaiou said in a solemn tone.

Guo Feng nodded, and at the same time gestured to the security team who brought him with him. After receiving Guo Feng's signal, the security team scattered around and protected Zhang Xiao in the middle.

At this moment, Ma Zhiyong's face was full of tears, and his eyes were fixed on the pile of corpses under the cliff, because there were his former comrades in arms there.

No one bothered him. After all, as an old man, it is inevitable to be able to come back here again.

After a long time, Ma Zhiyong wiped away the tears on his face, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I am laughing at you, this is where the biological experiment base is located, but the entrance should have been sealed back then, and you need to find the entrance if you want to enter."

As soon as Ma Zhiyong said this, everyone immediately took action and began to search around.

Half an hour later, everyone couldn't help sighing, because the entrance was still not found, but a lot of bones and rotting clothes were found, and there were still a lot of [-] large caps, but the wooden handle was earlier. It's decayed, and the gun body is also full of rust. If you don't look carefully, you might think it's garbage.

But Zhang Xiao can be sure that no one has been here before them, which is good news.

"Go up and look for it. I'm sure it's here." Ma Zhiyong was also a little puzzled at this time. Even though decades have passed, he still has a fresh memory of this place, because he used it as an experimental place at the beginning. After a trial of medicine, he was thrown off the cliff as a corpse in a coma, and only then was he able to escape from death.

"Boss, come here and take a look." Guo Feng, who was walking under the cliff, suddenly shouted, and Zhang Xiao, who was standing beside him, hurried over.

"Boss, look, there is something wrong with the mountain here. There are traces of explosions, and the trees there should have grown from the soil filled later. This is trying to hide it." Guo Feng pointed to a place on the cliff where trees grew. Some excitedly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Xiao looked at the situation on the cliff, and after Guo Feng reminded him, Zhang Xiao also saw the problem.

Generally, the cliffs are exposed to the outside, but the middle part of this cliff is full of soil, covered with weeds, and there are even a few trees and shrubs, which seems a bit weird.

Zhang Xiao didn't know what the explosion marks Guo Feng said looked like, but at this moment he felt that this was not the real entrance, combined with the corpses under the cliff, it looked like a place to throw corpses.

But it was getting late now, as long as one could enter inside, it didn't matter whether it was an entrance or not.

"Fuck, I finally found it! Send a signal to let everyone come over." Zhang Xiao said.

Guo Feng nodded, and blew the whistle in his mouth, which is also a tool for everyone to communicate.

Not long after, everyone came here, looking at the place in the middle of the cliff in a daze, speechless, because it is at least ten meters high from the ground, and it is really not easy to go up.

But Ma Zhiyong said loudly at this moment: "This is the place, and I was thrown from here."

"How to go up?" Hu Ming asked the question in everyone's mind. After all, this is a cliff, and it is extremely steep, so it is really difficult to go up.

But at this time, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng: "You go up first, then hang down the climbing rope and let everyone go up."

Guo Feng nodded, took out a climbing rope from his backpack and put it on his body, and then took out a set of climbing equipment and put it on. It has to be said that Guo Feng was extremely well prepared, even having mountaineering equipment.

After Guo Feng put on his equipment, he began to climb up the cliff. The speed was so fast that many people were dumbfounded, but everyone in the security team took it for granted. After all, they had known Guo Feng's strength for a long time. .

After only ten minutes, Guo Feng climbed up and tied down the climbing rope.

With the help of the climbing rope, it was not difficult for them to climb up. After several members of the security team went up, Zhang Xiao followed.

Half an hour later, everyone climbed up, but Zhang Xiao was worried at the moment when he saw the collapsed cave entrance. A large number of stones blocked the entire cave, and no one knew how thick the stones were here. , but since we are here, there will always be a way.

At this moment the sky was completely dark, Minister Wei Xing shook his head and said: "It seems that we are going to spend the night here, after all, it is unwise to open the cave rashly now, no one knows what will be inside."

"Then let's find a way to open the hole tomorrow. Fortunately, the place here is big enough for us to rest." Zhang Xiao completely agreed with Minister Weixing's suggestion.

Hu Ming also nodded at this moment, agreeing with this statement.

The three leaders agreed, and the others would naturally have no objections, and began to clean up the weeds and bushes here. After all, the savage mountain was full of poisonous snakes, and no one knew what was in the grass.

I didn't expect there to be poisonous snakes here, but they were all swept down to the bottom of the cliff, so it's safe for the time being.

After everyone had eaten and arranged for the night watchmen, everyone began to rest, but no one lit the fire like a fool. After all, here, the light of the fire is very easy to attract the attention of the beasts.

After a night of nothing, Zhang Xiao woke up the next morning and saw that many people had woken up. After eating food in a hurry, everyone began to clean up the gravel at the entrance of the cave. Even large stones were pushed down the cliff by everyone.

After three hours of hard work, the entrance of the cave was finally cleared, but no one entered first. After all, this is a biological experiment base, and no one knows what is there.

Guo Feng lit a glove dipped in gasoline and threw it in, which not only illuminated the situation inside the cave, but also let everyone know that the oxygen in the cave was not thin, because the flame did not change.

There is nothing in the cave, but the ground and the cave walls have been repaired with cement, which makes them look smooth, and the dust on them is not too thick.

Minister Weixing called Hu Ming and Zhang Xiao together, and said: "After all, this is a former biological experiment base, and it is very dangerous, so let's discuss the distribution of the harvest first, so as to avoid unpleasant troubles after entering. "

"That's true. It's better to put ugly words in front of you." Zhang Xiao nodded, completely agreeing with what Minister Weixing said.

"In this way, we will divide the contents into ten shares, the first to bring people in will be divided into four shares, and the latter will be divided into three shares." Hu Ming said with a slight smile.


"Okay, I have no problem."

Both Zhang Xiao and Minister Wei Xing agreed. After all, the one who goes in first will easily cause losses, so it should be divided into four parts.

After agreeing on the distribution of benefits, the three of them discussed who would go in first, and finally Hu Ming chose to go in first.

It was agreed that Hu Ming led his people to the front, and turned on the searchlights, illuminating the entire cave brightly.

As they moved forward, everyone suddenly discovered that there was a universe inside the cave, and the further they walked in, the larger the space, and there were many rooms separated by iron doors.

There are a lot of debris in these rooms, and there are many human bones, which make the whole cave look very strange.

In the end, everyone came to a place that looked like a hall. There were the most human skeletons here, and there was a large piece of purple-black dirt on the floor, which was obviously left after these people died.

Not only that, there are a lot of guns and ammunition here, and they are extremely well preserved, but no one dares to touch anything without authorization, after all, no one knows whether there are bacteria and viruses on it.

Here, everyone was extremely careful, and soon, everyone searched the entire cave, and found that there are quite a lot of things here, not only guns and ammunition, but also more than a dozen tin boxes, but in one room, everyone found Some experimental records about this biological experiment base, but no one present could understand them, after all, they were all written in Japanese.

"Boss, it seems that the Japanese army withdrew in a hurry, otherwise these materials would have been taken away." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao nodded and did not speak, because he found that the people who died here were all shot. It seems that the identities of these people should be the former test subjects, and they were killed in the end. I have to say that Ma Zhiyong may be the only one. survivor.

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